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Tom Brady's post-game comments. Beginning to notice a trend.


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2 hours ago, southwest1 said:

I get what you're diving at DD, but look at it from the NFL zebras perspective: Could you imagine the scrutiny the head judge would face if he tossed Brady out of a game for animated back talking? I agree all players must be respectful toward officiating crews all game long, but if Brady was ejected permanently from a game, TV revenue shares go down the toilet & networks pay millions for high fan viewership.

To paraphrase President LBJ: "You don't want to be a donkey [jack caboose] caught in a hailstorm. Just stand there & take it."

Let me answer this a different way than I originally did.

I think you are looking at this from the most ultra modern way we look at a lot of things these days.....blaming the action of the official for the problem...instead of the act of the perpetrator.

Brady was the perpetrator.  If Brady got punished, and the punishment caused a loss of revenue, that loss of revenue is due to the action of Brady, not the action of the official.

Fans should be protesting the act of the player for making the game less entertaining by getting himself kicked out, not protesting the act of the official.

Your position is akin to the NFL evolving into the NBA, where perpetrators now get six personal fouls instead of five...and the officials don't even call the fouls against the stars fairly...all because the beanheads think it will hurt  revenue if the stars are forced to play by the rules.  Its a horrible sport to watch.

Having said that, I don't think football players should be ejected for verbally assaulting an official.

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Very thought provoking posts by dgambill, DougDew, southwest1. I agree with many points in each post. I also take exception to only a few statements. Good conversation, guys. I enjoyed it.

But, the thread title ; about his comments after the Broncos game ; got my cackles up. The hypocrisy drips with irony. The Patriots are always at the ready to defend their team and it's tactics. No matter what. So, barking like a dog at the refs and making comments after the game to discredit the calls was a little bit nuts to me. Take a look at the calls & breaks afforded to this team positively over the years (even when they're wrong or highly questionable) and it becomes liken to blaming your car for running out of gasoline.

Tom Brady may be a competitor. But when the shoe is on the other foot, he tends to scream out ; "it doesn't fit!", very loudly.

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5 hours ago, DougDew said:

Let me answer this a different way than I originally did.

I think you are looking at this from the most ultra modern way we look at a lot of things these days.....blaming the action of the official for the problem...instead of the act of the perpetrator.

Brady was the perpetrator.  If Brady got punished, and the punishment caused a loss of revenue, that loss of revenue is due to the action of Brady, not the action of the official.

Fans should be protesting the act of the player for making the game less entertaining by getting himself kicked out, not protesting the act of the official.

Your position is akin to the NFL evolving into the NBA, where perpetrators now get six personal fouls instead of five...and the officials don't even call the fouls against the stars fairly...all because the beanheads think it will hurt  revenue if the stars are forced to play by the rules.  Its a horrible sport to watch.

Having said that, I don't think football players should be ejected for verbally assaulting an official.

I don't like the word perpetrator being used in this context though because it creates the false illusion that Brady committed some sort of vile, illegal, or evil act. He was just passionate over a Gronk PI call that was kind of ticky tacky to me. Look, I will acknowledge that what Brady said was not very respectful to the refs & the job they are paid to do: win, lose, or draw.

The NFL like all professional sports is always about money & nothing gets in the way of that gravy train enterprise. Let's not pretend that Brady being ejected would be a good thing for the game, the fans, the bookies, the owners, the advertizers, or the shield's brand name. Brady's presence makes the game better & I'm not kicking him out over some intense curse words. Please.

If he had touched a ref maybe I could subscribe to your ejection protocol but when you're a made man in this league with SBs rings, you can call a zebra whatever you want barring something sexist or racist remark in the heat of battle to me. I just chalk it up to Brady defending Gronk & nothing more. Fine him if you want, but eject him? No way. That's just crazy talk.

Okay, you did say that verbal abuse of an official doesn't warrant an ejection in your final sentence. I stand corrected DD.

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2 hours ago, southwest1 said:

I don't like the word perpetrator being used in this context though because it creates the false illusion that Brady committed some sort of vile, illegal, or evil act. He was just passionate over a Gronk PI call that was kind of ticky tacky to me. Look, I will acknowledge that what Brady said was not very respectful to the refs & the job they are paid to do: win, lose, or draw.

The NFL like all professional sports is always about money & nothing gets in the way of that gravy train enterprise. Let's not pretend that Brady being ejected would be a good thing for the game, the fans, the bookies, the owners, the advertizers, or the shield's brand name. Brady's presence makes the game better & I'm not kicking him out over some intense curse words. Please.

If he had touched a ref maybe I could subscribe to your ejection protocol but when you're a made man in this league with SBs rings, you can call a zebra whatever you want barring something sexist or racist remark in the heat of battle to me. I just chalk it up to Brady defending Gronk & nothing more. Fine him if you want, but eject him? No way. That's just crazy talk.

Okay, you did say that verbal abuse of an official doesn't warrant an ejection in your final sentence. I stand corrected DD.

I don't buy into because Brady has rings he has earned the right to disrespect the refs. If this was the NBA an action like that would be a technical foul. Two technical fouls and your gone. This kind of action is not allowed in any sport from pop warner all the way through college. Young people are watching these games and seeing Brady act like a spoiled little brat does not set a good example. Actions like what Brady does deserves a 15 yard penalty and a second flag should be an ejection. I really don't care if Brady had 20 rings it is no excuse. The defenders are already limited on what they can and cant do and now Brady wants more?  Sorry SW1, your man crush on Brady does not give him the right to verbally abuse the refs. As far as the money aspect of the NFL the NFL will not suffer a penny by holding any player to a certain standard. If a coach bad mouths a ref they get fined. These are grown men and having tantrum fits should not be allowed. These kind of actions are only done because they can get by with it.

