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How good is Andrew Luck?

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Ok... so getting rid of manning was a tough pill for me to swallow,but i've swallowed it. . Yes i will always be a Manning fan and I always be a little sad because of how it all went down. But the pain seems to have subsided somewhat. Now, im looking towards the future and starting to get a little excited. My question to all of you faithful and brilliant colts fans is..... How good "IS" Andrew Luck? I watched him play a couple of games in college and liked what i saw for the most part. I was really impressed with him in the Fiesta Bowl (his last college game.) I watched his pro day and thought he looked great. I've watched him with Gruden and about everything i could find on him via you tube. Again...i liked what i saw. I value the opinions of many people on this website. I just want to hear from y'all what your gut tells you about our new QB. My first impressions are that he is extremely intelligent. The kid can read and dissect defenses like nobody's business! He seems to have an excellent touch on his midrange passes and he also threw a deep bomb in the fiesta bowl that was unbelievably perfect. I love his toughness and how he can run(although i hope he doesnt run too often in the NFL.) I think he has some great intangibles... and ive heard alot of people say that. Seems like he is years ahead of a college senior/rookie NFL QB. There are a some things that bother me a little though. I am just not sure about his personality. Now before i say this, i know in some ways this trait could be a positive. He just doesnt show much emotion or drive like Peyton. Peyton was sooo driven to be the best that you could see it just by his interviews. How could this be a positive?? He is alot cooler and calmer than Peyton i think...More like Eli. That could help in clutch situations. He might have nerves of steel in a pressure moment...i dont know. If thats the case, GREAT! But i just dont see that drive and excitement in him like i did Manning. That kinda worries me a little. We all new 18 wanted to be the best and we all knew how hard he was going to work. Peyton was unmatched in that area. I just hope Luck is the same way but maybe just takes a quieter approach. If Tom Moore says he is that good, i believe him. If Irsay says 29 of 32 teams would have madly pursued Luck if he was a free agent...I somewhat believe him (I would imagine he is somewhat "in the know" on this subject.) Now i want to know what all my Colt's Forum friends think. Lets hear your honest opinions! How good is Andrew Luck??? Thanks and GO :coltslogo:

Manning was one of a kind Luck seems a lot calmer and in the long run that will help him
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Don't look now, but I think Andrea Allen has just revealed she's a Stanford fan like I am! :thmup: No one but a Stanford fan could know as much about Andrew. :heart: :luv: :flowers:

Seriously, Andrea is right. You will love Andrew. But beyond what she said, the difficulty some here have with loving Andrew is that what really makes him special are not the things that you can see. You won't watch his hi-lights and feel like you're seeing things you've never seen before. His hi-lights don't jump off the screen at you. He just doesn't make a lot of mistakes. Play after play, game after game of steady, correct decision making. If a run was called and Andrew audibles to a pass and throws a for a first down, or a TD, well, that's great, but you didn't know he called an audible. He just makes the right decision more than most.

He's not going to make many "Oh My God!" type plays. Don't worry that RG3 has a stronger arm. Andrew's arm is plenty strong.

His best quality is inside his head. The way his mind works. His uncommon maturity and poise. His team-first attitude. He was quoted in the last 6 months as saying the more he learns about football, the more he loves football. It's important to him. Watch Andrew's half-hour with Gruden. Look at the section when he's at the white board drawing up plays. Watch Gruden's face. He knows there's no other rookie with as much knowledge as Andrew. Read the feature (Bob Kravitz?) the interview with former Colts Offensive Coordinator Tom Moore. Andrew spent 3 weeks with him in March/April. Moore is crazy about Luck. Says he's just like Peyton. Says he'd tell Andrew something on Monday and then ask about it on Friday and Andrew would have total recall. It's his mind that makes him special. The way he processes information. With the speed and complexity of today's NFL defenses, his mind is more important and valuable than ever.

I did like Amereicolt's comparison for Andrew. A mix of Peyton, Eli and Aaron Rodgers. He's got something of all of them inside. Whether you think he's most NFL-ready since Elway, or just since Peyton, the point is the same. He's as close as you're ever going to find to being a sure thing as college football provides.

Just be patient. There will be growing pains. No way around them. Just know that Luck will learn from them and get better fast. Better days are ahead for Colts fans..... :td:


There is a huge step between a college player and a pro, and there will be some growing pains. Colts fans "want" Andrew to succeed, but let us wait and evaluate that for ourselves. What he accomplished at Stanford is wonderful, but he is a Colt now and starting over.

