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My Apologies To Colts.com Members - Dan And Mp Especially


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***NOTE TO MODERATORS*** - Please move this if this is in the wrong place. Thank you!

Dear Colts Fans:

This may not be the venue for such a thing, and perhaps it may seem as though I am trying to draw a lot of attention to myself with this open post. I am not. I've gone through a lot of difficult times lately, and while I tend to be sarcastic and positive in my day-to-day life (crunching NFL statistics and such), I realize that I can come off as brash, preachy, and myopic. For those who may have been offended, I offer my sincere apologies. No matter what the reason, there isn't an acceptable excuse for my behavior. I have treated some of you unfairly, and for that, I am sorry.

An argument broke out in another thread, related to some proclaimations of probability, and while I work with those specific numbers every day and can vouche for their legitimacy, it was a silly topic to bring into a discussion between Colts fans. It created some tension, flaring tempers, and downright hostility. I am certain that this is no fun for anyone to read or type around.

I can speak for no one else in this matter, and I will elect to shoulder the blame should any moderator deem punishment necessary for what has transpired.

I would also like to take this time to apologize to Dan and MP directly, as I was unable to simply stick to the facts, and injected personal attacks into a discussion that simply should have been a constructive debate. You guys are obviously welcomed here by much of the community, and it isn't my place to make it seem otherwise.

Thank you for reading, and I will do my best to provide a more positive platform for people to engage.



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I must admit I'm surprised to see this. As I'm mentioned by name I think it only fair I submit a real response...

First of all, thank you for posting this. It takes a brave man to come out into the public and apologise so that deserves respect no matter what your own personal views on discussed topics are. I certainly wouldn't have started a thread like this apologising to you, so I'm very much impressed that you've done it yourself.

As such I would like to extend my own apology to you. I've reacted in completely the wrong way to some of your posts and I'm happy to accept this - I should not have reacted nearly with nearly as much viciousness as I did. You were simply posting your thoughts, as was I. We clearly simply took the wrong methods of doing this - both of us, not just me and not just you.

Therefore I'm sorry, Doogan - as you say, a discussion went too far and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been trying for a while to provoke a response - obviously unacceptable behaviour in any situation. More than anything it was fueled by receiving no response whatsoever! This was one of my main issues, the fact that when I disagreed with you, you ignored it. However for the purposes of avoiding conflict this was clearly necessary.

For the record, as you state you've been going through difficult times, I have myself - obviously not knowing yours I wouldn't dare to compare but I understand it has an effect on mood and irritability, and I've been more irritable than usual lately. I also understand that we've both been through a hard year when it comes to footballing matters, and an offseason with such ridiculous amounts of drama will always cause polarised opinions.

I think the two of us can agree to approach disagreements considerably more civilly in the future. This offseason will be hard enough for Colts fans without having to sift through pointless arguments.

So I apologise, Doogan. I admit I looked to cause fights with you which does not reflect me in a good light at all. I hope you can forgive this, you've been man enough to start this thread so I hope you'll be man enough to accept my apology in return. I'd shake your hand but this isn't possible over the internet, but the gesture is there.


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Thank you, cs. I'm sorry you feel that way, Happy. And it's "sentiments." I guess I can't escape all aspects of sarcasm. :sun:

In all seriousness, I often respond in a way that can be aggrivating, but it's not because I like to disagree for argument's sake. In our society nowadays, we often accept sound bytes and headlines as truth. No one dives into the text, into the study, into the article. People will say what is easy to say and scoff at anyone who challenges the accepted norm. It's this way, not only in sports, but in politics, education, religion/science, etc. My responses usually take a stance of irritation, as it's frustrating to see the majority ride with something not grounded in facts, or accepting something they haven't researched for themselves.

This doesn't mean I think I'm always right. It doesn't mean I always have the best information. No one can make that claim. Sometimes I take it too far, however, and feel I HAVE to make a point, even when it's uncalled for or unecessary. Perhaps it's even stretched. I guess my point with the original post was to express that I am every bit as human as anyone else, and felt remorse for failing, at times, to treat others with deserved respect.

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I must admit I'm surprised to see this. As I'm mentioned by name I think it only fair I submit a real response...

