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Let The Panic Begin!


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Every year we go 1-3 or 0-4 in the preseason and everyone starts freaking out. Then we win 10+ games in the regular season. I'm not sure why that is exactly, but I know this year I'm not going to worry about the results -especially after not having any off season sessions- and will just focus on the individual players.

I'm just glad football is back!

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I doubt any colts fan "panic" cause they know the colts dont put too much into preseason games.... i wonder what will happen if the colts actually go 4-0

The universe implodes, the Steelers complain, Wilford Brimley has a manly mustache, and I imagine we get fed to the pigs. :banana:

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"everyone starts freaking out" -- lol! Really, that is funny. Any serious Colts fan knows that the Colts don't care at all about the preseason record. In fact, they take a bit of perverse pride in a poor pre-season record.

If you don't know that, then I'd respectfully suggest you lurk more and post less ...

Every year we go 1-3 or 0-4 in the preseason and everyone starts freaking out. Then we win 10+ games in the regular season. I'm not sure why that is exactly, but I know this year I'm not going to worry about the results -especially after not having any off season sessions- and will just focus on the individual players.

I'm just glad football is back!

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I doubt any colts fan "panic" cause they know the colts dont put too much into preseason games.... i wonder what will happen if the colts actually go 4-0

the last time they did I think the Colts received teh #1 pick in the draft... I may be wrong.

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well, ive been a colts fan long enough to not be panicky right now... nevertheless it is incredibly frustrating to watch that when i have been waiting to watch football for so long... guess i just gotta wait til september. lol.

again, i am not panicking. haha. just not enjoyable to watch haha

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More players to evaluate in less time is my only concern.

Exactly. That's why I think we will do as poorly as usual this pre-season. We're too busy evaluating our squad and figuring out who can actually execute than trying anything fancy or new. That's what the bedrock of the colts is though, players that can execute really well. It's not always about that uncoachable raw ability, sometimes it's about that uncoachable ability to follow the play properly...

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Every year we go 1-3 or 0-4 in the preseason and everyone starts freaking out. Then we win 10+ games in the regular season. I'm not sure why that is exactly, but I know this year I'm not going to worry about the results -especially after not having any off season sessions- and will just focus on the individual players.

I'm just glad football is back!

The problem that I have is that I dont see where they get some of these guys. Kick returner cant catch, QB's cant throw. They look very disorganized compared to other teams. I know we never win preseason games but this game was pathetic. Quite watching.

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Colts’ fans panic during the preseason because they are constantly reminded of what their team would look like without Peyton. The Pats are fine without Brady (won 11 games the year he was injured). The Steelers are fine without Ben (started 3-1 last year without him against a tough schedule). But take away Peyton and you get a box score that looks like this: 13-minute disadvantage in TOP, 169 rush yds allowed vs. a team that ranked 25th in that category a year ago, 3 TOs from backup QBs, shotgun incomplete pass on 3rd-and-1, kick/punt returners who you root to just fall down so that they don’t cost Peyton a possession. Good thing these things would never occur during the regular season ;-|

I never worry about preseason games. I just grow increasingly frustrated in watching a team that will lose every time Peyton doesn’t play perfect.

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