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I wouldn't attempt to tell FX or FJC that they are wrong to still pine over Peyton and lauch attack after attack on anything Andrew Luck related, because that is what they think

Isn't that exactly what you're doing here...??
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He just doesnt show much emotion or drive like Peyton. Peyton was sooo driven to be the best that you could see it just by his interviews. But i just dont see that drive and excitement in him like i did Manning. That kinda worries me a little. We all new 18 wanted to be the best and we all knew how hard he was going to work. Peyton was unmatched in that area.

Not too many have the intensity and drive that Peyton has. Having said that, From what I've seen and read, Andrew Luck will be a good fit for Indy, and will do great things... (hopefully) once again, Time will Tell.
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That is not what he said at all. He statement said if he was a free agent. So if Luck was a free agent this moment 29 teams would acquire him to be their starter. That is what Irsay said.

You're right about the Free Agent part ... Did he really say that it would be as a starter, or was that your interpretation/assumption? I did actually got the tweet at the time, not sure why I did the draft mistake since that was right in front of me. But I didn't take Irsay to mean he was saying as a starter over all but three of those currently... I also didn't take it literally, Just as an overenthusiastic statement by a happy owner who thought most teams would love to have him ... And I think that is true. I think the vast majority of teams would have tried to get him.

I don't get the point of quibbling over the exact number. Obviously people don't count these things out when they make off the cuff statements ... So it seems silly to me for people to go nuts when they think of how that's off by a team or two. Though the draft vs free agent thing was a dumb mistake by me!

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Don't look now, but I think Andrea Allen has just revealed she's a Stanford fan like I am! :thmup: No one but a Stanford fan could know as much about Andrew. :heart: :luv: :flowers:


He's not going to make many "Oh My God!" type plays. Don't worry that RG3 has a stronger arm. Andrew's arm is plenty strong.

His best quality is inside his head. The way his mind works. His uncommon maturity and poise. His team-first attitude. He was quoted in the last 6 months as saying the more he learns about football, the more he loves football. It's important to him. ... .



Don't look now, but I think Andrea Allen has just revealed she's a Stanford fan like I am! :thmup: No one but a Stanford fan could know as much about Andrew. :heart: :luv: :flowers:

Seriously, Andrea is right. You will love Andrew. But beyond what she said, the difficulty some here have with loving Andrew is that what really makes him special are not the things that you can see. You won't watch his hi-lights and feel like you're seeing things you've never seen before. His hi-lights don't jump off the screen at you. He just doesn't make a lot of mistakes. Play after play, game after game of steady, correct decision making. If a run was called and Andrew audibles to a pass and throws a for a first down, or a TD, well, that's great, but you didn't know he called an audible. He just makes the right decision more than most.

He's not going to make many "Oh My God!" type plays. Don't worry that RG3 has a stronger arm. Andrew's arm is plenty strong.

His best quality is inside his head. The way his mind works. His uncommon maturity and poise. His team-first attitude. He was quoted in the last 6 months as saying the more he learns about football, the more he loves football. It's important to him. Watch Andrew's half-hour with Gruden. Look at the section when he's at the white board drawing up plays. Watch Gruden's face. He knows there's no other rookie with as much knowledge as Andrew. Read the feature (Bob Kravitz?) the interview with former Colts Offensive Coordinator Tom Moore. Andrew spent 3 weeks with him in March/April. Moore is crazy about Luck. Says he's just like Peyton. Says he'd tell Andrew something on Monday and then ask about it on Friday and Andrew would have total recall. It's his mind that makes him special. The way he processes information. With the speed and complexity of today's NFL defenses, his mind is more important and valuable than ever.

I did like Amereicolt's comparison for Andrew. A mix of Peyton, Eli and Aaron Rodgers. He's got something of all of them inside. Whether you think he's most NFL-ready since Elway, or just since Peyton, the point is the same. He's as close as you're ever going to find to being a sure thing as college football provides.

