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Upset With Irsay [Merge]


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Manning is who i want my boys to be like. Irsay is who I do not want them to be like. One has class and one doesn't. One is built with strong character and one not. For 35 years I've been a Colts fan and today I realize I can no longer be a fan

Again, another "fan" who professes to have followed the team for 35 years but only now comes on the forum just to let us know that "he can no longer be a fan". I say good ridence to such fans! GO COLTS!!!!

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This is tearing our fan base apart.

No, I don't believe it is. It's healthy for our fanbase to understand who they support and why. What is hurtful to our fanbase is the point of view that says that someone who is a fan of Peyton Maning the player is somehow automatically not a real Colts fan. This debate or discussion about whether someone is or is not a real fan is very divisive and entirely subjective. It's also very likely to inflame passionate debate. I wish that people could accept that decisions such as this generate very strong feelings among a lot of fans, and those fans have every right to come here and post about it. I don't see the point of those arguing that you're somehow not a Colts fan if you're upset though.

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The timing is very bad here considering we just renewed our season tickets at well over $5000 a short time ago. Wonder if he will ofter any refunds to anyone who feels cheated and betrayed by this decision? No?...I wonder why not.....

Maybe Irsay is confused and thinks that the beautiful stadium just built itself by the grace of rainbows, kittens, and unicorn magic or that without the stadium the NFL would have eventually gotten around to granting Indy a superbowl just out of the kindness of their hearts and that the dome would have been just fine for this event.

I realize that a lot of people saw this coming but the longer the time passed, I began to have hope/faith. Was this stupid? Hindsight would say yes, but my heart is utterly broken in pieces.

Some people say it would have been wrong for Irsay to pay $28M on someone who might not be 100%....isn't going with Luck doing close to the same thing? We don't know how good he'll be or won't be as of yet. I hope for Irsay, he is awesome or he will hear it from some of the fans.

To the people who say that I'm not a 'true' fan.... we have paid thousands and thousands (true statement) over the years on tickets, jerseys/shirts/sweats, etc. I am just as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours. Maybe I am speaking out of pure anger and hurt and maybe I will still continue to support the Colts.....except when I am sporting my brand new Manning jersey of wherever he is going....

And yet another "1 Post Member" I renewed my tickets back in January fully expecting this very day!!! GO COLTS!!!!

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You have followed the Colts for about 40 years yet didn't feel compeled to post until you could rip Irsay. Interesting that you could not post when he picked Peyton number one as a highly touted quarterback out of college. Did you not feel then that we were headed into years of "rotating quarterbacks and coaches". What did you see in Peyton then that made him less of a risk than Luck? HMMMMMM!!!!!

LOL!!! Was anybody posting on internet forums back in '98? Did this forum even exist back then?

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Okay what do you do when Peyton retires?

You have to move on sometime.. and today is that day.

Yes you do have to move on sometime, but it could have been handled better, instead of cutting him for an unproven qb and taking a cap hit like we did.

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Im no longer upset at Irsay. I didn't get to watch the presser. When I watched ESPN last night, they said Jim just wanted to move on, which didn't jive to what he's been saying. So I felt tricked but things still didn't add up.

Andy explained to me what happened at the presser, that the decision was mutual, just like i hoped a split would happen, if it came to that.

So now im back to being angry at ESPN for not being accurate. Hopefully their report has changed to reflect a mutual decision.

How things change but stay the same.

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Well, thank you Mr Irsay for completely destroying your football franchise in a final display of insanity that tore down what shreds of respect, loyalty and even continuity I thought that the Colts organization had left. Yes, let's kick loose the player that more than anyone else has carried this football franchise to success, and has in many ways brought new vigor to the franchises home Indianapolis. Yes, let's tell that man to leave so that we can completely rebuild of the basis of luck - not Luck, I mean luck. No one knows whether this rookie QB will have the beans for the NFL, there is no continuity on the team at all. The Offense and Defense are being rebuilt from the ground up, the coaching staff is completely different, and I've never heard of one of the fron office or coachins staff before. So now we have a team of unknowns with unknown players and an unknown quantity at QB. Yay us, we are the new Detroit Lions. I'll remember the sheer insanity of this time when in 30 years the Colts will *still* be introduced as the "Rebuilding since 2012 Indianapolis Colts".

