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Doyel the front runner


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5 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

when you read his article, you are thinking wow, that's brash, harsh, etc..... but as it starts to sink in, he is expressing things that many of us say to the tv screen when watching the colts game....  he just has the cojones to do that post-game in the media, and in this last case, straight to a player as advanced warning as to where he was going in his article.  now, having said that, i certainly don't agree with all of his stances, writings, and interviews.  That article was posted last night about 7pm or so, which is when I read it.  I've had a chance to digest it and agree that some of the players (and Doyel made it clear he was only singling out a handful not the whole team) are playing for themselves... but in defense of those few, this team is a traveling dumpster fire...from owner, down to coaches, and guess what,,, it seeps down into the players.  They get it that they suck, but doyel puts prints it not only in black and white, but in real-time vivid color. Is he over the top at times, yes , but might be the only one not afraid to call this organization out, other than Dakich.

Can’t stand DD much either

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4 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

You are not from a small town and/or associated with Youth or HS sports 

You are correct. As much as Youth and HS try to win a championship though, the ultimate goal is to get noticed by colleges and get a scholarship in the sport you play, with the ultimate goal of possibly reaching the pros one day. Youth and HS are nowhere near under the pressure that the pros are. Most aren't good enough already, and they will get degrees elsewhere and that's that. Pros spent their whole life getting there, trying to make 1 of 32 teams and playing at a world class level where they could get cut for any reason. They also have to try and start over other world class players while learning a playbook and not making mistakes character-wise off the field. Youth and High Schoolers are competing against weak competition and the good ones will stand out, the pros you are just one of the guys if that most of the time.

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4 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Oh coming in 2nd sucks in any tournament or sports activity. I used to be a Great Chess player (I say used too because I haven't competited in years) but if I would lose to anyone I would feel like a garbage player. That really isn't true in reality though. Every player I ever lost too were Good to Great and had high IQ's.

That's true. If you are in a community of chess players as well and are one of the top players, you represent that group of players and they have huge expectations of you. I was the 2nd best player in pokemon in the state. I won states one year, but the other guy that beat me had the heavy expectations on him. So I could compete in nationals and worlds, but if I lost, it wasn't a big deal. If he lost, he would be critiqued because of how good he is. I think the Colts should get some leinency based on not having Luck and our record, but the coaching and drafting should be critiqued. Just be honest and I'll respect you, that's all I ask from writers and posters on here. :) 

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1 minute ago, Jared Cisneros said:

You are correct. As much as Youth and HS try to win a championship though, the ultimate goal is to get noticed by colleges and get a scholarship in the sport you play, with the ultimate goal of possibly reaching the pros one day. Youth and HS are nowhere near under the pressure that the pros are. Most aren't good enough already, and they will get degrees elsewhere and that's that. Pros spent their whole life getting there, trying to make 1 of 32 teams and playing at a world class level where they could get cut for any reason. They also have to try and start over other world class players while learning a playbook and not making mistakes character-wise off the field. Youth and High Schoolers are competing against weak competition and the good ones will stand out, the pros you are just one of the guys if that most of the time.

Yes they are 

 HS athletes are trying to do those things while also getting good grades


   When I was playing/coaching I routinely got “tips” from locals about the last/next game




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1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Disagree with this completely. Most people on here would be writing articles similar to Doyle if they had his platform. Also, by that logic, all writers exist to get clicks, some do it by talking positively and some negatively. At least Doyle is telling the truth though with his negativity because of our record and how we are playing and coaching. Someone that writes and puts a positive spin on the season is lying and manipulating the facts right now to try and sound positive. I at least appreciate the honesty and passion from Doyle rather than a corporate puppet paid to try and point out the few positives to make everyone seem like it's ok. 

I get that you identify with him.  That's why he does what he does.

Yes, there is a lot of click bait journalism these days and it's making us a bunch of reactionary pivoters if you ask me.


