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Vinny On Manning


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I don't think Adam Vinatieri is any expert on throwing and catching the football, or any expert evaluator of QB rehab progress.

Forgive me for discounting his opinion, in favor of what the doctors and coaches that advise Irsay may say.

Have you ever considered changing your screen name to Debbie Downer? Geez, man, you don't have to chime in with some negative rubbish every time someone posts anything positive about Manning. We all know you want him gone. You've made it abundantly clear.

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Have you ever considered changing your screen name to Debbie Downer? Geez, man, you don't have to chime in with some negative rubbish every time someone posts anything positive about Manning. We all know you want him gone. You've made it abundantly clear.

I don't think that's true at all.

UF is simply stating a fact. Adam being optimistic about Manning's health doesn't really mean anything other than he's optimistic about Manning's health. But his opinion on the matter means as much as yours and mine do.

Perhaps if everyone would stop searching high and low for anything, regardless of how relevent, for something they can point to as definite proof that Manning will or won't be coming back (which incidentally always seems to conform to what the poster posting it thinks...) then perhaps you won't see UF reminding everyone what the situation really is.

Which is all I've seen him do. Yeah, some of that isn't positive, but in some regards, that is the situation.

We all just need to calm down and accept that we aren't going to have any real answers until Irsay and Manning announce whatever it is they decide.

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Have you ever considered changing your screen name to Debbie Downer? Geez, man, you don't have to chime in with some negative rubbish every time someone posts anything positive about Manning. We all know you want him gone. You've made it abundantly clear.

No, I am happy with my screen name.

Contrary to your speculation, I do not want Peyton gone. I want Peyton to stay if he is at 100% of his pre-injury self.


I always prefer the red pill.

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I don't think Adam Vinatieri is any expert on throwing and catching the football, or any expert evaluator of QB rehab progress.

Forgive me for discounting his opinion, in favor of what the doctors and coaches that advise Irsay may say.

You Sir are wrong. When training camp was in Terre Haute, my uncle who's a deputy sheriff, said that after practice Manning and Vinny would have a competition of who could hit the goal post first from the 20 yard line. He said Vinny almost always beat him and only taking him a couple of throws. So obviously he knows good mechanics of throwing a football.

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I don't think Adam Vinatieri is any expert on throwing and catching the football, or any expert evaluator of QB rehab progress.

Forgive me for discounting his opinion, in favor of what the doctors and coaches that advise Irsay may say.

You yourself have yet to state any facts on the matter, just opinions, as did Vinny. Deb Downer.

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Vinny is at least as expert as everyone else who has chimed in on the topic. Most speculation and rumor points to Manning being gone, but those signs weren't exactly prophetic when the talking heads were discussing Caldwell staying just a few weeks ago.

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I don't think Adam Vinatieri is any expert on throwing and catching the football, or any expert evaluator of QB rehab progress.

Forgive me for discounting his opinion, in favor of what the doctors and coaches that advise Irsay may say.

He has been watching Qbs for 20 years now. I think he has an idea.

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I don't think Adam Vinatieri is any expert on throwing and catching the football, or any expert evaluator of QB rehab progress.

he may not be a coach or doctor, but he is a professional footbball player and he has seen him throw. that's a lot better information than anything you have posted.

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You yourself have yet to state any facts on the matter, just opinions, as did Vinny. Deb Downer.

There are no facts to report. There has only been opinions floated about.

Here's my opinion, which I think is reasonable to anyone who is looking at this with a reasonable attitude:

Mr. Irsay is more likely to trust the opinions of doctors, trainers and coaches who observe Peyton throw, more than Adam Vinatieri's opinion, to determine how healthy he is before he decides to pay or not pay the option bonus to keep Peyton on the team.

You, of course, may disagree.

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You Sir are wrong. When training camp was in Terre Haute, my uncle who's a deputy sheriff, said that after practice Manning and Vinny would have a competition of who could hit the goal post first from the 20 yard line. He said Vinny almost always beat him and only taking him a couple of throws. So obviously he knows good mechanics of throwing a football.

So you think that your uncle's seeing Adam Vinatieri throw the football makes Vinatieri an expert in QB rehab progress.

Thank you for sharing.

