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Verrrrryyy Interesting Interview With Pm/changes Sadden Manning (Merge)


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Think about this if you were in his shoes. If you felt healthy....and knew you were going to play no matter what and your future was bright, you would not be so down. I think PM's emotions are about the fact that he has not totally healed, and isn't sure about his future in the NFL. The change going on around the complex just adds to that. If he is throwing 40 yard frozen ropes accurately, his demeanor would be upbeat.

I am not saying that PM is done,....here or anywhere else. Peyton is coming to grips with his own mortality much more than change in Indy. Just my thoughts

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Ive been reading your posts for months now. Anytime you get a chance you pounce on Manning to say hes done, out, retireing , not healthy or whatever. Constant negative. Get off it, you dont know and neither does anyone else. Im so sick of oh... Peytons done! Cause im a federally trained interrigator and I KNOW type of mentality.

You owe me a Coke when he get's cut.

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Is that your crowd? :lol:

no... I'm confused about whats so funny?

I quoted doogan

"Luck is better than Manning" crowd

Ya know my opinion on Manning's status isn't based on wanting Luck so bad and I certainly don't think he's better, but there is a lot of room in between these two attitudes. I simply don't see Peyton getting paid in March, it's my take, feel free to not like it, but if you read Peyton's comments and you follow the teams activities, you have to be honest, it's a real possibility.

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Irsay has gutted this team. When he wouldn't pay Marvin I stayed. This season's gut is way over the top for me. I don't live in the city, so if Manning is cut then my money for team gear etc. will follow him. Sometimes you can get a little too cute for your own good Irsay!

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One thing that jumps out to me:

The guy is throwing to his equipment guys? seriously? He has no strength and conditioning coaches, someone with rehabing knowledge? I don't know if that worries me or just tells me he is doing so well he doesn't need them...

Maybe he is just in a phase where he is just trying to regain his throwing power and that's it, because I would guess an injured guy like this, would have to be working with someone very close to him everyday with a very strong rehab regime..

who knows

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I do not think any predictions can be made from this interview and that is exactly why BoB Kravits didnt give any (I mean he almost ALWAYS gives his opinion on the scoop). I think Peyton is simply talking about how these things touch people, himself included, on a personal level. But this is also a business and you have to keep the two separate. He said he wants to remain in Indy and is working hard every day to get healthy.... nothing else to make from this.

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no... I'm confused about whats so funny?

I quoted doogan

"Luck is better than Manning" crowd

Ya know my opinion on Manning's status isn't based on wanting Luck so bad and I certainly don't think he's better, but there is a lot of room in between these two attitudes. I simply don't see Peyton getting paid in March, it's my take, feel free to not like it, but if you read Peyton's comments and you follow the teams activities, you have to be honest, it's a real possibility.

Well it was funny to me because it seems like every thing I read that you post is kind of negative about Peyton or I am taking it wrong and if so sorry my bad. My attitude is no one knows for sure what will happen with Peyton or the team for that matter so I try and not be nagative about anything I read by the media. JMO of course

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One thing that jumps out to me:

The guy is throwing to his equipment guys? seriously? He has no strength and conditioning coaches, someone with rehabing knowledge? I don't know if that worries me or just tells me he is doing so well he doesn't need them...

Maybe he is just in a phase where he is just trying to regain his throwing power and that's it, because I would guess an injured guy like this, would have to be working with someone very close to him everyday with a very strong rehab regime..

who knows

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"negative about Peyton"

That doesn't mean i dislike him, in fact I'd go so far as to say you couldn't find Colts fans who don't love the guy. Let me turn this around, what's positive about Peyton's current situation?

Well until we know exactly what Peyton's situation is why not try and stay positive. We as fans have no idea what his playing status is right now. Well I have said my piece. Have a good day.

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There's just this overwhelming feeling that Peyton isn't being treated as a priority right now, and I cannot make sense of this. How is it that the new GM only met with Peyton by "running into him" in the hall way? The new GM is sitting down for 7 hours with a guy he knows he's firing (JC), but he has yet to sit down with the man that this franchise revolves around? A man that made it possible for us to have a state of the art stadium? How in the #%$ do you not put that on your schedule?

I know that Peyton's health issues aren't 100% quantified as of yet, but c'mon man, they aren't even talking to him? The GM doesn't even know the guy?

