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How We Know Jim Irsay Wants Peyton Back...


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If Jim Irsay was going to release/cut Peyton Manning and let him go to another NFL franchise, why in the world would he continue to allow Manning to utilize team facilities, team trainers, and team doctors (costing Irsay money) in order to "rehab" himself to play for a team that would compete against Irsay's.

Irsay has very obviously NOT made a decision on the future of Peyton Manning.

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Good point. Just because Irsay has a awesome QB prospect in Luck doesn't mean he willing to give up one of the greatest of all time. I think Irsay is like us and wants to see Manning win another SB in Indy. It just comes down to if he's healthy enough.

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why does Skip Bayless (today) say that Peyton is 100% healthy and wanted to play 7 games ago, what a farce of a lie. He says why dont people listen to Mort and the other reporters? We'll if he himself would listen to his OWN REPORTERS (john Clayton), he would know that the nerves have NOT regenerated yet and there is still weakness and in no way could have PEYTON played toward the end of the year. He said the doctors have cleared him 100% healthy....WHAT A JOKE, no they didn't ,,,,,, they only said his FUSION is 100% healed....his nerves are NOT healed and may never heal.... SKIP BAYLESS you are a JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted · Hidden by Coltssouth, February 7, 2012 - Inappropriate
Hidden by Coltssouth, February 7, 2012 - Inappropriate

why does Skip Bayless (today) say that Peyton is 100% healthy and wanted to play 7 games ago

Because Skip Bayless molests collies. (the dog, not austin)

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why does Skip Bayless (today) say that Peyton is 100% healthy and wanted to play 7 games ago, what a farce of a lie. He says why dont people listen to Mort and the other reporters? We'll if he himself would listen to his OWN REPORTERS (john Clayton), he would know that the nerves have NOT regenerated yet and there is still weakness and in no way could have PEYTON played toward the end of the year. He said the doctors have cleared him 100% healthy....WHAT A JOKE, no they didn't ,,,,,, they only said his FUSION is 100% healed....his nerves are NOT healed and may never heal.... SKIP BAYLESS you are a JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um actually, the doctors cleared him to resume his NFL career. There has been zero indication on what percentage his nerves are at. His neck fused 100% this we know.

The colts will not clear him to play for them because if he is cleared by colts, he can no longer use the facility to rehab and work. Goes against the new CBA rules.

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Since Manning is still under contract for the 2011 league year to prevent him from using the facility, They would have to banish him from the facility like Keyshawn Johnson was in Tampa, or how Mcnair was in Tennessee when they were trying to trade/release him.

Do you think Irsay wants to lose the PR game that quickly. He'll lose it in the end if 18 walks out the door, but that's another story.

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SKIP BAYLESS you are a JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're right on the money!! I rarely watch the guy, because he is a joke and I don't like people screaming at me all the time...same goes for Steven A. Smith. Where do they find these "experts?" They think the louder they talk the more intelligent they get?

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Um actually, the doctors cleared him to resume his NFL career. There has been zero indication on what percentage his nerves are at. His neck fused 100% this we know.

The colts will not clear him to play for them because if he is cleared by colts, he can no longer use the facility to rehab and work. Goes against the new CBA rules.

no, he is cleared to play from a FUSION perspective only. He will NOT clear himself to play if he cannot play at 100 percent and you know that. His arm weakness is WELL DOCUMENTED. Triceps are the main problem but there are other areas of weakness too according to Mort / John C., etc. Nerve regeneration is a totally different thing. Could take a long time or never heal. So yea, the doctors cleared him to resume normal day to day NFL activities because the FUSION is healed and was a success.

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why does Skip Bayless (today) say that Peyton is 100% healthy and wanted to play 7 games ago, what a farce of a lie. He says why dont people listen to Mort and the other reporters? We'll if he himself would listen to his OWN REPORTERS (john Clayton), he would know that the nerves have NOT regenerated yet and there is still weakness and in no way could have PEYTON played toward the end of the year. He said the doctors have cleared him 100% healthy....WHAT A JOKE, no they didn't ,,,,,, they only said his FUSION is 100% healed....his nerves are NOT healed and may never heal.... SKIP BAYLESS you are a JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why his co-wprkers treat him like a joke. He's a pure sensationalist.

