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Even When The Colts Stunk, I Was There


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No sir, I hoped on the bandwagon at some point in the mid-60's. No idea why, except that the uniforms were cool, uh, I liked horses, uh, blue was my favorite color. I was about 5-7 so those were great reasons. Somewhere I have a copy of that famous (for Colts fans) 1968 edition of Life magazine filed with Colts photos and Ogden Nash poetry, that my sisters were kind enough not to dismantle.

Oh, and my Dad who wasn't a particularly serious football fan, used to never-the-less occasionally wax poetic about "Johnny U", and more often go "Joe Namath?" :thdown: :ill: :barf:

That was enough for me.

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I checked out a book called "Johnny Unitas And The Long Pass" from my school library 15 times when I was like 7-8 years old. So I became a Colt fan in 1975, right at the time they got good again for about four years. So I have been through the highs and lows and always loved them. My most prized possession is a football signed by both Manning and Unitas.

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I was too young to remember much football in the 80's, but I remember trying to tell my dad it would be OK after seemingly every Colts game. My family were instantly Colts fans as soon as the franchise arrived. I started paying attention to football a lot more in the late 80's, and I would say I became an actual Colts fan around 90. I became a fanatic in 95, more specifically I remember how I felt after the dropped pass in the end zone during the season ending Steelers game. I guess I'm a fair weather fan, because they were in the playoffs when I really became fanatic, but I was very mad that they let the Cardiac Kid go, and got some rookie to start for them. I didn't watch too much of 99. When I did I always saw an interception, so I didn't like that Manning guy at first. I guess he's OK in my book now though.

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Were you? I bet a lot of people hopped on the bandwagon in 99. Just a guess of course. :rolleyes:

Any early Indianapolis adoptors here, ala '84? (or earlier) I like hearing stories of how people became, and stayed colts fans. Masochist in the 80's? Nah, just a Colts fan who enjoyed watching football.

I have been a season ticket holder since day one. I am a fan of the NFL football first, and the Colts second. So just being at the pro game was good for me and still is.

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Got y'all beat! I've been a Colt fan since Unitas stepped in to take the snaps in the 50's. I guess perhaps a kid named Johnny "Unite Us" struck my 8 year old patriotic funny bone. Like Manning and Brady today there was the head-to-head comparison between Unitas and Bart Star back then. I saw the Colts play the college all-stars in Soldiers Field I think in 1959. (In case you don't know the pro football champs used to play a game against a college team made up of the best in the country.) I was rolling on the floor pulling my hair watching "The Greatrest Game Ever Played" when Ameche bulled over the goal line to beat the Giants (Sorry, Frank Gifford but you never made that first down as you claim.) My dad took many pictures of me watching the game and had doubts about my future as a "normal" kid. Growing up in Chicago and a life-long Cubs fan I stuck with my Colts through the bad times and the good times as I remain a Cubs fan still today and I doubt I will live to see them win a world series. My dream game was the Colts/Bears Super Bowl as I am a Bears fan as well in the NFC. If there is an older fan than me please step up and share your thoughts.

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I'm from Cali and I got on the Colts bandwagon when Harbaugh became known as "captain comeback". I remember the hail mary dropped in the end zone at the steelers. So I've been through some struggles and a transition of a new QB as well. I've been to every stadium in the west coast when the Colts come around. I've never been to Indy but hopefully next year will be my first.

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Guest BlueShoe

Were you? I bet a lot of people hopped on the bandwagon in 99. Just a guess of course. :rolleyes:

Any early Indianapolis adoptors here, ala '84? (or earlier) I like hearing stories of how people became, and stayed colts fans. Masochist in the 80's? Nah, just a Colts fan who enjoyed watching football.

Where are these threads coming from?

