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Noah Spence information

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Okay so now bleacher report is saying that when Noah Spence was asked during combine interviews that he wasn't the only one at Ohio State doing it.
That doesn't set Real well with me.

1) doesn't sound like he is owning up to the fact that he made a mistake

2) the childhood explanation to your parents of why you are doing it was "Well Johnny was doing it". As an adult just because Johnny is doing something doesn't mean that you have to do it.

3) when an individual is willing to say "hey I wasn't the only one" that's a real simple way to say without naming names your no more than a snitch. That's not someone I want in my locker room who's going to say "well I wasn't the only one doing it"

these are just 3 simple examples of why I don't want the Colts to take Spence. And these 3 don't even get into the fact that he didn't blow anything out of the water at the combine numbers Wise.

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10 minutes ago, SuperJoe33 said:

Okay so now bleacher report is saying that when Noah Spence was asked during combine interviews that he wasn't the only one at Ohio State doing it.
That doesn't set Real well with me.

1) doesn't sound like he is owning up to the fact that he made a mistake

2) the childhood explanation to your parents of why you are doing it was "Well Johnny was doing it". As an adult just because Johnny is doing something doesn't mean that you have to do it.

3) when an individual is willing to say "hey I wasn't the only one" that's a real simple way to say without naming names your no more than a snitch. That's not someone I want in my locker room who's going to say "well I wasn't the only one doing it"

these are just 3 simple examples of why I don't want the Colts to take Spence. And these 3 don't even get into the fact that he didn't blow anything out of the water at the combine numbers Wise.


So if he can come in and be a top pass rusher in the NFL and put up 10 plus sacks every year you still wouldn't want him?

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19 minutes ago, COLTS449 said:


So if he can come in and be a top pass rusher in the NFL and put up 10 plus sacks every year you still wouldn't want him?

No… The risk is way to great for the reward. I'm not going to Have guys on my team I can't trust. I'm Also not Going to sacrificing my character Or beliefs in taking someone I don't feel comfortable with or believe who's going to be pulling the rope in the same direction that I am.
So based on your comment can I ask if you are willing to bring in Greg Hardy for the Colts?  Or were you someone who said "let's draft Randy Gregory. I mean it's only a pot problem". Look where that got the Cowboys. He barely made it onto the field last year and now he is suspended for the 1st 4 games of the season. All for pot. Whether you believe it should be legal or not doesn't make a difference. You know what the NFL says about pot. Or any other drugs for that matter. You get caught doing it you're going to get suspended and get put into a program. How dumb do you have to be?

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I do think that Spence's character concerns, mixed with the general concerns that come with a small school prospect do make him a risky pick at #18. It's a risk I might be willing to take, but idk what the FO is thinking. 


I think it's early to start comparing him to Hardy. He is a college kid, after all. 


I think there is something to be said about how the league should probably quit testing for pot (I even go so far as to say that players should be able to use steroids during injury rehab, in a monitored, clinical setting), but rules are rules... If you can't follow them, then you won't make it in the nfl, plain and simple. 

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Let's not ignore the fact that he went to rehab for his addiction, and was drug tested weekly afterwards. He's been clean for close to two years now, and really sounds like he's learned from his mistakes. These comments to me seem to be of the "I was young and stupid and didn't think it would be a problem since everyone else was doing it" sort. Not an excuse for doing it, obviously, but lots of people make stupid mistakes when they're 18-20 and learn from it to be well-adjusted, reliable adults

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1 hour ago, COLTS449 said:


So if he can come in and be a top pass rusher in the NFL and put up 10 plus sacks every year you still wouldn't want him?


You wouldn't want him if you weren't convinced he'd stay clean.


That's why people stay away from guys like Aldon Smith.     Everyone knows how good he is.    But they also know he can't seem to stay out of trouble.


If people think Spence is going to get into trouble when he's got (A) millions in his pocket and (B) more free time, then some teams will stay away from him,  especially in the first round.


