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Janoris Jenkins was balling


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Why on earth did we not draft Janoris Jenkins? He was balling out there, even against Larry Fitzgerald in his rookie year, enough said. Fleener better become a Jimmy Graham type TE pretty soon, otherwise I will be shaking my head at that pick when Jenkins was there. No pain, no gain.

I think we should do what the Rams did, just move down several times to pick up a lot of talent, and that talent with good coaching, can definitely produce.

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I think it's pretty clear why we didn't spend a high draft pick on Jenkins..... same reasons no one but the Rams did.... You get booted from the college team he was on, you have issues...... not that I am against second chances, I just think the Colts didn't feel they could assume that much risk in round 2, versus the risk/reward potential of drafting Fleener....

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Agreed but we would have kicked ourselves had fleener become a superstar had we not taken him

Talent wise, there was no question, Janoris Jenkins was ahead of Fleener for his position. The TE class was weak enough that the first TE drafted was in round 2, especially given how pass catching TEs are a fad now, tells you something about how all teams passed on him till round 2 despite Fleener having no issues. Jenkins' main issue was his off field issues, and probably dealing with Pacman Jones gave Jeff Fisher the hope he could deal with this guy while Grigson being a newbie did not want to roll the dice. I just hope our secondary does not continue to be as giving as it has been and passing on Jenkins in round 2 and Trumaine Johnson in round 3 that the Rams got does not come back to haunt us.

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Janoris Jenkins and Cordy Glenn have both been balling, guys a lot of us wanted when our 2nd pick rolled around. I was alright with Fleener, but would've preferred one of the other two. People can say all they want about how Fleener has an entire career ahead of him to improve, but the same can be said for Jenkins/Glenn. The true gems shine right away.

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Let's be real here....a lot of fans wanted Bobbie Massie, too. I actually wasted my time convincing a couple fans not only why Massie wasn't a LT in this league, but why he shouldn't be brought in to replace Castonzo.

Anyone still wanna claim the guy who gave up 19 sacks tonight?

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Let's be real here....a lot of fans wanted Bobbie Massie, too. I actually wasted my time convincing a couple fans not only why Massie wasn't a LT in this league, but why he shouldn't be brought in to replace Castonzo.

Anyone still wanna claim the guy who gave up 19 sacks tonight?

I don't remember anyone saying they wanted Massie. Maybe in the 6th round or something, but it's not like we were clamouring for him at 34. There were pretty much 3 names; Fleener, Jenkins, and Glenn (once he fell to the 2nd). Glenn has been starting at LT, and would have made a hellish guard. Jenkins has been starting opposite Finnegan and is on a better defense than he'd of been on here, but there has never been a doubt about the guy's talent, only his off-the-field issues.

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I don't remember anyone saying they wanted Massie. Maybe in the 6th round or something, but it's not like we were clamouring for him at 34. There were pretty much 3 names; Fleener, Jenkins, and Glenn (once he fell to the 2nd). Glenn has been starting at LT, and would have made a hellish guard. Jenkins has been starting opposite Finnegan and is on a better defense than he'd of been on here, but there has never been a doubt about the guy's talent, only his off-the-field issues.

There weren't many rumblings at 34, people started clamoring for him from the 3rd round on.

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Why on earth did we not draft Janoris Jenkins? He was balling out there, even against Larry Fitzgerald in his rookie year, enough said. Fleener better become a Jimmy Graham type TE pretty soon, otherwise I will be shaking my head at that pick when Jenkins was there. No pain, no gain.

I think we should do what the Rams did, just move down several times to pick up a lot of talent, and that talent with good coaching, can definitely produce.

Of course its easy to say now but somewhere on one of these threads I spoke out that Jenkins would be worth the gamble.
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After watching other team's OL play, I am not as sick as I was about ours.....I know Luck can move but THAT IS PART OF IT!!!! Kolb's jaw took a 'kickin.'

To topic: I loved Jenkin's play, but could not go with the baggage. I hope he continues to play well with the Rams as long as he is not playing the Colts or Broncos.....:) (For our Peyton Fans!)

I was actually one of the few that went Fleener and said if Allen was available at our 3rd pick we were set at TE for years barring injury. I had written a blog about the Gronks, Grahams, and Vernon Davis's of the world that were evolving TE play to an 'uncharted' area.