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he may not be a coach or doctor, but he is a professional footbball player and he has seen him throw. that's a lot better information than anything you have posted.

I have not posted anyone's opinion on how Peyton has been throwing.

I prefer to reserve judgment until I have seen the opinions of doctors, trainers and coaches who have seen Peyton throw.

Forgive me for discounting Adam's opinion on the matter.

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So you think that your uncle's seeing Adam Vinatieri throw the football makes Vinatieri an expert in QB rehab progress.

Thank you for sharing.

Come on now, you are just being ridiculous. Will Irsay consult AV rather than a doctor? No. But AV's observations are more relevant than laconfora, hoge, some internet doctor, medical experts paid by ESPN and Rob Lowe. Because AV is actually seeing Manning throw a football. gasp I know, how can that compare laconfora saying that he talked to the guys who interviewed for the GM job and their feelings about what they came away with.

When you play on a team you get to know your team mates and you can tell when they are at 100%, 90%, 50% etc. So AV's opinion on the matter carries more weight that just about everyone elses except, Peyton's, his doctors', his wife's and the training staff.

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Come on now, you are just being ridiculous. Will Irsay consult AV rather than a doctor? No. But AV's observations are more relevant than laconfora, hoge, some internet doctor, medical experts paid by ESPN and Rob Lowe. Because AV is actually seeing Manning throw a football. gasp I know, how can that compare laconfora saying that he talked to the guys who interviewed for the GM job and their feelings about what they came away with.

When you play on a team you get to know your team mates and you can tell when they are at 100%, 90%, 50% etc. So AV's opinion on the matter carries more weight that just about everyone elses except, Peyton's, his doctors', his wife's and the training staff.

Thank you for sharing the view that Mr, Irsay is more likely to consult the doctors, trainers and coaches that observe PM throw, than to consult with AV.

I categorize AV's opinion in the same category I place everyone else's opinions that are not the doctors, trainers and coaches that have observed PM's rehab. I call it the discount bin.

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Did I say I have been on a professional football team?

It must be just more of your speculation.

No, but comparing your watching of football compared to Adam's first hand experience is ridiculous. He may not be a doctor, but he knows his teammates and how they feel. Adam's words are just comfort for fans to show Peyton continues to progress,

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No, but comparing your watching of football compared to Adam's first hand experience is ridiculous. He may not be a doctor, but he knows his teammates and how they feel. Adam's words are just comfort for fans to show Peyton continues to progress,

wait...so you're telling us that someone who has actually been with Peyton IN PERSON for YEARS knows more about him and how he's doing than someone on the colts.com message board?! lol lots of "experts" on here that are even worse than the ones on ESPN/NFL Network when it comes to their opinions

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No, but comparing your watching of football compared to Adam's first hand experience is ridiculous. He may not be a doctor, but he knows his teammates and how they feel. Adam's words are just comfort for fans to show Peyton continues to progress,

Thank you for admitting your error.

Did I compare my watching QBs throwing the football for over 20 years to be superior to what you claim as Adam's watching QBs throw the football for 20 years?

Again, this must be more of your speculating.

You are now claiming that Adam knows how his teammates feel. What basis do you have for this claim? Is he psychic? Does he have special powers that other humans don't have? How do you know?

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Wait so when Merrill Hodge and Dilfer think Manning may not be back, its just the media being wrong or talking heads spewing crap

but when AV says something, it must be right because he is a kicker on the Colts

Am I getting this right here?

Seeing that Hodge had similar nerve regeneration and Dilfer is actually a quarterback.

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Wait so when Merrill Hodge and Dilfer think Manning may not be back, its just the media being wrong or talking heads spewing crap

but when AV says something, it must be right because he is a kicker on the Colts

Am I getting this right here?

Seeing that Hodge had similar nerve regeneration and Dilfer is actually a quarterback.

People put more stock into what AV said because he's actually been there watching Peyton throw/rehab...Hodge and Dilfer have been sitting in chairs in the ESPN studio speculating based on what they've heard from Schefter etc and NOT what they have seen themselves

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Thank you for admitting your error.

Did I compare my watching QBs throwing the football for over 20 years to be superior to what you claim as Adam's watching QBs throw the football for 20 years?

