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Caldwell, It's Time To Show Us You Can Really Coach


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Don't blame coaches for anything a player controls. How is it Caldwell's fault that Collins fumbled twice? How is it Caldwell's fault that our defense was tackling poorly? These guys are all in the NFL, they all know how to tackle. If the schemes or play calls are bad, then you can't point the finger at the coach(es), but don't blame the coaches for anything a player controls

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I agree, this is disgusting! I have no words for how incredibly bad this defense is. This season will not be nearly as good as I originally thought it could be. This defense has regressed and next yr. its time to get away from the cover 2 scheme.


really is time to change this d

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Wow, I agree we got to fire this Caldwell guy. You know who we should get, MIKE TOMLIN. I'm sure that guy will be out on the street after that embarrassing 35-7 loss today. They had like, what 7 turnovers? Poor coaching if you ask me, and who is their D coordinator? He must be TERRIBLE to allow 35 points with all that talent on the defensive end.


:rollseyes: /sarcasm

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Don't blame coaches for anything a player controls. How is it Caldwell's fault that Collins fumbled twice? How is it Caldwell's fault that our defense was tackling poorly? These guys are all in the NFL, they all know how to tackle. If the schemes or play calls are bad, then you can't point the finger at the coach(es), but don't blame the coaches for anything a player controls

Collins fumbled because there were guys RIGHT in his face every snap. Thats on the O-line. The botched snap was on Collins, but he was trying to get out of there...pressure on EVERY play.

Caldwell is responsible for their play. Its the coaches job to make sure the players are ready for what they will face.

This team was NOT ready. They were NOT fired up.

Not to mention players were let go that could have helped today. DeVan, Johnson, Harris. Who made those decisions? They too are partially to blame.

The D not tackling? Thats on them too. If the team isnt getting something done, they should focus on that. Caldwell doesnt. Dungy did...if something didnt go well one week, the following week it was stellar.

So far under Caldwell, they have been the same as always. Good enough to get by with Manning getting a lead...and offering advice on the sidelines to the D and the O while on the field.

Caldwell will say something is amiss, but doesnt make sure its fixed for the following game.

Pretty simple...one player is out, and the team fell apart.

Whose fault is it that they can NOT compete without Manning?

The talent is still there. Wayne, Clark, Collie, Addai.

But saying poor play is on the players is silly. If its not on the coaches, then why have them at all? If the players are good enough to do things without them, they shouldnt need them...and every team does.

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Chill out folks,16 teams will be 0-1 after tommorow.

While I see what you are saying, I dont really agree.

Half of those teams most likely wont have the overall talent of the Colts.

More than half will not be blown out.

Were it not for the fumble recovery by Angerer, the Colts would have ZERO points. The Offense cant get it done, and they must be able to.

I hope things are MUCH improved next week, but I got a bad feeling about this season, and I didnt before watching this game.

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Don't know where to start. The D still can't stop the run, the O-line still sucks and without Manning there's no offense. I think the blame starts at the top. Polian is just incompetent, year after year goes by and he doesn't address the weak D vs the run. Add a horrible coach in the mix and we have a recipe for disaster. I think we all know who the real coach of this team is now.

He got embarrassingly out coached in the super bowl 2 years ago and that's when I knew what a lousy coach he really was. I watched him closely the following year and he confirmed my opinion about him. He's just out of his league and way over his head.

I feel really bad for Peyton who has never had the support system in place like Brady has and it goes to show how important to this team he really is. I have a feeling we're in for a long disappointing season.

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Wow, I agree we got to fire this Caldwell guy. You know who we should get, MIKE TOMLIN. I'm sure that guy will be out on the street after that embarrassing 35-7 loss today. They had like, what 7 turnovers? Poor coaching if you ask me, and who is their D coordinator? He must be TERRIBLE to allow 35 points with all that talent on the defensive end.


:rollseyes: /sarcasm

Good one, the armchair GM's won't get it though.