While we are not seeing the big gains to this point from Fleener, I feel we will see it as soon as Sunday. I agree with the above statements.....Jenkins and Glenn are "ballers." In the Arians offense, TEs were an emphasis. We will be just fine barring injuries. :coltsfb: :coltsfb:

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Grigson made it clear that he wasn't drafting anybody that had bad character. Jenkins is nothing but bad character. We still made the right decision not to draft him.

He's done a good job, but he's also done a bad job. He got beat by Fitzgerald plenty last night. Kolb never had time to get it to him. Credit the Rams D-line for getting pressure and forcing bad throws. He's been beat by less caliber WR's as well...

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Why on earth did we not draft Janoris Jenkins? He was balling out there, even against Larry Fitzgerald in his rookie year, enough said. Fleener better become a Jimmy Graham type TE pretty soon, otherwise I will be shaking my head at that pick when Jenkins was there. No pain, no gain.

I think we should do what the Rams did, just move down several times to pick up a lot of talent, and that talent with good coaching, can definitely produce.

I thought Jenkins looked pretty good last night as well. Sure he got beat a few times one on one with Fitz, but there are a lot of great corners who get beat one on one by Fitz.

As for Fleener, i'm afraid you are going to be dissapointed if you are waiting for him to become Jimmy Graham. At this point, i would be happy if he just becomes an average tight end who can catch the ball consistently. Graham is a heck of a talent and you could see it very early in his rookie year, and you don't see it yet with Fleener. Maybe he will be a late bloomer.

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i don't think jenkins played well at all. he was constantly beat by fitz and andre roberts the entire game. fleener was rated higher then both jenkins and glenn and te was more of a concern then any other position. the way that fleener played in the 2 minute drill vs the bears is what your gonna get from him as the season goes along.

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i don't think jenkins played well at all. he was constantly beat by fitz and andre roberts the entire game. fleener was rated higher then both jenkins and glenn and te was more of a concern then any other position. the way that fleener played in the 2 minute drill vs the bears is what your gonna get from him as the season goes along.

Jenkins had 2 near picks and a few good tackles, he has played better then both our starting Corners at this point. Jenkins also has a pick which is as many as our entire team combined to this point
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Jenkins had 2 near picks and a few good tackles, he has played better then both our starting Corners at this point. Jenkins also has a pick which is as many as our entire team combined to this point

So I guess by this logic, I could say that our backup middle linebacker that we picked up from the CFL is a better defender (or just as good) because he has a pick 6? I guess there is something to be said for sensationalism through 5 weeks of play in the NFL.

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So I guess by this logic, I could say that our backup middle linebacker that we picked up from the CFL is a better defender because he has a pick 6? I guess there is something to be said for sensationalism through 5 weeks of play in the NFL.

at the end of the day its about making plays, Jenkins is a playmaker despite your dislike of him
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Here's an idea... how about we wait 3-4 years and see where they're at.

My guess is, by that time, Fleener will be close to what we hoped. My guess is that Jenkins will have been in trouble with the law and suspended at least once by that time, though he may be a player.

As it is, players with character concerns generally get themselves into trouble at one point or another. It's just a matter of time. As this team is building for the long term, I just don't see how we can see highlight reel type plays on a guy with that kind of attitude and say that we screwed up. The Rams could very well be saying those things in a few years if Jenkins winds up going to jail for being an *.

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Janoris Jenkins was NOT "Balling" last night. He got BEAT on majority of his Plays. Now, the Rams Defensive Line was BALLING last night. Jenkins got burnt. On the play where he swatted the ball on the dive. A better pass by Kolb & 2 seconds more of a clean pocket, it's TD Cardinals.

Another play. The one handed TD attempt by Fitzgerald. Once again, better thrown ball & cleaner pocket, Fitz walks in the Endzone. Now, if giving up 2 TD's is "Balling", then I hope our CB's NEVER have a "Balling" Game

I watched the entire game. Only CB of the Rams I was impressed with was Finnegan. It's hard for me to say that, but I give Credit where it's due.

Defensive line made the CB's mistakes almost invisible. Put them against a Team with a O-line, & you'll see just how "Balling" Jenkins does

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at the end of the day its about making plays, Jenkins is a playmaker despite your dislike of him

never denied that. But he has as much bad tape as good tape at this point. So it's not just about how much of a pain he is to deal with in the locker room or in the front office. He has potential, but your undying love for him is really stretching his value if having one interception is a ground breaking stat.

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Grigson made it clear that he wasn't drafting anybody that had bad character. Jenkins is nothing but bad character. We still made the right decision not to draft him.

