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Cosell Sees Rg3 As Better Prospect

Ohio Colt

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He is nuts. He might be a good fit for the Redskins. But not for the Colts. I do think Luck will have a better pro career then RGIII. But he will also have an good pro career. But Luck will have an better career. Can't wait until the draft when they say the first pick the Indianapolis Colts pick Andrew Luck!!!

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I liked what Mel Kiper said Sat morning on the Dari/Mel show on ESPN radio. He said "RG3 might become a very good QB, but would you really take someone that McShay had as a WR prospect at the beginning of the college football season over Andrew Luck?" I THINK NOT!!! Luck all the way!

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I appreciate what both RGIII and Luck bring to the field, but I honestly think that Luck is the better quarterback, and the better fit for the Indianapolis squad. Now, if Grigson/Pagano and company want to change the offense completely, RG3 would fit better.

See, if you are a run first team, like the Steelers/Jets/Eagles you need a quarterback like Michael Vick/Ben Roethlisberger to run the offense. They are good throwers, but they definitely have a strength in running. Those teams generally have only one good receiver, with several average guys filling out that position.

A team like New Orleans/New England/Green Bay is not really a run-oriented team, but is geared more towards the pass. Those teams, then, need a QB whose strength is passing and can only scramble when necessary. Those teams usually have two/three good receivers.

We will find out with the first pick of the draft what the Indy Front Office wants the identity of this team to be. If they decide to continue as they have for the past decade-plus and be a pass-first team, they will draft Andrew Luck and add some receivers via free agency or the draft later on. If they want to change the way things have been run on offense around here, they will draft RG3 and add offensive linemen and a running back by way of the draft, or by free agency at a later point.

We know the defense is changed; but what about the offense? Time will tell, and the first pick of the draft will be a huge indicator.

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See, if you are a run first team, like the Steelers/Jets/Eagles you need a quarterback like Michael Vick/Ben Roethlisberger to run the offense. They are good throwers, but they definitely have a strength in running. Those teams generally have only one good receiver, with several average guys filling out that position.

The Eagles are not a run-oriented team at all and Andy Reid is a famously pass happy play caller. The Steelers aren't a run first team anymore, either. They're still relatively balanced but they've gotten away from the run noticeably since Bill Cowher retired. Heck, both the Eagles and the Steelers have multiple very good receivers on their roster.

Having a particularly dynamic QB has its advantages but you're grossly oversimplifying what those advantages are by making a purely "pocket passers for pass-first vs. scrambling for run-first" distinction. That's not actually how it works in the real world.

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Having a particularly dynamic QB has its advantages but you're grossly oversimplifying what those advantages are by making a purely "pocket passers for pass-first vs. scrambling for run-first" distinction. That's not actually how it works in the real world.

I was trying to show why I think the #1 draft pick will determine the nature of the Colts offense. I apologize for throwing everyone into the same bucket.

No one can deny, though, in my opinion, that if RG3 is drafted by Indy that the days of Peyton and the 4,000 yard seasons are history. If Luck is drafted, the running game will probably continue as usual, and the 4,000 yard seasons will as well.

That was the point I was attempting to make, and I used some poor examples. I appreciate you pointing that out to me.

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There's also a poll that can be voted in...

That links to another article with a quote that always made me laugh:


As one Colts source said earlier this week, “Luck is The Guy. I don’t care what happens [at the combine]. I don’t care if Griffin flies.”
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He is nuts. He might be a good fit for the Redskins. But not for the Colts. I do think Luck will have a better pro career then RGIII. But he will also have an good pro career. But Luck will have an better career. Can't wait until the draft when they say the first pick the Indianapolis Colts pick Andrew Luck!!!

I am not sure anyone is ever a good fit with the Redskins and that organization baffles me with moves almost every season. *sigh* I really never have hope in that franchise delivering in recent years and probably won't in the future.

I remember when McNabb went there too and people hyped the move up as a "potential SB move." With how brilliant Shanny is and how he would mold him into what he once was and they would turn the corner on that team.

RG3 is going to the Skins and he and them might end up with more attention then Luck and the small market Colts. Which, is fine with me.

The NFC East gets loads of attention on a yearly basis anyway.

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I am not sure anyone is ever a good fit with the Redskins and that organization baffles me with moves almost every season. *sigh* I really never have hope in that franchise delivering in recent years and probably won't in the future.

I remember when McNabb went there too and people hyped the move up as a "potential SB move." With how brilliant Shanny is and how he would mold him into what he once was and they would turn the corner on that team.

RG3 is going to the Skins and he and them might end up with more attention then Luck and the small market Colts. Which, is fine with me.

The NFC East gets loads of attention on a yearly basis anyway.

That is so true Jules. I do feel sorry for anyone that gets drafted by them. Its like its a place to die. Hopefully RGIII will get lucky and they won't draft him. He deserves better, in fact all of the players that gets drafted by the skins deserves better.

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The Colts didn't "Suck for Luck" to take Robert Griffin. Case closed, now stop pretending like there is actually a contest between them and you would actually take the risk on Griffin when you have Luck there.

