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Colts Gm & Coach Being Interviewed On Nfln Live In A Few Min


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from the interview, it now seems obvious manning will be cut play next season miami 28 million dollars restructure tutor luck retire

I wouldn't use the word "obvious". However their demeanor was seemingly indifferent. Considering the quality of the player they're discussing (Manning), it just didn't hit my ear right. It's like they're trying not to fawn over him by design, as if they know they're responses must be political and not heartfelt and honest.

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MODS can feel free to edit the title and close this thread at any time, please. I don't want people thinking there is an interview starting at any minute when there isn't.

I only posted this thread in the hopes of passing on information that others may have wanted to see it.

They were asked about the teams other needs, specifically asked by Lombardi about the rest of the team "nevermind Manning". The answer was scripted (Daddy Jim is watching) and did not shed light on anything. As is typical heading into a draft.

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Its Irsay's/Mannings decision, that's a good reason to be standoffish. They will and can build around either Luck or Manning the same way.

Yes. Very true.

But if I'm Manning and I really am not having any intimate contact with these guys that are discussing him on national TV....I'm offended. When I hear them say "It's up to him (Manning)", I hear "How many kicks in the butt are you willing to take to stay here". As if....now you owe us Peyton, not the other way around.

"Franchise QB? check. Moving on..."

.....and that's disrespectful to the man that gave us a championship and ten years of utter dominance in our division. The idea that Manning is expendable in the face of a college QB is quite unnerving. I get it, but I'm bothered by it.

I don't think we're properly quantifying the pressure that parting ways with Manning puts on Luck from day one.

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.....and that's disrespectful to the man that gave us a championship and ten years of utter dominance in our division. The idea that Manning is expendable in the face of a college QB is quite unnerving. I get it, but I'm bothered by it.

I don't think we're properly quantifying the pressure that parting ways with Manning puts on Luck from day one.

Absolutely there will be a ton of pressure on him when the time comes that he takes over for Manning. The thing that concerns me the most is if the Manning fans will crucify this guy when it does happen. Manning was allowed his time to grow, learn, mature and become great, I just wonder if people are going to afford Luck the same.

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Manning was allowed his time to grow, learn, mature and become great, I just wonder if people are going to afford Luck the same.

Short answer; No. They will not. The dynamic is entirely different than in '98. We aren't coming off of 14 years of mediocrity, quite the polar opposite in fact. This is why I feel transition is key. A transition is a gradual shift, as opposed to a sudden change.

The thing that concerns me the most is if the Manning fans will crucify this guy when it does happen.

Hypothetical alert! If Manning is in Miami (just an example folks) and tearing it up, turning them around and doing what he always does, MVP quality play, while conversely Luck and the Colts are dredged in mediocrity, yes, we will have to ask "did we make a mistake"? Luck will bare the full brunt of the fans angst and nobody should expect the evaluation to be fair.

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Yes. Very true.

But if I'm Manning and I really am not having any intimate contact with these guys that are discussing him on national TV....I'm offended. When I hear them say "It's up to him (Manning)", I hear "How many kicks in the butt are you willing to take to stay here". As if....now you owe us Peyton, not the other way around.

.....and that's disrespectful to the man that gave us a championship and ten years of utter dominance in our division. The idea that Manning is expendable in the face of a college QB is quite unnerving. I get it, but I'm bothered by it.

I don't think we're properly quantifying the pressure that parting ways with Manning puts on Luck from day one.

But what do you want them to do? You want them to wail in the streets and cut themselves, dressed in sackcloth? You want them to leave gift offerings in front of his picture at LOS?

The facts are the facts: At this point, the Manning decision is not only out of their hands, but it's very much an either/or situation. Either Manning is back, or we move on to Luck. There's been plenty of pontificating on the subject in recent weeks, and there's nothing that two people who aren't going to be making the decision can say at this point. Their job is to build the best team they can and coach as best they can, with or without Manning.

Irsay has already intimated that he's willing to keep Manning and draft Luck. He's just not willing to pay Manning $28 million and be tied to the highest average salary in the NFL for a player that just missed an entire season and might not ever get back to where he was.

I'm like you: I sincerely hope that Manning gets back, and I hope we can keep him, and I hope we win with him. I think he deserves to be healthy, and I think he deserves to be able to finish his career on his terms, in a Colts uniform. But sometimes, due to circumstances beyond our control, we don't get what we deserve. And the fact that, ideally, we'd find a way to make this happen for him (and for the fan base), doesn't mean that Irsay should put emotion ahead of sound business strategy. We both know that. Neither of us like it.

Still, what do you want from Grigson and Pagano? They can talk about issues that they have insight into and control over, or they can shrug their shoulders like the rest of the NFL world and wait to see what happens. Might as well let them engage in meaningful discussion about the rest of the football team.

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sums it up entirely

Offensive schemes might be different depending on which QB starts but the rest of the offensive players should beable to play WCO or Manning ball. Defensive players are not affected. the Manning issue will be taken care of before we sign any high dollar FAs, a clear strategy will be available in that regard .