First of all, thank you for posting this. It takes a brave man to come out into the public and apologise so that deserves respect no matter what your own personal views on discussed topics are. I certainly wouldn't have started a thread like this apologising to you, so I'm very much impressed that you've done it yourself.

As such I would like to extend my own apology to you. I've reacted in completely the wrong way to some of your posts and I'm happy to accept this - I should not have reacted nearly with nearly as much viciousness as I did. You were simply posting your thoughts, as was I. We clearly simply took the wrong methods of doing this - both of us, not just me and not just you.

Therefore I'm sorry, Doogan - as you say, a discussion went too far and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been trying for a while to provoke a response - obviously unacceptable behaviour in any situation. More than anything it was fueled by receiving no response whatsoever! This was one of my main issues, the fact that when I disagreed with you, you ignored it. However for the purposes of avoiding conflict this was clearly necessary.

For the record, as you state you've been going through difficult times, I have myself - obviously not knowing yours I wouldn't dare to compare but I understand it has an effect on mood and irritability, and I've been more irritable than usual lately. I also understand that we've both been through a hard year when it comes to footballing matters, and an offseason with such ridiculous amounts of drama will always cause polarised opinions.

I think the two of us can agree to approach disagreements considerably more civilly in the future. This offseason will be hard enough for Colts fans without having to sift through pointless arguments.

So I apologise, Doogan. I admit I looked to cause fights with you which does not reflect me in a good light at all. I hope you can forgive this, you've been man enough to start this thread so I hope you'll be man enough to accept my apology in return. I'd shake your hand but this isn't possible over the internet, but the gesture is there.


Well intended, good sir, and I accept.

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it wasn't sarcasim.. it was a complement.. I just don't see people owning anything in these days .. and I'm sorry is the wrong word and Happy 2Be I was never trying to be irritating .. if I have been I apologize to all.. I'm guessing it has been challenging .. I meant my comment as a positive / encouragement

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it wasn't sarcasim.. it was a complement.. I just don't see people owning anything in these days .. and I'm sorry is the wrong word and Happy 2Be I was never trying to be irritating .. if I have been I apologize to all.. I'm guessing it has been challenging .. I meant my comment as a positive / encouragement

Oh, I was thanking you. I was then responding to what seemed to be a bit of a snipe from Happy, though I may have misunderstood the intent.

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Is this thread in the wrong place? Perhaps. But, I want to keep it here where it will get more attention.

This have been a rough season and many are guilty of taking their debates to a personal level which is why the announcement of a 24-hour suspension for inflammatory posting was made. Believe it or not, moderators do not enjoy giving those suspensions.

So, thank you, Doogan, for your post. Not only was it very big of you, but I am hoping that it serves as a reminder to others.

Debate all you want. Disagree with someone's opinions/posts. But, treat the person with the dignity and respect that you would want others to give you.

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Extending on my earlier points I'd like to make a more general one.

Everyone on this forum (excluding visitors from other teams) want the same thing. That is, success, glory and Super Bowls for the Indianapolis Colts. With this in mind there's no need for arguments or tension. We can all disagree on what we think is the best way for the team to gain success, but at the end of the day we're all cheering for the same outcome. We could all do with remembering that, sometimes.

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Lol wow.. If they can't take brash comments, they can stay off the internet. :P

It's not a matter of being able to take it, I think. I just felt bad talking that way to people. I don't know them, and I don't want them to think I'm a jerk all day long. It's my belief that the internet and social networking has ruined a lot of people's social skills. Especially younger people. Ever played online video games against them? Basically, people feel tough behind the safety of their computers and tend to spout off in a way that is completely disrespectful of others.

Extending on my earlier points I'd like to make a more general one.

Everyone on this forum (excluding visitors from other teams) want the same thing. That is, success, glory and Super Bowls for the Indianapolis Colts. With this in mind there's no need for arguments or tension. We can all disagree on what we think is the best way for the team to gain success, but at the end of the day we're all cheering for the same outcome. We could all do with remembering that, sometimes.

We do all want them to win Super Bowls. We need to keep that in perspective at all times, not only when we fans discuss with each other, but also when contemplating the decisions this organization makes. They want to win more than we do. They will act accordingly, even if it's not what we all want.