It seems to me like posting these threads is the type of stuff that happens when someone doesn't like what someone else has to say on here. Things get heated and people start calling out each other’s Colts loyalty. Last I checked we were all supposed to be a least 13 years old to sign up for this website. Most boards follow the same rule. So we should all be grown up enough not to throw temper tantrums when we don’t get our way and we should be able to communicate on at least a somewhat respectful level.

Sorry, I don't mean to belittle you in front of everyone on this, but how does anyone here know just how big of a fan someone else really is? People who bash the Colts front office are fans too. People who think the Colts front office can do no wrong are great fans too. The truth is that this is a very emotional game for many of us and we all deal with things differently. I don't complain when others speak their mind. If I don't agree then I tell them that I don't agree. Simple as that.

I can tell you one thing I know without any doubt at all. I know there is no bigger Colts fan than me, but I also understand that there are other Colts fans who are just as big a fan that I am. We are all on this ride together and we love this team. We all got on the bus a little different too.

I posted this is another thread concerning the overall fan base declining after Peyton retires:

I thought that for a while too, but I am not so sure now. I fell in love with the Colts when I was 9 years old and they had just moved here. Sure when Peyton hangs up his cleats some fans will fall off because that's what happens to every sports team when their glory days are over and they are rebuilding, but I think most of the fans will stick. Something as big as having Peyton Manning as our quarterback is a bit like a team moving into our state. They are comparable. In reality, Peyton probably kept the team from moving to a different city and being named something else.

We will all have our own unique history with the Colts and many of us will feel like we are the greatest Colts fans alive no matter how that history looks to someone else. I have never missed a game and I don’t plan on ever missing a game; even if we go 1-15 for ten straight years. Once it gets in a person’s blood, I think it doesn’t really matter how it got there. It’s a fever that lasts a lifetime. It has mine anyway.

There is another level a Colts fan gets to (at least it feels that way to me) and that's when he or she feels that they have nothing to prove to anyone about how loyal of a fan they are. It happened to me when we won the Super Bowl. I was out at a bar and this drunk guy was getting red with everyone telling us all how he was the greatest Colts fan and how everyone else was just jumping on the wagon. I told him that we had come a long way since the Mike Pagel days and tipped my glass to him. He asked, “Who!” I realized then that most people are really just running their mouths to get attention and sympathy over being a Colts fan through the really hard years. What I actually felt, they wanted and even needed more than me. I had everything I needed and I didn’t need to lie to anyone or myself to prove it.

The greatest feeling in the world is when you walk into a place and see someone you know from a very long time ago. For example, a few years back I walked into the Casino Aztar and the bar tender, who I hadn’t seen in probably 20 years (since high school) yelled out to everyone, “This is the biggest Colts fan ever, right here! He was a Colts fan long before it was cool to be a Colts fan!” He gave me a beer and told me it was on the house.

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Where are these threads coming from?

It seems to me like posting these threads is the type of stuff that happens when someone doesn't like what someone else has to say on here. Things get heated and people start calling out each other’s Colts loyalty. Last I checked we were all supposed to be a least 13 years old to sign up for this website. Most boards follow the same rule. So we should all be grown up enough not to throw temper tantrums when we don’t get our way and we should be able to communicate on at least a somewhat respectful level.

Sorry, I don't mean to belittle you in front of everyone on this, but how does anyone here know just how big of a fan someone else really is? People who bash the Colts front office are fans too. People who think the Colts front office can do no wrong are great fans too. The truth is that this is a very emotional game for many of us and we all deal with things differently. I don't complain when others speak their mind. If I don't agree then I tell them that I don't agree. Simple as that.

I can tell you one thing I know without any doubt at all. I know there is no bigger Colts fan than me, but I also understand that there are other Colts fans who are just as big a fan that I am. We are all on this ride together and we love this team. We all got on the bus a little different too.

