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Nfl Fans Asked To Leave Time For Enhanced Screening


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I will certainly keep that in mind if and when it happens. I believe in our justice system, but not necessarily the people involved with it.

Ain't that the truth.
Tells you how much I paid attention in history class(of course its been 23 yrs. since I had one). I honestly either did not know or remember that.

I doubt if they teach that in school. I just happen to find the history surrounding the US Constitution about the most fascinating item in human history so I have done a lot of research on many of the items and documents that were written by the framers of the Constitution.
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I don't think these pat downs have anything to do with terrorist attacks or threats. I think it has more to do thugs attending sporting events. The taser at the Jets/Cowboys game the fans shot at the Raiders/Niners game. Wasn't someone stabbed at another Raiders game a couple of years ago? I'm sure there are other stories of violence that we haven't heard.

It's very easy for someone to slip a knife or gun into their boots or strapped it to their calf. Is a pat down that big of a deal?

It's a real shame that our society has come to that, but if it keeps the fans safer, I'm okay with it. At least until they come up with a better solution.

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I don't think these pat downs have anything to do with terrorist attacks or threats. I think it has more to do thugs attending sporting events. The taser at the Jets/Cowboys game the fans shot at the Raiders/Niners game. Wasn't someone stabbed at another Raiders game a couple of years ago? I'm sure there are other stories of violence that we haven't heard.

It's very easy for someone to slip a knife or gun into their boots or strapped it to their calf. Is a pat down that big of a deal?

It's a real shame that our society has come to that, but if it keeps the fans safer, I'm okay with it. At least until they come up with a better solution.

I've heard many horror stories over the years about Raider games, stabbings, shootings, beatings, ect. Oakland is definitely a bad city, heck even the cops kill people, such as that subway incident. Bad city in every way shape or form, sorry if I offend anyone living in Oakland. Just don't shoot me!!

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Seems the word 'safety' and the phrase ' it's for the children' will get you about anything these days.

I'm gonna be the guy that creates the car-tank, that way your really safe on your way to the prison, errrr supermarket. Once grocerys are bought, I'll drop my wife off at the fortress errrr airport, where she will no doubt have a stranger fondle her body and store her nude photos(which i never get btw) in a server with millions of others. Good day for the indytrav household.

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It was done so quietly, as if they wanted you to be unaware.

I read every bit of that link, it scary stuff. About made me sick. I don't see many citizens being ok with this but yet here it is. Is it me or are there 2 societies in this country. 1 that dominates law, government, big business and another that's the majority that basically just works, pays taxes, and votes.

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I read every bit of that link, it scary stuff. About made me sick. I don't see many citizens being ok with this but yet here it is.

Hopefully they are taking it to the US Supreme court and hopefully they will decide to follow the rule of law and overturn it. But what else can people do? Supreme Court judges are appointed for life, not voted on by the people. That is why Presidents and Governors appoint political judges instead of qualified judges because they have learned that We The People have no recourse when they legislate from the bench.
Is it me or are there 2 societies in this country. 1 that dominates law, government, big business and another that's the majority that basically just works, pays taxes, and votes.

I would not put big business in there, leaders of mega businesses, definitely, but not big business. But you are absolutely correct, there are the political elitists who feel that those of us in the other society are too dumb to know what to do for ourselves and therefore they need to tell us what to do. That is why it is so important to them that people buy into the idea of macro evolution (species evolving into another species(absolutely no scientific data to support this), as opposed to micro evolution, species going though slight changes to adapt to an environment(tons of scientific data to support this) but they never make the distinction when teaching it in schools). This gives them the basis of their thoughts, they (the political elitists) are more evolved than us schmucks so they are more qualified and better able to make decisions about right and wrong.

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If we start giving up more and more freedom in the name of "safety" then we are letting the terrorist win. Also, if anyone really believes the airport security is any better now with the TSA then they are just kidding themselves.

The cowboy fan who caused all of this was just a giant tool. I am not condoning the Jets fans if they threaten the guy are attacked him, but it is one thing to not stand for the national anthem because of your religious beliefs, but to chat on your phone through taps is just being disrespectful to other people. You know he would get all upset if people would be disrespectful towards his religious beliefs.

This will just be another reason why I enjoy watching the Colts games from the comfort of my own home.

You let the terrorist win by keeping your guard down so he can hit you whenever you want, im sure thats not how boxing works and you can apply it to here as well. Freedom itself has flaws because terrorist can take advantage of that as well just like everyday normal ppl take advantage of their freedom. The saying that fits here is "its better to be safe than sorry" cause im sure if something actually happens ppl will want answers and ask why it happened.