Same reason why teams will stay away from Josh Gordon.    He's shown he can't be trusted.


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5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


You wouldn't want him if you weren't convinced he'd stay clean.


That's why people stay away from guys like Aldon Smith.     Everyone knows how good he is.    But they also know he can't seem to stay out of trouble.


If people think Spence is going to get into trouble when he's got (A) millions in his pocket and (B) more free time, then some teams will stay away from him,  especially in the first round.


Same reason why teams will stay away from Josh Gordon.    He's shown he can't be trusted.


I think it's unfair to compare Spence to Gordon. Spence has only been suspended the one time, and has since gone through rehab and seems to have made a serious effort to change himself. Gordon has been suspended multiple times dating back to his college days, and has done nothing to show that he'll be any different in the future. 

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30 minutes ago, MasterCrief said:

I think it's unfair to compare Spence to Gordon. Spence has only been suspended the one time, and has since gone through rehab and seems to have made a serious effort to change himself. Gordon has been suspended multiple times dating back to his college days, and has done nothing to show that he'll be any different in the future. 


I'm not trying to say Spence = Gordon.


But in the Big Picture, all I'm trying to say is if you don't trust them, then you stay away from them.    The issue is trust....    not finding an exact duplicate of circumstances and suspensions....


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1 hour ago, SuperJoe33 said:

Okay so now bleacher report is saying that when Noah Spence was asked during combine interviews that he wasn't the only one at Ohio State doing it.
That doesn't set Real well with me.

1) doesn't sound like he is owning up to the fact that he made a mistake

2) the childhood explanation to your parents of why you are doing it was "Well Johnny was doing it". As an adult just because Johnny is doing something doesn't mean that you have to do it.

3) when an individual is willing to say "hey I wasn't the only one" that's a real simple way to say without naming names your no more than a snitch. That's not someone I want in my locker room who's going to say "well I wasn't the only one doing it"

these are just 3 simple examples of why I don't want the Colts to take Spence. And these 3 don't even get into the fact that he didn't blow anything out of the water at the combine numbers Wise.

I'd have to hear exactly what he said and in what context to make any sort of judgement on this. If he was asked how he got into ecstasy, and his answer was "everyone was doing it", that's completely different. His actions have been of someone that wanted to get better, sought the help needed, and put in the work to beat his addiction.


I may keep him on a short leash, but he doesn't seem like a dumb kid with poor judgement. He sounds like a kid raised in a strict household (both parents were/are juvenile probation officers) that got too much freedom in college and partied too hard, mostly fueled by his addiction (used every weekend).


I'm huge on character and weary of guys with red flags (no way in hell I'd want Hardy in my locker room), but I think if I got the right answers from him, he'd be my pick at 18.

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On the topic of players like Gregory who tested for pot, and it is legal, the NFL gives a lot of leeway in testing. You have be busted 3 times to get your first suspension I believe. So although I believe Pot is comparable to

alcohol in many ways, if you can't give it up for short periods of time knowing the drug protocol, then you have an addiction problem. Anyone who has had an addiction problem needs to be looked at in a different light.


Spence has owned up to the problem, and his rehab has been successful it seems. He is still a kid, and the fact so many who have addiction problems cannot stay clean says something for his character. Still the trust factor on a 1st round pick, I prefer to not worry about it. What bothers me is the combine drills, not the 40, which show burst, long jump and vertical leap showed a lack of explosion. Maybe he had a bad day, but at 18, combine his history and the stats from the combine, and I just can't make the pick.


The Colts have missed so many 1st rounders lately, I want a nice safe clean pick. One of our biggest needs is interior lineman. I will be happy with Conklin, but I really would prefer Ryan Kelly, C, from Alabama. The guys I trust, mayock, jeremiah, Kiper, McShay, well maybe trust is a bit too much, but they all have him top 30. We desperately need to lock up a center who can pair up with Luck for Years to come, just like the Pounceys.

