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Caldwell, It's Time To Show Us You Can Really Coach


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You know, I was never real vocal about getting rid of Caldwell, though some other prospects seemed interesting, but now, I think Ive changed my mind.

Something is seriously wrong at the Colts facility/offices when with all the talent on the roster, this performance is the best they can do.

I didnt expect to come out guns blazing, putting up tons of points and shutting out the Texans, but really, this is awful.

They SHOULD have started Painter. He wouldnt have done any worse (not that its Colllins, but rather the line)...no time to throw, nothing.

And the D...wow. Just wow. Do SOMETHING!

Oh, and anyone else think we could use Tommy Harris today besides me?

ST...do the Colts actually do any coaching with the special teams groups? Or do they just assume they know what to do and go play cards or something?

Oh, and I know its been pounded to death, but why again did DeVan and Johnson get to walk and Richard, Pollak, and Linkenbach are still here?

DeVan in place of Reich, and Johnson in place of Link and the line is instantly better...but maybe they were going for the bad record this year ala Major League. Maybe we can get Lou to stop selling tires and come coach the Colts...after he sells the set of whitewalls to the guy on line 4.

What I do know is after watching the first half shellacking, the only word I have to describe the entire coaching staff and front office is:


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Time to prove if you are a chump or the coach everyone thinks you are. I myself think you are a chump just by the way the D played today. They've given up.....

Agreed. Peyton being out has absolutely no bearing on how awful the defense has played today. Peyton has nearly masked the inability of the coaching staff the last few years that they have been able to squeak by riding on his shoulders. Special teams haven't been good in a very long time, the defense has struggled the last few years and they haven't been able to run the ball. After seeing Collins lose two fumbles in a row, I couldn't imagine anything worse. Then the entire defense proved me wrong, that includes the coordinator, coaches and players. 98 Million dollars on the bench does no good to anyone. Something needs to be done and the sooner the better.

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What in the world did he have our boys in blue do this training camp? As a loyal fan I am embarrassed that we are playing this way. Our O line is failing, thank God Peyton isn't under center, he would have gotten hurt. I am speechless when it comes to our defense....or lack there of!

How long is Bill Polian going to make us live with Caldwell...this guy has ruined this team. He displayed his incompetence last year with his "time outs", and will continue until our front office wakes up and cans his butt.

Available talent: Gruden, Cowher, Fisher....all top caliber coaches.

Frustrated in South Carolina!

:coltslogo:Go Colts!

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I know it's been said but manning really made this coach seem like he could coach. I know he won't be gone this year but please next year actually get a head coach. Caldwell isn't a head coach. Maybe a goof assistant coach but it's time the organization opens their eyes. People will say get luck next year but it's not just manning being gone. Our defense needs help too. Idk if we need a change of philosophy or what but something needs to be done.

I understand this is just one game and I'm sure we will improve next week but still things need ti change. I do think we have a talented defense it just needs coached better. Kinda like notre dame is a great team but lacks good coaching. I mean if you think about it 21 of these points can't be completely blamed on the d. Collins fumbled twice in a row deep in our territory and they didn't hsvr anytime to rest in between.

GRUDEN we need you!

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This is something that may work to the positive this year. If the colts perform poorly all year and don't compete at all there is no reason caldwell should stay. If he is fired and we bring in a new guy (it needs to be a defensive guy obviously) we could get a new defensive system. Obviously if we can get a little better run game the offense will be fine.

I have been hoping for a defensive philosophy switch for several years. I don't think we can try anything like a 3-4 switch but just a new coaching style and a different draft approach.

