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12 minutes ago, chad72 said:


Deebo was running circles around guys in the Senior Bowl. He was coming off stellar production at the FBS level in a good SEC conference. Plus, we were coming off a year where Julian Edelman won MVP in the SB underscoring how important it was for a QB to get a guy that could separate and get open fast. A lot of us were clamoring for him. A lot of us were clamoring for A J Brown too. Both guys - Deebo and A J Brown drafted in Round 2, right? The one time we went for a WR early in Round 2, we got Pittman and that has worked out for us, so far so good with Pierce, just don't run him in the middle too much which is not his strength.


Now, what do we have to show for it? Ngakoue for RYS? Yep, a ripple effect indeed. At some point, the players should just feel like "enough is enough" and man up and play, hopefully it starts this TNF.

I was clamoring for him.  Deebo is a guy who takes a short pass and scores a 59 yard TD.  That is what Frank needs even more than an Over The Top 9 route guy like AP or TY.  JMO.  And Ballard passed over him.

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I think there needs to be some serious changes in the colts front office. It's not that He is a bad GM he has an amazing eye for spotting talent, however he is afraid to write bad contracts in freeagency. No one expects him to sign a superstar but add some freaking depth to problem position. Our line is garbage we knew last season we had serious need he drafted undeveloped talent and filled internally, we added no depth. Let's not get started on the QB issue, 5th season with a new QB and how a GM can go 5 years without attempting to soldify this position and still have a job is beyond me. Bottom line Ballard is a mediocre GM whos style has doomed this team to mediocrity. 

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Give him one more year to show he can actually grab free agents.  Not sure what convos irsay and Ballard has had but I’d tell him the bank is open.  If he doesn’t use the bank again then fire him.  He’s drafted overall well.  That is his only saving grace.

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16 minutes ago, smittywerb said:

Give him one more year to show he can actually grab free agents.  Not sure what convos irsay and Ballard has had but I’d tell him the bank is open.  If he doesn’t use the bank again then fire him.  He’s drafted overall well.  That is his only saving grace.


 Interesting. What potential 2023 free agents are you thinking of, at what position. Please leave out LT, we already have him with Ramann.

 Maybe a C!

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If I had to summarize Ballard’s biggest blunders that have gotten us to this point, I’d say it’s the following 

- The 2019 draft debacle

- Passing on a QB in 2020

-Matt Pryor at LT 

-Danny Pinter at RG

-Letting Denico Autry Walk

-Band-aid QB’s for four seasons straight

-Passing on Charles Leno in FA

- 42-42-1 w/ 1 playoff win


And that’s being nice. We could really go even further if you really dig into the QB debacle. But I feel that is more than enough to warrant moving on from him. 

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To be fair they did go get Wentz who wasn’t supposed to be a bandaid. With Reich’s history with him and Ballard going a lot of scouting on him it was the smart move. It should of been at least two years and Irsay got in the day. Who knows how that would of turned out bad he got a second year to grow with the offense. There is no doubt in my mind Ballard and Reich would of given him a second year. You had the entire oline misting camp time along with Wentz. Then he hurt his ankles. Who knows how the season would of started had that not happened. Then you had Covid hit at the wrong time. Then Irsay panicked and used his personal vendetta against Wentz. That’s where the big mistake at QB came. It came from Irsay.



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3 hours ago, DougDew said:

I was clamoring for him.  Deebo is a guy who takes a short pass and scores a 59 yard TD.  That is what Frank needs even more than an Over The Top 9 route guy like AP or TY.  JMO.  And Ballard passed over him.

Don’t make us remember what kind of impact talent at WR we passed upon that draft. Dougie that’s cruel.


but we did pick up ya sin, banogu, and Campbell lol.


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Wow tons of commentary here, haven't had time to go through it all but my .02:


It's a tough call and it's still early in the season, but I lean to Ballard needing to go. He is a talented guy and solid talent evaluator who has really hit on some gems like Leonard and Taylor. And it's easy to blame him for the Wentz and (perhaps) the Ryan moves, but that's all hindsight crapola. I didn't see many people ranting about the Wentz move at the time, and almost everyone was high on getting Ryan.