Alabama runs a pro offense, he checks off all the boxes of accomplishments, and athleticism, and seems like a good kid. He may not be sexy, but I believe he is what we need. If we don't go with Kelly, then Billings would be my choice. For our defense, NT is indispensable. Both picks are great additions imho!

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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


You wouldn't want him if you weren't convinced he'd stay clean.


That's why people stay away from guys like Aldon Smith.     Everyone knows how good he is.    But they also know he can't seem to stay out of trouble.


If people think Spence is going to get into trouble when he's got (A) millions in his pocket and (B) more free time, then some teams will stay away from him,  especially in the first round.


Same reason why teams will stay away from Josh Gordon.    He's shown he can't be trusted.



I got ya. But you know I'm the kind that believes that kids like Spence can change. I believe Spence has taken all the steps to prove himself. He's stayed clean and proven it with passing every drug screen, and even Urban Meyer is behind him. No. I'm not worried at all about him if we draft him. A lot of kids do dumb stuff and then grow up and learn from it.

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44 minutes ago, COLTS449 said:


I got ya. But you know I'm the kind that believes that kids like Spence can change. I believe Spence has taken all the steps to prove himself. He's stayed clean and proven it with passing every drug screen, and even Urban Meyer is behind him. No. I'm not worried at all about him if we draft him. A lot of kids do dumb stuff and then grow up and learn from it.


Hey,  I'm hoping you're right.....     but this week what I'm hearing (NFL Network) is that a number of NFL front office people and coaches were very much NOT impressed by Spence in their interviews.     A guy who knows he has to do well in that phase and can practice and rehearse (with his agents)  and he couldn't do a good job convincing the people he needs to sell he's going to be OK?


That's a red flag.


Remember,  things change when kids get millions of dollars and then some free time to spend it....


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I may be a bit naive, but how can he be so young and yet he's already been addicted, has rehabbed, and has quit for 2 years?  He didn't really have time to be become addicted and caught just that 1 year in college.  That makes me think he's been "using" throughout high school.  Does anyone know the details?


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5 hours ago, LockeDown said:

I may be a bit naive, but how can he be so young and yet he's already been addicted, has rehabbed, and has quit for 2 years?  He didn't really have time to be become addicted and caught just that 1 year in college.  That makes me think he's been "using" throughout high school.  Does anyone know the details?


From what I've read, it started early in college. He could've been completely clean before. It doesn't take too many uses for an addiction to start. He got caught the first time, lied to everyone about it not being a problem (addicts do this as they tend to be very manipulative while addicted), then got popped again. Then he got banned from Big Ten, Meyer set him up at Eastern Kentucky, as he's good friends with the HC, they and his parents helped him get into rehab, he's been clean since and has had a LOT of drug tests. Addiction's a monster and it takes a lot to beat it. He may not be impressing in the interviews, but that shows me a lot that he's been able to stay clean.

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3 minutes ago, Dustin said:

He denies he said this on twitter and I have no reason to not believe him.

Teams are always leaking those smoke screens. Definitely could be the case to help him fall in that team's range.

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Colts really need a young pass rusher, but Spence hasn't "wowed" me enough throughout the draft process that I'd be sold on him at #18. Doesn't mean he won't eventually be the pick (as things can change), but I also like Andrew Billings and Mackensie Alexander a lot at that spot too right now for the Colts. 


Should be interesting what they decide to do.  

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53 minutes ago, CR91 said:

also no HC or GM came to his pro day. id say hes not touching the first round

Some people will say that it's just smoke, but I wouldn't by it. There is no way the Colts touch him at 18.


Grigson is in no position to gamble with a first round pick.

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6 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

Some people will say that it's just smoke, but I wouldn't by it. There is no way the Colts touch him at 18.