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Collins fumbled because there were guys RIGHT in his face every snap. Thats on the O-line. The botched snap was on Collins, but he was trying to get out of there...pressure on EVERY play.

Caldwell is responsible for their play. Its the coaches job to make sure the players are ready for what they will face.

This team was NOT ready. They were NOT fired up.

Not to mention players were let go that could have helped today. DeVan, Johnson, Harris. Who made those decisions? They too are partially to blame.

The D not tackling? Thats on them too. If the team isnt getting something done, they should focus on that. Caldwell doesnt. Dungy did...if something didnt go well one week, the following week it was stellar.

So far under Caldwell, they have been the same as always. Good enough to get by with Manning getting a lead...and offering advice on the sidelines to the D and the O while on the field.

Caldwell will say something is amiss, but doesnt make sure its fixed for the following game.

Pretty simple...one player is out, and the team fell apart.

Whose fault is it that they can NOT compete without Manning?

The talent is still there. Wayne, Clark, Collie, Addai.

But saying poor play is on the players is silly. If its not on the coaches, then why have them at all? If the players are good enough to do things without them, they shouldnt need them...and every team does.

This is a good post. Of course you can put a lot of blame on the players, but the coaches are very much to blame too. I keep saying that they can not continue to play defense like they would if Manning was in there. They need a run stuffing DT and they have to play to stop the run 1st and worry about rushing the QB if and when they ever get a lead. The way this team came out and played today was a catastrophy from the beginning. Trust me, if this team does not change the defensive philosophy, we are going to continue to see a disaster like today.

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Collins fumbled because there were guys RIGHT in his face every snap. Thats on the O-line. The botched snap was on Collins, but he was trying to get out of there...pressure on EVERY play.

Caldwell is responsible for their play. Its the coaches job to make sure the players are ready for what they will face.

This team was NOT ready. They were NOT fired up.

It's the coach's job to make sure they are ready to play, but execution is in the hands of the players. The coach can tell them tendencies and make adjustments, but Caldwell can't control a bad snap. Caldwell can't control the O-line getting overpowered. Caldwell can't control the defense getting overpowered or missing tackles. I'm sure mentally, the Colts were ready for what they would face: a strong running team with an excellent WR, a new defense, etc. But the execution of plays and taking care of things like botched snaps or missed tackles, that responsibility falls on the players.

Not to mention players were let go that could have helped today. DeVan, Johnson, Harris. Who made those decisions? They too are partially to blame.

We can't be so sure that they would have had any success. CJ wanted too much money. Having Session would have helped us too, but not at the price he was asking for. We can't be sure that these guys would have had much success against the Texans. Harris is still a free agent; if he was still a playmaker like he used to be, he would have been signed to a team by now, especially since there is lots of preseason tape on him.

The D not tackling? Thats on them too. If the team isnt getting something done, they should focus on that. Caldwell doesnt. Dungy did...if something didnt go well one week, the following week it was stellar.

I agree with you here, Dungy would make sure to focus on things that weren't going well. I can't comment on whether or not Caldwell does because I don't go to practices, but I'm sure him and Coyer know what the defense did poorly today and will work on them this week.

So far under Caldwell, they have been the same as always. Good enough to get by with Manning getting a lead...and offering advice on the sidelines to the D and the O while on the field.

Caldwell will say something is amiss, but doesnt make sure its fixed for the following game.

Pretty simple...one player is out, and the team fell apart.

Whose fault is it that they can NOT compete without Manning?

The talent is still there. Wayne, Clark, Collie, Addai.

But saying poor play is on the players is silly. If its not on the coaches, then why have them at all? If the players are good enough to do things without them, they shouldnt need them...and every team does.

Coaches can gameplan, coaches can make adjustments, coaches can manage the clock, coaches can call challenges, coaches can find tendencies in the other teams' strategy and relay all of these messages down to the players. But if Caldwell tells me that the Texans are running to the right side every time and he puts me there to make a tackle and I miss, that's my fault. The coaches can say whatever they see, but if the players don't execute it, it goes down the drain.