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I think Doyel both tries to promote his brand while also just writing how he feels. Praise after good performances, harsh after bad ones. 

I don't think he's a hack so much as I think he knows how to attract a following, even if it's a hate to love him kind of follower. I think the Star kind of tries to have the whole fanbase covered. Holder seems to be the even keeled type, although I think he can get grating just like Doyel can. Keefer's kind of in the middle, personally he's the least annoying to me. And then there's Doyel.

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1 hour ago, Defjamz26 said:

The Jaguars are winning games with a QB that probably isn’t even as talented as Jacoby Brissett, let alone Rodgers. Can’t always use not having the franchise QB as an excuse.

The Colts have scored two 4th quarter TDs all season - in 165 minutes of football.


We once scored 3 TDs in the final 4 minutes to win a game in Tampa.


No team can win with what we are getting from Brissett in crunch time.  

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14 minutes ago, Dingus McGirt said:

Someone HAD to say these things, since it seems the team's "player's" coach won't.


Maybe it's a thing of the past, but journalists are kind of supposed to be objective.  I understand a presentation of only facts is boring, so Doyel interjects his opinion to make it more interesting.  He doesn't like how a few WRs act, so he calls them infectious losers to get clicks.


I'm not saying I disagree with his opinion, but if we're going to pass-off fan reaction click-bait as objective journalism, then we should all be getting paid for posting our opinions on the internet...


Cuz I'm Skip Bayless, yes I'm the Skip Bayless.  All you other Skip Bayless are just imitators.  So won't the real Skip Bayless please stand up, please stand up.

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Well, if I ever get more than 5 likes for a post, I do a Chandler dance. What's wrong with a lil' celebration once in a while? Geez, I once got home from the pub early, and my lovely wife ran around the lounge with her blouse over her head and her arms out by her side. Doyel is just a click head. And if anyone can't see the progression of our defense this year, they are not watching, irrespective of the stats.

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2 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Disagree with this completely. Most people on here would be writing articles similar to Doyle if they had his platform. Also, by that logic, all writers exist to get clicks, some do it by talking positively and some negatively. At least Doyle is telling the truth though with his negativity because of our record and how we are playing and coaching. Someone that writes and puts a positive spin on the season is lying and manipulating the facts right now to try and sound positive. I at least appreciate the honesty and passion from Doyle rather than a corporate puppet paid to try and point out the few positives to make everyone seem like it's ok. 

Which is exactly NOT what a journalist should do.  He should write based on his position of being closer to the organization than what access "most on here" have. 


Being a beat writer, he should put more effort into developing his access and information channels...IOW gaining real knowledge about something he's writing about...rather than just a fan searching the internet, then venting or praising.


Writing an article like a fan would write it serves no purpose that I can see.  At least not something worth compensation.

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20 minutes ago, strt182 said:

If this keeps you a fan then are you REALLY a fan?  just wondering

What really turns me off as a fan is the fact that we never built a team around Manning and we are doing the same with Luck. We weren't honest about Manning in 2011 and then repeated it with Luck. We backdoor into two elite QBs and do the minimum with each of them. Manning should of had Brady-like playoff accomplishments and we should of won more than one SB, and Luck should be healthy and is constantly hurt because of poor drafting on the O-Line. This team never learns and it's a waste of my time right now. I'd rather do things that Iam in control of. At least fantasy football Iam involved in and make the decisions.


Yes, what is keeping me a fan is hoping Luck plays next year, and getting a new coach and top 5 pick. Those are the only things to look forward too. Loyalty is earned, not given, and Irsay doesn't seem to realize that.

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I appreciate the responses to this topic. Doyel just seems to be a raw nerve waiting to inject some pain at the slightest provocation. Objectivity is not part of his arsenal. He writes well, but he writes impulsively and emotionally and it reveals his lack of depth in analyzing what is going wrong. I expect more from a so called professional journalist. 