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Anytime these guys on television start talking about it, I start hearing "The Young and the Restless" theme.

1) The Super Bowl is over. There's not much to talk about.

2) Peyton is one of the biggest names in football. Even the thought of him going to another team makes sportscasters salivate. If he ended up retiring, they'd be very disappointed.

He may go, he may stay. We don't know yet.

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I don't know. Irsay has said many things that could be looked at objectively and argued both ways. To me the "politician" comment and another interview where Irsay talks about the salary cap challenges while talking about Manning suggests PM is indeed on the way out. Still even if Irsay is 80/20 set on waiving PM things could happen to swing that the other way. To say categorically one way or another is foolish to me.

If Jim Irsay was going to release/cut Peyton Manning and let him go to another NFL franchise, why in the world would he continue to allow Manning to utilize team facilities, team trainers, and team doctors (costing Irsay money) in order to "rehab" himself to play for a team that would compete against Irsay's.

Irsay has very obviously NOT made a decision on the future of Peyton Manning.

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no, he is cleared to play from a FUSION perspective only. He will NOT clear himself to play if he cannot play at 100 percent and you know that. His arm weakness is WELL DOCUMENTED. Triceps are the main problem but there are other areas of weakness too according to Mort / John C., etc. Nerve regeneration is a totally different thing. Could take a long time or never heal. So yea, the doctors cleared him to resume normal day to day NFL activities because the FUSION is healed and was a success.

No what? Thats what i said. What part of his neck is fused and was cleared by docs didnt you get when you attempted to read my post the first time. And if you are going to say documented, document it! Show it. Show where you have a percentage of where he is at on his nerve regeneration per HIS doctors. What, ESPN and NFLN said so? Did Mannings docs come out and say a percentage?

I never heard that. Provide documents or testemony from HIS docs. Knock off the 'you know that' crap.

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No what? Thats what i said. What part of his neck is fused and was cleared by docs didnt you get when you attempted to read my post the first time. And if you are going to say documented, document it! Show it. Show where you have a percentage of where he is at on his nerve regeneration per HIS doctors. What, ESPN and NFLN said so? Did Mannings docs come out and say a percentage?

I never heard that. Provide documents or testemony from HIS docs. Knock off the 'you know that' crap.

I can't believe we will ever hear from PM's doctors directly regarding the percentage of return. Do you think there is a baseline somewhere? I don't. It's not like they had some chart before 1/8/11 when PM walked off the field after the Jets loss. I think the regeneration of the nerve can be physically measured, and strength tests and muscle reaciton can be tested. But beyond that it's going to be PM describing his feeling, and those watching and evaluating, assessing his velocity, his ability to repeat those motions every day for months without extreme fatigue, and his ability to handle the daily grind and repetitive requirements of a NFL season practicing and throwing all the time will be the answer. And I'd bet we get different answers even then.

Here is a Miami Herald article from last Sunday which says, "I was told Sunday that Manning's arm strength has diminished by as much as 40 percent as a result of the weakened triceps muscles. And I was told the issue wasn't just to the point where he can throw on game days, but there would be legitimate worry he can throw four or five times a week." (http://miamiherald.t...ady-decide.html).

From the Condon interview with NFLN, "Condon added, however, that Manning’s nerve regeneration hasn’t reached the point where he would be able to step on the field and play in an NFL game today." (http://profootballta...ytons-not-done/)

The best part of these two articles is that the writer for the Herald wants no part of Manning in Miami, hopes the Dolphins don't sign him. And the other item is from Manning's agent, who is paid to get Manning paid, be his mouth piece, represent him, who says flat out he will be back and wants to play. Yet both know the muscle/nerve isn't ready today.