I agree with you that the coaches deserve some of the blame, but I think it mostly falls on the players. This game was a lack of fundamentals by our players. Poor tackling, poor blocking, etc. If the coaches don't work on those things this week in practice, then they deserve plenty of blame. But from what I saw in today's game, I blame the players more

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Didn't we get beat pretty bad in HOU in game 1 last year? We made an All-Pro out of Foster.

Lots of knees being jerked today.

I suppose if you call getting beat by 10pts bad, then yes. 24-34.

Getting beat by 27 is much worse.

I think the "knees being jerked" is more of a "saw this coming" sort of a thing for some.

I cant speak for others, but I had VERY high hopes for Collins and the new O-line. Without the O-line doing well, Collins doesnt have a chance, and that showed today.

My problem is, the D and the o-line both did well at times in the pre-season, and seemed prepared at times too. Today was completely different.

I dont know why, but Im hoping this discussion leads to some plausible answers (we have some already).

The thing is, I get that its only the first game, and that its entirely possible that it turns around next week.

The problem with that is, when its been bad before, there have been good things to point to in the previous game. I dont know that there are any in this one.

The D played better in the second half, but then again, the Texans werent trying nearly as hard then either...

Is there a real solution? I dont know...but firing Caldwell might lend itself to more problems than it fixes, as a new coach would have a new staff too, and have to spend time getting to know the players.

A new GM would be the same thing....getting rid of all of them would most likely result in disaster for at least a season, so unless they are planning on changes in the next couple weeks, its most likely not happening, no matter what I or anyone else, this side of Irsay, think should happen.

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I agree with you that the coaches deserve some of the blame, but I think it mostly falls on the players. This game was a lack of fundamentals by our players. Poor tackling, poor blocking, etc. If the coaches don't work on those things this week in practice, then they deserve plenty of blame. But from what I saw in today's game, I blame the players more

Dont get me wrong, I dont lay all the blame at the coaches, as I know the players must execute. I guess I just recall the team that could tell you the play they were going to run, and you STILL couldnt stop them because there execution was flawless.

This isnt the same team at all. I see that as a lack of practice and fundamentals.

I remember Dungy used to say things about getting back to basics...now would be a good time for that!

I suppose Ill just leave it at half and half....best I can do...lol. (Like we are bartering a deal or something!)

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I agree with you that the coaches deserve some of the blame, but I think it mostly falls on the players. This game was a lack of fundamentals by our players. Poor tackling, poor blocking, etc. If the coaches don't work on those things this week in practice, then they deserve plenty of blame. But from what I saw in today's game, I blame the players more

The players get some of the blame because of they were not fired up and not making any plays and not attacking. The coaches get 75% because they did not get the team ready and personal moves during off season. The Head office get all the blame not getting this team prepared with out manning not draft a DT that can help stop the run and Oline that can help protect the QB it okay to get undrafted free agents there is a gem in alot of them but but if you load up the team with them you get a bunch of rejects playing on a team

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Come on, it's the first game of the season. Are we going to start getting rid of coaches and players because we lost one game. I don't think so. The Colts D played a better second half. Give Collins some time to settle in. For the past 5 or 6 years we had a coach (Peyton) on the field when the Offense was playing, now we don't. It's a whole new ballgame without Peyton. We fans have to make adjustments like the players. We have been on top of the world for the past nine years. Some of you newer fans don't remember the bad old days when they were calling them the Colts. Let's enjoy the team that has been assembled and send them positive thoughts. Remember at the end of the day it is still a game. Don't let losing a game ruin your day or week. Keep some perspective about what is really important in each one of your lives.