To be honest though I am completely disgusted with the franchise and much of the fan base that has no problem tossing aside Peyton manning. after what that single player has meant to the city and franchise. There are a lot of people that ought to be utterly ashamed of themselves right now, but are not. The Colts organization is first and foremost among that, I have no respect for you at all now. I do not understand your thinking or decision making at all.

For years now people have seen a sea of blue at home games, number 18 jerseys outnumbering everything else by a wide margin. But in a single stroke that era is gone. No more #18, no more #63, no more #44, no #86, no #93, for that matter no #88 or #21. What's left? Just a horseshoe. I guess someone really does believe that horseshoes are lucky. I don't believe in luck, nor for that matter do I believe in Luck. I do believe in respect, loyalty and some semblence of continuity, here we have none.

One final thought, how many football franchises have successfully rebuilt themselves after removing every fan favorite player from the roster along with the recognized names in the front office and coaching staff? Yeah, not many huh? Forget the performance on the field for a moment, we're're talking about players that are great fan favorites, and in the case of Peyton Manning, we're talking about a player that in many ways is *the* fan favorite. Now the team has nothing. Scorched earth.

I don't know how to describe how I feel; angry, disappointed, confused, worried, these are all words that might cover some of it. But I think I mostly feel completely let down by the franchise that I chose to love.

I don't know what the future holds for the Colts, and sadly, I don't really care right now. It's not about being a fan of Peyton, it's about the franchise and the way that franchise behaves and deals with things. Peyton talked yesterday about doing things the right way. At least *someone* knows how to do that. It seems that the folks in charge of the Colts forgot how to do that sometime during the last 8 months.

Can I continue being a Colts Fan? I don't know. right now, they are not the team I thought they were, and that is a huge disappointment.


Again, we must look at what is best for both sides. For the Colts, keeping Peyton and drafting Luck would put us in a huge salary cap bind and we would have Peyton play with new coaches, new management, new everything, a shaky O-line, and a questionable defense. On top of that, many would expect him to mentor Luck; you would really tell Peyton to spend his last few years in the NFL mentoring his replacement rather than letting him make a decision as to where he could best win a championship? For Peyton, he will always be a Colt, he has even said this himself. Peyton wants to go where he can win championships; all competitive players want to win championships and Peyton is as competitive as they come. He doesn't have a very good chance of doing that here, but he can go to another team where he would have a much better chance of doing so. You would rather keep Peyton on the roster, force him to spend his last few years in the NFL mentoring his replacement, and keep him on an uncertain, rebuilding team just in the name of respect? Or would you rather let him go wherever he wishes and let him win as many championships as he can in the name of respect?

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This is tearing our fan base apart.

Not really, its separating the fans of the Colts and the fans of Manning. Colts fans will continue to be Colts fans, Manning fans will become Dolphin fans.

Its like some didnt see this coming for the last 6 months or so. Irsay isnt dropping Manning just becuase. He has a multi billion dollar business to run and is thinking about what is best for his business long term.

I agree it SUCKS that Manning will suit up for another team, but it he was not going to be a Colt forever, we are in a position to get another franchise qb. Harbaugh to Manning to Luck There are teams who have had zero descent qbs in 20 years, we have the chance to go from 14 with Peyton to possibly aother 14 with Luck,

Believe it or not we are fortunate to hit the QB lottery twice. True colts fans will accept Luck and do the same thing they have always done. Root for the horseshoe to win on Sunday.

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Im going off of direct quotes and tweets from Irsay, he should of just told us earlier what needs to happen.