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As well it is my understanding that small children will be subject to this.

The terrorists haven't blown up any buildings in ten years, but they did blow up our peace of mind and our freedoms.

Another reason to watch at home I guess. Whats next, cavity searches? Rectal probes? Perhaps a full genital massage? I don't mean to be crude but....once on this slippery slope we have to imagine how far things like this go. I would prefer to forgo the searches and take my chances of the one in a billion odds that a crazy person has strapped a bomb in their kids under pants.

We are going too far with this and the trained rats succumb to the government and media induced fear. Terror level red lol stick it in your ear you scared little sheep.

I think it's mainly in response to the incident between Oakland and 49'ers fans in the pre-season, and the genius who tazed another fan at the Meadowlands on Sunday night. Trying to put a stop to any more shenanigans before they begin. It's a wonder national media outlets didn't pick up on either of these stories and really spank the NFL with them after they happened. We all know how they love to fear monger. Telling over a million fans preparing to head to NFL games this Sunday that they are not safe would be like an early Christmas for them...

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As well it is my understanding that small children will be subject to this.

The terrorists haven't blown up any buildings in ten years, but they did blow up our peace of mind and our freedoms.

Another reason to watch at home I guess. Whats next, cavity searches? Rectal probes? Perhaps a full genital massage? I don't mean to be crude but....once on this slippery slope we have to imagine how far things like this go. I would prefer to forgo the searches and take my chances of the one in a billion odds that a crazy person has strapped a bomb in their kids under pants.

We are going too far with this and the trained rats succumb to the government and media induced fear. Terror level red lol stick it in your ear you scared little sheep.

I would kick their * if they touched my little girl, Gov gone wild

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Personally, I think this is a bit extreme. But this is one of those issues where (in my opinion) people are not very willing to change their opinion on the matter. Those who are for it will be for it and those who are against it will be against it and there may not be a lot of people changing sides after seeing both sides of the argument. To each, his/her own...

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Personally, I think this is a bit extreme. But this is one of those issues where (in my opinion) people are not very willing to change their opinion on the matter. Those who are for it will be for it and those who are against it will be against it and there may not be a lot of people changing sides after seeing both sides of the argument. To each, his/her own...

They'll change there minds when

A- another bad thing happens even with 'heightened' security. Or

B- when they are violated by a complete stranger with a complex

Being the smart man that I am, I assure you both A and B will happen.

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They'll change there minds when

A- another bad thing happens even with 'heightened' security. Or

B- when they are violated by a complete stranger with a complex

Being the smart man that I am, I assure you both A and B will happen.

You are a smart man in that both will happen. Not so smart in thinking that will change people's minds.

When "A" happens they will just want more security and more violations.

When "B" happens they will consider it a small price to pay for security.

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Personally, I think this is a bit extreme. But this is one of those issues where (in my opinion) people are not very willing to change their opinion on the matter. Those who are for it will be for it and those who are against it will be against it and there may not be a lot of people changing sides after seeing both sides of the argument. To each, his/her own...

If, and this is an unrealistic 'if', but if most fans refused to participate, opting to stay home instead of bowing down to unnecessary searches, and attendance dropped to 15%.....I bet we'd see them stop the overzealous screenings. Their concern for our safety would be fast replaced by their concern for lost revenue.

The administrators are far more concerned with liability than bizarre bombing scenarios.

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I would kick their * if they touched my little girl, Gov gone wild

Watch and puke. I'm warning you, keep a barf bag handy.

Before the video started the boy went through a metal detector and didn't set it off but was selected for a pat down. The boy was shy so the TSA couldn't complete the full pat on the young boy. The father tried several times to just hold the boys arms out for the TSA agent but i guess it didn't end up being enough for the guy.
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They'll change there minds when

A- another bad thing happens even with 'heightened' security. Or

B- when they are violated by a complete stranger with a complex

Being the smart man that I am, I assure you both A and B will happen.

if security did their job the guy with the tazer doesn't get in with it in the first place

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the thing is that all this stops when the public wakes up and demands that it stops

What I want the people in this thread to realize is that once we step through that door, everything changes. Imagine this isn't an airport, but a Colts game. Would you ever go back after watching them strip your child of his Manning jersey, for your safety of course?

As we've seen in this thread, all too many folks go along with it. Sadly, the demand for this to stop isn't there. The media presents us with the images of a thousand terrible things every night, things that will likely never happen to you, but the impression given is that you are in danger. Just like reports of hunting accidents portray hunting as dangerous. According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service there are an average of 150 hunting accidents in a given year and the media feeds the idea that this is disproportionately high. The hidden reality is that in the United States, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, there were 14.7 million people with paid hunting licenses in the US in 2010.

