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This is what Andrew Luck being in Europe means


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You guys seriously need to chill out. TY has had a bad season due to not having a QB and you all are ready to throw him off the team. He just led the league last year. Luck is not recovering as fast and isn’t back to where YOU want him so we don’t have a QB for the future .... so quick to jump ship, so quick to follow whatever ESPN and some quack who thinks he is a sports reporter says. Just wait and see damn. 

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1 hour ago, sfergson727 said:

Are you sure?  How do you know the pain killing injections were not cortisone?  I've been to pain doctors for my hips, cortisone was the only thing offered.


Indianapolis Colts quarterback Andrew Luck will miss his ninth game of the season when he sits out Sunday's contest against the Titans because of his unhealed lacerated kidney. But now we're learning more about the degree to which Luck was hurt during his first injury-related absence earlier this season.

According to an NFL source, Luck sustained torn cartilage on two of his ribs and was still coping with significant pain after returning to the lineup for four games in late October and early November. The injury likely affected Luck's performance after he returned from a two-game absence that the Colts attributed to a shoulder injury. Luck, according to the source, needed pain-killing injections to play and was quite limited by the injury.


He wasn't being given cortisone shots weekly.      No doctor would do that to a young person.  


   Nice back peddle though

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59 minutes ago, TdungyW/12 said:

You guys seriously need to chill out. TY has had a bad season due to not having a QB and you all are ready to throw him off the team. He just led the league last year. Luck is not recovering as fast and isn’t back to where YOU want him so we don’t have a QB for the future .... so quick to jump ship, so quick to follow whatever ESPN and some quack who thinks he is a sports reporter says. Just wait and see damn. 

I think the people upset with TY was more about him tossing the line under the bus.  If he hadn't done that I don't think anyone would be upset with TY.  With that said I'd be shocked if TY isn't here next year.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
13 minutes ago, #12. said:

Rich Gannon and Kevin Harlan during today's game:  Chuck and Colts aren't in contact with Luck and have no idea what is going on.  Luck's not at the facility.  

I can see Chuck not being in contact but I find it hard to believe that Irsay and Ballard are not in contact.  I'm sure they know what's going on. 

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6 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

I can see Chuck not being in contact but I find it hard to believe that Irsay and Ballard are not in contact.  I'm sure they know what's going on. 

With the way this entire thing has played out, I tend to believe it.  

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On ‎11‎/‎17‎/‎2017 at 12:27 AM, crazycolt1 said:

Even the draft will not have the answers. With Brissett on the roster, his age and contract makes the draft an unknown as far as Luck is concerned. When Ballard drafted Brissett his exact words he was drafted for the future. Be it the future of the Colts or a future draft pick we wont know till that time comes. Maybe it was an insurance policy for either scenario. Either way it was a smart move by Ballard.

Ballard didn't draft Brissett he traded for him.

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21 minutes ago, jameszeigler834 said:

Ballard didn't draft Brissett he traded for him.

That's right and let's face it Ballard has to be pretty disappointed with his progress right now.  To me he has regressed the past two weeks.  He certainly has the arm and his contract is cheap but he makes poor decisions at critical times during the game.  I still don't see him changing plays at the line of scrimmage that much if at all.  He is still staring down receivers and many times he looks like a deer caught in the headlights.  Teams have a lot of film on him now.  He's played a lot and he should be getting better.  I don't have confidence he can bring us back from even a ten point deficit.  When he tries I am waiting for him to make a critical mistake and he does like today.   Let's hope Luck comes back 100%.  If there is any concern at all Ballard has to keep all options on the table.   He is getting his opportunity.  He has to move the team and get points.  

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5 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

That's right and let's face it Ballard has to be pretty disappointed with his progress right now.  To me he has regressed the past two weeks.  He certainly has the arm and his contract is cheap but he makes poor decisions at critical times during the game.  I still don't see him changing plays at the line of scrimmage that much if at all.  He is still staring down receivers and many times he looks like a deer caught in the headlights.  Teams have a lot of film on him now.  He's played a lot and he should be getting better.  I don't have confidence he can bring us back from even a ten point deficit.  When he tries I am waiting for him to make a critical mistake and he does like today.   Let's hope Luck comes back 100%.  If there is any concern at all Ballard has to keep all options on the table.   He is getting his opportunity.  He has to move the team and get points.  

