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UNCONFIRMED RUMOR: Colts sign released safety


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This is going to be a stupid question (Im new in these) how can I do a "topic" in fourom?? By iPhone version!? Jajajaja Im sorry If thats sounds very stupid but, I need the answer, thank you


If I understand you,  you're asking how do you start a new topic?    The short answer is, you don't.   At least,  not yet.


You have to have 15 posts before you get to start a topic of your own. 


If that's not your question,  then my apologies... 

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This is going to be a stupid question (Im new in these) how can I do a "topic" in fourom?? By iPhone version!? Jajajaja Im sorry If thats sounds very stupid but, I need the answer, thank you

As a new member you can only post 5 replies in your first 24 hours and then you are allowed 5 more and after 10 replies you are able to start a thread topic. It's in the forum rules which I would suggest you read as a new member. :) Hope that helps and if I didn't explain it clear enough just check the forum rules and at the bottom it explains rules for new members.

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Was in the back when I heard them say the Colts signed a 32 year young player. And I ran to the computer and try to find out who he was and came straight here to ask if anyone else watched the show. 



Do you mean the espn show where they went through all the different tiers of free agent players with Polian ? I had it taped and went to the end and did not see anything. But I was getting dirty looks from my wife as I changed her show to do it. So not positive but I don't think anything is there.

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