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Nfl Referee Bill Leavy Already Catching Heat For The Giants/packers Game(Merge)


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Matthew Stafford, Donte Stallworth, Freddie Jackson and others seem to think it was a pretty clear cut fumble by Jennings, and even if you're a die hard Packers fan, you'd be hard pressed to truely feel otherwise.

I know everything may be fine and dandy now that Giants pulled off the win anyways, but the calls by the refs in today's game were downright incompetant. I fail to see how a professional referee can possibly justify some of those calls out there today. You would really have to watch the game to believe it.

Jennings fumbled 100% without question. Osi Umenyora's 15 yard penalty on 3rd and long for hitting the head of the QB was just despicable.

If players/coaching staff/personel have to be held accountable for their errors with their job, I feel to see why NFL referees should not face similar circumstances.

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If players/coaching staff/personel have to be held accountable for their errors with their job, I feel to see why NFL referees should not face similar circumstances.

They are held accountable. Usually via fines, game assignments, demotions, etc. We just don't hear about it, because the job status of an NFL referee is hardly relevant to most fans. It's just not news-worthy.

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It's not "OVER"....just because the Giants still won. That doesn't negate the fact that an improper call that COULD have changed the circumstances and outcome of the game was improperly called.

Its over..NYG won...

...The 'story' wont have legs....the Giants will move on....

It wasn't the only bad call of the weekend..

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I can understand the refs missing the call on the field; I don't know how the replay official blew the call??

I was thinking the same thing. Mike Pereira said that it should have been a fumble, but that refs are only human.

I also understand missing a call during the course of action, but when they go "under the hood" can they see the same things we can see on TV?

If so, how can they not see something that was so obvious?

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I was thinking the same thing. Mike Pereira said that it should have been a fumble, but that refs are only human.

I also understand missing a call during the course of action, but when they go "under the hood" can they see the same things we can see on TV?

If so, how can they not see something that was so obvious?

What's really weird is that Pereira said it's a judgement call. When no one blows the play dead and lets the Giants recover and run the ball back, doesn't that mean the refs all judge it to be a fumble? Then, when there is clear video evidence that the ball is out, how is that a judgement call? There is clear evidence that it is a fumble; it's a black and white issue, not a judgement call.

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Exactly...its over..the NYGs won

Uncle, but that is the problem . . . is that since the Gmen won, it will be unlikely anything major will come out of this . . . but is should because one day it might mean something, kind of like, shall i say SB 40 . . .

Look lets face a few facts about today NFL . . . one play (or one non call or call which creates or cancels a play) can make a difference in the game . . . just one play out of over 100 in a game can make a difference in a game . . . I would say more that 50% of the game and pushing toward 75% of the games played ONE play can make a difference . . .

as such, one call can have the same impact, as the same can cancel or create a play . . .. forcing the team scorned to have to do extra and sometimes it means having to score point to make up for a play that subsequently resulted in a score that would not otherwise have manifested had it not been for the one play or call . . .

I kind of forget the exact flow of the game . . .

but that first fumble, I think the Gmen were up 10-3 and would of had the ball near midfield . . . but instead he is down by contact, thus giving the Packers another possession (that they possession was lost and given back to them), and the score and tie the game up 10-10 . . .

in the 3rd qtr Rogers has the ball stripped around the Gmen 40 and on the next possession (i think it was still 20-10), Ward falls dwon over the yellow first down marker but was spotted 3/4 yard short, perhaps his left shin came down, but it looked to me, and i palyed it twice on the DVR, he fell like a tree and thus the first contact was is elbow, but he had the first down at that point . . . so instead of being up 20-10 at midfield and builting on a turnover and keeping the pack mentally down, the Gmen punt one a 3 and out, and pack get the ball back immediately after the fumble and able to build on the emotions . .

last on that 3 rd down roughing the passer, it ws too close to the pass to led up, plus they were pounding Eli, and he just hit him and let him fall to the ground as opposed of wrapping and/or going down and landing on top of him . .. game was basically over . . true it was 4th down and 10 and likely they still will of gone for it and perhaps converted, so maybe no harm done, but the call prevented the pack from having to convert the 4th down . . .

for me when you have one call it is too bad, but more than one is really bad . . . but the refs are human and we all get to see it on HD in super slow motion, so we need to be fair here, but on that first fumble the refs have all the video stuff and should of gotten it correct . . .

regardless all three calls had key impacts, the first two effected possessions (first giving the ball back to GB, and the second not givng the gemn the 1st and continue possession as opposed to having to punt) which is very very important . . . is not like a bad false start on 2-3 making it 2-8, still bad but the o has an opportunity to continue the drive . . .

i have NO patience with bad calls, but i do like the fact that the NFL has the refs conferr, has the video replay (albeit it did not work today, a rarity), and tries to get things correct . . . i just think the NFL needs to do more to prevent such occurances as today game . ..