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Come on, it's the first game of the season. Are we going to start getting rid of coaches and players because we lost one game. I don't think so. The Colts D played a better second half. Give Collins some time to settle in. For the past 5 or 6 years we had a coach (Peyton) on the field when the Offense was playing, now we don't. It's a whole new ballgame without Peyton. We fans have to make adjustments like the players. We have been on top of the world for the past nine years. Some of you newer fans don't remember the bad old days when they were calling them the Colts. Let's enjoy the team that has been assembled and send them positive thoughts. Remember at the end of the day it is still a game. Don't let losing a game ruin your day or week. Keep some perspective about what is really important in each one of your lives.

Yeap we been at the top cuz of PM and it shows and the Front office did nothing

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The players get some of the blame because of they were not fired up and not making any plays and not attacking. The coaches get 75% because they did not get the team ready and personal moves during off season. The Head office get all the blame not getting this team prepared with out manning not draft a DT that can help stop the run and Oline that can help protect the QB it okay to get undrafted free agents there is a gem in alot of them but but if you load up the team with them you get a bunch of rejects playing on a team

Actually, our top 3 picks were for getting O-line and D-line help...

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Watching the Colts run defense is like watching Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Nothing is ever going to change! Polian should not be let off the hook for failing to solve this problem year after year after year. I put this on the management AND the coaching staff.If we keep bringing in new players every year to play this scheme and it never works that tells me it's the scheme. What I wouldn't give for a smash mouth defense and I really think we have sold Peyton short. If we would have fixed our defensive problems and schemes Manning would probably have 2-3 rings by now.

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It really makes my jaw drop seeing how many flaws were covered by Peyton Mannings brilliance. The O-line was playing terrible specifically linkenbach(sp?) and Diem.

Addai and Carter looked well, energetic, and I was impressed. The defense looked solid at some times then terrible at others. Brackett played well, Mathis and Freeney were bringing the pass rush albeit not always. The DT's played terribly, no pass rush and were getting gashed. The secondary didn't play spectacularly well either. The receivers looked good specifically Austin Collie.

Manning really made everyone else seem like a pro-bowler, this is crazy.

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I need to take about what I said about the defense, we actually had turnovers. We just have to get going on offense. I could careless who is under center. We had chances to score. Houston isn't a good team, we just had no offense today. Our running game looked surprising well today.

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Watching the Colts run defense is like watching Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Nothing is ever going to change! Polian should not be let off the hook for failing to solve this problem year after year after year. I put this on the management AND the coaching staff.If we keep bringing in new players every year to play this scheme and it never works that tells me it's the scheme. What I wouldn't give for a smash mouth defense and I really think we have sold Peyton short. If we would have fixed our defensive problems and schemes Manning would probably have 2-3 rings by now.

I agree. There is no excuse for why this has not been fixed. Its not like this problem started last season, this has been an ongoing problem for yrs. and yrs., and yet we'll keep hearing the same ole' excuses that we hear every yr. and the problem will continue to exist.

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I don't need today or this season to tell me that Caldwell is not a very good coach. I figured that out a long time ago.

But this year will undoubtedly erase any doubt on the subject.

This team still has a lot of talent and should be better then what we saw this afternoon. Unfortunately, Manning has never played defense and never played special teams and those 2 areas were just as bad today as any other year. It's just today we didn't have superman out there to make up for everything. But if you are expecting Caldwell to right the ship i'm afraid there will be disappointment. The coaching staff now i believe is all of his guys, so this on him now. He ran out most of Dungy's guys, this coaching staff is all him. Lets see what we got.

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Caldwell is not the man for job, lets face it. He is an awful game manager, worst person when it comes to calling timeouts, and I could see the players not really liking him and wanting to play for him. Just imagine if we had Gruden or Cower, these guys I feel would be so pumped up to play for them. I feel our guys just do not get motivated to play for Caldwell. He does not seem like a great motivator to me. He just looks so lost and uninterested on the sidelines.

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Caldwell is not the man for job, lets face it. He is an awful game manager, worst person when it comes to calling timeouts, and I could see the players not really liking him and wanting to play for him. Just imagine if we had Gruden or Cower, these guys I feel would be so pumped up to play for them. I feel our guys just do not get motivated to play for Caldwell. He does not seem like a great motivator to me. He just looks so lost and uninterested on the sidelines.