I posted this is another thread concerning the overall fan base declining after Peyton retires:

I thought that for a while too, but I am not so sure now. I fell in love with the Colts when I was 9 years old and they had just moved here. Sure when Peyton hangs up his cleats some fans will fall off because that's what happens to every sports team when their glory days are over and they are rebuilding, but I think most of the fans will stick. Something as big as having Peyton Manning as our quarterback is a bit like a team moving into our state. They are comparable. In reality, Peyton probably kept the team from moving to a different city and being named something else.

We will all have our own unique history with the Colts and many of us will feel like we are the greatest Colts fans alive no matter how that history looks to someone else. I have never missed a game and I don’t plan on ever missing a game; even if we go 1-15 for ten straight years. Once it gets in a person’s blood, I think it doesn’t really matter how it got there. It’s a fever that lasts a lifetime. It has mine anyway.

There is another level a Colts fan gets to (at least it feels that way to me) and that's when he or she feels that they have nothing to prove to anyone about how loyal of a fan they are. It happened to me when we won the Super Bowl. I was out at a bar and this drunk guy was getting red with everyone telling us all how he was the greatest Colts fan and how everyone else was just jumping on the wagon. I told him that we had come a long way since the Mike Pagel days and tipped my glass to him. He asked, “Who!” I realized then that most people are really just running their mouths to get attention and sympathy over being a Colts fan through the really hard years. What I actually felt, they wanted and even needed more than me. I had everything I needed and I didn’t need to lie to anyone or myself to prove it.

The greatest feeling in the world is when you walk into a place and see someone you know from a very long time ago. For example, a few years back I walked into the Casino Aztar and the bar tender, who I hadn’t seen in probably 20 years (since high school) yelled out to everyone, “This is the biggest Colts fan ever, right here! He was a Colts fan long before it was cool to be a Colts fan!” He gave me a beer and told me it was on the house.

I agree with you but I honestly think this thread was made just so people could tell us when they started to be Colts fans just more or less out of wondering.

We have a very young fanbase (in terms of age) but frankly Peyton came along about the sametime that the first generation of fans tha grew up with the Indianapolis Colts vs the Colts the team that moved to Indianapolis from Baltimore. We were going to see a spike in our fanbase around the sametime just because of that fact, like me I became a Colts fan because they were my hometown team. I am sure I wouldn't have been the only one of those regardless of Peyton. Now did Peyton help you are kidding yourself if you think anything but. Still our fanbase is still growing and just now the Indianapolis Colts fans are starting to grow up with team. It just so happens a lot of those fans have never known anything but winning so when there is a slight interuption in that people freak out because they don't know how to handle it and frankly to them it's the worst thing in the world because in their life of being a Colts fan it is. It's not that they mean it to be but when your worst record in the past 10 years or so (I am rounding bit here I know) is 10-6 you don't know how to handle losing.

Now what happens that normally brings the "true fan" arguement into at least IMO, is when people who are freaking out over losing (like last season)and someone who does know how to hndle it understands it can be worse than last year says hey be grateful it could be a lot worse and tends to label the younger fan as a bandwagon fan and uses their years of cheering for the team pre-Manning to justify that view point. The younger fans then gets upset about being called a bandwagon fan when they really aren't they just aren't used to losing and have never really truly experenced it. It doesn't make them less of a fan it just means they are lucky enough to only experence the golden age of Indianapolis Colts football again IMO.

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Guest BlueShoe

I agree with you but I honestly think this thread was made just so people could tell us when they started to be Colts fans just more or less out of wondering.

We have a very young fanbase (in terms of age) but frankly Peyton came along about the sametime that the first generation of fans tha grew up with the Indianapolis Colts vs the Colts the team that moved to Indianapolis from Baltimore. We were going to see a spike in our fanbase around the sametime just because of that fact, like me I became a Colts fan because they were my hometown team. I am sure I wouldn't have been the only one of those regardless of Peyton. Now did Peyton help you are kidding yourself if you think anything but. Still our fanbase is still growing and just now the Indianapolis Colts fans are starting to grow up with team. It just so happens a lot of those fans have never known anything but winning so when there is a slight interuption in that people freak out because they don't know how to handle it and frankly to them it's the worst thing in the world because in their life of being a Colts fan it is. It's not that they mean it to be but when your worst record in the past 10 years or so (I am rounding bit here I know) is 10-6 you don't know how to handle losing.