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And just out of curiosity, what would you guys feel about this...instead of the pat downs and security measures they employ, they give you the alternative to sign a waiver saying that you agree not to sue should you be injured on their property? Sure, a lot of the enhanced security measures are for their own protection as much as it is for the fans and rightly so in this sue-happy era. A good majority of the people complaining about the security measures would be the first ones in line to sue the organization if they were injured on the organization's property.

I would kick their * if they touched my little girl, Gov gone wild

And how would you feel if your little girl were accidentally injured or, heaven forbid, killed by being caught in the cross fire of a fan who was able to bring a weapon into the game and decided to use it? No, a general pat down isn't going to make it impossible to sneak weapons into a game but it will make it more difficult. Why would you want to make it easier? To not employ at least minimum security measures could be argued as being criminal.

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What I want the people in this thread to realize is that once we step through that door, everything changes. Imagine this isn't an airport, but a Colts game. Would you ever go back after watching them strip your child of his Manning jersey, for your safety of course?

As we've seen in this thread, all too many folks go along with it. Sadly, the demand for this to stop isn't there. The media presents us with the images of a thousand terrible things every night, things that will likely never happen to you, but the impression given is that you are in danger. Just like reports of hunting accidents portray hunting as dangerous. According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service there are an average of 150 hunting accidents in a given year and the media feeds the idea that this is disproportionately high. The hidden reality is that in the United States, according to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, there were 14.7 million people with paid hunting licenses in the US in 2010.

like i said earlier.......all this security has never caught anyone......we are no safer with security than we were with out it

and if that is the scene at colts games i won't go....and i'll watch from home at least there i know i won't be sexually assaulted

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.......all this security has never caught anyone......

Wow really? And before stating this as fact as you did I'm sure you researched security reports, arrest reports etc (not just in Indy but for every city in the world with a major sports team, opera house, theater, airport, etc etc) correct? :hmm:

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This is normal... im surprised they just started doing this... When i played ball in highschool our rivalries use to be so hyped, we use to get threats from some fans saying they would shoot some of us if we scored... All cops on friday night would be there for that game, some fans are crazy.. this pat down is good. If you have nothing to hide you shouldnt be worried its a pat down nothing else.

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This is normal... im surprised they just started doing this... When i played ball in highschool our rivalries use to be so hyped, we use to get threats from some fans saying they would shoot some of us if we scored... All cops on friday night would be there for that game, some fans are crazy.. this pat down is good. If you have nothing to hide you shouldnt be worried its a pat down nothing else.

this may be normal if your in 1930's germany.......i just don't get what was wrong with security the way it was before..... a simple walk through a metal detector should be good enough......

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This is normal... im surprised they just started doing this... When i played ball in highschool our rivalries use to be so hyped, we use to get threats from some fans saying they would shoot some of us if we scored...

And how many got shot? Do you believe it was the police that stopped a murderous rampage?

Threats are hollow and meant to induce fear. The real threats are not so apparent. There was no threat made of 9/11 because the intent was real. If one really wanted to bring malice, one doesn't advertise such intent before the act is complete.

All cops on Friday night would be there for that game

Instead of patrolling for real crime? Sounds rational.

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Instead of patrolling for real crime? Sounds rational.

I'd find it incredibly hard to believe that cops find crime very often by patrolling. They do have radios on them so they can be contacted if a real crime occurs. On the flip side though, can you imagine the ramifications if a crime had occurred at that game if no cops were present after threats had been reported ahead of time? Yeah that'd have gone over really well.

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I'd find it incredibly hard to believe that cops find crime very often by patrolling.

On the contrary, they do well with this. I've been on ride-alongs, as my brother is an IMPD officer. Most of their calls center around alcohol and domestics, something cops abhor. The real action is on the streets, when they see a guy leaning into a car on some seedy Fountain Square back alley, when they see a guy riding a ten speed down Minnesota street at 3 am pulling a cart full of copper.

They do have radios on them so they can be contacted if a real crime occurs.

...and this one is also for those of you whom refuse to arm yourselves for home defense;

From Link:

In January the new Metro Police Department's average response time was 7:58.


From the time you dial 911 to the time your saviors in blue arrive, you have an average of 8 long minutes to placate your attackers. Again, as many are here, you are echoing a false sense of security spoon fed to you by those whom wish to disarm you, scrutinize you and search your underwear for "bombs" that never seem to detonate.

On the flip side though, can you imagine the ramifications if a crime had occurred at that game if no cops were present after threats had been reported ahead of time?