But his overall approach is not a good one. This whole "draft guys who are athletic and coach them up" just doesn't work. You need more than athleticism; you need the skills. He also suffers too much from a "I trust 'my guys' " thing, which is an ego thing. He thinks lesser talent he drafted or obtained will somehow rise to top talent level and therefore ignores chances to get guys who are clearly better, and you can see the results. Allowing key guys at (for ex.) OL and WR go and failing to do a good job replacing them, or having a need there already and STILL not addressing it, esp when you bank on a talented but older QB and are therefore in "win now" mode, is just inexcusable.  


I can't stand Reich as our OC, but IMO he's getting too much blame. 


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3 hours ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

To be fair they did go get Wentz who wasn’t supposed to be a bandaid. With Reich’s history with him and Ballard going a lot of scouting on him it was the smart move. It should of been at least two years and Irsay got in the day. Who knows how that would of turned out bad he got a second year to grow with the offense. There is no doubt in my mind Ballard and Reich would of given him a second year. You had the entire oline misting camp time along with Wentz. Then he hurt his ankles. Who knows how the season would of started had that not happened. Then you had Covid hit at the wrong time. Then Irsay panicked and used his personal vendetta against Wentz. That’s where the big mistake at QB came. It came from Irsay.



I think Irsay made the right move. He didn’t want another lane duck QB. Anyone with decent football smarts could see that Wentz was not a long term answer. Keeping him just for continuity sakes would have been foolish and costly. Getting out of that contract and letting someone else pay that money was smart.


Now look at him. Stinking it up in Washington. He doesn’t have protection it you can’t only evaluate QBs when all the stars align perfectly. He’s been on teams that have flaws , but enough to win and shown that he just can’t get it done consistently. 

Irsay clearly wants a long term answer at QB, and Carson wasn’t it. We couldn’t afford to wait for Ballard to fix LT and WR (which he still hasn’t although the WRs looked decent the last 2 games) to see what Wentz was really made of. 

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got on the forum tonight.. and realized, colts still suck

35 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

I think Irsay made the right move. He didn’t want another lane duck QB. Anyone with decent football smarts could see that Wentz was not a long term answer. Keeping him just for continuity sakes would have been foolish and costly. Getting out of that contract and letting someone else pay that money was smart.


Now look at him. Stinking it up in Washington. He doesn’t have protection it you can’t only evaluate QBs when all the stars align perfectly. He’s been on teams that have flaws , but enough to win and shown that he just can’t get it done consistently. 

Irsay clearly wants a long term answer at QB, and Carson wasn’t it. We couldn’t afford to wait for Ballard to fix LT and WR (which he still hasn’t although the WRs looked decent the last 2 games) to see what Wentz was really made of. 

Ryan ain't it either (in terms of longterm).. so did he want a long term QB or one he felt can win the SB? 

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On 10/2/2022 at 11:04 PM, Zoltan said:

I will post this here as well: 


I would like Irsay to take the Jeffrey Lurie approach and keep Ballard like Lurie has kept Howie Roseman. Roseman has fired 3 coaches in his tenure with the Eagles including Pederson, and Andy Reid. Lurie knows how hard it is to find a good GM and doesn't blame Roseman for coaching failures.


This team's biggest issues are coaching issues, we don't prepare for games or the season well, and play calling is meh at best. Just looking at Nick Sirianni and how he has adjusted his offense to the players he has, it would of been nice to see him call plays when he was here as the OC because the offense seems to be missing what his strength is.


As for Ballard, one of his problems has been getting what Frank wanted, Frank wanted Rivers he got Rivers, Frank wanted Wentz he got Wentz.

-This years draft class has played very well since there has not been a 1st rounder. Pierce (2nd), Woods (3rd), Cross (3rd), even Rodney Thomas had a good game as a 7th.

-Last years: Paye, Dayo, are getting better every game. Sam Ehlinger is showing he could be a good backup as a 6th rounder, Strachan has made some good catches as a 6th pick.