Nobody knows where PM's muscle/nerve issue is, or where it will be. We know PM is planning on playing again, and working/rehabbing toward that end.

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I can't believe we will ever hear from PM's doctors directly regarding the percentage of return. Do you think there is a baseline somewhere? I don't. It's not like they had some chart before 1/8/11 when PM walked off the field after the Jets loss. I think the regeneration of the nerve can be physically measured, and strength tests and muscle reaciton can be tested. But beyond that it's going to be PM describing his feeling, and those watching and evaluating, assessing his velocity, his ability to repeat those motions every day for months without extreme fatigue, and his ability to handle the daily grind and repetitive requirements of a NFL season practicing and throwing all the time will be the answer. And I'd bet we get different answers even then.

Here is a Miami Herald article from last Sunday which says, "I was told Sunday that Manning's arm strength has diminished by as much as 40 percent as a result of the weakened triceps muscles. And I was told the issue wasn't just to the point where he can throw on game days, but there would be legitimate worry he can throw four or five times a week." (http://miamiherald.t...ady-decide.html).

From the Condon interview with NFLN, "Condon added, however, that Manning’s nerve regeneration hasn’t reached the point where he would be able to step on the field and play in an NFL game today." (http://profootballta...ytons-not-done/)

The best part of these two articles is that the writer for the Herald wants no part of Manning in Miami, hopes the Dolphins don't sign him. And the other item is from Manning's agent, who is paid to get Manning paid, be his mouth piece, represent him, who says flat out he will be back and wants to play. Yet both know the muscle/nerve isn't ready today.

Nobody knows where PM's muscle/nerve issue is, or where it will be. We know PM is planning on playing again, and working/rehabbing toward that end.

I've said it all along. I still think he will be forced to retire and Irsay's decision to draft Luck will be proven right. I think Miami's best option is Matt Flynn.

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Ugh....Irsay has never said anything that suggests he's releasing Manning. All of that is fabricated fantasy by those who want him gone. Let's focus on what we do know (which is very little).

The salary "problems" he speaks of are team wide: a generality. What has he said with regards to Manning, specifically, and the salary cap? Only that money wasn't an issue, and that wouldn't be the determining factor. Word-for-word, the March 8th bonus in Manning's contract has nothing to do with his fate; that is, of course, unless he's lying.

The house cleaning he's done didn't include an uncertain, unhealthy Manning, while he also brought in a coach who used to work with Manning years ago. Rebuilding doesn't mean everyone has to go. You can rebuild while hanging on to the best, after all. What has he said specifically about Manning's future with the Colts? Only that he stays if he wants to stay. Word-for-word, he's keeping Manning if Manning wants to stay and can play. By the way, Manning's feelings about staying are well known, so he won't go anywhere if he can play.

Every medical report we have had on Manning has been better than the one before. We have NO documentation or official word about his nerve regeneration. None. Any claims to the contrary are as good as falsifying a tax form.

We keep hearing "he's 36 and recovering from a surgery..." So what? It's a surgery to fix a very specific problem. The surgery took. We know that he's likely been in pain since 2006. What's happened in that time? Only 2 MVP awards and 2 trips to the Super Bowl. He still puts up 4000+ and 30+ without a team. He takes less hits than anyone. He's focused more on physical fitness now than ever (did you see him when he presented the award to Rodgers: fittest I've ever seen him). Elway, Warner, and Favre all had success at 38, 39, and even 40. Manning was putting up better numbers than they were at his age, and now he will have gone a year wihit taking a hit, and will have a re-tooled philosophy around him designed to alleviate the pressure he bore on himself. The age is irrelevant. Guys have recovered from this surgery before, even at more athletic positions, and he's progressing thus far exactly as other successful patients have in the past.

Irsay is allowing Manning to rehab with the Colts for some reason, and I doubt it's just because he feels bad for the guy.

