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BREAKING: NFL loses HUGE in Sunday Ticket Lawsuit

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When I say lose huge this is what I mean…. 

The NFL has to pay $4.7 BILLION for breaking anti-trust lawsuit.   

BUT WAIT!!   It gets much worse!


Because it’s anti-trust that can turn into triple damages which means $14 Bill+

Now before you shout “Good!  I HATE the NFL!”  And you’re glad they lost, think of the broader implications…

The NFL gets $20 bill in income yearly.  Losing $14 bill is going to badly mess with the entire league.   Remember the 2020 and 21 seasons badly impacted by Covid.  Team salary caps took a big hit.  Rosters got messed up.  This would be even BIGGER.  

FWIW:   The NFL says it will appeal.  

For more Google: NFL Lawsuit


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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

When I say lose huge this is what I mean…. 

The NFL has to pay $4.7 BILLION for breaking anti-trust lawsuit.   

BUT WAIT!!   It gets much worse!


Because it’s anti-trust that can turn into triple damages which means $14 Bill+

Now before you shout “Good!  I HATE the NFL!”  And you’re glad they lost, think of the broader implications…

The NFL gets $20 bill in income yearly.  Losing $14 bill is going to badly mess with the entire league.   Remember the 2020 and 21 seasons badly impacted by Covid.  Team salary caps took a big hit.  Rosters got messed up.  This would be even BIGGER.  

FWIW:   The NFL says it will appeal.  

For more Google: NFL Lawsuit


This makes me so happy. It's Karma for all the lies and deception the NFL has put out since recently. They supposedly care about player safety, so lets add a week to the regular season with plans to add more. All these international games where teams have to travel more and the fans get less home games. All the games now that are going to be on various streaming services off TV where people can't watch them with their family. The blatant terrible refereeing the last few years in order to rig games and expecting people not to notice. The Taylor Swift crap this last year where they sold their soul.


It's all about money. That's all the NFL cares about. We are trash to them. The players are trash to them unless they make the NFL money. I hope the NFL has to pay out $14B. This would be exactly what they deserve for ruining this sport to the point where it's almost unwatchable now.

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The judge will be hearing a motion to set aside the jury verdict, which apparently is allowed in a case like this. That means he could invalidate the verdict if he sees fit. It's worth noting that the judge was highly critical of the plaintiff's case and the way they chose to argue it. I don't know if that means anything, but it's interesting.


It's also interesting that the NFL's appeal would go to the US Ninth Circuit court, which is the same court that reinstated this case after it had been previously dismissed. 

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I have been lucky to live in Indy my whole life, great state and the city of Indianapolis has provided me with Indy 500's from 1979 (1st race I went too as a kid) - up through 1998 that I will never forget as far as racers and partying (Rick Mears is the GOAT). Indianapolis has brought me 9 Final 4's from the Pacers = 1994, 95, 98, 99, 2000, 2004, 2013, 2014, and 2024 + the Finals in 2000. Thanks Reggie, Paul, and Haliburton. It has brought me a World Championship in 2006/07 by Peyton regarding Colts football, love you Peyton. Now I even have Clark in the WNBA, I don't have to worry about watching any of it is my point because I live in Indiana, it's all on locally.Happy Season 17 GIF by The Simpsons

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16 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I have been lucky to live in Indy my whole life, great state and the city of Indianapolis has provided me with Indy 500's from 1979 (1st race I went too as a kid) - up through 1998 that I will never forget as far as racers and partying (Rick Mears is the GOAT). Indianapolis has brought me 9 Final 4's from the Pacers = 1994, 95, 98, 99, 2000, 2004, 2013, 2014, and 2024 + the Finals in 2000. Thanks Reggie, Paul, and Haliburton. It has brought me a World Championship in 2006/07 by Peyton regarding Colts football, love you Peyton. Now I even have Clark in the WNBA, I don't have to worry about watching any of it is my point because I live in Indiana, it's all on locally.Happy Season 17 GIF by The Simpsons

Unfortunately, (Or fortunately) I have NEVER lived in Indy


I'm from Ohio, but would take Atlanta and Dallas weather any day of the week over Indy weather.  


I could see the Colts in the playoffs or at a bar on Sundays (On the 2-3 years that I didnt get Sunday ticket)


I am waiting for my $100k check from the NFL !!!






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People shouldn't get too excited yet. The case could be thrown out later. In the meantime, the NFL will appeal this, which is going to take a long time. It might change how the NFL charges streaming services, but it could be years (or maybe never) that anyone sees payout from this case. 

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14 hours ago, MikeCurtis said:

Unfortunately, (Or fortunately) I have NEVER lived in Indy


I'm from Ohio, but would take Atlanta and Dallas weather any day of the week over Indy weather.  


I could see the Colts in the playoffs or at a bar on Sundays (On the 2-3 years that I didnt get Sunday ticket)


I am waiting for my $100k check from the NFL !!!






Surprisingly the last 2 winters here haven't been that bad. Very little snow or ice and above temperatures. Usually here we only have 4 months where it can be bad = December-March. It's been in the 90's here for a week now, too humid really.

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9 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Surprisingly the last 2 winters here haven't been that bad. Very little snow or ice and above temperatures. Usually here we only have 4 months where it can be bad = December-March. It's been in the 90's here for a week now, too humid really.