-2020: Pittman, Taylor, Blackmon, Rodgers as a 6th should be getting more playing time, Pinter a good backup but shouldn't be a starter in the 5th

-His worst draft has been 2019 for sure though and most are on other teams or Willis Retired but even then EJ speed in the 6th has shown up this year, and Okereke has been good as a 3rd rounder.


He has a a great hit rate in the middle to late rounds, which is not normal. I trust him to find the right rookie QB for this team, and the right coach for this team. Reich was a late hire after McDaniels backed out the last minute, and he looked good at first but he hasn't been able to adapt, which has allowed our divisional rivals to learn how to beat us. The best coaches adapt well and you can see it with the top teams.

I feel like this is the exact problem with Ballard and the Colts and its happened for years.


People list a bunch of mainly bang average players and make out like finding them is some sort of wild achievement. We celebrate the collection of mediocrity in the hope that its brings us success by magical development. The old delayed gratification if you will.


We have one of the worst constructed rosters in the NFL. Players on massive contracts at secondary positions who aren't even making a difference, a lack of true impact players at key positions and hyped potential where the reality isn't the same. 

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9 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:


 Interesting. What potential 2023 free agents are you thinking of, at what position. Please leave out LT, we already have him with Ramann.

 Maybe a C!

tbh, if haven’t looked into it much, but it has to be some people out there better than what we have.  

Ballard isn’t necessarily bad at his job, it’s just he’s stuck in his ways.  If he can get out of his ways then ok.  If not, show him the door.

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9 hours ago, AustinnKaine said:

got on the forum tonight.. and realized, colts still suck

Ryan ain't it either (in terms of longterm).. so did he want a long term QB or one he felt can win the SB? 

Irsay said all chips in for sure so it does seem like Ryan isn’t exactly “all chips in”. But again, I think that was a Ballard move. Ryan was Ballard’s usual MO for QB. Quick band-aid that’s low risk. It seems Jim is tired of it though.

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11 minutes ago, coming on strong said:

Every one wants to throw frank under the bus but he has had a different Qb every single year .   Frank has had some of the worst wr cores and tight ends with band aid QBs .   His offense looked really good with ebron and luck in 2018 .  

Chris Ballard needs to be on the hot seat not frank 

Not that Reich doesn’t make game mistakes but all coaches do. But the majority of the blame is on Ballard. No coach should be expected to be their best when they have a new QB every year. Let’s look at the history here.


2018 Luck didn’t throw until camp. New coach luck coming back. Expected slow start.


2019- Reich had Jacoby for a year so he had already been in system. Started 5-2. Very good start.


2020- Feich had rivers who he knew very well. Good start. Lost first game but we had a good start first 6 games.


2021_Reich had Wentz who he knew. But oline missed camp along with Wenhz. Then Wentz hurts both ankles. Probably should of expected a slow start. 

2022-Ryan is the first QB Reich does not have a history with. 

So when you look back the two QB he started the season well with were ones he knew well. 

The other three are either QB injured or a QB Ryan he has no history with. 

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3 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

Not that Reich doesn’t make game mistakes but all coaches do. But the majority of the blame is on Ballard. No coach should be expected to be their best when they have a new QB every year. Let’s look at the history here.


2018 Luck didn’t throw until camp. New coach luck coming back. Expected slow start.


2019- Reich had Jacoby for a year so he had already been in system. Started 5-2. Very good start.


2020- Feich had rivers who he knew very well. Good start. Lost first game but we had a good start first 6 games.


2021_Reich had Wentz who he knew. But oline missed camp along with Wenhz. Then Wentz hurts both ankles. Probably should of expected a slow start. 

2022-Ryan is the first QB Reich does not have a history with. 

So when you look back the two QB he started the season well with were ones he knew well. 

The other three are either QB injured or a QB Ryan he has no history with. 

That’s why people should careful what they wish for .  People wanted everflus gone now they have Gus bradly .  

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10 minutes ago, coming on strong said:

That’s why people should careful what they wish for .  People wanted everflus gone now they have Gus bradly .  