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Yes. Very true.

But if I'm Manning and I really am not having any intimate contact with these guys that are discussing him on national TV....I'm offended. When I hear them say "It's up to him (Manning)", I hear "How many kicks in the butt are you willing to take to stay here". As if....now you owe us Peyton, not the other way around.

.....and that's disrespectful to the man that gave us a championship and ten years of utter dominance in our division. The idea that Manning is expendable in the face of a college QB is quite unnerving. I get it, but I'm bothered by it.

I don't think we're properly quantifying the pressure that parting ways with Manning puts on Luck from day one.

Yeah, I am kind of tired of this "its up the him" thing. Didnt he sign a contract with you last year? Umm.. I think he want to play there. Why not say the truth, " if he is willing to take a huge pay cut and play for what ever we offer him, then yes he will be back.". For the record. This isnt an arguement, just on obvious observation.

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Absolutely there will be a ton of pressure on him when the time comes that he takes over for Manning. The thing that concerns me the most is if the Manning fans will crucify this guy when it does happen. Manning was allowed his time to grow, learn, mature and become great, I just wonder if people are going to afford Luck the same.

He gets one season, his rookie season. We have had two bad seasons since Peyton was under center. '98 and '01. Why should the successor get any different?

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But what do you want them to do? You want them to wail in the streets and cut themselves, dressed in sackcloth? You want them to leave gift offerings in front of his picture at LOS?

I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but, what I want is for them to communicate with Manning. They don't need to twitter. They don't need tell NFLN. They don't need to have press releases with the intent of posturing themselves as the good guys.

The facts are the facts: At this point, the Manning decision is not only out of their hands, but it's very much an either/or situation.

lol....that's what they want you and everyone else to think. "It's out of their hands"? No, it is not. It is very much in their hands and for you or anyone else to believe that load of bull is simply amazing. They gave him a huge contract knowing the possibility now they want to act like Manning let them down and it is incumbent upon him entirely. That's a way of absolving themselves of the fallout.

The rest of your post I agree with for the most part. I just don't like people buying into this PR posturing.

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Yes. Very true.

But if I'm Manning and I really am not having any intimate contact with these guys that are discussing him on national TV....I'm offended. When I hear them say "It's up to him (Manning)", I hear "How many kicks in the butt are you willing to take to stay here". As if....now you owe us Peyton, not the other way around.

.....and that's disrespectful to the man that gave us a championship and ten years of utter dominance in our division. The idea that Manning is expendable in the face of a college QB is quite unnerving. I get it, but I'm bothered by it.

I don't think we're properly quantifying the pressure that parting ways with Manning puts on Luck from day one.

I don't think they are worried about extra pressure on Luck, either he's going to have ice in his blood or he's going to learn to deal with it. I don't think any of this is disrespectful to Manning, when looking at it in a X and O s standpoint, they will have a franchise QB either way, its checked off a list of needs. Grigson and Pagano don't have a relationship with Manning, and at this point in time, they should leave that issue between Manning and Irsay since it sounds like the negotiations will be between those 2.

Grigson and Pagano just know their roles and are minding their own business. When Manning is resigned (semantics) then they will start a normal coach, GM, QB relationship.

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I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but, what I want is for them to communicate with Manning. They don't need to twitter. They don't need tell NFLN. They don't need to have press releases with the intent of posturing themselves as the good guys.

lol....that's what they want you and everyone else to think. "It's out of their hands"? No, it is not. It is very much in their hands and for you or anyone else to believe that load of bull is simply amazing. They gave him a huge contract knowing the possibility now they want to act like Manning let them down and it is incumbent upon him entirely. That's a way of absolving themselves of the fallout.

The rest of your post I agree with for the most part. I just don't like people buying into this PR posturing.

I'm talking about Grigson and Pagano. They didn't give Manning a contract last year. The Manning decision is not theirs to make; it's Irsay's. They are the ones interviewing on NFLN, like a ton of other coaches and GMs this week because of the Combine. They aren't posturing and trying to make themselves the good guys. They're just doing their jobs, according to the parameters set forth by Irsay. If you want them to beat themselves in grief every time someone brings Manning up, I think you're expecting too much.

As for Irsay, the fact that he's on Twitter is inconsequential and irrelevant.

The contract that Manning and Irsay agreed to allows the Colts to terminate the contract before the 2012 league year begins, and forgo a lot of bonus money. I don't see what's wrong with Irsay considering that option, especially considering the fact that a) he's running a multi-million dollar business; b) the Colts paid Manning $26 million in 2011 and he didn't play a single game.

This all sucks. I hate it, honestly. But taking it out on Irsay isn't appropriate, and neither is directing the responsibility or blame at Grigson and Pagano. They're at the Combine doing their job, and at this point, they're job doesn't include making a decision on Manning.

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I don't think we're properly quantifying the pressure that parting ways with Manning puts on Luck from day one.

This is the thing that terrifies me the most about this situation.

That the fanbase is going to blame Luck for Manning leaving and never give him a chance. Which to me is not only totally unfair, but it's a pretty serious case of cutting off your nose to spite the face. Makes no sense to me.