He's done a good job, but he's also done a bad job. He got beat by Fitzgerald plenty last night. Kolb never had time to get it to him. Credit the Rams D-line for getting pressure and forcing bad throws. He's been beat by less caliber WR's as well...

The rest of the conversation about whether he did a bad job or not is debatable, but how are you going say the man "is nothing but bad character" when he hasn't had a pennies worth of trouble since he's been in the league?

I think the better thing to say is that he had some character concerns coming out of college. As for his NFL career we have no proof of his character problems whatsoever. Is this a case of guilty before proven innocent?

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at the end of the day its about making plays, Jenkins is a playmaker despite your dislike of him

kyle arrington led the nfl in int's with 7 and no one said he's great. jenkins was beat a lot by the redskins wr's on deep post and during the cards gm. both of our cb's are better then jenkins and hasn't been beaten on deep plays like he has except for 1 alshon jeffrey play. jenkins is more of a slot cb and doesn't have the speed to cover outside wr's.
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I thought Jenkins looked pretty good last night as well. Sure he got beat a few times one on one with Fitz, but there are a lot of great corners who get beat one on one by Fitz.

As for Fleener, i'm afraid you are going to be dissapointed if you are waiting for him to become Jimmy Graham. At this point, i would be happy if he just becomes an average tight end who can catch the ball consistently. Graham is a heck of a talent and you could see it very early in his rookie year, and you don't see it yet with Fleener. Maybe he will be a late bloomer.


You're talking about the guy who had five catches for 49 yards through his first six games? The guy who took four games to get a single reception? He showed that he was a heck of a talent very early in his rookie year? Coby Fleener outproduced Graham's first half a season in his first game as a pro. Graham didn't do anything in the preseason, either.

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kyle arrington led the nfl in int's with 7 and no one said he's great. jenkins was beat a lot by the redskins wr's on deep post and during the cards gm. both of our cb's are better then jenkins and hasn't been beaten on deep plays like he has except for 1 alshon jeffrey play. jenkins is more of a slot cb and doesn't have the speed to cover outside wr's.

He has the Speed, I'll give him that. But his EYE & Body Discipline is the Problem. He's quick to bite on Routes & is looking in the Backfield too much

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You're talking about the guy who had five catches for 49 yards through his first six games? The guy who took four games to get a single reception? He showed that he was a heck of a talent very early in his rookie year? Coby Fleener outproduced Graham's first half a season in his first game as a pro. Graham didn't do anything in the preseason, either.

Preach Superman!!! haha

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but how are you going say the man "is nothing but bad character" when he hasn't had a pennies worth of trouble since he's been in the league?

You are absolutely right, 6 months of not getting in trouble is enough to excuse the past 3 years of drugs, violence and poor decision making. His original agent firing him and causing a headache for Fisher and the Rams because of a pre-draft agreement dispute is not much to gripe at...every rookie lies to the GM to get drafted right?

As for his NFL career we have no proof of his character problems whatsoever. Is this a case of guilty before proven innocent?

So...just so I can wrap my head around the logic here...if a person has a history of multiple arrests/bad decision making in college, we should turn a deaf ear because....time has passed? lol

You should make your case to the criminal justice department. They might reduce a lifetime sentence to a couple of years with good behavior.

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Jenkins had 2 near picks and a few good tackles, he has played better then both our starting Corners at this point. Jenkins also has a pick which is as many as our entire team combined to this point

No he hasn't. Jerraud Powers has been playing great football so far. Jenkins has looked very much like a talented rookie.

And this is the thing about Jenkins: no one ever questioned his talent. You're never going to be able to look back at the decision to pass on him in the draft and judge the talent evaluation of the people who chose to do so. Jenkins was a first round talent, easily. He probably would have pushed Morris Claiborne for first corner off the board. The reason teams decided they didn't want him is because of his character issues. Whether he has problems with that in the pros or not -- and let's hope he doesn't -- he was seen as a risk, and many teams weren't interested in taking that risk, including the Colts.

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No he hasn't. Jerraud Powers has been playing great football so far. Jenkins has looked very much like a talented rookie.

And this is the thing about Jenkins: no one ever questioned his talent. You're never going to be able to look back at the decision to pass on him in the draft and judge the talent evaluation of the people who chose to do so. Jenkins was a first round talent, easily. He probably would have pushed Morris Claiborne for first corner off the board. The reason teams decided they didn't want him is because of his character issues. Whether he has problems with that in the pros or not -- and let's hope he doesn't -- he was seen as a risk, and many teams weren't interested in taking that risk, including the Colts.