I think Reich is average to above average. He doesn't stink and things could get worse if we bring in someone new. When we had Chuck, there was at least 50 posters that said he sucked and he got buried. I honestly think %wise no matter who we get if Frank gets fired, there will be a small % that is happy. What if Sean Payton comes in here and goes 8-9 next year for example. Then what? homer simpson laughing GIF

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17 minutes ago, coming on strong said:

That’s why people should careful what they wish for .  People wanted everflus gone now they have Gus bradly .  

I like Gus. So far I see things that I didn’t see from Eberflus. Including how we ended the KC game. Then the Titans second half where we shut them out. I think he finally figuring out his players and what works. We see adjustments where we didn’t see that with Eberflus.


I don’t care what people think but play calling is probably going to be inconsistent when your with a new QB every year. That’s why Wentz should of got a second year.  Even rams had a 3 game losing streak last season.

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14 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I think Reich is average to above average. He doesn't stink and things could get worse if we bring in someone new. When we had Chuck, there was at least 50 posters that said he sucked and he got buried. I honestly think %wise no matter who we get if Frank gets fired, there will be a small % that is happy. What if Sean Payton comes in here and goes 8-9 next year for example. Then what? homer simpson laughing GIF

What is funny about this episode, Homer turned into this after being in a headlock, he got angryangry homer simpson GIF- and the Devil ran haha . I watch too much of that stuff but it is real cool Youre Cool GIF by The Big Moon

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I wonder if we will resign Phillip Lindsay or if Ballard "likes his guys at RB" 


We go into the game with Hines & Jackson?

25 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

I like Gus. So far I see things that I didn’t see from Eberflus. Including how we ended the KC game. Then the Titans second half where we shut them out. I think he finally figuring out his players and what works. We see adjustments where we didn’t see that with Eberflus.


I don’t care what people think but play calling is probably going to be inconsistent when your with a new QB every year. That’s why Wentz should of got a second year.  Even rams had a 3 game losing streak last season.

i agree with everything here except for the wentz statement. 

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28 minutes ago, AustinnKaine said:

I wonder if we will resign Phillip Lindsay or if Ballard "likes his guys at RB" 


We go into the game with Hines & Jackson?

i agree with everything here except for the wentz statement. 

That’s one thing I have been consistant about.  I said after the season I hated changing QB and there better be a clear upgrade if they do it. Right now it doesn’t look like a clear upgrade until Ryan fixed the fumbling issue. I have been sick of the different QB every year. Last year was not bad enough to dump him. Just one run to start that 1-4 start and we clinched playoffs with 2 games remaining. That probably happens if Wentz and the oline guys didn’t miss camp and he didn’t sprain his ankles. It still makes me mad that Irsay treated him like that. 

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11 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

Lindsey is on the PS. He will play tomorrow night.

yeah they still would have to resign him to the active roster. 


(which i expect them to do)


also interesting side note: the Bears cut K: Bagdley

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9 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

That’s one thing I have been consistant about.  I said after the season I hated changing QB and there better be a clear upgrade if they do it. Right now it doesn’t look like a clear upgrade until Ryan fixed the fumbling issue. I have been sick of the different QB every year. Last year was not bad enough to dump him. Just one run to start that 1-4 start and we clinched playoffs with 2 games remaining. That probably happens if Wentz and the oline guys didn’t miss camp and he didn’t sprain his ankles. It still makes me mad that Irsay treated him like that. 

wentz has a current pff grade of 60.3 - we aren't missing out on anything

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9 minutes ago, AustinnKaine said:

wentz has a current pff grade of 60.3 - we aren't missing out on anything

I don’t care. It’s about trying to create some stability instead of changing QB every year. 

12 minutes ago, AustinnKaine said:

yeah they still would have to resign him to the active roster. 


(which i expect them to do)


also interesting side note: the Bears cut K: Bagdley

No they don’t. He can be elevated 3 times without signing him to the 53.

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3 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

I don’t care. It’s about trying to create some stability instead of changing QB every year. 

No they don’t. He can be elevated 3 times without signing him to the 53.

thanks i forgot about that rule


and you might not care, but a lot of people do care. enduring mediocricty for the sake of stability is not better than searching for the next guy. but you clearly have a strong opinion on it, so not much else to discuss there

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1 hour ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

I like Gus. So far I see things that I didn’t see from Eberflus. Including how we ended the KC game. Then the Titans second half where we shut them out. I think he finally figuring out his players and what works. We see adjustments where we didn’t see that with Eberflus.