In my opinion, the Colts didn't lose for anyone...

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That is so true Jules. I do feel sorry for anyone that gets drafted by them. Its like its a place to die. Hopefully RGIII will get lucky and they won't draft him. He deserves better, in fact all of the players that gets drafted by the skins deserves better.

The first team Peyton said no to asap when he was released? The Redskins.

Thats all you need to know.

Yeah I kinda feel bad for RG3 as well but who knows.....he might help them turn things around and they are expected to have a better team then the Colts next year. Have to see it to believe it though and especially in the NFC East.

We will get RG3/Skins and their monster trade to move up shoved down our throats A LOT between now and the draft. Yes folks, RG3 is the flashy new toy you are all supposed to want. He runs fast, he throws far and based on this article is apparently flawless while Luck is full of holes.

Luck has been Irsay's guy for a while though IMO. I even remember an article from like October where Irsay said that guys like Manning/Luck come around so rarely.

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Cosell was also the guy who was high on Jawlarus Russell:

Greg Cosell on JaMarcus Russell for USA Today, 4/26/2007 [http://usat.ly/yuURnZ ]:

“Oh, man, can Russell flick it,” says NFL Network analyst Greg Cosell, who has broken down film of Russell and Quinn. “Like Elway, he has the ability to see and make downfield throws 50 yards when he’s on the move.

“If you think JaMarcus Russell is one of those special quarterbacks — and in the NFL right now, there’s Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and Carson Palmer— you have to take him. I don’t know how the Raiders have him evaluated. But I can tell you watching him on film, he wowed me.”

Cosell also thinks Russell has all the tools to be great. “This kid is a special passer, and he’s got a complete inventory of throws,” he says. “He’s got that football intuition. He throws from different platforms, doesn’t always have to be perfectly set and can move within the boxing-ring space of the pocket to find the quiet area.”

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Cosell was also the guy who was high on Jawlarus Russell:

Greg Cosell on JaMarcus Russell for USA Today, 4/26/2007 [http://usat.ly/yuURnZ ]:

“Oh, man, can Russell flick it,” says NFL Network analyst Greg Cosell, who has broken down film of Russell and Quinn. “Like Elway, he has the ability to see and make downfield throws 50 yards when he’s on the move.

“If you think JaMarcus Russell is one of those special quarterbacks — and in the NFL right now, there’s Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and Carson Palmer— you have to take him. I don’t know how the Raiders have him evaluated. But I can tell you watching him on film, he wowed me.”

Cosell also thinks Russell has all the tools to be great. “This kid is a special passer, and he’s got a complete inventory of throws,” he says. “He’s got that football intuition. He throws from different platforms, doesn’t always have to be perfectly set and can move within the boxing-ring space of the pocket to find the quiet area.”

He forgot to mention that Russell could do all that while sitting on his couch with a bag of potato chips.

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Amazing how one individuals opinion can cause so much insecurity.

And that is important to remember. Opinions are just that, and only that---opinions. And as such, they should be taken with a grain of salt.

On the other hand, my opinions should be taken with the whole shaker...

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Cosell was also the guy who was high on Jawlarus Russell:

Greg Cosell on JaMarcus Russell for USA Today, 4/26/2007 [http://usat.ly/yuURnZ ]:

“Oh, man, can Russell flick it,” says NFL Network analyst Greg Cosell, who has broken down film of Russell and Quinn. “Like Elway, he has the ability to see and make downfield throws 50 yards when he’s on the move.

“If you think JaMarcus Russell is one of those special quarterbacks — and in the NFL right now, there’s Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and Carson Palmer— you have to take him. I don’t know how the Raiders have him evaluated. But I can tell you watching him on film, he wowed me.”

Cosell also thinks Russell has all the tools to be great. “This kid is a special passer, and he’s got a complete inventory of throws,” he says. “He’s got that football intuition. He throws from different platforms, doesn’t always have to be perfectly set and can move within the boxing-ring space of the pocket to find the quiet area.”


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Cosell was also the guy who was high on Jawlarus Russell:

Greg Cosell on JaMarcus Russell for USA Today, 4/26/2007 [http://usat.ly/yuURnZ ]:

“Oh, man, can Russell flick it,” says NFL Network analyst Greg Cosell, who has broken down film of Russell and Quinn. “Like Elway, he has the ability to see and make downfield throws 50 yards when he’s on the move.

“If you think JaMarcus Russell is one of those special quarterbacks — and in the NFL right now, there’s Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and Carson Palmer— you have to take him. I don’t know how the Raiders have him evaluated. But I can tell you watching him on film, he wowed me.”

Cosell also thinks Russell has all the tools to be great. “This kid is a special passer, and he’s got a complete inventory of throws,” he says. “He’s got that football intuition. He throws from different platforms, doesn’t always have to be perfectly set and can move within the boxing-ring space of the pocket to find the quiet area.”

I was also watching that on path to the draft on the NFL channel and one thing one of the analyst said was that arm strength is the MOST overrated aspect of a QB. Then he went on to mention players like Drew Brees who is phenomenal but people had the perception he lacked arm strength.