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Matthew Stafford, Donte Stallworth, Freddie Jackson and others seem to think it was a pretty clear cut fumble by Jennings, and even if you're a die hard Packers fan, you'd be hard pressed to truely feel otherwise.

I know everything may be fine and dandy now that Giants pulled off the win anyways, but the calls by the refs in today's game were downright incompetant. I fail to see how a professional referee can possibly justify some of those calls out there today. You would really have to watch the game to believe it.

Jennings fumbled 100% without question. Osi Umenyora's 15 yard penalty on 3rd and long for hitting the head of the QB was just despicable.

If players/coaching staff/personel have to be held accountable for their errors with their job, I feel to see why NFL referees should not face similar circumstances.

Just look at the previous Lions games where the refs shaft them and you will know that the nfl is becoming more and more like the NBA. A Joke!

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Just look at the previous Lions games where the refs shaft them and you will know that the nfl is becoming more and more like the NBA. A Joke!

the cynical part of me agrees with you . . .sometimes the bad calls seem to flow in a pattern in a direction that helps a given team . . .

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The call shoudl've been over-turned and ruled a fumble. They showed one camera angle that clearly showed the ball was coming out before his knee hit the ground. So my question is, did the replay officials not give him that view? or did he just want to try and keep the game close and decided to not over-turn it. Guess we'll never know.

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Hello....refs make mistakes. Always have, always will. Even replay can't solve everything. It's been going on since the ball was nearly round and the goalposts were on the goal line....Move on, nothing to see here.

I'm not an official referee. Let alone one that has been in the league 17 years, but even I could have told you that was a fumble. And yes replay CAN solve anything. Given there is a competent ref under the hood.
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I don't understand how the rule was over turned on the field. The first ref said fumble, then another came over and said no fumble.

I think that more than one ref should be able to watch the replay. And then those 2 come to a consensus on a call.

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I don't understand how the rule was over turned on the field. The first ref said fumble, then another came over and said no fumble.

I think that more than one ref should be able to watch the replay. And then those 2 come to a consensus on a call.

I agree. That's what puzzles me on that call. There have been some calls just not in the playoffs, but the whole season i coudln't quite figure out.

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I can understand the refs missing the call on the field; I don't know how the replay official blew the call??

because all the replay ref does is say hey you need to look at this in the last two minutes of a half or on a score. Other wise it's the ref on the field who made the call in the first place who has to make the call on to over turn it or not. I have never liked this. It's human nature to not want to say you messed up. Also I've seen times where a team challenged the play and would have one but because the replay equipment was not working there was no challenge. I think it needs to be taken out of the hands of the offical on the field and moved into the booth like they do in college. Although I wouldn't mind sticking with the chllenge system the NFL uses the rest of the way. I think college gets slowed down way too much by just having the replay ofical buzzing down when he wants to look at something.

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It's not "OVER"....just because the Giants still won. That doesn't negate the fact that an improper call that COULD have changed the circumstances and outcome of the game was improperly called.

This. Especially when the two biggest calls (the no-fumble and the helmet hit) led to 14 points by Green Bay.

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what are your thoughts about them refs being paid to call the game?

a. Early in the game that was clearly a fumble on GB. Looked like a clear fumble and then also looked even more clear on replay.

b. 2 late hits on Eli. Those were roughing the passer that were never called. Especially the last one, where he was pummeled a few seconds after release.

c. Then on the next series, Rogers was hit by Osi bang bang right as he released, and the refs called the roughing penalty.

d. ball spotting. GB had favorable spots all game long. At times it seemed absurd how they were given extra half yard here and half yard there.

Threse refs should be punished severely.

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If the excuse is that ref's are human and will make mistakes then why bother with replays and challenges at all? I say because they are human they are susceptible to taking bribes and we have replays to keep them honest but that apparently doesnt always work. After reviewing what was obviously a fumble that ref chose to remain dishonest. He may have been more afraid of losing his life than losing his job. Shouldn't have took a bribe.