Remember the tweet about leaving it all up to Peyton and if he wanted to be a Colt, was healthy, and willing to restructure he would be a Colt?

Yeah I remember. My thought is that obviously Peyton wasn't healthy enough to Irsay's satisfaction to warrant taking the $28 million flyer. Irsay listed conditions "if x then y" and apparently not all of them were fulfilled in his eyes. Sure Peyton wanted to be a Colt. Was he healthy? We don't know and have no guarantees that he would have been going forward. Our deadline was this week, unfortunately we didn't have the luxuary to wait and see like other teams will have. Peyton will have more time now to rehab and try to impress the rest of the league. We don't even get to the point of actually discussing restructuring once both Irsay and Peyton reluctantly realize that it is in both of their best interests to move on.

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I find it interesting how people are blaming the colts administration for this. If payton manning wanted to be a colt he could have waived the 28 M bonus and signed a high incentive laden contract. He did not want to. this is a business decision and nothing else.

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Not really, its separating the fans of the Colts and the fans of Manning. Colts fans will continue to be Colts fans, Manning fans will become Dolphin fans.

Its like some didnt see this coming for the last 6 months or so. Irsay isnt dropping Manning just becuase. He has a multi billion dollar business to run and is thinking about what is best for his business long term.

I agree it SUCKS that Manning will suit up for another team, but it he was not going to be a Colt forever, we are in a position to get another franchise qb. Harbaugh to Manning to Luck There are teams who have had zero descent qbs in 20 years, we have the chance to go from 14 with Peyton to possibly aother 14 with Luck,

Believe it or not we are fortunate to hit the QB lottery twice. True colts fans will accept Luck and do the same thing they have always done. Root for the horseshoe to win on Sunday.

It is way too early to say we hit the QB lottery twice. We didn't know we hit the lottery with Manning until is second season. Luck could very well turn out to be a bust or not live up to the hype, though I hope he turns out to be as good or better than Manning. .

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Im no longer upset at Irsay. I didn't get to watch the presser. When I watched ESPN last night, they said Jim just wanted to move on, which didn't jive to what he's been saying. So I felt tricked but things still didn't add up.

Andy explained to me what happened at the presser, that the decision was mutual, just like i hoped a split would happen, if it came to that.

So now im back to being angry at ESPN for not being accurate. Hopefully their report has changed to reflect a mutual decision.

How things change but stay the same.

Good, I am glad that Andy was able to get through to you. :D

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No one get's banned for expressing how they feel. This whole discussion of Manning fans, Luck Fans, Colts Fans, *real* Colts fans and all the rest is the hieght of stupidity. No one has the right to question anyone's support or 'fan-hood' for a team or player. So just stop it, everyone.

As for the colts not being how I thought they were, the clearly (in my mind) are not. It's not an excuse, it's an opinion.If I wanted to cease being a fan of the Colts there are certainly easier options available. But again, in your statements about excuses you're again suggesting that people who express a particular opinion are not really fans of the team. I say, take that back, because you're in no position to make that judgement.

It's not an opinion though. When someone says they don't know if they can be Colts fan becuase they "aren't who i thought they were", that's an exuse. I mean what exactly did people think the Colts were? What were they when they released Marvin Harrison? What were they when they did not re sign Edge? It's not like this is the first time ever the Colts have released a player. These people are mad becuase it's Manning being released, thats the root of the problem. Not becuase the colts aren't who we thought they were, it's becuase it's Manning.

And nowhere did i say that someone who voices an opinion is not a fan. I said someone who quits supporting the team becuase of a player that is released is not really a true fan. They are a fan of that player, otherwise, they wouldn't stop supporting the team. And the only reason i brought up the "real" fan card was becuase it was thrown around in the post that i was quoting and replying to.

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I find it interesting how people are blaming the colts administration for this. If payton manning wanted to be a colt he could have waived the 28 M bonus and signed a high incentive laden contract. He did not want to. this is a business decision and nothing else.

