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Well, this thread is here for the purpose of claiming that we're going to make some spontaneous unexpected move and pick up a FA. But, if you had to choose, do any of them catch your eye?

The list isn't that great(if you look at it with our teams needs in mind).

But it'd be cool if we went after a position we needed.

Here's the list.


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If he was cheap I'd like Cadillac Williams, he was once pro-bowl quality before the injuries and would add some power to the RB position. I couldn't see paying him more than vet min tho.

Pat Williams would be nice. Some nice WR out there but we don't need them.

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If he was cheap I'd like Cadillac Williams, he was once pro-bowl quality before the injuries and would add some power to the RB position. I couldn't see paying him more than vet min tho.

Pat Williams would be nice. Some nice WR out there but we don't need them.

They re-signed Addai, took a bruising back in the draft, and have a # 1 pick as well in Brown. They will not put anymore resources into the RB's unless someone gets hurt.

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They re-signed Addai, took a bruising back in the draft, and have a # 1 pick as well in Brown. They will not put anymore resources into the RB's unless someone gets hurt.

Williams is a sure upgrade over Brown. All I'm saying is for vet min you cant go wrong. If he works out you can save a lot of cap room by cutting the RB's that we have now.

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Williams is a sure upgrade over Brown.

I'm not a huge Donald Brown fan, but I'm not sure how you can make this statement. Is his 3.8 ypc over his career better than Brown's 3.8 ypc? Or is his 3.5 ypc better than Brown's 3.9 yards per carry? Williams had a good rookie season but the 5 years since then he's been pretty average. And the Bucs have a better run blocking line than the Colts.
All I'm saying is for vet min you cant go wrong. If he works out you can save a lot of cap room by cutting the RB's that we have now.

Yes you can go wrong. There are only so many snaps in a practice and in a preseason game. You take those snaps away from one player to give them to another player has an effect. Especially when that one player has proven to bring nothing special to the table.

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Williams is a sure upgrade over Brown. All I'm saying is for vet min you cant go wrong. If he works out you can save a lot of cap room by cutting the RB's that we have now.

One more time - they will not invest anymore resources at the RB position unless there is an injury. Not a chance.

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One more time - they will not invest anymore resources at the RB position unless there is an injury. Not a chance.

Skinnz speaks the truth. Absolutely no need for that kid here. As a matter of fact, my guess is that Carnell Williams won't be working until a team needs a warm body to fill their RB needs due to injury.

he has no knees

He has knees. Plastic ones with screws in 'em.

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While I have been greatly advocating that we need no offensive help this offseason, our RB squad is far from good. I'd say average AT BEST even with Brown, Addai, etc. We are consistantly in the lower 1/3 of the league in rushing every year.

Just because the Colts have a history of drafting the dancers @ RB and everyone seems happy with it for the most part doesn't mean a power back is a bad move. Cadillac WIlliams 3.8YPC is better than Browns 3.8YPC because Williams did it hurt. I think if he could ever stop being injured he'd be great, another Bob Sanders situation here.

Also to say the colts wont invest in a RB is ridiculous. This is the Colts were talking about. They will always make the wrong moves in the offseason. As a matter of fact I see this as 10x more likely than a move that makes sense like a CB or an OL, or a true DT.

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While I have been greatly advocating that we need no offensive help this offseason, our RB squad is far from good. I'd say average AT BEST even with Brown, Addai, etc. We are consistantly in the lower 1/3 of the league in rushing every year.

Just because the Colts have a history of drafting the dancers @ RB and everyone seems happy with it for the most part doesn't mean a power back is a bad move. Cadillac WIlliams 3.8YPC is better than Browns 3.8YPC because Williams did it hurt. I think if he could ever stop being injured he'd be great, another Bob Sanders situation here.

Also to say the colts wont invest in a RB is ridiculous. This is the Colts were talking about. They will always make the wrong moves in the offseason. As a matter of fact I see this as 10x more likely than a move that makes sense like a CB or an OL, or a true DT.

Just spitballing here but wouldn't an improved offensive line help those runners who rank where they do with YPC? And again, just spitballing here - I think I recall the Colts drafting two offensive linemen early in the last draft and then a different type of back that they have traditionally carried.