Just be patient. There will be growing pains. No way around them. Just know that Luck will learn from them and get better fast. Better days are ahead for Colts fans..... :td:


Got me!! I'm a total Stanford fan ... You'll love Coby Fleener too! But, about Andrew, there are a few video highlights that show some of what he's about ... Like the one where he tackles Wright after the fumble. There is no way someone was going to score if there was anything Luck could do about it. It shows his intensity and one of the reason his teammates would do anything for him. If you've got a QB who'll tackle like that when you fumble, you'll do anything for him. Also, his post game interviews are interesting. He's very different than in most media interviews you've probably seen, where he is less comfortable. Post game, he's talking football and you can see more of who he is both in his comments about the game and in how he relates to his teammates and how he tries to direct attention to them. Yes, I could go on and on ... But take my word for it, Colts fans will really love Luck. People were poking fun about an anonymous donor endowing the OC position in his name ... If Luck was just a talented passer, etc, that wouldn't have happened ... Who he is has given him a very, very special place in the hearts of the Stanford community ... One that has never happened with Elway ... And, yes, my Stanford roots go all the way back then ... Back to Plunkett actually!!

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You're right about the Free Agent part ... Did he really say that it would be as a starter, or was that your interpretation/assumption? I did actually got the tweet at the time, not sure why I did the draft mistake since that was right in front of me. But I didn't take Irsay to mean he was saying as a starter over all but three of those currently... I also didn't take it literally, Just as an overenthusiastic statement by a happy owner who thought most teams would love to have him ... And I think that is true. I think the vast majority of teams would have tried to get him.

I don't get the point of quibbling over the exact number. Obviously people don't count these things out when they make off the cuff statements ... So it seems silly to me for people to go nuts when they think of how that's off by a team or two. Though the draft vs free agent thing was a dumb mistake by me!

The draft vs. Free agent thing isn't really the point. I doubt 29/32 teams frantically inquired about the # 1 pick, just as 29/32 wouldn't frantically chase him via free agency.

The comment to me was two fold. In my opinion it was an over-exaggerated off-the-cuff of Irsay tweeting before he thought about the comment rationally, and it was another petty subtle jab at Peyton Manning. Others can and will interpret it the same or different. That's fair.

I can only form my own opinion on the body of work I've witnessed.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, June 10, 2012 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, June 10, 2012 - personal argument

I find it hilarious that people think JI is wrong. If that's what he believes, then that is what he believes. I wouldn't attempt to tell FX or FJC that they are wrong to still pine over Peyton and lauch attack after attack on anything Andrew Luck related, because that is what they think

On topic, I will reserve all my judgement until he's had some real NFL playing time under his belt. Hoping or thinking he is going to be great is pretty much pointless.

Oh and for the record. Nice attack of your own, and let it be said, that if I were to attack anything Andrew Luck related, it would be the first.

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I think hes pretty good. I dont see a peyton 2.0. I see a cross between peyton and rodgers. Smarts(peyton) and throwing ability(both) as well as scrambling ability(rodgers)

Just to add he's faster and bigger than Rodgers not to mention more NFL ready then he was.

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There is a huge step between a college player and a pro, and there will be some growing pains. Colts fans "want" Andrew to succeed, but let us wait and evaluate that for ourselves. What he accomplished at Stanford is wonderful, but he is a Colt now and starting over.


Just want to make sure we're on the same page here --- but I agree with what you wrote. Did I write anything to make you think otherwise? My last paragraph preached patience and promised Andrew would make mistakes. I'm also on record as saying we're most likely to win 5-6 games. Can't see more than 7 at this point. I could be wrong, but that's my prediction as of June.....

I was praising Andrew only because someone started this thread asking the question "How Good is Andrew Luck?" As a long-time Stanford fan who saw practically every throw Andrew made in college I felt the need to try and answer that question. That's all.

So, I think we're in agreement, yes?


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Best case scenario is that the Colts go 8-8. I predict the Colts will 5-11. We need to be realistic. Yes Luck is supposedly the best QB to come outta college in the last several yrs. Luck won't rush for as many TD's as Cam but he should get close to throwing at least 3500+ yards. To be honest I'm a die hard Packers fan then a Colts fan,hince the username vltrophy1. I give the Colts 3yrs tops before they start making the playoffs consistantly. Sun. Oct.7th will be a loss for the Colts. The Colts D is built to play w/a lead. Cam as a rookie lead his team to a 6-10 record last year. Manning as a rookie led his team to a 3-13 record. then reversed it the following year. You don't want to have low expectations but be realistic. I believe a record of 5-11 is realistic. Sun.Oct.7th 38-17 Packers

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The draft vs. Free agent thing isn't really the point. I doubt 29/32 teams frantically inquired about the # 1 pick, just as 29/32 wouldn't frantically chase him via free agency.