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No he hasn't. Jerraud Powers has been playing great football so far. Jenkins has looked very much like a talented rookie.

And this is the thing about Jenkins: no one ever questioned his talent. You're never going to be able to look back at the decision to pass on him in the draft and judge the talent evaluation of the people who chose to do so. Jenkins was a first round talent, easily. He probably would have pushed Morris Claiborne for first corner off the board. The reason teams decided they didn't want him is because of his character issues. Whether he has problems with that in the pros or not -- and let's hope he doesn't -- he was seen as a risk, and many teams weren't interested in taking that risk, including the Colts.

I call it the "Dez Bryant" Judgement. Good players from College, but Off-Field issues will Decrease your Draft Stock easily. No one wants a Trouble maker in their Locker Room. But it's ALWAYS that one team that'll take the Chance

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Janoris Jenkins and Cordy Glenn have both been balling, guys a lot of us wanted when our 2nd pick rolled around. I was alright with Fleener, but would've preferred one of the other two. People can say all they want about how Fleener has an entire career ahead of him to improve, but the same can be said for Jenkins/Glenn. The true gems shine right away.

I will admit, Cordy Glenn was the guy I wanted and I said in a thread after day 1 he could be our version of Carl Nicks as an OG. He is a big part of Buffalo's running game as a starter and we could have plugged him in at RT as well as OG where we can see we needed help. Yes, Grigson could not have foreshadowed Ben Ijalana going on IR but then, Cordy Glenn was invited to the draft under the assumption that 1 of the 32 teams would pull the trigger on day 1. He then returned back to Georgia. He was drafted at No.42.

If you wanted to play safe but get a good talent, Cordy Glenn could have been that one with no off the field baggage like Jenkins. After all, Logan Mankins was drafted at the end of round 1, so it is not like good OGs are not drafted around that draft position.

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That was the guy I wanted and I said in a thread after day 1 he could be our version of Carl Nicks as an OG. He is a big part of Buffalo's running game and we could have plugged him in at RT as well as OG where we can see we needed help. Yes, Grigson could not have foreshadowed Ben Ijalana going on IR but then, Cordy Glenn was invited to the draft under the assumption that 1 of the 32 teams would pull the trigger on day 1. He then returned back to Georgia. He was drafted at No.42.

If you wanted to play safe but get a good talent, Cordy Glenn could have been that one with no off the field baggage.

No argument here. When we were on the clock, I knew it was going to be Fleener, but I was absolutely ok with taking Upshaw or Glenn for our #2 pick as well.

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No argument here. When we were on the clock, I knew it was going to be Fleener, but I was absolutely ok with taking Upshaw or Glenn for our #2 pick as well.

I heard Pagano was raving about Upshaw but seeing what a good job Grigson did bringing in free agent LBs, I am totally OK with not drafting him. I just feel we rolled the dice a bit too much with journeymen on the O-line. If we were indeed rebuilding, what better way to get O-linemen to grow with the offense than through the draft, right???

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Can someone explain to me why it seems a few people aren't happy with Fleener being on this Team???

I cannot speak for the others but personally, I do not see IT with Fleener. He does not strike me as one with a nasty attitude that goes up and high points a ball and gets it down or pancakes a LB or smaller DL in run protection etc. He does not get enough separation that I expected him to as a #1 TE. If he got open enough times, he would have been noticed more and he would have had more receptions now, that is my thought process.

Having said that, it did take Dallas Clark about 2 years to come into his element with a Peyton led offense. Maybe I get caught up in the "why cant we expect ourselves to win more now with everyone contributing" moments as a Colts fan, and probably should re-set my expectations constantly. :)

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I'm not understanding how everytime a Rookie comes up in this Forum, people pull the "Should've Drafted him instead of Fleener" Card.

Can someone explain to me why it seems a few people aren't happy with Fleener being on this Team???

Because he has sucked.
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I thought Jenkins wouldve been the better pick....however Fleener hasnt been put in position to achieve

I guess Marcus Pollard and Ken Dilger in an offense with Marshall Faulk and Marvin Harrison as the focal points is not the same 2 TE extrapolation we can use for Coby Fleener and Dwayne Allen with Wayne and Avery though it was Arians in a similar position??? :)

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