Totally agree. I don't know that Gruden is or isn't the right person for the job but one thing's for sure he would have lit them up at halftime. There would be some accountability going on none of this " that's all right guys we'll get em next time" crap. lol

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i wouldnt let caldwell coach in the pee wee football league or defence cord.coyer coach a flag football team.they both have no insight of game planning or anything else in football they have torn down a team that jim mora yes playoffs playoffs built before he was fired and turned over to tony dungy to put pride and respect and a winning additude back in a franchise that was one ofthe lauging stocks for many years in the n.f.l.only 2 turn the reins over to a guy that never had a winning record in coaching which wasnt many teams and now he is showing y he dosnt belong as a head coach in any league. did some1 forget to tell him that its ok to cover recivers and to tackle running backs and not 2 wait for a pass to b thrown and just watch the reciver cath it then decide to tackle.hes an idot.so is coyer he needs to bring his fat * out of the press box and stand on the side line like tom moore god bless him did for a million years so he could b in the middle of everything instead of relaying everything from 1 guy 2 this guy to that guy wat a freakin joke com on polian and irsay get it together get a real coach theres three out there sittin in tv booths waitin for the right job. and the best way to give our greatist q.b. of all time the chance to win another superbowl and protect him is to can caldwell and coyer before the team cans u

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i wouldnt let caldwell coach in the pee wee football league or defence cord.coyer coach a flag football team.they both have no insight of game planning or anything else in football they have torn down a team that jim mora yes playoffs playoffs built before he was fired and turned over to tony dungy to put pride and respect and a winning additude back in a franchise that was one ofthe lauging stocks for many years in the n.f.l.only 2 turn the reins over to a guy that never had a winning record in coaching which wasnt many teams and now he is showing y he dosnt belong as a head coach in any league. did some1 forget to tell him that its ok to cover recivers and to tackle running backs and not 2 wait for a pass to b thrown and just watch the reciver cath it then decide to tackle.hes an idot.so is coyer he needs to bring his fat * out of the press box and stand on the side line like tom moore god bless him did for a million years so he could b in the middle of everything instead of relaying everything from 1 guy 2 this guy to that guy wat a freakin joke com on polian and irsay get it together get a real coach theres three out there sittin in tv booths waitin for the right job. and the best way to give our greatist q.b. of all time the chance to win another superbowl and protect him is to can caldwell and coyer before the team cans u

tell us how you really feel,look it's one game are we going to make the playoffs?no not without peyton.I still think we will win some games probaly 6-8.

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Agreed. Peyton being out has absolutely no bearing on how awful the defense has played today. Peyton has nearly masked the inability of the coaching staff the last few years that they have been able to squeak by riding on his shoulders. Special teams haven't been good in a very long time, the defense has struggled the last few years and they haven't been able to run the ball. After seeing Collins lose two fumbles in a row, I couldn't imagine anything worse. Then the entire defense proved me wrong, that includes the coordinator, coaches and players. 98 Million dollars on the bench does no good to anyone. Something needs to be done and the sooner the better.

No, the offense cannot make up for a bad defense, however, when your offense is clicking you keep the other team's offense off the field and give your defense a needed rest. If your offense is clicking, you take away offensive minutes from the other team. With Manning, the Colts may still have lost, but the defense would not have looked so bad because they would have been on the field less, and the score would have probably been much closer.

Besides, we all know the defense is built to play with a lead.

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:coltshelmet: 7. things we learned tody 1.caldwell is an * 2 caldwell is an *.3 coyer is an *.4.coyer and caldwell r together *.5.polian is an * for letting cladwell coach team 6.polian is an * 4 letting coyer coach defence.7. the most important of all is jim irsay is the biggest * 4 allowing polian to hire the other 2 * to coach this team irest my case.
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