The comment to me was two fold. In my opinion it was an over-exaggerated off-the-cuff of Irsay tweeting before he thought about the comment rationally, and it was another petty subtle jab at Peyton Manning. Others can and will interpret it the same or different. That's fair.

I can only form my own opinion on the body of work I've witnessed.

Oh! I don't think too many teams inquired about moving up to get Luck because that would have cost them too many picks, but I od think if he'd come up in free at agency he'd have caused a feeding frenzy. I woudn't have been surprised to have close to 29 teams contact him in that situation ... Not all get into a bidding war, but at least feeling him out. The NFL teams were really, really high on him from what I've read and heard. But we'll never know.

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There is a huge step between a college player and a pro, and there will be some growing pains. Colts fans "want" Andrew to succeed, but let us wait and evaluate that for ourselves. What he accomplished at Stanford is wonderful, but he is a Colt now and starting over.

Yes, of course, we'lll have to see what happens. But remember, the thread started by someone who had the most question about his personality ... A lot of my reply and his were focusing on who he is ... I don't think that is going to change in the NFL. We'll have to see if his field vision, decision making, etc hold up at the NFL level. He was really fearless as a college player ... After hits or sacks he didn't get rattled even slightly. Maybe he'll get really beat up in he NFL and start worrying about being hit rather than staying cool and always keeping his eyes downfield like he did in college ... Or maybe he won't adjust to not being able to pass into tiny windows like he could at the college level or something else ... We'll see.

Obviously you are all going to evaluate Luck for yourselves as he plays in the NFL .... But does that mean we're not supposed to share our opinions and information? That I don't get ... No one asked you to jump on any bandwagon or put money on our beliefs. It's just a discussion ...

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Oh! I don't think too many teams inquired about moving up to get Luck because that would have cost them too many picks, but I od think if he'd come up in free at agency he'd have caused a feeding frenzy. I woudn't have been surprised to have close to 29 teams contact him in that situation ... Not all get into a bidding war, but at least feeling him out. The NFL teams were really, really high on him from what I've read and heard. But we'll never know.

I'd say the # wouldn't cross 50%. Some limited due to the salary cap, some tied to the QB they have in place. There is also a huge difference in contacting him and "Frantically pursuing him".

Irsay could always test that theory and renounce the Colts rights to signing him.

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Ok... so getting rid of manning was a tough pill for me to swallow,but i've swallowed it. . Yes i will always be a Manning fan and I always be a little sad because of how it all went down. But the pain seems to have subsided somewhat. Now, im looking towards the future and starting to get a little excited. My question to all of you faithful and brilliant colts fans is..... How good "IS" Andrew Luck? I watched him play a couple of games in college and liked what i saw for the most part. I was really impressed with him in the Fiesta Bowl (his last college game.) I watched his pro day and thought he looked great. I've watched him with Gruden and about everything i could find on him via you tube. Again...i liked what i saw. I value the opinions of many people on this website. I just want to hear from y'all what your gut tells you about our new QB. My first impressions are that he is extremely intelligent. The kid can read and dissect defenses like nobody's business! He seems to have an excellent touch on his midrange passes and he also threw a deep bomb in the fiesta bowl that was unbelievably perfect. I love his toughness and how he can run(although i hope he doesnt run too often in the NFL.) I think he has some great intangibles... and ive heard alot of people say that. Seems like he is years ahead of a college senior/rookie NFL QB. There are a some things that bother me a little though. I am just not sure about his personality. Now before i say this, i know in some ways this trait could be a positive. He just doesnt show much emotion or drive like Peyton. Peyton was sooo driven to be the best that you could see it just by his interviews. How could this be a positive?? He is alot cooler and calmer than Peyton i think...More like Eli. That could help in clutch situations. He might have nerves of steel in a pressure moment...i dont know. If thats the case, GREAT! But i just dont see that drive and excitement in him like i did Manning. That kinda worries me a little. We all new 18 wanted to be the best and we all knew how hard he was going to work. Peyton was unmatched in that area. I just hope Luck is the same way but maybe just takes a quieter approach. If Tom Moore says he is that good, i believe him. If Irsay says 29 of 32 teams would have madly pursued Luck if he was a free agent...I somewhat believe him (I would imagine he is somewhat "in the know" on this subject.) Now i want to know what all my Colt's Forum friends think. Lets hear your honest opinions! How good is Andrew Luck??? Thanks and GO :coltslogo:

I don't know about drive.