If Brown, Addai, & Carter all stay healthy this year, the Colts will not do anything with a named RB. They might bring a rookie to the practice squad but that is about it.

Lastly, you compare Cadillac to Sanders but yet want to bring him to the Colts? There seems a disconnect there.

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While I have been greatly advocating that we need no offensive help this offseason, our RB squad is far from good. I'd say average AT BEST even with Brown, Addai, etc. We are consistantly in the lower 1/3 of the league in rushing every year.

Just because the Colts have a history of drafting the dancers @ RB and everyone seems happy with it for the most part doesn't mean a power back is a bad move. Cadillac WIlliams 3.8YPC is better than Browns 3.8YPC because Williams did it hurt. I think if he could ever stop being injured he'd be great, another Bob Sanders situation here.

Also to say the colts wont invest in a RB is ridiculous. This is the Colts were talking about. They will always make the wrong moves in the offseason. As a matter of fact I see this as 10x more likely than a move that makes sense like a CB or an OL, or a true DT.

lol so its all the running backs fault?? You try to run in our offense when getting tackled in the backfield. Why do you think Addai has to dance so much back there? Our O line is made with more agile linemen to pass protect than bigger guys to push the line to run. I think Addai is one heck of a back. Do you ever watch him have to take on some the blocks he has to coming up the middle on some of the blitzes. Donald Brown gets pushed around trying to block. Id like to see Joe Addai, Delone Carter, and Chad Spann IMO Just never seen Donald being an elite back in this league

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While I have been greatly advocating that we need no offensive help this offseason, our RB squad is far from good. I'd say average AT BEST even with Brown, Addai, etc. We are consistantly in the lower 1/3 of the league in rushing every year.

Yet Addai and Hart both averaged 4.3 ypc last year.
Just because the Colts have a history of drafting the dancers @ RB and everyone seems happy with it for the most part doesn't mean a power back is a bad move. Cadillac WIlliams 3.8YPC is better than Browns 3.8YPC because Williams did it hurt. I think if he could ever stop being injured he'd be great, another Bob Sanders situation here.
Now that is funny. Williams has been hurt since his rookie season? Because his 3.8 is his career rushing average. Last year he averaged 3.5 ypc. But I will end this argument here. even though I am not a Donald Brown fan, as I stated, there is nothing you could say that could convince me that a 29 year old RB with a history of injuries is an upgrade over anyone on the Colts roster other than J. James.
Also to say the colts wont invest in a RB is ridiculous. This is the Colts were talking about. They will always make the wrong moves in the offseason. As a matter of fact I see this as 10x more likely than a move that makes sense like a CB or an OL, or a true DT.

No, they don't make the moves fans want them to make, rarely do they make the wrong move. Doing things based on what the fans want.... that would be the wrong move.
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I honestly can not understand why people keep suggesting the Colts pick up RB's or WR's. Have they never really watched a game or do they just not understand the game. It has to be one of those, because there simply is no need at all for either one of those posistions.

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I honestly can not understand why people keep suggesting the Colts pick up RB's or WR's. Have they never really watched a game or do they just not understand the game. It has to be one of those, because there simply is no need at all for either one of those posistions.

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No, they don't make the moves fans want them to make, rarely do they make the wrong move. Doing things based on what the fans want.... that would be the wrong move.

I loved the Hank Baskett signing, lets bring him back, since the colts rarely make the wrong move.

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Why? It hit him in the chest and he's a WR. Enough said.

That is exactly what I thought you would say and that is really just a poor argument for the Colts making the "wrong move." The ball is not round. It takes funny bounces. Baskett is not the first and won't be the last to not cleanly handle an on-sides kick. Also, Manning threw an INT in that game. Wouldn't that mean that drafting him was the wrong move?

If you want to make a point that the Colts don't always make the right move, I would have argued the Corey Simon debacle instead. Pointing a play that many routinely miss does not make it the wrong move.