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I'm talking about Grigson and Pagano. They didn't give Manning a contract last year. The Manning decision is not theirs to make; it's Irsay's. They are the ones interviewing on NFLN, like a ton of other coaches and GMs this week because of the Combine. They aren't posturing and trying to make themselves the good guys. They're just doing their jobs, according to the parameters set forth by Irsay. If you want them to beat themselves in grief every time someone brings Manning up, I think you're expecting too much.

As for Irsay, the fact that he's on Twitter is inconsequential and irrelevant.

The contract that Manning and Irsay agreed to allows the Colts to terminate the contract before the 2012 league year begins, and forgo a lot of bonus money. I don't see what's wrong with Irsay considering that option, especially considering the fact that a) he's running a multi-million dollar business; b) the Colts paid Manning $26 million in 2011 and he didn't play a single game.

This all sucks. I hate it, honestly. But taking it out on Irsay isn't appropriate, and neither is directing the responsibility or blame at Grigson and Pagano. They're at the Combine doing their job, and at this point, they're job doesn't include making a decision on Manning.

I agree with you for the most part.


You don't find it odd that they don't seem so concerned with the single most important issue facing the franchise (Manning)?

It seems so simple. "We really want him back. He's Peyton Manning". Why is that so hard to saythat? Pagano was asked specifically what he thought of the possibility of having Manning on his team and he responded as if he was asked about Curtis Painter. Like "meh....whatever dude".

You could see it in their eyes, they were trying to remember their lines like rookie actors trying to memorize a script. They both came off as disingenuous and coy. Would it really kill their position to admit that the retention of Manning would be the best way for Pagano to win in his first few years as a coach? They're so bound by secrecy and ploys that they won't frickin say what they think.


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I agree with you for the most part.


You don't find it odd that they don't seem so concerned with the single most important issue facing the franchise (Manning)?

It seems so simple. "We really want him back. He's Peyton Manning". Why is that so hard to saythat? Pagano was asked specifically what he thought of the possibility of having Manning on his team and he responded as if he was asked about Curtis Painter. Like "meh....whatever dude".

You could see it in their eyes, they were trying to remember their lines like rookie actors trying to memorize a script. They both came off as disingenuous and coy. Would it really kill their position to admit that the retention of Manning would be the best way for Pagano to win in his first few years as a coach? They're so bound by secrecy and ploys that they won't frickin say what they think.


Perhaps they would like to say as little as possible because of the current media frenzy. They don't want anything taken out of context but apparently being silent will have the same results.

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Perhaps they would like to say as little as possible because of the current media frenzy. They don't want anything taken out of context but apparently being silent will have the same results.

I know. But it's still funny. I mean "haha" funny. As in, just about every other coach in the league, rookie or not, would respond to that question (What do you think about having Manning this year) would respond like this;


Pagano; "Meh....dunno whatever dude....worrying about the rest of the team blah blah". What really? GTHO with that noise you lying liar.

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Short answer; No. They will not. The dynamic is entirely different than in '98. We aren't coming off of 14 years of mediocrity, quite the polar opposite in fact. This is why I feel transition is key. A transition is a gradual shift, as opposed to a sudden change.
So like a Dungy to Caldwell transition? Or a Bill Polian to Chris Polian transition? I'm not saying pulling the plug on Manning is right either, but we just don't know enough about what is really going on. Like we've said so many times, it's about manning's health and ability. If he can't perform and Jim Ersay pays him a bunch of money again that could be really bad for this team. And if he doens't pay him and he moves on and plays great that would be tough on the Colts fans and probably be tough for Luck. Either way things could go badly. We just don't know.

And in the end, when Peyton is not playing and someone else is that is a sudden change.

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And in the end, when Peyton is not playing and someone else is that is a sudden change.

Well....no. Not if Luck sits behind Manning for a few years. Thats a far smoother transition for his learning curve. As well, it would keep the fans from throwing Luck under the bus. Not that any FO decisions should be made with regard to fan emotion. That would be truly disturbing.

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Well....no. Not if Luck sits behind Manning for a few years. Thats a far smoother transition for his learning curve. As well, it would keep the fans from throwing Luck under the bus. Not that any FO decisions should be made with regard to fan emotion. That would be truly disturbing.

Personally I would love to see Peyton back - just don't know if it's in the cards. And sooner or later the new QB has to take off the training wheels. I hear what you are saying though.

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Personally I would love to see Peyton back - just don't know if it's in the cards. And sooner or later the new QB has to take off the training wheels. I hear what you are saying though.

Strange times indeed. At 40 years old I have a full head of hair and a stationary hairline. If this crap continues much longer I may be investing in a hat.

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This is the thing that terrifies me the most about this situation.

That the fanbase is going to blame Luck for Manning leaving and never give him a chance. Which to me is not only totally unfair, but it's a pretty serious case of cutting off your nose to spite the face. Makes no sense to me.

Why are you terrified? Luck is either the real deal or he is not. Lucks future has nothing to do with the fans putting pressure on him.

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