How many cops does it take to wrangle a few trouble making kids? 1? 2? The entire shift? I would add, if there was really such a threat, perhaps something as trivial as a high school basketball game should not be taking place?

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this may be normal if your in 1930's germany.......i just don't get what was wrong with security the way it was before..... a simple walk through a metal detector should be good enough......

Metal detectors arent able to catch all things.. hence thats why its called a metal detector... Ppl come up with new ways to do things and security has to keep up with the pace... if ppl have a problem with it stay home therefore you save money and a pat down. What ppl need to realize is its a DETERRENCE.. just cause it will not produce any results it will deter anyone from using that form of sneaking something in.

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Metal detectors arent able to catch all things.. hence thats why its called a metal detector... Ppl come up with new ways to do things and security has to keep up with the pace... if ppl have a problem with it stay home therefore you save money and a pat down. What ppl need to realize is its a DETERRENCE.. just cause it will not produce any results it will deter anyone from using that form of sneaking something in.

I agree. And with that I'm done in this thread. I wasn't going to get involved in the first place. Have fun with this one folks. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

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I think really we have gone a little past the paranoid stage in regards to "public safety".

Enough please with the "for your own good" public msg.

People are so afraid of other people and I may be naieve but I don't see the average person wanting to terrorize eveyone out there.

One or two people do not control the way I live my life. Enough with the terrorism ruling all I do please.

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And how many got shot? Do you believe it was the police that stopped a murderous rampage?

Threats are hollow and meant to induce fear. The real threats are not so apparent. There was no threat made of 9/11 because the intent was real. If one really wanted to bring malice, one doesn't advertise such intent before the act is complete.

Instead of patrolling for real crime? Sounds rational.

No one got shot, but of course it did its called Deterrence. A show of force will usually do that, idk what threats you are talking about but when it comes to threats that include physically harming someone in public especially in a crowd umm yea that threat will be taken seriously no matter how small or insufficient it is. Like i said its not about ppl making threats its about preventing anything....

And there were six thousand ppl in my town everyone would either be listening or at the game.. our town was really small with little crime but that one game has always brought violence so yes mostly all cops would be at that game.. we only had like 3 stop lights in our town.

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I think really we have gone a little past the paranoid stage in regards to "public safety".

Enough please with the "for your own good" public msg.

People are so afraid of other people and I may be naieve but I don't see the average person wanting to terrorize eveyone out there.

One or two people do not control the way I live my life. Enough with the terrorism ruling all I do please.

This past the paranoid stage? i dont think so... im not trying to go off topic here but in this day and age you will be surprised to know the kind of crazy things ppl are capable of doing.. Im in the Para regiment in the UK and we support the SAS on some missions in afghan, ive never been on tour yet due to an injury, but the kind of tactics these ppl use is just desperate and its not just them either. The precautions they are taking are the right thing imo, ppl may feel violated but when you look across you and see ali bam bam there getting the same treatment... i think you will feel a bit safer lol.. well i would anyway.... No rascism was meant in that comment btw i love everyone... just saying lol

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The Midwest should be exempt from this crap. We are all hill jacks mostly (85% of the population I'm guessing) with assault rifles, pistols, shot guns , machine guns, knives, etc.... You never see this crap happen in the Midwest. Even the terrorist would know better than to try something in this area. Unlike the east and west cost we protect our own. I'd have no problem sitting next to a guy packing some heat. The amount of normal people far out number the crazies. If every one had a gun and a crazy tried something stupid he'd be dead in seconds. But no. Let's let the crazy sneak a gun into a stadium with 60,000 unarmed people and open fire. Makes sense to me!! lol

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First of all: thank you for your service. I have a huge respect for the ones who sacrifice so much to protect our country. Both of my brothers are military men so I realize what a hardship it places upon you.

I also realize there are some people out there who I would not invite into my circle of friends. I am a realist after all. But . . . . and this is a big problem with me . . . do not restrict my freedom over a "possibility" of a type of person who may or may not exist.

I choose to believe that the world is full of more good people than bad.

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First of all: thank you for your service. I have a huge respect for the ones who sacrifice so much to protect our country. Both of my brothers are military men so I realize what a hardship it places upon you.

I also realize there are some people out there who I would not invite into my circle of friends. I am a realist after all. But . . . . and this is a big problem with me . . . do not restrict my freedom over a "possibility" of a type of person who may or may not exist.

I choose to believe that the world is full of more good people than bad.

Its the British army but no problem lol, but i get where your coming from though.. then again that pat down doesnt restrict your freedom, only restriction it prevents is weapons.

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