You do not know if that is the case. Mere speculation.

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Im no longer upset at Irsay. I didn't get to watch the presser. When I watched ESPN last night, they said Jim just wanted to move on, which didn't jive to what he's been saying. So I felt tricked but things still didn't add up.

Andy explained to me what happened at the presser, that the decision was mutual, just like i hoped a split would happen, if it came to that.

So now im back to being angry at ESPN for not being accurate. Hopefully their report has changed to reflect a mutual decision.

How things change but stay the same.

Watch the presser, Manning was just being classy he didnt want to leave the Colts. He was just saying what was expected to be said of a person that never wants to burn bridges in the city he loves so much.

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It's not an opinion though. When someone says they don't know if they can be Colts fan becuase they "aren't who i thought they were", that's an exuse. I mean what exactly did people think the Colts were? What were they when they released Marvin Harrison? What were they when they did not re sign Edge? It's not like this is the first time ever the Colts have released a player. These people are mad becuase it's Manning being released, thats the root of the problem. Not becuase the colts aren't who we thought they were, it's becuase it's Manning.

And nowhere did i say that someone who voices an opinion is not a fan. I said someone who quits supporting the team becuase of a player that is released is not really a true fan. They are a fan of that player, otherwise, they wouldn't stop supporting the team. And the only reason i brought up the "real" fan card was becuase it was thrown around in the post that i was quoting and replying to.

You have to remember that people say things in the heat of the moment when they are emotional or upset. If people feel they need to vent and say they are no longer Colts fans then let them be. We have no right to question anyone's fanhood.

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You do not know if that is the case. Mere speculation.

ESPN reported this. Manning wanted money he really did not earn as he did not play. He could have wavied the bonus and signed a new contract but he did not. He chose to leave. I know this is a bitter pill for Payton Manning fans to believe but it is true. The same thing happned in Green Bay with Brett Farve.

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Ok an OUTSIDERS perspective here:

1. Irsay did what was best for the Colts, AND Manning. Why do so few realize Manning knows he is older and doesn't want be on a rebuilding team and wants a chance win another Championship elsewhere. The Colts were NO WHERE CLOSE to being a SB winning team.

2. Manning is one bad hit away from the end of his career, and Irsay if he traded the #1 pick and what is considered the best QB in years , then lost Manning the Colts be in rebuild for even longer

But mistly this is best for Manning!! He doesn't want to be on a rebuilding team he wants win now... so Irsay was showing loyalty to his player.

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Watch the presser, Manning was just being classy he didnt want to leave the Colts. He was just saying what was expected to be said of a person that never wants to burn bridges in the city he loves so much.

See where I wrote " things didn't add up". If Irsay just wanted Manning gone, would Peyton fly back to Indy with Jim? Very doubtful.

Would there be a love fest press conference ? No there would have been a press release.

Plus it wouldn't make sense to take fans for a ride knowing that the truth would come out shortly.

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seriously did you all watch the conference, manning clearly did not want to be moving on, what bothers me is

you make a man irrelvant without really thinking ,what the qb did for a young 37 yr owner, and the indy town, he even said i havent left indy, just the colts,

the point about rebuilding, this is the 1st time 14 yrs we could have easily put serious talent around him, rookie talents he can exploit,

the fact we finally became a defensive oriented team and manning does not get to actually enjoy the possible benefits

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Jim Irsay has said over and over again that if Peyton is healthy he will be a Colt. Then he said money was not a factor. Then he says its up to Peyton if he wants to play.

This afternoon, we will see the real Jim Irsay. Letting go of the soon to be HOF QB even though Peyton said he wanted to come back.

Although I can understand why this happened. I can not stand the fact that he stood in front of camera's, talked to media, and even tweeted about how much he wanted Peyton back. But, in the end, it sounds like he knew all along he was getting rid of him. It is reported that Irsay says its not about money, or health, or Peyton wanting to come back. It is that he wants to rebuild the team. So, he should have been a man and said that from the beginning.