Now what happens that normally brings the "true fan" arguement into at least IMO, is when people who are freaking out over losing (like last season)and someone who does know how to hndle it understands it can be worse than last year says hey be grateful it could be a lot worse and tends to label the younger fan as a bandwagon fan and uses their years of cheering for the team pre-Manning to justify that view point. The younger fans then gets upset about being called a bandwagon fan when they really aren't they just aren't used to losing and have never really truly experenced it. It doesn't make them less of a fan it just means they are lucky enough to only experence the golden age of Indianapolis Colts football again IMO.

Thanks for the reply. There is absolutely a bunch of different ways to look at it. One thing I disagree with you on and I want to get it out of the way first is that I actually see Peyton fans as second generation Indianapolis Colts fans. I was a kid when the Colts moved here and I had kids when Peyton started playing. Therefore, in my opinion my kids are second generation Indianapolis Colts fans.

I completely understand your viewpoint about fans who started watching during the good years. Unfortunately younger fans tend to get put in the same group as older fans (who had a choice when the Colts moved here) but didn’t watch because they lost more than they won. Then you also have the fans who are older than I am who didn’t have a local team to root for so they were Bears fans, and in my hometown of Evansville there were/are tons of Dolphins fans. That link is there because Bob Griese is from Evansville and it made its mark here.

But the younger fans haven’t done anything wrong. Yeah they are accustomed to winning, but that doesn’t mean they will all stop watching when we suck again. And yes we will suck again sooner than later. I bet more of these younger fans hang on than leave when it’s all said and done. It’s just not easy to walk away from. Peyton or no Peyton, the Colts will play on. ;)

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Thanks for the reply. There is absolutely a bunch of different ways to look at it. One thing I disagree with you on and I want to get it out of the way first is that I actually see Peyton fans as second generation Indianapolis Colts fans. I was a kid when the Colts moved here and I had kids when Peyton started playing. Therefore, in my opinion my kids are second generation Indianapolis Colts fans.

I completely understand your viewpoint about fans who started watching during the good years. Unfortunately younger fans tend to get put in the same group as older fans (who had a choice when the Colts moved here) but didn’t watch because they lost more than they won. Then you also have the fans who are older than I am who didn’t have a local team to root for so they were Bears fans, and in my hometown of Evansville there were/are tons of Dolphins fans. That link is there because Bob Griese is from Evansville and it made its mark here.

But the younger fans haven’t done anything wrong. Yeah they are accustomed to winning, but that doesn’t mean they will all stop watching when we suck again. And yes we will suck again sooner than later. I bet more of these younger fans hang on than leave when it’s all said and done. It’s just not easy to walk away from. Peyton or no Peyton, the Colts will play on. ;)

You said it you were a kid when the team moved here... IE I am guessing here you probably knew who the Baltimore Colts were before they moved here. What I was getting at are the kids like me who would have never known the Colts played in Baltimore unless someone told them. All I knew was the Indianapolis Colts thus they were my team. A lot of people slightly older than me remember the move and said they were already Bears fans when the Colts came to town and have since convereted. I don't know maybe I am a second generation Colts fan but to me the first generation of home grown fans are those that grew up with the team in our hometown without the move being a factor. In no way does that make us any better or worse fans than anyone else. What it did though was about the time we had money was we were more likely to go buy season tickets. You saw a huge spike in season tickets about the time my generation was old enouh to buy them. Now clearly that was the sametime Manning took off. So I am sure the spike is related to both and you can't just give credit to one over the other. I guess the main point I am getting at is unlike a team like the Packers you don't have generation after generation of Colts fans where it's just been passed on from generation to generation.

