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Tom Brady builds $20 million mansion with moat


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Never gave a toss about the supermodel wife, but I must admit that that's pretty cool (in a disgustingly ostentatious was of course). Love old English castles, although frankly if you have enough money to do all that you might want to consider building it on enough land that your neighbor's disgustingly ostentatious house doesn't overlook your swimming pool, etc. Ten times the land and 1/10th the house is probably more my style.


One aside, if I was him I wouldn't worry so much about the moat - perhaps he should invest in netting to keep the Ravens at bay.

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An Easter Egg hunt there would be better than at the White House. Although, forgetting which room you left your tablet or online computer laptop in with the playbook in it would kind of suck though...


[Next Season] Great...Now which wing did I leave it in? I'm gonna be late for practice & Bill is not going to be happy.


Does the house come with voice activated GPS if you get lost? What's considered home base? Gisele's bedroom?

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Full time employees you could hire to handle up keep & maintenance there annually: plumbers, electricians, video technician expert, gardener in charge of the grounds, chief, mechanic, & car detail/washing expert.


You could hire a butler just to get the mail & answer the door...Alfred [from Batman] where did he go?!! Good help is so hard to find these days...


Does Brady have a spotlight signal to indicate when Gisele is in crisis mode? Translation: When her triple Platinum Card has reached it's maximum credit line... :funny:


A girl's gotta have her walking around money right? 



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i am surprised that cost only $20 million, especially in LA


Well....   the California real estate market was much harder hit than most....   the bubble popped badly about 5-6 years ago and we're only now beginning to slowly recover....  


That's a heckuva lot house....    even in crazy Southern California....

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22,000 square ft? Wow! I can't even wrap my head around that number...Such a tiny shack at all you know...How can Gisele & Tom live in such tight & restrictive quarters? haha  


Brady will probably put crocodiles in the moat waters to scare the crap out of boys who will eventually come around to date Vivian I would imagine...Just Kidding!!!


Does Brady have a helicopter landing pad on the roof? LA traffic is a nightmare at rush hour you know...



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If Rex Ryan's car broke down on the same street Brady lives on in California, do you think that Tom would help Rex call a cab or drive him somewhere to be a friendly neighbor & good samaritan?


No, me neither, but if he drove Rex to the location where his car was towed Brady could tease Rex about the Jets losing fireman Ed or that SB ring he guaranteed & hasn't won yet...Only Teasing of Course.  :thmup:



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Ridiculous!!! Why are colts fans mentioning anything about Brady anyway?..... :censored2:..... He'll be selling it in 5 years. So he builds a himself a financial burden....im impressed.. :bored: ....What does he have after football? Deion Sanders bought one of those for $24 million in Prosper, Texas. Apparently, being an NFL analyst, and coaching a private school football team, doesn't pay enough to take care of the expenses for that kind of home. "Tom Brady :brady:  buys a mansion with a moat"..... :censored:!!!... :Nuke::pcsmash: 

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Ridiculous!!! Why are colts fans mentioning anything about Brady anyway?.....

No, with all due respect, it is not ridiculious ED29_1659yards...We just happen to have a sense of humor, in my case extremely sarcastic, & a significant portion of us are fans of the entire NFL...Not singularly focused primarily on only 1 team or organization.


It is possible to respect a rival like I do in the NE Patriots sir. My favorite squad is the Indianapolis Colts, but I like to incorporate the whole league in my analysis. I see nothing wrong with doing that personally.

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No, with all due respect, it is not ridiculious ED29_1659yards...We just happen to have a sense of humor, in my case extremely sarcastic, & a significant portion of us are fans of the entire NFL...Not singularly focused primarily on only 1 team or organization.


It is possible to respect a rival like I do in the NE Patriots sir. My favorite squad is the Indianapolis Colts, but I like to incorporate the whole league in my analysis. I see nothing wrong with doing that personally.


"a significant portion of us are fans of the entire NFL"....I like other teams to. Im very :loco: for anything that's N.F.L. Truth be told, I have to respect the success that the :flyingelvis: 's have had against us, and the entire league. That's all football talk. However, mentioning him buying a masion with the money he earned, (beating us at home and in foxborough, mind you) is unecessary, and very :nono2: ..... :flaming: , in my opinion.