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It's not a matter of being able to take it, I think. I just felt bad talking that way to people. I don't know them, and I don't want them to think I'm a jerk all day long. It's my belief that the internet and social networking has ruined a lot of people's social skills. Especially younger people. Ever played online video games against them? Basically, people feel tough behind the safety of their computers and tend to spout off in a way that is completely disrespectful of others.

I emphatically agree with you. I admit I've done my fair share of trolling, arguing and posting inflammatory comments online (not so much on this forum). For the most part I try to he respectable, but sometimes anger does get the best of me, especially on YouTube, :facepalm:. It's so easy for everyone to voice their opinions in today's online world through all the various mediums. I guess it just comes with part of the territory. Many times I simply just laugh or shrug it off but occasionally it gets the best of me.

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It's not a matter of being able to take it, I think. I just felt bad talking that way to people. I don't know them, and I don't want them to think I'm a jerk all day long. It's my belief that the internet and social networking has ruined a lot of people's social skills. Especially younger people. Ever played online video games against them? Basically, people feel tough behind the safety of their computers and tend to spout off in a way that is completely disrespectful of others.


We do all want them to win Super Bowls. We need to keep that in perspective at all times, not only when we fans discuss with each other, but also when contemplating the decisions this organization makes. They want to win more than we do. They will act accordingly, even if it's not what we all want.

I do think it is hard not to take offense to some posters on here. Especially when your called a bandwagon fan, not a true fan, dumb, ect. Due to your own personal prespectives that may not be the popular line of thinking. Most of the time the mods do a good job on keeping it on an even keel.

I like your prespectives doogan.

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Sometimes, I get too emotional as well. I care so much for the people who wear the horseshoe, that I feel personally offended that others post things that seem to disrespect that. Sometimes, I go back and edit my post, some times I am too late. However, the one thing that this thread does for me, Doogan, is make me think about my own actions. Thank you for making a difference with yourself and sharing it with others, and that they might be inspired.

Leo Tolstoy said, "Everyone thinks about changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself".

Well done Doogan.

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Thank you, cs. I'm sorry you feel that way, Happy. And it's "sentiments." I guess I can't escape all aspects of sarcasm. :sun:

In all seriousness, I often respond in a way that can be aggrivating, but it's not because I like to disagree for argument's sake. In our society nowadays, we often accept sound bytes and headlines as truth. No one dives into the text, into the study, into the article. People will say what is easy to say and scoff at anyone who challenges the accepted norm. It's this way, not only in sports, but in politics, education, religion/science, etc. My responses usually take a stance of irritation, as it's frustrating to see the majority ride with something not grounded in facts, or accepting something they haven't researched for themselves.

This doesn't mean I think I'm always right. It doesn't mean I always have the best information. No one can make that claim. Sometimes I take it too far, however, and feel I HAVE to make a point, even when it's uncalled for or unecessary. Perhaps it's even stretched. I guess my point with the original post was to express that I am every bit as human as anyone else, and felt remorse for failing, at times, to treat others with deserved respect.

I make no excuses for spelling errors...I guess my iPad doesn't auto correct my stupidity always ;)

Let's continue on now....

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Doogan-- well stated post, my friend. I won't lie-- I'm newer on this forum than you are, and I always had a stigma about your posts, but there were obviously circumstances surrounding them. It was a case of "first impressions" I suppose.... but this thread has been eye-opening. I too like to look in between the lines with things regarding our Colts, and get equally annoyed with people taking the talking heads as gospel. If I'm right, one of the last comments I directed toward you was that you needed a hug. I guess I wasn't too far off. Given the circumstances, I'll give you a coupon for 2 hugs. Buy one get one free, brother. Here's looking forward to more greener pastures! :blueshoe:

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Nice to see. I did not see the back and forth, but its nice to see someone step up. I like many of your posts even if they come off as rude at times. They may be frustrating to read when they are not the same view, but they are fun to read when they are lol.

Go Colts!!

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Too many EGOS. Too many people who NEED the attention.

People With Over-Sized Egos Are Doomed To Walk This World Alone. That or spend most of their life on a message board.