As to those who enjoy his "in your face style", mark me down as not a fan. I have no problem with someone telling it like it is, but Doyel is just as likely to come back next week after Moncrief does something good and tell us just how much different he looked today; that he exuded "leadership". As I said, he's a front runner. Just my opinion.


This board is at least alive and well, even with the tough season we're experiencing as fans. I'm glad for that, and look forward to better days ahead. 

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19 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


Fair-weather fans need everything to go the way they want, or it's no fun being a fan.


Real fans bottle-up every loss, internalize it, and use it as fuel for celebrating future wins.

Eventhough it's about Luck's health, great Draft position, and getting the right Coach - I hated losing yesterday!

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22 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


Fair-weather fans need everything to go the way they want, or it's no fun being a fan.


Real fans bottle-up every loss, internalize it, and use it as fuel for celebrating future wins.

Or we're just dumb and stick to one team haha..


I realized long ago if you're a fan of ANY team, odds are they aren't winning every year...unless you're a ne fan of course.

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14 minutes ago, IinD said:

Or we're just dumb and stick to one team haha..


I realized long ago if you're a fan of ANY team, odds are they aren't winning every year...unless you're a ne fan of course.

I don't see anything wrong with rooting for another team if your favorite team is out of it in a certain year - most people still love sports and have rooting interests. I am diehard Colts, Pacers, and Cubs but if those teams have no chance in a certain year than I will root for players I like. For example, I wanted the Broncos in 2015 because of Peyton since the Colts were out of it. I think most people are like that.

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12 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I don't see anything wrong with rooting for another team if your favorite team is out of it in a certain year - most people still love sports and have rooting interests. I am diehard Colts, Pacers, and Cubs but if those teams have no chance in a certain year than I will root for players I like. For example, I wanted the Broncos in 2015 because of Peyton since the Colts were out of it. I think most people are like that.

To each his own of course.


I was just staying I'll take anything Indy dishes out. One we're roast I pretty much stop following.


I know I will most likely miss most of the playoffs unless I'm home doing nothing. I don't care honestly about any other team...maybe the giants if they're in it, but that's obviously not in the equation this year.

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2 minutes ago, IinD said:

To each his own of course.


I was just staying I'll take anything Indy dishes out. One we're roast I pretty much stop following.


I know I will most likely miss most of the playoffs unless I'm home doing nothing. I don't care honestly about any other team...maybe the giants if they're in it, but that's obviously not in the equation this year.

Not disagreeing with what you were saying at all. I get your point. Of course without Indy in it, it doesn't really matter. Like I said earlier after the Colts game yesterday, I went to the store and went to bed early with HBO on lmao 

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Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Not disagreeing with what you were saying at all. I get your point. Of course without Indy in it, it doesn't really matter. Like I said earlier after the Colts game yesterday, I went to the store and went to bed early with HBO on lmao 

Definitely wasn't being argumentative..it's hard sometimes on the internet with sarcasm or being serious..


I'm definitely out of it in terms of football this year. I see NE steam rolling the afc and then Bill B will have a solid couple weeks to gameplan for one game and they'll probably win.


Annoying to say the least.

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1 minute ago, IinD said:

Definitely wasn't being argumentative..it's hard sometimes on the internet with sarcasm or being serious..


I'm definitely out of it in terms of football this year. I see NE steam rolling the afc and then Bill B will have a solid couple weeks to gameplan for one game and they'll probably win.


Annoying to say the least.

I know, I don't see anyone beating NE. It sucks, I picked it too at the beginning of the year and I cant stand them.

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1 hour ago, DougDew said:

Which is exactly NOT what a journalist should do.  He should write based on his position of being closer to the organization than what access "most on here" have. 


Being a beat writer, he should put more effort into developing his access and information channels...IOW gaining real knowledge about something he's writing about...rather than just a fan searching the internet, then venting or praising.


Writing an article like a fan would write it serves no purpose that I can see.  At least not something worth compensation.