This is what we know. You can draw whatever conclusions you want, but these are the facts. Clayton, Schefter, Bayless, Cowherd, random guy from a blog - they don't know anything. That's why they all contradict each other, that's why no one agrees. Everything Irsay, Manning, and the people involved report always differs from the talkers so don't believe a word they say.

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You're right on the money!! I rarely watch the guy, because he is a joke and I don't like people screaming at me all the time...same goes for Steven A. Smith. Where do they find these "experts?" They think the louder they talk the more intelligent they get?

I love watching Stephen A rip Skip Bayless apart though on First Take!

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The salary "problems" he speaks of are team wide: a generality. What has he said with regards to Manning, specifically, and the salary cap? Only that money wasn't an issue, and that wouldn't be the determining factor. Word-for-word, the March 8th bonus in Manning's contract has nothing to do with his fate; that is, of course, unless he's lying.

This -

"There's so much uncertainty in this thing," Irsay told NFL Network on Wednesday. "The thing that gets overlooked in situations like this, is that there's never been an NFL quarterback that has had this type of injury. It's never happened before. When our doctors talk to other doctors, even throughout the world, the reference points just aren't there."

Irsay also said that while money is not an issue, he doesn't want to make a decision that will hamstring the team's salary cap in future years.

"If it helps us win, I'll pay it in a second. But when it comes to salary cap ... we have real cap problems," Irsay told NFL Network. "You can't make a decision that straps you for the next three seasons."

"If we make a decision based on just affection, and we have cap problems for three years, the fans will call me an *."

Pulled directly from here-


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Um actually, the doctors cleared him to resume his NFL career. There has been zero indication on what percentage his nerves are at. His neck fused 100% this we know.

The colts will not clear him to play for them because if he is cleared by colts, he can no longer use the facility to rehab and work. Goes against the new CBA rules.

Could this be why Irsay made such a blunt statement on Twitter, after the news of Manning's clearance, that he had not been cleared by Colts doctors?

Everyone (myself included) took it as Irsay being somehow irritated over seemingly good news on Manning's health. Is it possible that he was irritated because of the potential ramifications to Manning's rehab process?

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NorCalColt great post.

Here is where I am starting to worry a little...has Peyton EVER had to work this hard in the OFF season. He is putting in a ton of work right now, he was even getting workouts in on 56th before the Patriots were coming in to practice. He may now have to step up to an even higher level of dedication just to be where he WAS. His life is changing.

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Could this be why Irsay made such a blunt statement on Twitter, after the news of Manning's clearance, that he had not been cleared by Colts doctors?

Everyone (myself included) took it as Irsay being somehow irritated over seemingly good news on Manning's health. Is it possible that he was irritated because of the potential ramifications to Manning's rehab process?

It could.

Another interpretation would be:

Irsay was ticked off by the leaked medical clearance that he wanted everyone to know that a medical clearance to play football is not the same as what he means by "healthy", or playing at the same level that is expected of PM. IOW, the medical clearance, while addressing the safety aspect of spinal fusion, did not address the performance aspect that is dependent on the still unresolved nerve regeneration issue.

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IMO, I do not think you will know Peyton's true staus until after the draft. This will give the Colts any option they want on draft day, IMO.

Unfortunately, the Colts won't have any option on by April 26 or later. Once the 28 million is paid on 3/8/12, Colts are on the hook for all of the rest of the 90 mil contract and the huge cap hit: whether Manning plays or not, and is released or not. No option at all. Colts cap is going to suffer huge hits for 3-4 years. The only thing known will be...(at some point) was the big money gamble worth it?

So Colts option for draft day will be made irregardless of date. Peytons future must be made by 3/8/12.

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It could.

Another interpretation would be:

Irsay was ticked off by the leaked medical clearance that he wanted everyone to know that a medical clearance to play football is not the same as what he means by "healthy", or playing at the same level that is expected of PM. IOW, the medical clearance, while addressing the safety aspect of spinal fusion, did not address the performance aspect that is dependent on the still unresolved nerve regeneration issue.