Trying to look for positives.... and just saw the first texan punt of the day

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I don't have much more to add to what you guys have already said. This is really BEYOND embarrassing. I've never understood why EVERY single year the Colts philosophy has always been to rely only on Peyton to do everything. I love Peyton, but this is so unfair to him and to the team. He should have never been put into a position to where he seemingly alone HAS to carry this team on his shoulders. This is a TEAM game!..Why doesn't Bill Polian see this??...I don't know..this just really makes me sick!...and Bill Polian gets revered as one of the great general manager's in the NFL??..I don't see why. I'm sorry if I am just being really negative, but I'm just extremely frustrated and sad at the sad time. We wait seemingly forever after the Superbowl up until the start of the season, and to start off with this???..This just feels like it's going to be a LONG and wasted season...a COMPLETE waste..and what's more sickening is that we're going to have to hear the media talk OVER AND OVER AND OVER about how horrible the Colts are....I'm not shocked, but I'm just numb right now...

**Get well soon, Peyton. We love you and appreciate everything that you've done.**

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Does anyone here still think this is a good d?

The personnel is ok, but something isnt right. My money is on coaching.

The only real trouble spot I see is at safety. Bullitt is ok, but he has his awful times too...and he has been here too long for that.

I dont mean to say other positions are excellent, but the Colts generally dont need excellent, just average to good.

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The personnel is ok, but something isnt right. My money is on coaching.

The only real trouble spot I see is at safety. Bullitt is ok, but he has his awful times too...and he has been here too long for that.

I dont mean to say other positions are excellent, but the Colts generally dont need excellent, just average to good.

The personnel is only good to run the scheme. The scheme is not good and needs to be retired.

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The personnel is ok, but something isnt right. My money is on coaching.

The only real trouble spot I see is at safety. Bullitt is ok, but he has his awful times too...and he has been here too long for that.

I dont mean to say other positions are excellent, but the Colts generally dont need excellent, just average to good.

That d is average at best and only with peyton getting them out in front,still getting gashed against the run.The tradition continues.

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That d is average at best and only with peyton getting them out in front,still getting gashed against the run.The tradition continues.

I agree, this is disgusting! I have no words for how incredibly bad this defense is. This season will not be nearly as good as I originally thought it could be. This defense has regressed and next yr. its time to get away from the cover 2 scheme.

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That d is average at best and only with peyton getting them out in front,still getting gashed against the run.The tradition continues.

I don't understand this for the life of me!....year after year after year..this run defense..or lack thereof...it's ALWAYS bad..we're constantly getting dominated in time of possession, and we can never get off the field on 3rd down. This is infuriating to watch over and over. When are they going to give up this idea of playing small ball on the d-line??..will we EVER get bigger?..meaner?

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I don't understand this for the life of me!....year after year after year..this run defense..or lack thereof...it's ALWAYS bad..we're constantly getting dominated in time of possession, and we can never get off the field on 3rd down. This is infuriating to watch over and over. When are they going to give up this idea of playing small ball on the d-line??..will we EVER get bigger?..meaner?

Its a flawed philosphy that works okay if peyton is there.Peyton exstends drives puts up td's and forces teams to throw.With freeney and mathis that works in our favor.Take number 18 away and this is your answer.

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I'm not trying to pile on Caldwell, but let's face it, he's hopelessly over his head. The only silver lining to this season will be his permanent exit. I've only posted a few times, but I wrote before the season asking why we would have a coach-in-training during the latter part of Peyton's career. It wasn't fair to Peyton, or the rest of the team. There were too many available head coaches, and we pretended that coaching wasn't a problem.

I imagine that there will be posters stating that Caldwell isn't the one not blocking, or, not making tackles, or, not covering receivers. He's also the one not coaching.

I blame coach Dungy for convincing the ownership that "coach" Caldwell was up to the job.

And please, my answer in advance to he got us to the super bowl......Peyton got us to the super bowl. We got there DESPITE "coach" Caldwell. With this "coaching" staff, the season is over.....before the end of the 1st half of the 1st game.

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Its a flawed philosphy that works okay if peyton is there.Peyton exstends drives puts up td's and forces teams to throw.With freeney and mathis that works in our favor.Take number 18 away and this is your answer.