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Amazing how one individuals opinion can cause so much insecurity.

Yep. Not like a Manning vs. Brady article in recent years has caused any uproar on a Colts forum, right?

It's just something to chat about.....

We all have opinions and you know what they say about those in the end. :)

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I was also watching that on path to the draft on the NFL channel and one thing one of the analyst said was that arm strength is the MOST overrated aspect of a QB. Then he went on to mention players like Drew Brees who is phenomenal but had the perception he lacked arm strength.

Right. Dwight Freeney has great arm strength, too...

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The evidence? Yes to you and allegedly 90% of the population which was one of the many inaccurate and "bleep thrown against a wall" comments you will see here.

Cosell backs his opinion with evidence based on what he sees and believes. Just because of that he is deemed a ^fool^.

I am pro Luck but can atleast be objective and consider a differing view.

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The evidence? Yes to you and allegedly 90% of the population which was one of the many inaccurate and "bleep thrown against a wall" comments you will see here.

Cosell backs his opinion with evidence based on what he sees and believes. Just because of that he is deemed a ^fool^.

I am pro Luck but can atleast be objective and consider a differing view.

Cosell backs his opinion with the admission that he has not watched more than 5 games film on Luck.

Luck has played over 30 games in college.

Furthermore, Cosell's credibility is not worth much given his bad call on Jawalrus Russell.

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Most lauded JaMarcus Russell as the Sliced Bread of the year.

Mel Kiper

"Three years from now you could certainly be looking at a guy who is certainly one of the elite top five quarterbacks in this league . . . Nobody has an arm like JaMarcus Russell. . .

Obviously, he'll need a little time. But you're talking about a 2-3-year period. Once he's under center, look out, because the skill level he has is certainly

John Elway


They blow up the flavor of the year all the time..

It happens on an annual basis. The same guys fluffing up Luck and RGIII are the same guys that weren't so hot on Cam Newton, the same guys that couldn't choose between Manning/Leaf.

I've seen this song and dance for years.

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As head-turning as Baylor's Robert Griffin III has been at the combine and on his pro day, I haven't heard anything from the Colts to make me believe they're wavering on their intent to take Luck. With Peyton Manning a Bronco, and Indy's purge of veterans complete, all that remains is the formality of handing in the card on draft night, and making official the very fitting marriage between The Horseshoe and a QB named Luck.
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I was trying to show why I think the #1 draft pick will determine the nature of the Colts offense. I apologize for throwing everyone into the same bucket.

No one can deny, though, in my opinion, that if RG3 is drafted by Indy that the days of Peyton and the 4,000 yard seasons are history. If Luck is drafted, the running game will probably continue as usual, and the 4,000 yard seasons will as well.

That was the point I was attempting to make, and I used some poor examples. I appreciate you pointing that out to me.

Gotcha. Given the way the entire league is trending, I don't think RGIII would signal the end of 4,000 yard seasons but he certainly would represent a more different brand of football than Luck.

That is so true Jules. I do feel sorry for anyone that gets drafted by them. Its like its a place to die. Hopefully RGIII will get lucky and they won't draft him. He deserves better, in fact all of the players that gets drafted by the skins deserves better.

Over the last 8-ish years the Skins have had some mighty fine players and units. The stars haven't really aligned to produce great overall teams during that period primarily thanks to a lack of a real QB. Nonetheless, they never looked so bad as the Colts did this past season even with the likes of Rex Grossman, Jason Campbell, a geriatric Mark Brunell, and Patrick Ramsey behind center and some extremely questionable coaching on the offensive side of the ball.

It would be wise of you not to forget just how fortunate you were to have an all-time great at QB for so long. They don't come along very often and there's no guarantee Luck will be able to fill that void. I hope for your sake that he is that guy because otherwise you're looking at a situation not unlike where the Skins have been or, for that matter, where the Colts were throughout the '90s prior to Peyton.

As for Griffin, if he turns out to be the kind of player he has the potential to be DC is an awfully good landing spot compared to many of the alternatives (Cleveland, Miami, Seattle, etc.).

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Cosell was also the guy who was high on Jawlarus Russell:

Greg Cosell on JaMarcus Russell for USA Today, 4/26/2007 [http://usat.ly/yuURnZ ]:

“Oh, man, can Russell flick it,” says NFL Network analyst Greg Cosell, who has broken down film of Russell and Quinn. “Like Elway, he has the ability to see and make downfield throws 50 yards when he’s on the move.

“If you think JaMarcus Russell is one of those special quarterbacks — and in the NFL right now, there’s Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and Carson Palmer— you have to take him. I don’t know how the Raiders have him evaluated. But I can tell you watching him on film, he wowed me.”

Cosell also thinks Russell has all the tools to be great. “This kid is a special passer, and he’s got a complete inventory of throws,” he says. “He’s got that football intuition. He throws from different platforms, doesn’t always have to be perfectly set and can move within the boxing-ring space of the pocket to find the quiet area.”

That's all i need to know about this guy to not take him seriously
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