What part of Ohio?


I was born in Circleville and spent time in Columbus then Cincinnati 

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From what I understand is it revolves around having to pay for all games when the only team you want to watch is your favorite. Now a counter to that is your team plays at noon but lets say an AFC South team is playing the second game. I would want to watch that game as well. Watching Boomer & Gio last Friday Boomer said this case. could drag on for years. Boomer mentioned when the USFL sued the NFL and won the amount of the settlement was three dollars. That says a lot.

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Insane that this has been going on since 2015. From what I gather it’s due to the NFL making Sunday Ticket too expensive on purpose so only a select amount of people can purchase it, forcing most to use CBS and Fox. 

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On 6/27/2024 at 8:48 PM, Yoshinator said:

This makes me so happy. It's Karma for all the lies and deception the NFL has put out since recently. They supposedly care about player safety, so lets add a week to the regular season with plans to add more. All these international games where teams have to travel more and the fans get less home games. All the games now that are going to be on various streaming services off TV where people can't watch them with their family. The blatant terrible refereeing the last few years in order to rig games and expecting people not to notice. The Taylor Swift crap this last year where they sold their soul.


It's all about money. That's all the NFL cares about. We are trash to them. The players are trash to them unless they make the NFL money. I hope the NFL has to pay out $14B. This would be exactly what they deserve for ruining this sport to the point where it's almost unwatchable now.

I feel the NFL has been run great in my lifetime.  

NBA - lost me when they openly catered to superstars and let them get away with obvious fouls.  Changed the play of the game.

MLB - Keeps trying to drive me away with their rule changes.  DL in the national league almost did it for me.  

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31 minutes ago, Myles said:

I feel the NFL has been run great in my lifetime.  

NBA - lost me when they openly catered to superstars and let them get away with obvious fouls.  Changed the play of the game.

MLB - Keeps trying to drive me away with their rule changes.  DL in the national league almost did it for me.  

The NFL is ran the best and the best sport IMO. The NBA has won me back once the Warriors/Cavs making the Finals every year stopped + they have become a lot less political over the last 2 years. The parity in the NBA is also amazing, you have teams like the Minnesota, OKC, and the Pacers being basically top 5 teams! + Denver winning it all as a small market. To me Baseball is the one constant that is fun to watch come playoff time. I have watched around 75% of the games in the Baseball playoffs since 1984. The environment is just different in that sport, it is Chess at its best. 

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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

The NFL is ran the best and the best sport IMO. The NBA has won me back once the Warriors/Cavs making the Finals every year stopped + they have become a lot less political over the last 2 years. The parity in the NBA is also amazing, you teams like the Minnesota, OKC, and the Pacers being basically top 5 teams! + Denver winning it all as a small market. To me Baseball is the one constant that is fun to watch come playoff time. I have watched around 75% of the games in the Baseball playoffs since 1984. The environment is just different in that sport, it is Chess at its best. 

I'd say it is now checkers at its best.  When the DH was not in the National league, it was chess.  

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3 minutes ago, Myles said:

I'd say it is now checkers at its best.  When the DH was not in the National league, it was chess.  

I know in 2016, it was Chess, the World Series between the Cubs and Indians with the Lineup and Pitchers changes through all those 7 games were insane.

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5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I know in 2016, it was Chess, the World Series between the Cubs and Indians with the Lineup and Pitchers changes through all those 7 games were insane.

That was an aspect that they took away.   The managers had to work so much harder in the games. 

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This will drag out in appeals court for years until a settlement is reached. Eventually these lawyers will need paid for the time. I thought I read somewhere the amount paid we be split between the teams. Could have misinterpreted it. 

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  • 4 weeks later...



The judge was already on the record as being skeptical of the way this case was handled, and yesterday's hearing was on a motion from the defendants to have the judge rule in their favor and toss out the jury verdict. During that hearing, the judge says the jury didn't follow his instructions in determining damages.


I don't know what's going to happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if he overrules the jury and tosses out their verdict. 



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39 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

So does this mean the verdict and liability is being thrown out? Or just that the cost was too high? 


I think both. I believe the judge could order a new trial. But I also read that he thought the plaintiff's expert witnesses were under qualified and not credible, and those witnesses were the backbone of the case. I don't know all the ins and outs, I'll keep following it though. 

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He ruled for the NFL. No new trial. Here's more:



From the 16 page ruling, which had to have been written before yesterday's hearing IMO:



But without Dr. Rascher’s and Dr. Zona’s testimonies, it is impossible for a jury to determine on a class-wide basis that Sunday Ticket subscribers would have indeed paid less in the absence of Defendants’ anticompetitive conduct. Thus, Plaintiffs failed to provide evidence from which a reasonable jury could make a finding of injury and an award of actual damages that would not be erroneous as a matter of law, be totally unfounded and/or be purely speculative. See J-M Mfg., 2020 WL 4196880, at *41. As a result, the Court GRANTS Defendants’ motion for judgment as a matter of law. 


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However, U.S. District Judge Philip Gutierrez, who presided over the case, said Wednesday that the jury did not follow his instructions in determining damages, per The Associated Press.

Gutierrez had previously said damages could not be “based on guesswork or speculation” and “plaintiffs must prove the reasonableness of each of the assumptions upon which the damages calculation is based,” per the AP.



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