Again, this must be more of your speculating.

You are now claiming that Adam knows how his teammates feel. What basis do you have for this claim? Is he psychic? Does he have special powers that other humans don't have? How do you know?

No, but you stating you've watched QBs for 20 years also implies you have the same insight Adam has. Teammates know how a player is feeling. He can tell when a QB, WR, RB, etc is having an off day. He has seen Peyton from the beginning of the surgery to the process of him throwing to more advanced throwing. So he knows what progress looks like for Manning. You have not. I am not admitting to error because there was no error. My initial statement was Adam has more insight than you. This is fact. He is at practice with Peyton for 6 seasons now. You watch him on Sunday, maybe at a game or on a TV. I never said "Oh Adam said this so we must sign him." I just said the man knows more than you. I never once mentioned doctors until you brought them in.

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Lets face it there are people who want Manning gone who ignore what is being said by guys like AV and there is people who will take what the talking ESPN heads say as gospel.

Fact is Manning is coming back to play - we just don't know who with yet.

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I have been posting this view point on here for weeks and certain posters have been calling me crazy. If Manning was not that far off at the end of the season and now 5 weeks later is progressing as planned then I think its pretty obvious that he will be playing next season.

"I haven't watched him the last few weeks, but I did see him at the end of the season," Vinatieri said during the interview. "He was developing nicely. Was he quite all the way back yet? No, probably not. Not to his standards.

"But he definitely is not that far off."

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No, but you stating you've watched QBs for 20 years also implies you have the same insight Adam has. Teammates know how a player is feeling. He can tell when a QB, WR, RB, etc is having an off day. He has seen Peyton from the beginning of the surgery to the process of him throwing to more advanced throwing. So he knows what progress looks like for Manning. You have not. I am not admitting to error because there was no error. My initial statement was Adam has more insight than you. This is fact. He is at practice with Peyton for 6 seasons now. You watch him on Sunday, maybe at a game or on a TV. I never said "Oh Adam said this so we must sign him." I just said the man knows more than you. I never once mentioned doctors until you brought them in.

Thank you again for admitting you were in error yet again.

I stated that I have been watching QBs throw for over 20 years, and I implied that this does NOT make me an expert. That's all.

1) You admitted error before when you mistakenly thought I was comparing my watching football with what AV observed. I made no such comparison, as you have already admitted.

2) You also admitted error now, when you mistakenly thought I claimed to be on a professional team. I made no such claim, as you have already admitted.

Now you claim that I have previously claimed that I have more insight than AV on PM's rehab? I made no such claim. You are in error yet again.

I originally said:

I don't think Adam Vinatieri is any expert on throwing and catching the football, or any expert evaluator of QB rehab progress.

Forgive me for discounting his opinion, in favor of what the doctors and coaches that advise Irsay may say.

Where have I compared my insights against AV's? As you can see for yourself if you trace the thread back, I mentioned doctors in my very first post on this thread.

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Thank you again for admitting you were in error yet again.

I stated that I have been watching QBs throw for over 20 years, and I implied that this does NOT make me an expert. That's all.

1) You admitted error before when you mistakenly thought I was comparing my watching football with what AV observed. I made no such comparison, as you have already admitted.

2) You also admitted error now, when you mistakenly thought I claimed to be on a professional team. I made no such claim, as you have already admitted.

Now you claim that I have previously claimed that I have more insight than AV on PM's rehab? I made no such claim. You are in error yet again.

I originally said:

Where have I compared my insights against AV's? As you can see for yourself if you trace the thread back, I mentioned doctors in my very first post on this thread.

Google Narcissisim. I will admit you are exhausting. Try saying something nice sometime. Just a thought. Have a nice day.. see, nice.

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Thank you for admitting your error.

Did I compare my watching QBs throwing the football for over 20 years to be superior to what you claim as Adam's watching QBs throw the football for 20 years?

Again, this must be more of your speculating.

You are now claiming that Adam knows how his teammates feel. What basis do you have for this claim? Is he psychic? Does he have special powers that other humans don't have? How do you know?

Yes you did, by your statement, you were in fact comparing your 20 years of watching a Qb to AV's 20 years.

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