I don’t care what people think but play calling is probably going to be inconsistent when your with a new QB every year. That’s why Wentz should of got a second year.  Even rams had a 3 game losing streak last season.

Tennessee has been shut out in the second half three straight games. The Colts defense was terrible in the first half. It's hard to say yet if we're seeing progress. 

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14 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

I don’t care. It’s about trying to create some stability instead of changing QB every year. 

No they don’t. He can be elevated 3 times without signing him to the 53.

You need to get it out of your head that we would better had we kept Wentz. I think with Wentz right now we would be 1-3, maybe 0-4. Being the optimist I am I tried defending Wentz last year at times and every time I did he laid an egg. Matt Ryan hasn't been great or anything but I trust him far more than I do Wentz. Wentz has been awful in Washington, he beat the Jags in week 1 so because of that, some in here were bashing Irsay, since then he has simply stunk. Colts will have a better record than Washington and that is an easy prediction.

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5 minutes ago, BeanDiasucci said:

Tennessee has been shut out in the second half three straight games. The Colts defense was terrible in the first half. It's hard to say yet if we're seeing progress. 

We came out flat, very disappointing. Had we just been tied at half with them, we would have won IMO. We will see what happens in the rematch.

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On 10/4/2022 at 11:50 AM, MPStack said:

Kind of hypocritical statement. Ryan is getting killed now. 

Luck played with reckless abandon several years, and took shots he shouldn’t have. Does the take away that Grigson failed to build a good OL? Absolutely not.


To say Grigson didn’t try is ridiculous. He signed a lot of FAs, that simply didn’t pan out, even though they played better for their former teams. All that, while having Castonzo manning the LT spot and eventually adding R. Kelly and J. Mewhort, who was above average, but just couldn’t stay healthy. 

Ballard inherited Castonzo and Kelly, drafted Nelson and Smith and was anointed a genius GM out the gate practically. 

Now that Castonzo is retired and the OL is a mess, should Ballard get off the hook…



True, Grigson did try, I will consent to that. He still sucked though. Luck is definitely partly to blame for his injuries, but Grigson’s failure to build a proper OL did him no favors. Regardless, it’s in the past, and you’re absolutely right, Ballard isn’t faring much better at the moment. 

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42 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

You need to get it out of your head that we would better had we kept Wentz. I think with Wentz right now we would be 1-3, maybe 0-4. Being the optimist I am I tried defending Wentz last year at times and every time I did he laid an egg. Matt Ryan hasn't been great or anything but I trust him far more than I do Wentz. Wentz has been awful in Washington, he beat the Jags in week 1 so because of that, some in here were bashing Irsay, since then he has simply stunk. Colts will have a better record than Washington and that is an easy prediction.

Did I say we would be better? No I didn’t. But having a QB in his second year that had a year under his belt is better then starting over. Unless your getting a clear upgrade it was a dumb move. I said that then and I still say that today. So far Ryan is more volitile then Wentz was.  I don’t care about WA. Colts have always been the better team.

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1 minute ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

Did I say we would be better? No I didn’t. But having a QB in his second year that had a year under his belt is better then starting over. Unless your getting a clear upgrade it was a dumb move. I said that then and I still say that today. So far Ryan is more volitile then Wentz was. 

Ryan is an upgrade.

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3 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

Not yet he isn’t.  The point of getting Ryan was to have a less volitile QB. One you could count on every snap and know what your getting. Reich does not know what he is getting from Ryan from snap to snap and his volatility has been worse then Wentz.

1-2-1 so far with Ryan, we were 0-3 with Wentz. I will know more after tomorrow.

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18 minutes ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

You can see on film the adjustments Bradley made and how they effected the game. It was more colts then TN.

Okay, but Tennessee stands fourth from the bottom of the NFL in points scored at 18.8. I'm not finding much encouragement or progress in allowing them 24 points, which tied their season high. 

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