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That is exactly what I thought you would say and that is really just a poor argument for the Colts making the "wrong move." The ball is not round. It takes funny bounces. Baskett is not the first and won't be the last to not cleanly handle an on-sides kick. Also, Manning threw an INT in that game. Wouldn't that mean that drafting him was the wrong move?

If you want to make a point that the Colts don't always make the right move, I would have argued the Corey Simon debacle instead. Pointing a play that many routinely miss does not make it the wrong move.

blah blah blah.

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I think we're all waiting for the article "Donte signs with colts"... once that is in the bag the colts would be set and i think they know it. We already got two former 1st round picks why not make it a third :FBtongue:

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I think we're all waiting for the article "Donte signs with colts"... once that is in the bag the colts would be set and i think they know it. We already got two former 1st round picks why not make it a third :FBtongue:

I'm with you man I think Donte would really help stop the run too but we still need a CB and a veteran OT I think.

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I don't think we have enough money for any more O-Linemen. I feel that we should address the safety position first and foremost because we have absolutely no depth there. If Bullitt goes down again, I feel we will be giving up deep balls left and right. Especially since we just lost our #1(ish) CB. I don't feel that we will get Tommy Harris or any other DT. I have a feeling Anderson will be the only move made this off-season other than Nevis. I feel that as long as we have Sims in the backer core and johnson in the center of the D, we can contain (not stop but contain) many of the elite backs in our division. If there is any more money left over I would say safety and then CB. Lets work on that secondary so we don't have to expect too much from Tryon and Lacey. They have some maturing to do and I am still uncertain on them at this point in time.

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If there is any more money left over I would say safety and then CB. Lets work on that secondary so we don't have to expect too much from Tryon and Lacey. They have some maturing to do and I am still uncertain on them at this point in time.

I hope ur right..there is no way 1 of these guys should be a starter for us..check out brent grimes

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No, they don't make the moves fans want them to make, rarely do they make the wrong move. Doing things based on what the fans want.... that would be the wrong move.

You almost always speak the truth. If everyone thought like you, it would be boring around here, but tolerable. I'm amazed how many people around here live in a fantasy world. Jskinnz gets my props too.

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Tell me - why was Baskette the wrong move? Don't say because he fumbled the on-side kick in the Super Bowl.

What? Seriously? That's like saying, 'tell me why September 11th is a notorious day in American history, but don't say it's because of the world trade center bombings'. That's ridiculous dude! He made no worth-while contributions to our team, and, in the biggest possible moment, he choked and put his team in a very bad situation. All he had to do is catch the dayum football and fall on the ground! He was supposed to be a 'hands' guy! To this day, if I ran into Hank Baskett in public, or wherever for that matter, I'd slap the crap out of him, and maybe kick him in the sack too!

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Tell me - why was Baskette the wrong move? Don't say because he fumbled the on-side kick in the Super Bowl.

If you're being serious, he was an adequate ST player (except for letting go of the ball in the SB), but I think Peyton lost all confidence in his catching abilities after his drops.

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i really hope we bring in Whitner and Rogers I think both these guys with help our pass coverage a lot. This defense rarely every sees a lot of big plays aside from Bethea we dont really have a guy who can retrn one back now that Hayden is gone I think rogers could be that guy

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    • To me, it’s also a non- story, but for a different reason.     Because Ryan Kelly, classy guy that he is, has chosen to make it a non-story.  No complaining.  No running to the media to try to generate sympathy.   No hold out OR hold in where you show up but tell the team you won’t practice without a new contract.   He could’ve done any of them.  He chose to do none of them.     I think Kelly is a classy guy.  easy to see why he’s voted a team captain, and I think the union rep.  I also think the Colts under Ballard are filled with classy guys who are easy to root for.  Honestly, it one of the biggest reasons I’ve stuck around since Luck retired.  It’s a fun team to cheer for.    So I like the team, the coaches,  the front office, the owner and the city.   Hope to make it to Indy one day to meet as many of you as I can.   
    • No worries.   Wasn’t making fun of you.  If I had one dollar for every brain cramp moment I’ve posted here, I’d be rich!      It’s all good.  
    • I'm very interested in Carlie's as well.  I'm just not sold on our starting LB core.
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