Yep, when I need such input, I come here, and find plenty of it.

I don't need to know that Jared stuck a microphone in a players face, to ask the 'tough questions'. Stupid questions beget stupid responses. Who cares?

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1 hour ago, braveheartcolt said:

Well, if I ever get more than 5 likes for a post, I do a Chandler dance. What's wrong with a lil' celebration once in a while? Geez, I once got home from the pub early, and my lovely wife ran around the lounge with her blouse over her head and her arms out by her side. Doyel is just a click head. And if anyone can't see the progression of our defense this year, they are not watching, irrespective of the stats.


Ah, so you're a click magnet wannabe, huh? 


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2 hours ago, JColts72 said:

His article was so spot on with the look at me first horrible attitudes of players in the league in general. Let me do a dance and make a gesture of a 3 yard pass. This garbage did not occur during your dad's NFL of the 60's and 70's. A Butkus, Mike Curtis and tough coach would have them out the league so fast. or given then a well deserved attitude adjustment.

Of course, some of those who disagree with Doyel would say our entire culture supports this look at me attitude, so hy pick on athletes. And I think there is truth in that belief. Examples? Start with the "my school kid is great" bumper stickers and the participation trophies and extending into the teen years where the concept of respect for elders has gone out the window in favor of kids need to express themselves no matter who they are addressing. I hope those of you who are parents with school age kids do your best to support the teachers and not side with innocent little Johnny against them. You cant expect kids to grow as anything but selfish, entitled adults if they are told that's their birthright by their parents. 


As for Doyel, he does shoot for controversy but, right or wrong,  I will at least give him credit for guts. He must interact with the Colts organization to do his job and these articles won't make that job easy. Imagine walking through the locker room in the next couple weeks. 

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4 minutes ago, azcolt said:

Of course, some of those who disagree with Doyel would say our entire culture supports this look at me attitude, so why pick on athletes. And I think there is truth in that belief. Examples? Start with the "my school kid is great" bumper stickers and the participation trophies and extending into the teen years where the concept of respect for elders has gone out the window in favor of kids need to express themselves no matter who they are addressing. I hope those of you who are parents with school age kids do your best to support the teachers and not side with innocent little Johnny against them. You can't expect kids to grow up to be anything but selfish, entitled adults if they are told that's their birthright by their parents. 


As for Doyel, he does shoot for controversy but, right or wrong,  I will at least give him credit for guts. He must interact with the Colts organization to do his job and these articles won't make that job easy. Imagine walking through the locker room in the next couple weeks. 


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7 minutes ago, azcolt said:

Of course, some of those who disagree with Doyel would say our entire culture supports this look at me attitude, so hy pick on athletes. And I think there is truth in that belief. Examples? Start with the "my school kid is great" bumper stickers and the participation trophies and extending into the teen years where the concept of respect for elders has gone out the window in favor of kids need to express themselves no matter who they are addressing. I hope those of you who are parents with school age kids do your best to support the teachers and not side with innocent little Johnny against them. You cant expect kids to grow as anything but selfish, entitled adults if they are told that's their birthright by their parents. 


As for Doyel, he does shoot for controversy but, right or wrong,  I will at least give him credit for guts. He must interact with the Colts organization to do his job and these articles won't make that job easy. Imagine walking through the locker room in the next couple weeks. 

Yeah it's easy to kick a team down when they don't have their best player hardee har har. Lets see what happens next season when Luck kicks butt and we win the Divsion. I hope Doyle prints that and Dakich eats his words.

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42 minutes ago, lollygagger8 said:

Here's a novel idea: 


Don't read his articles if you don't like them. 


37 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Never Do


35 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I don't either. Nor do I listen to Dakich.


21 minutes ago, Nadine said:

I don't

Same with Florio


Same. He's a trolling salesman, he writes to get a reaction. He's not a Colts fan, he isn't representing this fan base, and I were running the Colts media department, he would have lost his credential a long time ago.

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