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Ridiculous!!! Why are colts fans mentioning anything about Brady anyway?..... 

ED29_1659yards...You have voiced your displeasure, as is your right naturally. You now have 2 choices: contribute or leave this topic in favor of another that you are more interested in. Stay or leave. The ball is in your court now. All contributions are welcome. No one is preventing you from departing this discussion either sir. 

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"a significant portion of us are fans of the entire NFL"....I like other teams to. Im very :loco: for anything that's N.F.L. Truth be told, I have to respect the success that the :flyingelvis: 's have had against us, and the entire league. That's all football talk. However, mentioning him buying a masion with the money he earned, (beating us at home and in foxborough, mind you) is unecessary, and very :nono2: ..... :flaming: , in my opinion.

Countless bloggers on this site visit this site from a number of reasons: find out which positions we need to draft in april, adjusting to a new OC, joking around with their friends, or surveying the NFL landscape. My point is: Not everyone is a football genius & not everyone visits this site for a playbook x's & 0's mindset. I'm no genius & I will readily admit it.


You may seek discussions about gap control or blitzes that we implement, but there are people on here who like interacting with their friends & bouncing ideas of each other. Humor, additional information on the Colts & music play a vital role in several of my posts. Now, you can roll your eyes at me if you want to, but that's part of my DNA & again there are bloggers on here who are obsessed with dry statistical analysis & pure "football talk." Please keep that in mind. Thank you ED29_1659yards.


Also, I want feedback from fans of other teams on here. You may hate the Patriots; Not everyone else feels that way on here. Also, to use this  :loco:  toward another blogger you mock or disagree with is very rude IMO. I have polite & civil toward you. Please extend me the same courtesy. Thank you sir. Have a pleasant evening ED29_1659yards. 

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As a fellow colt fan, creating division, or an issue is not my M.O. My apologies if my responses are annoying or offensive, but i do not apologize for my passion. Unless i get a reply, i will follow your advice. Again, please forgive me.

I was writing my response above before I saw your response above.  :number1: We are fine now. No problem ED29_1659yards. Just remember: Not everyone on here is a pigskin mastermind. Thanks.  :thmup:

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Does Brady have a spotlight signal to indicate when Gisele is in crisis mode? Translation: When her triple Platinum Card has reached it's maximum credit line... :funny:


A girl's gotta have her walking around money right? 


I want to say that Giselle pockets more money from her job than Brady does from his.  He's probably more likely to find himself in that crisis ;)

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I want to say that Giselle pockets more money from her job than Brady does from his.  He's probably more likely to find himself in that crisis ;)

You're probably right RGIII. Does that mean Gisele had to find which purse she left 10K in spare change lying around so she could pay her hubby's NFL fine then? Just Kidding!!! Usually, most people find crumbs in their couch not Miss catwalk & Mr. Foxboro field general..."Here's $3,000 I thought I lost 4 months ago dear!" That's wonderful Tommy. I'm glad you found it baby." 


If Giselle makes more money than Tom annually speaking, does she control the purse strings & put Tom on a monthly allowance? In most households, the woman usually rules the roost & runs the family finances anyway. What she says goes 24/7...

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I want to say that Giselle pockets more money from her job than Brady does from his.  He's probably more likely to find himself in that crisis ;)

You're correct. Between May, 2010 and May, 2011, Giselle made $45 million to Tom's $31 million:


Also, Giselle appears to be on her way to billionaire staus:


So, Tom's biggest earning days are behind him while Giselle is just getting started. Maybe Tom can run one of her companies when he retires.

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You're correct. Between May, 2010 and May, 2011, Giselle made $45 million to Tom's $31 million:


Also, Giselle appears to be on her way to billionaire staus:


So, Tom's biggest earning days are behind him while Giselle is just getting started. Maybe Tom can run one of her companies when he retires.


Man!  I need to take whatever investing classes they send models to!  Or find whoever is running her finances for her!

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Good thing he has an entire offseason to spend there.


I saw an article last week about Peyton going on a hunting trip before the Pro Bowl. He did well I guess... he was trying to bag a deer but ended up hitting a Raven by mistake.




Kidding people, kidding! :thmup: ;) :highfive2:

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