I hear you, but this "philosophy" sucks because that puts too much pressure on Peyton and the offense to basically have to score touchdowns on every single possession(which by the way are limited b/c of the current style of "defense"). This is unfair. The offense is not afforded the room to have an "off" game. Now with Peyton being gone, the entire team, and we as fans are paying the price for it.

btw..I'm new to the forum so I can't post anymore today..and maybe that's a good thing with the mood that I'm in, but I hope to see a lot of you guys around here during the season. It helps when things are bad to have fellow fans to vent with and discuss things with going forward...Have a good week(although it will be hard after today).

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You know, I was never real vocal about getting rid of Caldwell, though some other prospects seemed interesting, but now, I think Ive changed my mind.

Something is seriously wrong at the Colts facility/offices when with all the talent on the roster, this performance is the best they can do.

I didnt expect to come out guns blazing, putting up tons of points and shutting out the Texans, but really, this is awful.

They SHOULD have started Painter. He wouldnt have done any worse (not that its Colllins, but rather the line)...no time to throw, nothing.

And the D...wow. Just wow. Do SOMETHING!

Oh, and anyone else think we could use Tommy Harris today besides me?

ST...do the Colts actually do any coaching with the special teams groups? Or do they just assume they know what to do and go play cards or something?

Oh, and I know its been pounded to death, but why again did DeVan and Johnson get to walk and Richard, Pollak, and Linkenbach are still here?

DeVan in place of Reich, and Johnson in place of Link and the line is instantly better...but maybe they were going for the bad record this year ala Major League. Maybe we can get Lou to stop selling tires and come coach the Colts...after he sells the set of whitewalls to the guy on line 4.

What I do know is after watching the first half shellacking, the only word I have to describe the entire coaching staff and front office is:


34-0 and we meekly go for a 37 yard field goal, really it was 4 and 4 grow a pair caldwell
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Caldwell is not a good coach and today proves it. He rode off of Dungy's coat tails and Manning coaches himself.

Bill Polian is a horrible GM. He should have hired a QB as soon as the lockout lifted. Total incompetence.

Peyton has been battling uphill his whole career with no supporting cast like Brady has had.

If you want to see how an organization is ran, look no further than New England. They have positioned themselves for another 5 years of success.

Polian, Irsay, and Caldwell are a horrible combination.

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Caldwell needs to be replaced. The only reason he made it this far is becouse he has been riding on the coat tails of dungy and Payton.... This game is a clear insight into his inabillity to lead and everyone knows the old say lead, follow, or get out of the way.... We know he can follow, and now we know he can not lead so he now needs to do the last one and get out of the way....

My 9yr old son would make a better coach......... (at least my kid has common sense)

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I really want to like Caldwell b/c he came from the Dungy era. Not feeling it today. On the sidelines, he stands there with a deer in the headlights look.

Manning's absence shows how terrible the D is. The CB's play ten yards back and no one can tackle. I don't see the hard hits that you see on other teams. RB's and wR's bounce off Colts and get first downs. The bend but not break has failed.

A good coach would make changes in the D, yet year after year we've seen the same schemes....same results.

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Yeah right... He has ultimate job security...

"We're awful because Manning is out!"

"We're awful because Manning is running the offense!"

Unfortunately, i think your right, he has the ultimate built in excuse. But, if the team comes out and looks this inept every game, i dont think Vince Lombardi's job could be safe.

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Polian needs to think long and hard after today about his staff and his team and do what is best for the Colts and the Colts alone. Lots of changes NEED to be made. This is NOT Collins fault. He's only been here 17 days and is trying to fix this mess. Not Collins fault the O-line and D played pathetic. They need to rethink the O-line and D and make some serious changes. Peyton needs to be on the sidelines with a headset helping out and holding people accontable during the game. They respect him and I think they would play better for him. Peyton sees EVERYTHING too. The entire team and coaching staff needs him there.

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