But consensus seemed to be he was a future franchise QB.

And that is very good.

So, to answer your question I think he is very good.

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In reference to other teams pursuing Andrew...The Colts had their mind set on him almost from the beginning. I am sure that also may have declined any offers or pursuits from other NFL teams. If I remember correctly, the night of the draft, a rep from the Cleveland Browns called Grigson, who then declined the offer.

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Why will Andrew become King of the quarterbacks, you say?

The Lady Of The Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering Samite, brought forth

Excalibur from the bosom of the waters, and said that Brady was a little worm.

That is why King Andrew is King of the Realm.

( P.S.: I know moistened binks lobbing scimitars at young quarterbacks is no basis for a

NFL Championship, but until he shows up, all we can do is drink beer and watch Monty Python )

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I'd say the # wouldn't cross 50%. Some limited due to the salary cap, some tied to the QB they have in place. There is also a huge difference in contacting him and "Frantically pursuing him".

Irsay could always test that theory and renounce the Colts rights to signing him.

The men in the little white suites with the jacket that has extra long sleeves would be showing up at his door if he did something like that.

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to me all these changes wouldnt have happen if peyton never got hurt. its a blessing a disguise really. polian would still be charge along with his poor excuse of a gm son, the defense would still be playing that crappy and pathetic cover 2, caldwell would still be a puppet on strings and we would continue to have playoff letdown again and again because the obvious problems that surrounded the colts would not have been fixed like their being fixed now.

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You're right about the Free Agent part ... Did he really say that it would be as a starter, or was that your interpretation/assumption? I did actually got the tweet at the time, not sure why I did the draft mistake since that was right in front of me. But I didn't take Irsay to mean he was saying as a starter over all but three of those currently... I also didn't take it literally, Just as an overenthusiastic statement by a happy owner who thought most teams would love to have him ... And I think that is true. I think the vast majority of teams would have tried to get him.

I don't get the point of quibbling over the exact number. Obviously people don't count these things out when they make off the cuff statements ... So it seems silly to me for people to go nuts when they think of how that's off by a team or two. Though the draft vs free agent thing was a dumb mistake by me!

Like I said I highly doubt Irsay meant as a back-up. That means he isn't even good enough for three teams to be their back-up. How bad does that look for Luck?

It's not really about the number. It's about the fact the point of his message. Irsay tweeted this when Peyton was in the news the entire day/week. Irsay always has a smart remark when it comes to Peyton. Peyton was the "most sought after free agent." Irsay stated Luck would be sought after "29 teams, and the most sought after free agent ever". Why would he say it the day Manning was is the spotlight. He could of stated this for months now, but only when Peyton showed his arm is fine. Like I said he does it every time.

I can't wait for someone to say "it's time to move on." When it's clear the owner hasn't even moved on. Can only wonder if he feels he made the wrong choice.

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Are we really so obsessed on what Irsay said about it and have so much contempt for him, get over it, fact is as highly spoken of as Andrew is its hard to believe teams wouldn't want at least a good back up for the future if the chance was their, I'd imagine he didnt mean those numbers literally but even if he did we dont know how many teams would want him its a moot point but he was saying many teams would want Andrew, who wouldnt want a quarterback who has drawn comparisons to Peyton, and before people say he is nothing like Peyton and that Peyton was proven, I will remind you Peyton wasn't proven coming out of college

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I was way over manning when he went down for the year. i may get alot of heat for this, but i was happy when they released him. sorry but im a colts fan. i dont just become a fan of one player on a team. I loved what manning done for the colts, and i believe he is the best QB to ever put on a colts uniform. but he is 36 coming off the surgeries, which would have been a very big risk to take. I hope he plays well in Denver and hope he can finish his contract out. but im very very excited to see luck. I think he will carry over from college and will get better then what he was when he was at stanford. and Grigson should have the credit for that because he drafted Fleener who was lucks favorite target. trying to make him feel comftorble was the most important thing going into training camp. he prob wont have MVP numbers his first two years maybe even 3 yrs but i would bet anything that by his 3rd or 4th year he will start throwing up MVP numbers. he will get ROY this year.

so before i add this post, i would like to thank the polians for not drafting a good backup at all during mannings tenure in indy because if they had, i doubt luck would be a colt.

