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is there a starter in the nfl that throws a worse deep ball than Luck


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Maybe Sanchez and whoever starts for KC. Maybe Peyton due to injury, but thats about it.

Luck has played a few games at the NFL level and you're already bailing on him? Give the rookie at least a full season before the sky starts falling.
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I think we still are comparing Luck to RG3 and Newton, even those of us who say we shouldn't. However, we are now seeing Newton's sophomore jinx this year bringing him down to Earth and RG3 is clearly resorting to the run - a 75 yard TD run- instead of looking downfield...then afterwards, brags about his track speed. I'm pretty sure they don't want Luck doing that....that's why he's learning these 1000 plays and why they got him 5 receivers. Nevertheless, I bought into Mel Kiper's "best QB prospect since Elway" hype right from the start and I still believe it. Eli, Rivers, Big Ben, Brady, and RG3 all started for good teams. Newton's is more similar to Luck. Bottom feeder team with franchise QB.

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I think we still are comparing Luck to RG3 and Newton, even those of us who say we shouldn't. However, we are now seeing Newton's sophomore jinx this year bringing him down to Earth and RG3 is clearly resorting to the run - a 75 yard TD run- instead of looking downfield...then afterwards, brags about his track speed. I'm pretty sure they don't want Luck doing that....that's why he's learning these 1000 plays and why they got him 5 receivers. Nevertheless, I bought into Mel Kiper's "best QB prospect since Elway" hype right from the start and I still believe it. Eli, Rivers, Big Ben, Brady, and RG3 all started for good teams. Newton's is more similar to Luck. Bottom feeder team with franchise QB.

I like it... I cant wait to see how these guys are in 3-4 years.. I think RG3 and his style of play will change sooner than later... Not so much about not being able to take the hits and what not, but teams will figure him out, and he will have to become the traditional QB, which we are getting in Luck

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To give people some perspective here are some of the other top QBs taken in their drafts numbers threw their first five games.

Peyton Manning: 4 TDs 12 INTs, averaging 34 passes a game completing 55% of them for 225 yards per game and one win.

Eli Manning: 3 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 25 passes a game completing 44% of them for 126 yards per game and 0 wins.

Matthew Stafford: 3 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 34 passes a game completing 54% of them for 169 yards per game and one win.

Matt Ryan: 4 TDs 3 INTs, averaging 26 passes a game completing 54% of them for 172 yards per game and three wins.

Cam Newton: 7 TDs 6 INTs, averaging 39 passes a game completing 58% of them for 322 yards per game and one win.

Sam Bradford: 6 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 41 passes a game completing 54% of them for 232 yards per game and two wins.

Andrew Luck: 7 TDs 7 INTs, averaging 44 passes a game completing 53% of them for 298 yards perf game and two wins.

I submit that Andrew Luck is playing as well if not better than several other top picks for QBs threw his first five games.

This is a process and we just need to stay patient. Luck is fine. It's fair to point out areas he needs to improve on but we don't need to go over the top with it like this thread title was. I understand why it was made people were frustrated with the game on Sunday but let's just try to keep things in persepctive . We are at the start of the journey here and that's the key it's a journey. It will probably take him some time to figure everything out. It probably wont happen this year and it might not happen next year even.

Keep in mind even when Dungy took over a some what experienced team it took him a couple of years to turn that team around. It wasn't still Dungy's second year here that that team made the jump to 12 wins. The first year was a rebound 10 win season. To expect that the Colts were going to turn a 2-14 team around into a playoff team in one off-season was just unrealistic. Sorry for those who are holding out hope but it is. This is going to take sometime, heck there might be an up swing followed by a down swing even. Again we saw that with Manning they went 3-13, 13-3, 10-6, 6-10 before Dungy came in. We just have to wait it out and watch them as they build the team. It's what makes following a team so much fun is watching these guys grow and it's what makes watching your team win that Super Bowl so sweet knowing you were along for the whole ride. You have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. Right now we are learning how to crawl and we are having to do it without our leader who is fighting for his life in a hospital don't under sell the impact that is going to have on this team. That would be hard for a team like the Pats to over come let alone a team like the Colts that is in a complete rebuilding mood.

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I've just read an article on NFL comparing Luck and RGIII to Cam Newton's rookie season (they are doing it week by week). So far Luck matched or overwhelmed Cam. Even his last Sunday's performance was better (however it doesn't make me happy).