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Got y'all beat! I've been a Colt fan since Unitas stepped in to take the snaps in the 50's. I guess perhaps a kid named Johnny "Unite Us" struck my 8 year old patriotic funny bone. Like Manning and Brady today there was the head-to-head comparison between Unitas and Bart Star back then. I saw the Colts play the college all-stars in Soldiers Field I think in 1959. (In case you don't know the pro football champs used to play a game against a college team made up of the best in the country.) I was rolling on the floor pulling my hair watching "The Greatrest Game Ever Played" when Ameche bulled over the goal line to beat the Giants (Sorry, Frank Gifford but you never made that first down as you claim.) My dad took many pictures of me watching the game and had doubts about my future as a "normal" kid. Growing up in Chicago and a life-long Cubs fan I stuck with my Colts through the bad times and the good times as I remain a Cubs fan still today and I doubt I will live to see them win a world series. My dream game was the Colts/Bears Super Bowl as I am a Bears fan as well in the NFC. If there is an older fan than me please step up and share your thoughts.

Wow!!! I am impressed. I envy you there. I read so much about all the great players and teams. My first memory was Bert Jones to Roger Carr.

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By the way, I live nowhere near Baltimore or Indianapolis. So my being a fan has nothing to do with Geography. I just loved reading about Johnny Unitas and watching Bert Jones. I remember how excited I was to see Jeff George play his first game. I believe his first preseason pass was a TD that was called back. I remember loving the Colts having Randy McMillian and Curtis Dickey. I always liked Pagel over Schlichter. I remember a game the Colts played where Bert Jones, Bill Troup, and Mike Kirkland all played and they just destroyed the other team. Or the Monday Night game where Joe Washington did everything. That was the single greatest performance I think I have every seen by one player. If you aren't old enough to remember that game, read about or watch it somewhere if you can. Joe Washington was amazing in that game.

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Guest BlueShoe

You said it you were a kid when the team moved here... IE I am guessing here you probably knew who the Baltimore Colts were before they moved here. What I was getting at are the kids like me who would have never known the Colts played in Baltimore unless someone told them. All I knew was the Indianapolis Colts thus they were my team. A lot of people slightly older than me remember the move and said they were already Bears fans when the Colts came to town and have since convereted. I don't know maybe I am a second generation Colts fan but to me the first generation of home grown fans are those that grew up with the team in our hometown without the move being a factor. In no way does that make us any better or worse fans than anyone else. What it did though was about the time we had money was we were more likely to go buy season tickets. You saw a huge spike in season tickets about the time my generation was old enouh to buy them. Now clearly that was the sametime Manning took off. So I am sure the spike is related to both and you can't just give credit to one over the other. I guess the main point I am getting at is unlike a team like the Packers you don't have generation after generation of Colts fans where it's just been passed on from generation to generation.

Actually I didn’t really know much about football until the Colts moved to Indy. I was only nine years old and there is no secret that back in the late 70’s and early 80’s that this was a heavy basketball state and in Evansville it is also a very die hard baseball area of the country. Things have changed over the years for sure.

As far as the generation of Colts fans, it doesn’t really matter, but I can’t see how my kids and I are the same generation so I see them as a second generation Indy Colts fan and me as a first generation Indy Colts fan. Maybe you're somewhere in the middle of those two?

Someone else made another good post on here too that I just noticed as I was reading. Some fans were Colts fans and didn’t live in either city when the move was made. That’s a whole other side of the equation. Which brings me to my original point; we all became Colts fans in different ways, but we all bleed Blue so that’s all that matters to me. One of us can’t buy all of the tickets and be the only fan watching at home. It takes all of us for there to even be a team called the Colts, no matter where they play.

My feeling is that I am happy to share the Colts with anyone who wants to be a fan and hopefully they are kind enough to share back with me. It’s much better than how it was when I was younger and couldn’t find another Colts fan here in Evansville even if someone paid me to do it.