It ain't right I tells ya.

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There's just this overwhelming feeling that Peyton isn't being treated as a priority right now, and I cannot make sense of this. How is it that the new GM only met with Peyton by "running into him" in the hall way? The new GM is sitting down for 7 hours with a guy he knows he's firing (JC), but he has yet to sit down with the man that this franchise revolves around? A man that made it possible for us to have a state of the art stadium? How in the #%$ do you not put that on your schedule?

I know that Peyton's health issues aren't 100% quantified as of yet, but c'mon man, they aren't even talking to him? The GM doesn't even know the guy?

It ain't right I tells ya.

I hate this. But i do wonder if he is waiting until they hire the HC?? Maybe??

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There's just this overwhelming feeling that Peyton isn't being treated as a priority right now, and I cannot make sense of this. How is it that the new GM only met with Peyton by "running into him" in the hall way? The new GM is sitting down for 7 hours with a guy he knows he's firing (JC), but he has yet to sit down with the man that this franchise revolves around? A man that made it possible for us to have a state of the art stadium? How in the #%$ do you not put that on your schedule?

I know that Peyton's health issues aren't 100% quantified as of yet, but c'mon man, they aren't even talking to him? The GM doesn't even know the guy?

It ain't right I tells ya.

I think (oops! always gets me in trouble :) ) because as Peyton said the decision has been left up to Irsay on Peyton being retained or not. I'm sure Grigson has a lot on his plate right now and since it is not his decision in the end . . . take care of what he does have control over and see how the other pans out before jumping in and taking control over something you don't have an influence on the outcome of.

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I hate this. But i do wonder if he is waiting until they hire the HC?? Maybe??

What sense would it make though? I'm not talking about sitting down and crunching numbers and hashing out Manning's future. I mean, why not sit down and get to know the guy? More alarming still.....why not make sure he is getting everything he needs for his rehab? Peyton seemed to express that the Colts aren't doing everything they can to make sure he is getting the care and rehab he needs. This is a $28 million dollar man and they aren't throwing every resource in his direction?

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There's just this overwhelming feeling that Peyton isn't being treated as a priority right now, and I cannot make sense of this. How is it that the new GM only met with Peyton by "running into him" in the hall way? The new GM is sitting down for 7 hours with a guy he knows he's firing (JC), but he has yet to sit down with the man that this franchise revolves around? A man that made it possible for us to have a state of the art stadium? How in the #%$ do you not put that on your schedule?

I know that Peyton's health issues aren't 100% quantified as of yet, but c'mon man, they aren't even talking to him? The GM doesn't even know the guy?

It ain't right I tells ya.

Could it be that Irsay has told him he would be taking care of the Peyton situation? Don't know what's happening but I personally don't like they way he is not being treated like the franchise QB of the Colts.

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I think (oops! always gets me in trouble :) ) because as Peyton said the decision has been left up to Irsay on Peyton being retained or not. I'm sure Grigson has a lot on his plate right now and since it is not his decision in the end . . . take care of what he does have control over and see how the other pans out before jumping in and taking control over something you don't have an influence on the outcome of.

Don't you think it's looks bad that the new GM hasn't made an effort to meet the face of this franchise? Manning said it himself, he's there at 56th street everyday.

I'm not trying to join the alarmist club, but this is the first time I've genuinely become concerned.

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I think (oops! always gets me in trouble :) ) because as Peyton said the decision has been left up to Irsay on Peyton being retained or not. I'm sure Grigson has a lot on his plate right now and since it is not his decision in the end . . . take care of what he does have control over and see how the other pans out before jumping in and taking control over something you don't have an influence on the outcome of.

Glad your thinking coltssouth and that could be the reason things are going the way they are. Don't know if it's the correct way to handle the situation but looks like that is the way it's going to be handled.

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There's just this overwhelming feeling that Peyton isn't being treated as a priority right now, and I cannot make sense of this. How is it that the new GM only met with Peyton by "running into him" in the hall way? The new GM is sitting down for 7 hours with a guy he knows he's firing (JC), but he has yet to sit down with the man that this franchise revolves around? A man that made it possible for us to have a state of the art stadium? How in the #%$ do you not put that on your schedule?

I know that Peyton's health issues aren't 100% quantified as of yet, but c'mon man, they aren't even talking to him? The GM doesn't even know the guy?