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You forgot to mention at least two egregious push offs by Jennings that didn't get called.

I can't get myself to see the logic in a ref accepting money to ruin his career. Many folks aren't aware of this, but refs are graded on their performance by committee every year. This determines who gets to work the post-season and SB games, or in some cases, may result in the loss of their job or a lesser position.

All that being said, I can see how calls get missed. Such as the roughing that should've been called concerning Eli. No big deal. But what a breakdown of procedure when a fumble is reviewed, by all accounts everyone shares a consensus that it was a fumble and yet even after lengthy review, the correct call is forsaken.

The only thing I can compare it to was the overturning of a Polamau interception against the Colts in the 05 playoffs. A call so bad that the head of officiating and the league apologized to Pitt fans for the mistake.

To err is human, but it is alarming when the fail-safe is thwarted.

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what are your thoughts about them refs being paid to call the game?

a. Early in the game that was clearly a fumble on GB. Looked like a clear fumble and then also looked even more clear on replay.

b. 2 late hits on Eli. Those were roughing the passer that were never called. Especially the last one, where he was pummeled a few seconds after release.

c. Then on the next series, Rogers was hit by Osi bang bang right as he released, and the refs called the roughing penalty.

d. ball spotting. GB had favorable spots all game long. At times it seemed absurd how they were given extra half yard here and half yard there.

Threse refs should be punished severely.

Call it whatever........but anyone that saw what happened knows the on-field calls heavily favored the Packers. It's not the first time and won't be the last. Good thing NY did enough on their own to take the game away from GB so none of it mattered. Love it.

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Sometimes you have to beat your opponent and and the officials. That's just how it is. Conspiracy theorists can have a field day with finding out how deep the rabbit hole goes, but when you boil it down to simply having a pair of eyes in your head to see with it's clear play calling can be and is extremely slanted at times. What's gold is a team like NY taking the game despite the officiating. Let's see if they'll be allowed to just play ball in the next round.

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Hello....refs make mistakes. Always have, always will. Even replay can't solve everything. It's been going on since the ball was nearly round and the goalposts were on the goal line....Move on, nothing to see here.

The concern is that instant replay was installed, worked and reworked over a decade as a fail-safe. When the fail-safe fails, we must try to find ways to prevent such things from occurring again.

Some folks have just shrugged their shoulders and "meh....G-men won anyway...so whats the biggy"?

The integrity of the game is at stake. Imagine if you will, something like this happens within the last minute of the SB and we wrongly crown a champion of our beloved sport on the heels of an erroneous call, one that was as black and white as they come.

My solution to this is to have multiple members of the officiating staff under the hood to confer by committee when reviewing plays.

It is not difficult to drum up a scenario in which the integrity of this game could be called into question after wrongly presenting the Lombardi to a team that should have lost the game.

If somethings broke....fix it. All that being said, the NFL has done a tremendous job in removing error from the game. Those of us that remember the old days when bad calls stood unchallenged should appreciate the luxury that instant replay presents, but it is still a work in progress, and what happened in this game cannot happen again.

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The refs have been pretty bad this post season.

Not calling that a fumble after looking at the replays is mind boggeling. It was plain as a day. Thankfully the Giants still won, but that doesn't change the fact that it was one of the worst calls I have ever seen.

The blow to the head call was horrible as well. Rodgers was hit into the other defender and his head his the guys knee. The defender did not jump up and knee Rodgers. The force of the hit from the other defender drove Rodgers into the defender. There has to be some sanity to protecting the QB.

I do have to say the refs did a better job not calling plays dead and letting them play out and sorting them out later. They learned from the Lions/Saints game.

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Im sure the guy will get some heat .... this was the first time I can remember where the in booth official went against what was called on the field. He said it was clearly a fumble.... Another horrible call was the roughing the passer late in the game - horrible! I also agree there appeard to be several late hits on Eli that were never called.

All things considered along with a blocked fg, this game should have been 50-7 if not worse. IMO the Packers coasted through the season playing a bunch of mediocre teams and it showed yesterday!

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He should be penalized in some way and let it be publicly known. He has admitted to blowing 2 calls against the Seahawks in that SB and now this? I just don't understand how that is not a fumble. This game should have been a blowout. 2 bad calls lead to 2 TD's.

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