I respected Jim, now I think its fair to say we are all just *s in his opinion. He can lie to us, and we will all just accept it. And, us loyal Colts fan will. Its just a sad sad situation.

One thing you should take into consideration is MAYBE Manning didn't want to be on a rebuilding team and they both agree it was time to move on.

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See where I wrote " things didn't add up". If Irsay just wanted Manning gone, would Peyton fly back to Indy with Jim? Very doubtful.

Would there be a love fest press conference ? No there would have been a press release.

Plus it wouldn't make sense to take fans for a ride knowing that the truth would come out shortly.

Ok, we can disagree. I love the Colts. I will love the Colts. But, Peyton did not want to leave. Maybe, he wanted Irsay to trade the pick and get more peeps to help and Irsay didnt. That would be the only reason I can think of the would make Peyton want to move on.

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seriously did you all watch the conference, manning clearly did not want to be moving on, what bothers me is

you make a man irrelvant without really thinking ,what the qb did for a young 37 yr owner, and the indy town, he even said i havent left indy, just the colts,

the point about rebuilding, this is the 1st time 14 yrs we could have easily put serious talent around him, rookie talents he can exploit,

the fact we finally became a defensive oriented team and manning does not get to actually enjoy the possible benefits

Just because he is emotional doesnt mean Manning didnt agree it was time to move on. He may want be a colt, but he doesnt want be a colt on a rebuilding team. Sort of Ray Borque w the bruins the traded him so he could have a chance to win because they were rebuilding. Borque was still a bruin at heart even in a different jersey.

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So, when Irsay gave Peyton his huge contract he was thinking rebuilding? One season ago dude.

Do you think Irsay was sitting there thinking about the 2-14 season no one foresaw and Mannings next surgery when he gave him that contract?

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he already got all your season ticket money,mysteriously upping the due date to march 2..every year ticket costs rise,they want it earlier and earlier,no installment payments anymore.That waiting list is going to shrink up fast.The Colt's have made a tactical error by pricing themselves out of the market,just watch.It will be early 90's RCa dome crowds real soon.

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I listened to the press conference on ESPN Chicago. Afterward the unbiased chicago analysts stated that Irsay sounded uprepared, winging it, and lost. Peyton sounded prepared, a professional, and couragious.

I couldn't agree more. Irsay's umm's and uhh's werent emotional related, he was un-prepared and sounded unsure of his choice. This is a great example of how he always is and will be.

My biggest point where I have lost all respect is the fact that he mentioned "salary cap problems" multiple times. Who created those problems? Who wanted to pay Manning all that money? Dont' blame Polian, the buck stops with Irsay! Those problems weren't Mannings fault. Manning is going to play in NFL and teams are licking their chops to play with him. It was about money, it's not about peformance. And in the end it wasn't Manning's choice. He told him in florida it was time to part ways. (another lie)

Irsay is unable to make good choices, and now with Manning not around to cover up what a bad owner he is and how unprepared he is to run this team into the future. Manning is Irsay's success, Irsay is nothing NOTHING without manning.

So break out your Irsay Fatheads and take down your Manning ones. It's awful to have this silver spoon fed man running his team.

thank god we had Manning for 14 years, what a professional he was, is, and always will be.

The Horseshoe is broken, and not even luck can fix that.

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Ok, so you admit it is all about Peyton then. Therefore, if Peyton is going to be healthy in September you still get rid of him?

The 2-14 team was Bill Polians terrible idea to build an entire team around one QB and have him carry the team to the SB. The 2012 team will be much different with a new GM, new coach, new scheme. I see no reason why Peyton wants to come back to this team.

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This is incredibly hard, but you're acting ridiculous. I'm not going to act tough and and act like I got through the presser fine, because I didn't. I cried.