It ain't right I tells ya.

I got slammed for starting the "Is Irsay trying to break up with Peyton" thread, but it feels like what's happening to me. Make sure Peyton is unhappy so he chooses to leave and Irsay isn't the bad guy. Could be happening.

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Could it be that Irsay has told him he would be taking care of the Peyton situation? Don't know what's happening but I personally don't like they way he is not being treated like the franchise QB of the Colts.


Why aren't they bending over backward to accommodate his needs?

I agree, this isn't how you handle a recently injured franchise QB. Grigson should know Manning by now, he should know Manning's favorite color, his moms maiden name and his favorite food. Grigson should at least know that Manning is being given every resource for his recovery.

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There's just this overwhelming feeling that Peyton isn't being treated as a priority right now, and I cannot make sense of this. How is it that the new GM only met with Peyton by "running into him" in the hall way? The new GM is sitting down for 7 hours with a guy he knows he's firing (JC), but he has yet to sit down with the man that this franchise revolves around? A man that made it possible for us to have a state of the art stadium? How in the #%$ do you not put that on your schedule?

I know that Peyton's health issues aren't 100% quantified as of yet, but c'mon man, they aren't even talking to him? The GM doesn't even know the guy?

It ain't right I tells ya.

I get your point but I do think the fact that he's been cleaning house since he landed has something to do with it.

I really do believe him and Irsay when they said it was a step by step process. Im sure Grigson will meet with him when the staff is in place.

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Don't you think it's looks bad that the new GM hasn't made an effort to meet the face of this franchise? Manning said it himself, he's there at 56th street everyday.

I'm not trying to join the alarmist club, but this is the first time I've genuinely become concerned.

I honestly don't know. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt because that is the only reason I can think of why he hasn't conversed with Peyton.

I can see why you are concened.

This wait and see thing is driving me nuts!!!

Bad year starting with the lockout and now a lot of changes going on.

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I get your point but I do think the fact that he's been cleaning house since he landed has something to do with it.

I really do believe him and Irsay when they said it was a step by step process. Im sure Grigson will meet with him when the staff is in place.

I'm sorry, but a friendly meeting or call to Peyton was in order whether they talked about hiring decisions or not.

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What I get out of all of this is a different perspective of Jim Irsay. Because of his twitters, one gets the idea that Jim is a little off center. He may do that on purpose, wanting to be, "just one of the guys" someone anyone can talk to. Thing to remember is that Jim grew up around the NFL. He knows the ins and outs better than any of us. What surprised me was remembering his success in cleaning house and starting over.

He fired Bill Tobin and brought in Bill Polian. Bill wasn't popular with the local media or fans, but he sure brought a change in the success of the Colts franchise. Jim sent Bill Polian to Tampa with the instructions to hire Tony Dungy. It was not Bill Polians choice, it was Jim Irsay who made that decision.

Jim Irsay is very fond of Peyton Manning and would like for him to stay. On the other hand, as an owner, he doesn't want to send good money after bad, as they say in poker. Jim paid Peyton millions of dollars last year and PM didn't play a down. It is easy for a fan to say, "Oh pay PM the money" but it is not our 28 Million we are spending. It is Polian's fault that Jim Irsay is in this predicament. Jim doesn't like being forced into a corner, giving PM a check for 28 Million, not knowing if PM can play football next season. Peyton doesn't know if he can play next season.

PM is a future Hall of Famer. Colts fans love what PM had done for the franchise and the city of Indy.

But should Jim Irsay spend 28 Million dollars not knowing if Peyton can play next year? Montana left the 49ers and Steve Young took over. Bret Farve left the Packers and Aaron Rodger took over. Yes they were on the team when Montana and Farve left, but a similar situation faces the Colts. Luck is as close to being NFL ready as PM was, and maybe more so. Luck directs Stanford on the field, calls the plays from the LOS, just as PM does the Colts.

If Jim doesn't pay PM the 28 million dollars, he has 28 million dollars to spend to bring in some FA's that can rebuild the Colts quickly back into a winning tradition. It may be an unpopular decision to let PM go, but as Peyton said, this is a business and business' have to make tough decisions.

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Why aren't they bending over backward to accommodate his needs?