Just some things off the top of my head regarding message boards:

  • If someone says, "In my opinion" - They are just giving an opinion. Either respond with your opinion or just move on. It is just an opinion. Maybe it is not yours. Get over it. That is what a healthy message board is for.
  • When dealing with message board bullies, who think they own the place, remind them that they don’t own this place.
  • When the board becomes more negative than positive – Take some time off from the board. It is not healthy to allow that garbage to be inhaled into your life.
  • When you see a person makes a good post then LIKE that post. Encourage good thoughts and good debates. If someone handles a certain situation, give the kudos to let them know you appreciate their mannerism. Be thankful for other people’s thoughts and they might actually be thankful for yours.
  • If someone says something so stupid you think they should have their posting privileges taken away – Just ignore it. Yeah we all know Peyton isn’t going to be the next great forward for the Chicago Bulls. There is no need to beat on the thirteen year old who posted it.
  • Avoid Nerd Fights. Sorry but anyone who fights on a message board is a nerd. I have better things to do with my time than fight with another person on a message board. I will play along for a little bit, but I have a life. So should you. If this board is your life then seek professional help.
  • And Doogan – The thing that has always been your issue is that your opinion IS NOT FACT. Stop guaranteeing stuff and if you do then at least be a big enough person to admit you were wrong. Have your opinion all you want. But you don’t have a crystal ball. By the way, how do you like those two offensive linemen being taken 1-2 last year? ;)

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It takes a big man to say sorry and Doogan even though this had nothing to do with me I have to say I respect anyone who is willing to step up and say hey I messed up please forgive me.

I am still waiting for the day you break your big apology out for everyone. ;)

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It does get heated on here at times and that's to be expected. People are passionate about football.

What has always disappointed me is how much some people seem to enjoy negativity and bullying each other.

When I see that sort of thing, I'm reminded of something my mom will say from time to time

"I hate people" (sarcasm, mom's sweet but she's right some people are just mean)

What you have done here DQ and Dan is you have set the bar higher.

So, I start my day with renewed faith in people :). Thanks for that!

Over the years, one thing I have learned is that a lot of the people posting at any given time, have serious problems going on in their lives.

I've personality known and know posters dealing with unemployment, loss of home and other financial problems, loss of children, personal health problems and health issues of loved ones.

You never really know.

When disagreements occur, and they will.......it is always best to let it go.

But this is even better. Public apology and pledge to post in a more civil manner .........very helpful to the boards as a whole.

Something to keep in mind, not everyone 'gets' or is a fan of sarcasm. Personally, when it's not mean.........I love sarcasm. But I understand those who don't appreciate it. So, it's a good idea to not use it so much when you are talking to someone you don't know.

Lastly, it's a good idea to remember that we have the range of people posting here. All personality types. And not all of them mesh particularly well.

Accept it and just avoid those that you cannot talk to without getting irritated.

I really appreciate everyone in this thread who own their own part in things and take it one step further by declining to escalate discussions even when provoked.

Thanks Doogan for this thread!

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Doogan - nice to see someone recognizing their errors. I will have to say I usally get a good chuckle out of your posts. Don't always agree with everything, but who does? So don't go too soft on us, buddy. Make sure you still tell it like it is so everyone can get the whole picture.

I think too often people are so invested in their own opinion that they fail to read and understand the other side. I see it alot here. People start getting chippy with each other rather than just expressing their opinion on a topic. We should all read people's opinions and state our own. No need for name calling, disparaging replys.

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I am still waiting for the day you break your big apology out for everyone. ;)

I have apologlized when I treat somoene wrong you can ask MAC if you don't believe me. I am not however going to apolgize for offering my opinion which is what a forum is for just because others may not agree with it. I tend to clearly state that something is an opinion I am offering and I have no issues with people offering their own, if someone disagrees with my opinion or I disagree with someone else's I am going to do more than say i disagree I am going to tell you why which again is what a forum is for. There is nothing wrong with backing up why you think something in fact it's a good thing to do that. I am also not going to apoglize if I get my opinion wrong because everyone is wrong at some point which is why it's an opinion it's just the way you see things, there is no need to apoglize for that. I will and have admitted in the past when my opinion is wrong. So I am not really sure what you are wanting here. If you were trying to make a joke it wasn't funny at least to me.

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