He has flaws to be corrected (I've stated it many times), but there's nothing serious to worry about. He had a bad game, he had one bad game to be correct.

We need to give him time and patience. He (and the team as well) will have some downhill games this season.

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I'm saying that Luck being inaccurate on 25% of 44 pass attempts is still not acceptable. And that, outside of that 25%, there were several bad decisions.

As for Arians play calling and game planning, absolutely, he can help Luck more than a bit, I think. Easy completions, quick hitting plays, maybe a middle screen once or twice a season, etc. Too often, the pass plays take too long to develop, and then if there's good coverage, no one is open. The first third down conversion is a good example. Avery ran a good route and got open down the right side, but if the coverage had been better, Luck wouldn't have had anywhere to go with the ball. And so on. So I agree with the criticism of Arians' play calling.

But I do think Luck deserves some criticism for his inaccurate passing, particularly in yesterday's game. He was all over the place.

Oh ok then, yea he does... I said last week the Colts will show their true colors and I still believe they have, BUT if the Colts go and win the Browns game it says to me this team is very undisciplined. The Colts have all the talent in the world on offense to make plays they just aren't executing.

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Ok this is going too far. I'm all for criticism after this game, but saying Luck throws the worst deep ball is laughable. Keep in mind it was a very windy day.

Yeah, and the sun was in his eyes all day. Not to mention, the pregame breakfast only had corn flakes. We all know he needs his Wheaties in the morning. I also heard he was out late the night before arm wrestling locals for brewtus's at the neighborhood Applebee's. :cheer2:

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Yeah, and the sun was in his eyes all day. Not to mention, the pregame breakfast only had corn flakes. We all know he needs his Wheaties in the morning. I also heard he was out late the night before arm wrestling locals for brewtus's at the neighborhood Applebee's. :cheer2:

I blame Grigson. He didn't book the team to stay at a New Jersey Holiday Inn Express.

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If it was a very windy day, he shouldn't be chucking it long then. He had a bad day at the office, and his bosses and his colleagues didn't help. Big deal. He's human just like us. Not as if Peyton didn't have a bag full of stinkers in his time.....it happens.

Winning (and therefore playing well) on the road is tough, and even tougher with a stack of rookies. Luck will be good at home and average at best on the road this year. All part of his development.

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I think we still are comparing Luck to RG3 and Newton, even those of us who say we shouldn't. However, we are now seeing Newton's sophomore jinx this year bringing him down to Earth and RG3 is clearly resorting to the run - a 75 yard TD run- instead of looking downfield...then afterwards, brags about his track speed.

Unless you're just watching highlights or making judgments based on the stat sheet, that's actually a pretty gross mischaracterization of how Griffin has been playing. He's done a great job all season of looking to pass first and foremost but when the coverage downfield has been good he's done the right thing and picked up the easy 6 or 7 yards running with the ball instead of forcing a throw.

That 76 yard TD run was a play where the Vikings forced his hand by blitzing 6 from what appeared to be a Cover 1 look (man up on 4 receivers, safety over the top). The coverage was good but the Skins blockers kept the pocket clean enough for Griffin to be able to step up into a space where there was NO one within about 10 yards of him. Kind of a no-brainer decision to run with it and pick up the easy first down. The Vikings defenders didn't take a good angle, Griffin got to the edge, and Morgan was there to seal it which meant that instead of stepping out of bounds (again for the easy first down) we got a big TD out of it.

I would expect Aaron Rodgers and Big Ben to do the same thing in that situation, minus the getting around the corner and sprinting downfield bit.

I'm pretty sure they don't want Luck doing that....that's why he's learning these 1000 plays and why they got him 5 receivers. Nevertheless, I bought into Mel Kiper's "best QB prospect since Elway" hype right from the start and I still believe it. Eli, Rivers, Big Ben, Brady, and RG3 all started for good teams. Newton's is more similar to Luck. Bottom feeder team with franchise QB.

I like how suddenly the Skins are a good team, though. :thmup:

That nonsense aside, Luck ought to be a very good QB but I can't help but feel that Arians is doing a poor job of managing him to start with. I haven't seen quite enough of you guys this season to say anything definitive, though. I will say that this thread had "reactionary nonsense" written all over it from the start, seen enough of these out in Redskinland to recognize it just from the tone of the thread.