Grigson is in no position to gamble with a first round pick.

if he falls to 17 in the second, Ill take him. imagine if we could get conklin in the first spence second scooby wright in the third and somehow jaylon smith falls to day three like a lot of teams are claiming. wow what a draft 

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9 hours ago, MasterCrief said:

I think it's unfair to compare Spence to Gordon. Spence has only been suspended the one time, and has since gone through rehab and seems to have made a serious effort to change himself. Gordon has been suspended multiple times dating back to his college days, and has done nothing to show that he'll be any different in the future. 

This is not true. He was suspended twice and was arrested last season in Kentucky. He has had an incident involving drugs or alcohol 3 years in a row.

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9 hours ago, LockeDown said:

I may be a bit naive, but how can he be so young and yet he's already been addicted, has rehabbed, and has quit for 2 years?  He didn't really have time to be become addicted and caught just that 1 year in college.  That makes me think he's been "using" throughout high school.  Does anyone know the details?


Here are two different links to articles about him and his background if you're interested in some more in-depth study on him.  I believe one is from August '15 and the other October '15:





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1 hour ago, Traines said:

Here are two different links to articles about him and his background if you're interested in some more in-depth study on him.  I believe one is from August '15 and the other October '15:





He is definitely saying and doing the right things. The 2015 May arrest is concerning, though. If he would be willing to continue taking random monthly (or even weekly or bi-weekly) drug tests, I wouldn't have an issue taking him in the first. I dont even know if you can do that, and I wonder if the union would take issue with it. It might be a bit of a reach at 18, but I would feel more at ease if he continued with the drug tests. 

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4 hours ago, GoatBeard said:

This is not true. He was suspended twice and was arrested last season in Kentucky. He has had an incident involving drugs or alcohol 3 years in a row.

The alcohol incident wasn't anything I'd be concerned with. It wasn't like he was driving drunk or getting in fights. What I read said he drank too much wine at a friend's house and when he left, he tried to shoot the bottle into the dumpster and missed. Just happened to do that in the line of sight of cops. Nothing any of us wouldn't do when we've had a few too many.

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7 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

He is definitely saying and doing the right things. The 2015 May arrest is concerning, though. If he would be willing to continue taking random monthly (or even weekly or bi-weekly) drug tests, I wouldn't have an issue taking him in the first. I dont even know if you can do that, and I wonder if the union would take issue with it. It might be a bit of a reach at 18, but I would feel more at ease if he continued with the drug tests. 

Yeah, I couldn't agree more.  I posted the links because I think there is some misinformation floating around about him, and these articles seem to give you a good look at his history, etc.  I'm not necessarily advocating for him at 18 (not completely against it either), and honestly, I would probably be all about it if he didn't have the arrest in May.  Even if it was just him throwing a glass bottle into a dumpster (and missing and shattering the glass), you shouldn't be doing those types of things when you're in his position...I get it, he's a kid, and it truly is extremely minor in the grand scheme of things, but a 1st round pick is a big investment...  The drug/Ectasy issue is definitely a major concern, although I do think some parts are being overblown by a few.  Either way, it should not be taken lightly.  If there is a positive though, he seems to have a great support network around him and is pro-active in keeping himself clean and transparent.  As much as I like him and am rooting for him to do well and prove his doubters wrong, I think we'll pass on him with all of the other talent that should be there at 18.

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30 minutes ago, Shive said:

The alcohol incident wasn't anything I'd be concerned with. It wasn't like he was driving drunk or getting in fights. What I read said he drank too much wine at a friend's house and when he left, he tried to shoot the bottle into the dumpster and missed. Just happened to do that in the line of sight of cops. Nothing any of us wouldn't do when we've had a few too many.

Him saying it wasn't his fault,  that he just threw a bottle and it missed falls right in Line with what this article was originally getting at. He always seems to have a reason why it wasn't his fault. That shows a lack of maturity and in the long run a lack of remorse,  making it more likely he does this kind of stuff in the future. Huge red flag, not worth risking in the first three rounds. 