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I became a true Colts fan back in 1986. Ive endured watching many losing seasons but still enjoyed keeping track of the teams improvement. I remember the energy our team had when we signed Don Maljkowski aka Majic! Jim Harbaugh captain comeback!! Jack Trudeau was avg but he had a good game once in a while. Jeff George never had a good O-line but if he would have had a good line we could have been something. My favorite defensive player of the colts when i was a bit younger was Jeff Herrod i loved the way he tackled he was a good linebacker. Jason Belser was a safety that could hit! Man he could hit hard! Bill Brooks was consistently good for a long time. ill never forget Rodney Culver the RB we drafted out of ND RIP Rodney. The most memorable moment still has to to be the 90yd int return by Def lineman Steve Emmtman. He picked off Marino for the pick 6 and needed 02 when he was done. Im the biggest most original Colts fan youll ever meet. I wore a colts jacket to school when it wasnt cool. When Chargers fans taunt us for the recent past I bring up Zack Crocket running over the Chargers for a playoff victory in 94. I still say Arron Bailey caught the winning pass from Jim Harbaugh in the playoff game against the steelers!! Yeah I said it we got robbed! The player I hate most in the history of our team is Mike Vanderjagt i will never forgive that 34 yd missed fg after we recovered a Bettis fumble against the Steelers. That was ridiculous!!!

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Guest BlueShoe

I became a true Colts fan back in 1986. Ive endured watching many losing seasons but still enjoyed keeping track of the teams improvement. I remember the energy our team had when we signed Don Maljkowski aka Majic! Jim Harbaugh captain comeback!! Jack Trudeau was avg but he had a good game once in a while. Jeff George never had a good O-line but if he would have had a good line we could have been something. My favorite defensive player of the colts when i was a bit younger was Jeff Herrod i loved the way he tackled he was a good linebacker. Jason Belser was a safety that could hit! Man he could hit hard! Bill Brooks was consistently good for a long time. ill never forget Rodney Culver the RB we drafted out of ND RIP Rodney. The most memorable moment still has to to be the 90yd int return by Def lineman Steve Emmtman. He picked off Marino for the pick 6 and needed 02 when he was done. Im the biggest most original Colts fan youll ever meet. I wore a colts jacket to school when it wasnt cool. When Chargers fans taunt us for the recent past I bring up Zack Crocket running over the Chargers for a playoff victory in [b(95).I still say Arron Bailey caught the winning pass from Jim Harbaugh in the playoff game against the steelers!! Yeah I said it we got robbed! The player I hate most in the history of our team is Mike Vanderjagt i will never forgive that 34 yd missed fg after we recovered a Bettis fumble against the Steelers. That was ridiculous!!!

You're talking my language there brother!!!

Herrod would have been an All-Pro linebacker had he played for a better team back then. He was always overlooked because of our record.

It actually used to irritate me how the announcers would call us the Baltimore Colts all of the time too. Not that I have anything against the Baltimore Colts, but I think some of those announcers did it on purpose. I know Johnny Unitas never recognized the Indy Colts either. He kind of kept that flame burning with how he treated the Colts after the move.

That 90 yard interception return against Marino was a thing of beauty.

I know you will remember opening day 1992 when we sacked Bernie Kosar 11 times and Chip Banks had a 6 sacks and an interception. Reggie Langhorne had been cut by the Browns (Bill Belichick) and we signed him. The very first game he plays against his old team, catches a TD from Herrmann, and throws the ball towards Belichick. That was a classic. It was our first opening day win in Indy Colts history. It was a special day.


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Colts Fan since 1993.. I am now 29.. During the Jeff George rein. My parents went to a game with two of there friends bought back my brother and I some souvenirs of the Colts. Started watching them on TV after that and haven't stopped since.. I bleed Blue till the day I die.. and I say most of they Colts Fans we have now jumped on the Bandwagon around 2000-2001..