That's exactly what my assumption has been.

But, for some reason, the other possibility just struck me when I was reading Dilligad's post.

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Unfortunately, the Colts won't have any option on by April 26 or later. Once the 28 million is paid on 3/8/12, Colts are on the hook for all of the rest of the 90 mil contract and the huge cap hit: whether Manning plays or not, and is released or not. No option at all. Colts cap is going to suffer huge hits for 3-4 years. The only thing known will be...(at some point) was the big money gamble worth it?

So Colts option for draft day will be made irregardless of date. Peytons future must be made by 3/8/12.

I agree to a point. Mr. Irsay could pay Peyton and say that Peyton should be ready by training camp. with this in mind, the Colts hold the options on draft day. If Peyton is cut, the options all belong to the other 31 teams. I am basing this opinion on 2 years of working on a neuro ward and assisting with rehab of diverse neuro rehab.
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maybe gacker65 is already looking past the 3/8/12? Maybe he assumes we pay him, maybe for less, but wont really know if Peyton can actually do this until April? Which at THAT time they could probably get a 1st rounder for him, but the contract would need to changed or the cap is a deep six anchor.

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If Jim Irsay was going to release/cut Peyton Manning and let him go to another NFL franchise, why in the world would he continue to allow Manning to utilize team facilities, team trainers, and team doctors (costing Irsay money) in order to "rehab" himself to play for a team that would compete against Irsay's.

Irsay has very obviously NOT made a decision on the future of Peyton Manning.

The cost to Irsay of what you mentioned is about the equivalent of $3.46 to you or me.

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Irsay himself said this decision is not easy at all, he wants as much time as he can have..... but peyton wants answers now... we might hear something this weekend.

We can probably guess why it is beneficial for the Colts to have as much time as possible to make their decision.

We can also probably guess why it is beneficial for PM to have the decision done earlier.

The contract is clear as to when the deadline will be.

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I think that Mr. Irsay should keep Peyton Manning for at least 1 more year if he is healthy enough to play.The fans deserve to see him play again and at least say a fond farewellI.Mr. Irsay and Peyton can restructure his contract with incentives. If they draft Andrew Luck, what better person to have for a mentor than Peyton Manning?They have known each other since childhood. No one wants to see Peyton end his career in another city and we all know that Mr. Irsay can afford to do this. He is worth a couple of billion dollars, could sell a piece of his art to pay Peyton. I realize that it will be a business decision but If Peyton leaves, think about the city, the fans, etc. What do the fans think? I live in California but I was born and raised in Indy and they are my team. Lets give Peyton the send off that he deserves.

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If Jim Irsay was going to release/cut Peyton Manning and let him go to another NFL franchise, why in the world would he continue to allow Manning to utilize team facilities, team trainers, and team doctors (costing Irsay money) in order to "rehab" himself to play for a team that would compete against Irsay's.

Irsay has very obviously NOT made a decision on the future of Peyton Manning.

The reason we know is b/c both Irsay and Manning have said that if Manning is able to play, he will be in Indy. I really think the only question is whether Manning will ever be able to play again. Honestly, and this is very painful to say write this, I think it would be best for him to go somewhere else. I say this only b/c I think the situation surrounding him will only implode with having his backup be a #1 overall pick in Luck or whomever it may be. Fast forward to the season and let's say Manning is here with Luck as his backup. Say Manning has a couple bad games. Then all of a sudden we have people asking for Manning to be benched in favor our future, Luck. I don't want to see this happen to Peyton. I think this situation has the potential to explode and make the Favre saga in Green Bay and Minnesota look like a walk in the park. I don't know, maybe it's just me. It would be hard enough on Manning being healthy for the doubters to not come out with Luck riding the bench and Peyton not having all universe stats each and every week. Winning cures everything, but I think it would turn into a toxic situation should he be with the Colts along with Luck, regardless of his health status. The fact there is so much unknown surrounding his arm strength only compounds the situation.

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