I agree, this isn't how you handle a recently injured franchise QB. Grigson should know Manning by now, he should know Manning's favorite color, his moms maiden name and his favorite food. Grigson should at least know that Manning is being given every resource for his recovery.

Well I for one don't like they way it's being handled but I guess that's why I wasn't considered for the GM position. I hope that he continues to have the facility to continue his rehab and wonder who he will work with since his training coach has been fired?

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Well until we know exactly what Peyton's situation is why not try and stay positive. We as fans have no idea what his playing status is right now. Well I have said my piece. Have a good day.

His situation is if by March he's not healthy, he's not getting paid. He's still rehabbing. I dunno why it's so surprising to some that "not try and stay positive" attitude isn't cutting it, especially with what's happening, the occurances within the organization making Peyton nervous.

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I get your point but I do think the fact that he's been cleaning house since he landed has something to do with it.

I really do believe him and Irsay when they said it was a step by step process. Im sure Grigson will meet with him when the staff is in place.

My concern is not that they aren't holding business meetings with Peyton. My concern is that this man is the face of our franchise, he recently had a very serious series of surgeries, yet Peyton himself eluded that they are leaving him somewhat to his own devices. It seems to me that if they wanted Peyton back, they'd bring in specialists and temporary training personnel and they would be on top of this situation.

I feel like they're burning down the house to get rid of the mice.

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His situation is if by March he's not healthy, he's not getting paid. He's still rehabbing. I dunno why it's so surprising to some that "not try and stay positive" attitude isn't cutting it, especially with what's happening, the occurances within the organization making Peyton nervous.

Dead-on correct.

I've been as positive as anyone on this forum, and these statements by Manning aren't allowing me to create any delusions. Something stinks at 56th street.

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Here is what I took from it:

1. He wanted to get out there and say the Rob Lowe story was false himself.

2. He is trying to rehab and is still not completely healthy yet but on the plus side sounds like someone who expects to be healthy by next season but the question remains will he be healthy by March 8th. He could be trying to get the word out there that if the Colts do release him he expects to be healthy to draw interest from other teams so they wont be scared off by his health. He doesn't sound like someone who is expecting to have to retire.

3. He's sad that coaches he knows and likes have been fired as anyone would be if you were in his spot. You have to remember he knows these people as people not just the name of the football coach who coaches a poistion on your team. It's a lot easier to call for someone to get fired when you don't really know them as a person.

4. He wants to come back to Indy. Indy will always be "home" no matter what happens.

5. He hasn't really talked to Grigson and from the sounds of it doesn't like that.

6. I got the vibe he doesn't think he's coming back to Indy.

I will say this maybe Grigson is giving Manning a cold shoulder for a few reasons.

1. Maybe Grigson is trying to send the message I run this team and not you.

2. Maybe Grigson and Irsay disagree about what to do with Manning and Grigson is not happy about it.

3. Maybe Grigson is just honestly busy and didn't have time to sit down and have a long talk with Peyton Manning.

4. Maybe Grigson already knows Irsay is planning on releasing Peyton Manning and see no reason to get too attached. Remember the last time Jim Irsay had a meeting with a player regarding that player's future here was Marvin Harrison shortly before he was released and Irsay made it sounds like it was a meeting just to say good-bye more or less.

So just more speculation to add to the speculation :)

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Aside from Peyton talking I think this whole interview is crap, we already kno everything he's talked about, I kno when my bosses were firing people we(even those of us who were told we won't be let go) were all on eggshells too.

I think something u can look it to is when he answered the question so what did u and Grigs talk about?

Well he kinda didn't want to tell me that Irsay will be saying if I'm staying or not....

Oh ok didn't he say that on TV?? We knew that, as with most of everything else he said.

He had to tell the guy something....

And come on, they "ran" into each other, if Peyton said that put it in quotes...cause he didn't!

Something that is great news that I did not kno that how(and why) can a guy with a injured neck go in and workout and throw balls "everyday" if he was hurt and couldn't....

Sounds like a guy who gearing up for a come back!!!!

4MVPs and 1 come back player of the year award

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Well it was funny to me because it seems like every thing I read that you post is kind of negative about Peyton or I am taking it wrong and if so sorry my bad. My attitude is no one knows for sure what will happen with Peyton or the team for that matter so I try and not be nagative about anything I read by the media. JMO of course

+1.......Thats what I'm sayn Susie Q.....

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