He had no protection against titans and recievers were not getting open this week he played a good defense and the recievers still were not getting open.

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7 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

That's right and let's face it Ballard has to be pretty disappointed with his progress right now.  To me he has regressed the past two weeks.  He certainly has the arm and his contract is cheap but he makes poor decisions at critical times during the game.  I still don't see him changing plays at the line of scrimmage that much if at all.  He is still staring down receivers and many times he looks like a deer caught in the headlights.  Teams have a lot of film on him now.  He's played a lot and he should be getting better.  I don't have confidence he can bring us back from even a ten point deficit.  When he tries I am waiting for him to make a critical mistake and he does like today.   Let's hope Luck comes back 100%.  If there is any concern at all Ballard has to keep all options on the table.   He is getting his opportunity.  He has to move the team and get points.  

Oh and I forgot play calling is still dreadful.

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I thought Luck grew up partly in Europe a bit. Maybe at times he likes to go there too since he feels comfortable getting away there?


Kobe Bryant grew up in Italy. He used to spend a lot of time off and on in Italy. Not always to do health things, but because he felt comfortable there.




I don't know........but my theory makes about as much sense as anyone elses does now.......

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1 minute ago, Jules said:

I thought Luck grew up partly in Europe a bit. Maybe at times he likes to go there too since he feels comfortable getting away there?


Kobe Bryant grew up in Italy. He used to spend a lot of time off and on in Italy. Not always to do health things, but because he felt comfortable there.




I don't know........but my theory makes about as much sense as anyone elses does now.......

He did, Luck will be fine. People are panicking way too much. We will be Good next season I am sure of it. We have been in 4 or 5 games this season with a backup QB. Saints are up 28-14 over Panthers and Falcons lost, my Saints pick looking good, hey :thmup:

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

He did, Luck will be fine. People are panicking way too much. We will be Good next season I am sure of it. We have been in 4 or 5 games this season with a backup QB. Saints are up 28-14 over Panthers and Falcons lost, my Saints pick looking good, hey :thmup:


Which is why I was wondering why nobody has brought up the European connections Luck has and the idea of him maybe wanting to get away there too........."just because" etc.


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1 minute ago, Jules said:


Why do people assume it's rehab and serious stuff though too. Do we have direct proof?

Not really but I am assuming he may be getting some sort of treatment there. Kobe did so it's a guess. I am not sure he is but like you said as a kid he was over there a lot. Oliver ran leagues over there when Andrew was a kid. Hell he may be over there visiting a cousin for all we know lmao 

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On 11/16/2017 at 11:21 PM, sfergson727 said:


You guys can believe what you want.  I tend to believe that Luck is finished.  He had cortisone shots every week for whole season, that is very bad for the surrounding tissue.  I think he is done, but that is my opinion only.  Time will tell.

if what you're saying is true (that those injections damage tissue), it would be almost certain that the Colts wouldn't have let that happen -- every team including the Colts have the best possible medical & training staff , top notch all the way, the best that money can buy.  It's like having the Mayo Clinic at your disposal every day.

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5 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Not really but I am assuming he may be getting some sort of treatment there. Kobe did so it's a guess. I am not sure he is but like you said as a kid he was over there a lot. Oliver ran leagues over there when Andrew was a kid. Hell he may be over there visiting a cousin for all we know lmao 


True I guess he could be getting some Kobe style of treatment. Or he is visiting a cousin or childhood friend. Or he is going to a European movie feast and getting drunk.


Only time will tell but something tells me not to jump to wild conclusions about his future yet either. Getting some insight overseas isn't a bad thing either, some stuff we don't use in America is used in Europe and Asia and not as well known here.

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On 2017-11-17 at 7:40 AM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I havent heard it either. Probably something he read from the media who brainwashes everyone into thinking Luck is done. Jim Miller is the only the QB on record in the history of the NFL where this type of injury has ended a career. Luck will play again unless there is something else wrong with him.

Well, except that Jim Miller said he finally fully recovered, but then his career was ended by a hip injury, so we never got to see how well his recovery was from the shoulder injury / surgeries. 

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