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27 minutes ago, Traines said:

Yeah, I couldn't agree more.  I posted the links because I think there is some misinformation floating around about him, and these articles seem to give you a good look at his history, etc.  I'm not necessarily advocating for him at 18 (not completely against it either), and honestly, I would probably be all about it if he didn't have the arrest in May.  Even if it was just him throwing a glass bottle into a dumpster (and missing and shattering the glass), you shouldn't be doing those types of things when you're in his position...I get it, he's a kid, and it truly is extremely minor in the grand scheme of things, but a 1st round pick is a big investment...  The drug/Ectasy issue is definitely a major concern, although I do think some parts are being overblown by a few.  Either way, it should not be taken lightly.  If there is a positive though, he seems to have a great support network around him and is pro-active in keeping himself clean and transparent.  As much as I like him and am rooting for him to do well and prove his doubters wrong, I think we'll pass on him with all of the other talent that should be there at 18.

To the bolded, absolutely true. If he was trying to establish a record that he's clean, he gave scouts a reason to doubt it. I hope for the best for him, but I'm with you, I doubt we take him due to the red flags.

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35 minutes ago, Shive said:

The alcohol incident wasn't anything I'd be concerned with. It wasn't like he was driving drunk or getting in fights. What I read said he drank too much wine at a friend's house and when he left, he tried to shoot the bottle into the dumpster and missed. Just happened to do that in the line of sight of cops. Nothing any of us wouldn't do when we've had a few too many.

Frankly, I'm more concerned about the alcohol than anything else. We have this story about a guy who lost control to an extent and put his career in jeopardy because of drugs. Then, in the midst of "building a record" showing he is clean and changed, he gets arrested for intoxication. Even if I buy the story, I wonder if his addictive habits have just transferred from one drug to another, and alcohol goes though the body quicker - meaning it's easier to hide from drug tests. At the very least, I now have a track record of poor decision making when it comes to Noah and drugs. 

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16 hours ago, MasterCrief said:

I think it's unfair to compare Spence to Gordon. Spence has only been suspended the one time, and has since gone through rehab and seems to have made a serious effort to change himself. Gordon has been suspended multiple times dating back to his college days, and has done nothing to show that he'll be any different in the future. 

He wasn't just suspended once. He was suspended the 1st time for 3 games. One game fell at the end of is season and then he was to be suspended for 2 more games at the beginning of next season. Believe it was in between there he was tested again and tested positive for drugs. Hence he received a permanent suspension from the Big Ten and subsequently transferred to Eastern Kentucky.

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4 hours ago, AndyColt said:

1. VERY slim chance he goes undrafted. He's way too good at a position that is very light in this draft at the top. I see him potentially falling, but no later than the 2nd round. He doesn't have nearly the concerns of a Vontaze Burfict to fall that far.

2. That link is a fan posting something they heard, with fairly poor grammar.

3. There were 28 teams present, just no HCs or GMs. Tampa Bay sent their D-line coach. The Jets and Skins sent their directors of college scouting. I'm assuming everyone else just sent scouts. I'm assuming anyone that wanted face-time with him did it at the combine. Now if he doesn't get brought in for any private workouts, I'd think he may fall a bit more.

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On 3/6/2016 at 10:53 PM, Shive said:

1. VERY slim chance he goes undrafted. He's way too good at a position that is very light in this draft at the top. I see him potentially falling, but no later than the 2nd round. He doesn't have nearly the concerns of a Vontaze Burfict to fall that far.

2. That link is a fan posting something they heard, with fairly poor grammar.

3. There were 28 teams present, just no HCs or GMs. Tampa Bay sent their D-line coach. The Jets and Skins sent their directors of college scouting. I'm assuming everyone else just sent scouts. I'm assuming anyone that wanted face-time with him did it at the combine. Now if he doesn't get brought in for any private workouts, I'd think he may fall a bit more.

No joke on #2.  Just look at someo f his other fan posts.  Looks like some of the crap you'd see around here, probably worse.  

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