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Were you? I bet a lot of people hopped on the bandwagon in 99. Just a guess of course. :rolleyes:

Any early Indianapolis adoptors here, ala '84? (or earlier) I like hearing stories of how people became, and stayed colts fans. Masochist in the 80's? Nah, just a Colts fan who enjoyed watching football.

Fan since 1974 living outside Baltimore. You're right, there are a lot of 1999 era fans on this board, which is fine until they try to give Colt/Indianapolis history lessons yet don't even know who Duane Bickett is. I don't care if one has to read for it - know your history. I didn't grow up in the Unitas era but I still know about him, Lenny Moore, Mackey, Berry, etc.

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No sir, I hoped on the bandwagon at some point in the mid-60's. No idea why, except that the uniforms were cool, uh, I liked horses, uh, blue was my favorite color. I was about 5-7 so those were great reasons. Somewhere I have a copy of that famous (for Colts fans) 1968 edition of Life magazine filed with Colts photos and Ogden Nash poetry, that my sisters were kind enough not to dismantle.

Oh, and my Dad who wasn't a particularly serious football fan, used to never-the-less occasionally wax poetic about "Johnny U", and more often go "Joe Namath?" :thdown: :ill: :barf:

That was enough for me.

I, too, became a fan in the 1960's. I had a cousin (Willie Richardson) play WR for the Baltimore Colts in the late 60's. I have been a fan through thick and thin and all the crazy history of the franchise up to the present. I will always be a Colts fan. You would be surprised at who are Colts fans - On Thursday morning, Erica Hill, cohost of the CBS Early Show commented on the fact that her husband and son were huge Colts fans.

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I live in Chicagoland, and this is the game I watched that made me a Colts Fan.

'In 1965, Baltimore tied Green Bay for the conference title. With HB-Tom Matte quarterbacking the club because of injuries to Unitas and Gary Cuozzo, the Colts lost a controversial 13-10 "sudden-death" playoff contest to the Packers.'

Since I have such a disdain for the Bears, I root for the Packers, but I'm a Colts fan all the way, forever and ever.

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Bread into Colts fandom.

Got our first batch of season tickets in 88, we upgraded them in 92, and after the move, we actually changed seats and rows, to better spots at the Luke. I unfortunately relinquished my portion of the season tickets 2 years ago, although the other 2 seats are still in the family name. I was lucky enough to become averagely close with the team in the 93 94 season, and have some pretty fond memerioes of that. Me and my wife recently attended the Suite holders party in Playa Del Carmen watching the the Colts Titans game on the beach. The colts ahave always meant a lot to me and my family, reaching beyond the sport factor. It's what we did and talked about, and breathed. A Green Bay atmosphere in an Indy household if you will. I seem to have every rally monkey and extra point monkey in existence, and more memorabilia to shake a stick at. I couldn't imagine what I'd do without the Colts. Sometimes I may come off Asa stat junkie, or a hater, but I look at the Colts as an extension of myself. They are something I'm going to have to deal with for a long time, just like my punk brothers, so it's going to be a wild next couple of decades, bc these last few years, things have really heated up.

Now I'm getting jacked up for the season, and the future. Let's do this thing.

And bc I can't leave without taking a shot, I can't wait for Jimmy Caldwell to be a distance memory, that blank stare with a body needs to go practice a mime act instead of attempting to coach my team.

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1991 for me. I was just old enough to understand what footbal was and my dad told me they were the hometown team so I became a Colts fan. 1-15 that season but I remeber being super excited when they beat the Jets for that one win!

lol, small world,I was at that game.Never forget it, the return by clarence verdin .The weather was terrible that day.I remember going crazy when he returned the td,some jet fan's looked like they wanted to kill me.Venturi going crazy on the sidelines,i was so happy because i did not want to go 0-16.

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