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Irsay was stating his opinion, fact is we dont know how many teams would pursuit Andrew Luck if he was a Free Agent but with all the comparisons to Manning as far as brains and given how athletic Andrew is not to mention Andrew Lucks age then it certainly isn't outside the realm of possibility that many teams would pursuit him, I can name a few for sure








49ers (they pursuited Manning why wouldnt they pursuit another highly prized QB)-8



Saints (Brees isn't getting any younger)-11

Raiders (Palmer isn't getting any younger)-12

Eagles-Vick isn't getting any younger-13


Cowboys-Romo not getting any younger-15

also take into account teams that dont have good depth at quarterback where Luck could learn a couple years so while it seems unlikely its certainly possible and Irsays statement wasn't that far fetched as people seem to think

according to harbaugh they were not pursuing Manning at all. they just wanted to see how he was progressing. they had their minds made up and were wanting Smith back. could be * but at the same time, smith wasnt to bad for the niners last year. yeah was mainly their defense but defense can only do so much to win games. Smith was good. but i do agree there isnt just 3 or 4 teams who would have taken luck. pretty much any team would have if they had the chance to.

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You probably won't find a bigger Andrew Luck fan than me other than a couple of people here :) I think all the hype he got is justified. He was dominant in college. He won at Stanford, which is not easy. He'll be in shape, prepared, and do the right thing at every turn. That I know.

He is only the most promising prospect since John Elway or Peyton Manning after all. But he is still only a prospect. He'll be as good as the team around him. Elway, as fabulous as he was, didn't win in college. My husband remembers that he didn't go to a single bowl game in his 4 years at Stanford. He had a terrible team around him and a coach who believed passing would result in bad things, 2 out of 3 times.

So, I'm more curious what this organization will do with Andrew. So far, I like what I see.

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forget the 29/32 comment ....Jim Irsay has demostrated excellent judgment after taking the reigns from his father...first smart thing he did was step down as GM and hired the architect of the '85 Bears Vince Tobin who assembled a good team in a short time...when he saw that team detiriorating and Bill Polian available, he didn't hesitate to hire the best GM in football. When Dungy became available he brought him in and one of the greatest teams in NFL history was born. It wasn't all Peyton.......he grew up watching Johnny Unitas, then Bert Jones......His somewhat odd habit of tweeting doesn't detract from his ability to judge the serious matters of managing the franchise.....Jim Irsay grew up in the NFL and he knows NFL football.........and more than that, he knows the people who know NFL Football.......this is not the usual hyping of a number one pick, this is different.

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Irsay made some very tough decisions over the years and given the history since he took over he has been an excellent owner, we had some success before the Manning years, We came within a dropped pass against the Steelers in the 1995 AFC Championship game

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No, but I only needed four teams to make the statement false. I could name probably 12-13 teams.

Good for you, and In my opinion since that's all we have is Luck will be better than stafford and those other so called 12-14 teams. God forbid if Irsay stats his opinion as well. Did he say I know for a fact? Guess some people will always find something to disagree on.

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Good for you, and In my opinion since that's all we have is Luck will be better than stafford and those other so called 12-14 teams. God forbid if Irsay stats his opinion as well. Did he say I know for a fact? Guess some people will always find something to disagree on.

It all centers around the release of Manning in my opinion why so many are hard on Irsay, I happen to believe Irsay should lay a little lower with what he tweets but some things so called Colts fans will use against Irsay do to the Manning release no matter what
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It all centers around the release of Manning in my opinion why so many are hard on Irsay, I happen to believe Irsay should lay a little lower with what he tweets but some things so called Colts fans will use against Irsay do to the Manning release no matter what

Well, if Luck can start to win early in his career I think that will go a long way to healing the ill feelings towards Irsay that a lot of Colts fans are feeling at the moment

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Manning didnt win early on

True, and there is no guarantee that Luck will. However, Manning wasn’t replacing a QB that had had 12 winning seasons and built the franchise that we have or at least had up until last year. The only ill feeling that Colts fans had at that time was suffering through horrendous play by QB’s like Jeff George and dumb decisions from the GM like drafting Jeff George. At that time change was seen as a good thing

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