Anyway, I've got a little something up my sleeve for you all that will hopefully be pretty interesting and illuminating if I can get around to it.

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Bronco Peyton? :hide:

Oh no...here we go. He's still a rookie folks. Give him some time.

Ok this is going too far. I'm all for criticism after this game, but saying Luck throws the worst deep ball is laughable. Keep in mind it was a very windy day.

Look on the bright side, he didn't underthrow too many today. Give him a chance man. Im sure none of us were perfect in out jobs in the first few months.

At least there is no cut Adam thread today

How quickly we forget...the guy is still a very good NFL QB. His arm strength is fine. He did overthrow a couple of guys, but that's part of the learning curve. It doesn't help that the O-line gave him almost no protection

It's not even today. He is failing despite all the talent around him. Look at our pro bowl o line and defense. Jesus, any QB could win with this team and just hand the ball off too.


Exactly, who brought in the big bad wolf to huff and puff and blow Lucas Oil Stadium down anyway? Relax, everything is fine alright.


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its amazing how in one week we're saying hes gonna be the greatest to wanting to throw torches in his house

Yes, CR91. What's next? A human sacrifice to the NFL Gods for a victory and burning "witches" at the stake for satanic spells and black magic assistance too?


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Lest we forget Peyton's rookie year: look at some of the passes he missed. These throws the next... 13 years he never ever seemed to miss, but he was inaccurate with many throws.

First off, was this taped on beta max. Wow, that is really bad. Second, the clip only shows one missed throw by Peyton in the 3rd. Really? I know the Colts lost, but dont show that clip as an example of why we should all understand why Luck has missed a few throws.

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If we lose in horrific fashion again, will Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI and Queen of France on the eve of the French Revolution, become reincarnated and re-emerge with furry screaming "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche or let them eat cake" and behead anyone who displeases her as well?

"Off with his head!" I know you hate losing, but this is ridiculous IMO...Just Kidding!!!


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If we lose in horrific fashion again, will Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI and Queen of France on the eve of the French Revolution, become reincarnated and re-emerge with furry screaming "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche or let them eat cake" and behead anyone who displeases her as well?

"Off with his head!" I know you hate losing, but this is ridiculous IMO...Just Kidding!!!


Me thinks you dug a little deep there my friend.

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Me thinks you dug a little deep there my friend.

Yes, admittedly that one was a bit far fetched and perhaps a tad over the top, but sometimes fans expect too much from their Colts field general too quickly. Naturally, none of my friends fall into this category. My point is overzealous expectations of perfection can be extremely dangerous. I apologize if I offended anyone with my dark sarcastic humor. I like to push the envelope sometimes when I just need to let matters go.

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Yes, admittedly that one was a bit far fetched and perhaps a tad over the top, but sometimes fans expect too much from their Colts field general too quickly. Naturally, none of my friends fall into this category. My point is overzealous expectations of perfection can be extremely dangerous. I apologize if I offended anyone with my dark sarcastic humor. I like to push the envelope sometimes when I just need to let matters go.

I was just thinking it may go well over the heads of many posters.....lol

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Like the vast majority of bloggers have been correctly stating on here, let Luck develop, be patient, and despite the inevitable comparisons to Peyton Manning allow Andrew the space and time to become his own QB and move outside the looming, omnipresent NFL shadow of #18.

Just like 49ers Championship QB Steve Young, Luck will eventually remove the HOF monkey from his back IMO. [No disrespect to Peyton Manning intended of course.]

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My friends are so sharp, witty, and clever. They are definitely smarter than the average bear. haha Eat your heart out Yogi Bear & Winnie the Pooh. :thmup:

Yes, I know it's kind of corny and weird, but here is a Pooh cartoon about honey to carry the joke to it's full completion. Get reconnected with your inner childhood everyone. Enjoy It. ;)


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Lets face it. The kid doesn't have it. We have seen enough.

And I highly doubt this QB of ours could ever do anything special either, like help lead the Colts to an emotional win or something vs. a team whose QB is one of the most feared in the league.

Oh wait.........

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Just couldnt help it, could you?

That video I posted is one of several from that game, which colts lost 34-11 (I believe, we played them twice that year, lost both). Just a reminder of what we saw his rookie year.

Peyton was 14/29, 1TD 2 INT, with a long completion of 30 yards in the 34-11 loss

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