In the end this is what's best for both parties. Peyton has a very good chance to win another ring on the right team (Possibly AZ, SEA, KC). He'd have a much better chance there then here right now.

The Colts have an up in coming player in Luck and no one knows for sure if Peyton will even be back to his old self. Also, what if Peyton had a game like last year against the Cowboys/Chargers when he threw 4 INTs in one game 2 for TDs? Some fans would be asking to see Luck in there. Would you want Peyton to have his career end like that? I sure don't.

This is incredibly hard to deal with, but in the end it's what's best. Irsay deserves absolutely no blame once so ever. In fact, his doing what's best for the Colts in the future and for what's best for Peyton now.

I love Peyton and wish the best for him and hope he gets another ring or 2, but in the end they both did the right thing.

Colts fan first, Manning fan second.

Coltswarriors, I commend you on writing such an excellent post! Very well said!

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Just because he is emotional doesnt mean Manning didnt agree it was time to move on. He may want be a colt, but he doesnt want be a colt on a rebuilding team. Sort of Ray Borque w the bruins the traded him so he could have a chance to win because they were rebuilding. Borque was still a bruin at heart even in a different jersey.

that was out of respect to get him a cup the bruins, the gm could not get done with his own team,

this is diff, there was no trade, it was a rouse, its up to the qb who loves playin for the city of indy, but really we got our new qb toy

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Well, thank you Mr Irsay for completely destroying your football franchise in a final display of insanity that tore down what shreds of respect, loyalty and even continuity I thought that the Colts organization had left. Yes, let's kick loose the player that more than anyone else has carried this football franchise to success, and has in many ways brought new vigor to the franchises home Indianapolis. Yes, let's tell that man to leave so that we can completely rebuild of the basis of luck - not Luck, I mean luck. No one knows whether this rookie QB will have the beans for the NFL, there is no continuity on the team at all. The Offense and Defense are being rebuilt from the ground up, the coaching staff is completely different, and I've never heard of one of the fron office or coachins staff before. So now we have a team of unknowns with unknown players and an unknown quantity at QB. Yay us, we are the new Detroit Lions. I'll remember the sheer insanity of this time when in 30 years the Colts will *still* be introduced as the "Rebuilding since 2012 Indianapolis Colts".

To be honest though I am completely disgusted with the franchise and much of the fan base that has no problem tossing aside Peyton manning. after what that single player has meant to the city and franchise. There are a lot of people that ought to be utterly ashamed of themselves right now, but are not. The Colts organization is first and foremost among that, I have no respect for you at all now. I do not understand your thinking or decision making at all.

For years now people have seen a sea of blue at home games, number 18 jerseys outnumbering everything else by a wide margin. But in a single stroke that era is gone. No more #18, no more #63, no more #44, no #86, no #93, for that matter no #88 or #21. What's left? Just a horseshoe. I guess someone really does believe that horseshoes are lucky. I don't believe in luck, nor for that matter do I believe in Luck. I do believe in respect, loyalty and some semblence of continuity, here we have none.

One final thought, how many football franchises have successfully rebuilt themselves after removing every fan favorite player from the roster along with the recognized names in the front office and coaching staff? Yeah, not many huh? Forget the performance on the field for a moment, we're're talking about players that are great fan favorites, and in the case of Peyton Manning, we're talking about a player that in many ways is *the* fan favorite. Now the team has nothing. Scorched earth.

I don't know how to describe how I feel; angry, disappointed, confused, worried, these are all words that might cover some of it. But I think I mostly feel completely let down by the franchise that I chose to love.

I don't know what the future holds for the Colts, and sadly, I don't really care right now. It's not about being a fan of Peyton, it's about the franchise and the way that franchise behaves and deals with things. Peyton talked yesterday about doing things the right way. At least *someone* knows how to do that. It seems that the folks in charge of the Colts forgot how to do that sometime during the last 8 months.

Can I continue being a Colts Fan? I don't know. right now, they are not the team I thought they were, and that is a huge disappointment.


when do I get my "likes" back???

Go peyton!

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Jim Irsay has said over and over again that if Peyton is healthy he will be a Colt. Then he said money was not a factor. Then he says its up to Peyton if he wants to play.

This afternoon, we will see the real Jim Irsay. Letting go of the soon to be HOF QB even though Peyton said he wanted to come back.

Although I can understand why this happened. I can not stand the fact that he stood in front of camera's, talked to media, and even tweeted about how much he wanted Peyton back. But, in the end, it sounds like he knew all along he was getting rid of him. It is reported that Irsay says its not about money, or health, or Peyton wanting to come back. It is that he wants to rebuild the team. So, he should have been a man and said that from the beginning.

I respected Jim, now I think its fair to say we are all just *s in his opinion. He can lie to us, and we will all just accept it. And, us loyal Colts fan will. Its just a sad sad situation.

yeah he has talked out of both sides of his mouth for sure.I wish he would have just admitted he wanted to move on at first instead of teasing the fans.Oh well,he is going to look either real smart of real stupid,we will find out in a couple years.
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There's a lot of emotional posting going on right now and this is another example. The Colts are rebuilding and are most likely a couple of seasons away from putting a contending team together. I suspect most folks will come around sooner or later. And where some fall away........others will fill their spots. If Peyton Manning considers himself a Colt forever, why can't some fans with dissenting opinions on the decision tree do the same.

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Irsay ALWAYS says "um" and "uh" in his conferences(it actually irritates me). That is absolutely nonsense to think he sounded the way he does(directed at the Chicago guys not you)

Also its not just Mannings cap hit. Its possible Freeney is released, Clark, Addai, Brackett.They all contribute to the salary cap problem too. It was just an unfortunate year where most of our F/A's are leaving and others are not living up to the money they are being paid.

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There's a lot of emotional posting going on right now and this is another example. The Colts are rebuilding and are most likely a couple of seasons away from putting a contending team together. I suspect most folks will come around sooner or later. And where some fall away........others will fill their spots. If Peyton Manning considers himself a Colt forever, why can't some fans with dissenting opinions on the decision tree do the same.

Peyton is professional and well prepared and knows that stating what he really thinks about getting stabbed in the back. Look at his actions prior to getting cut, this proves he wanted to stay.

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    • I'm not saying he is about to be a sack machine but you can see some of his potential as a one gap penetrator with that frame.    
    • Davis came from Alabama. My point of interest as the writer highlighted is he is moving from being a 2 gapper into now only being responsible for a single gap with a lot more penetration from him versus read and react. With his length and power at 6ft 7 300 plus the expectation for him in our scheme is he will be more disruptive. A much more reliable option for us if Grover goes down in addition to whatever else maybe we can do with him.
    • Thank you. You guys are too kind, but I truly appreciate the support.    Perhaps I am being too hard on myself… But my point still stands that anyone who makes it to the NFL, whether practice squad or starter, has achieved something prestigious that only a rare few ever achieve.    Over a million high schoolers play. Of those only 7.8 percent move on to play in college.    Over 80,000 people play in college. Only 0.4 percent make it to opening day in the NFL.    Only 2,016 players make it to NFL rosters. 
    • Davis had a very good rookie season after being drafted in the 2nd round out of Ohio State (I believe).   Graded in the 70’s against both the run and pass.      But his last three years have been disappointing, as he’s graded in the mid-50’s.   The reason I’m so interested in this signing, is (A) I’m sure it was heavily influenced by the new DL coach, Partridge.   And (B) we’re paying him 2/14.  I don’t recall that kind of money ever being given to a basic backup before.   Don’t think Davis is here to push Stewart, the Colts just signed him to 3/39.  That tells me the Colts defensive staff sees him differently.   I don’t know what the plan the staff has come up with for Davis, but I’m looking forward to watching it play out. 
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