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On 12/2/2015, 6:39:33, southwest1 said:

Whatever your opinion on Tom Brady is, I respect him for how nice he is toward Peyton Manning.


And that earned your respect? Not really setting the bar high, are you?

What are they supposed to do in front of the cameras? Act like philip rivers and jay cutler when they were in afc west together?

Remember when brady's emails came out after deflategate, there were a couple about bashing peyton.. He later apologised to him, he didn't mean it that way.. Again, what was he suposed to do then? It's all PR, PC bull.

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I'm kinda done with this thread. Even if I think Brady jumping around and getting in the officials face is kinda distasteful to myself personally I don't think what he was doing warrents a flag unless he was to bump/touch the official or he was personally degrade the official. Saying that's a horrible blanking call etc etc is just a player fired up and in the heat of the moment. Calling the official names and his wife and children etc etc that's crossing the line. I very much doubt he was doing that...just disagreeing with the call. Does it look silly on tv sometimes....absolutely but I've recognized that is who he is.....some guys go to the sideline and say "my bad my bad" over and over when everyone knows it was your bad....that's just as annoying to me....honestly I hate it...of course it was your bad...and saying so doesn't fix it...not making the same mistake over and over would make it better. I also dislike when a qb shows no care at all (ala jay cutler) or when guys pout (or what we call at my house the Peyton bitter beer face lol). I love Peyton but that look he has sometime is just not becoming. When guys score TDs and the dance goes on and on...yeah they look like a fool to me...I usually like it when guys just hand the ball off to the official ala marvin did...that said I like when guys do the Lambau leep...so anyways its football....and I think we are taking it a bit too seriously to psycho-analyze everything that happens on the field. Ignore the stuff you don't like and enjoy the good.

As for  teams purposely telling their players how break the rules and get away with it....I just don't buy it....and if you think playing physical defense and coverage is exclusive to NE then I think your just a blind homer. I'm no Patriot fan but I don't think they teach how to break the rules to players. First off they would be one of the most penalized teams in the league if that was the case because that isn't something players are just going to master right away and it wouldn't be a smart thing to do because in a big moment if you don't know how to play proper defense without holding/breaking rules your going to get caught.  I don't know why people can't just accept that the Pats are just better than everyone else. They prepare better and they execute better and when the game is on the line they have a qb that will be cool and calm and lead his team right down for the winning score. Doesn't mean they always have the best talent and doesn't mean they win every game but they are the model of success in the NFL. Well coached, well run, and talented at key positions. I know it isn't a popular to brag about them around here but its about impossible to ignore...at least for me. That said it makes it all the more sweet to beat the best...and if we can do that...I will have the biggest smile of any.

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45 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Even if I think Brady jumping around and getting in the officials face is kinda distasteful to myself personally I don't think what he was doing warrents a flag unless he was to bump/touch the official or he was personally degrade the official.


I think what Brady did in the face of the official warrants a flag.  And I think its embarrassing to the league to have that unpunished diatribe occur in front of millions of people.  Since Brady didn't get a flag, maybe every player should do it after every penalty or after every noncalled penalty, especially when the refs mic is on.


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On 12/1/2015, 6:14:30, grmasterb said:

There are plenty of examples of players with rings that are dirtbags (Lawrence Taylor and Darren Sharper quickly come to mind). But if the number of championships is the measure of class, give me Otto Graham.


I wouldn't go so far as to say that Brady is a dirt bag, that's a bit extreme..  he whines a lot to refs but off the field he is a model citizen..  comparing him to guys that were addicted to coke and hookers and broke the law is a bit out in left field

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1 hour ago, HiltonTD said:


I wouldn't go so far as to say that Brady is a dirt bag, that's a bit extreme..  he whines a lot to refs but off the field he is a model citizen..  comparing him to guys that were addicted to coke and hookers and broke the law is a bit out in left field

That's not at all what I was trying to say. A certain poster's response to the critiques of Brady's behavior was "Four ring." I'm simply saying that rings don't buy class.

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20 minutes ago, grmasterb said:

That's not at all what I was trying to say. A certain poster's response to the critiques of Brady's behavior was "Four ring." I'm simply saying that rings don't buy class.

You got that right. Brady needs to lower his zealot pointedness to officials. Just because you've been at pinnacle football status for a while, doesn't mean everyone yields to that via any situation.

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1 hour ago, HiltonTD said:


I wouldn't go so far as to say that Brady is a dirt bag, that's a bit extreme..  he whines a lot to refs but off the field he is a model citizen.. 

Among other things, he deliberately destroyed evidence for a court case and has a love child out of wedlock. I wouldn't exactly call him a model citizen off the field.

That being said, you're right in that there are far worse types out there. He's nowhere near the league of child/wife beaters, murderers and such. He's just a lying, whining, cheating (not just at football) sleazeball. A far "cry" from the other gems the league has.

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On 12/3/2015, 4:33:31, CroatianColtsFan21 said:

And that earned your respect? Not really setting the bar high, are you?

What are they supposed to do in front of the cameras? Act like philip rivers and jay cutler when they were in afc west together?

Remember when brady's emails came out after deflategate, there were a couple about bashing peyton.. He later apologised to him, he didn't mean it that way.. Again, what was he suposed to do then? It's all PR, PC bull.

Deflate Gate is over & done. Time to move on, Goodell lost in court. I can separate the Wells Report from the pedigree of winning very easily CCF. I never said I believed Tom Brady's explanation about what went on during the AFC Championship Game & I will always believe he knows more than he will ever tell.

However, I could care less what you think CCF & if I wanna respect Brady for his Playoff clutchness, SB rings, & friendship toward another HOF QB in Manning that's my choice just like you have the freedom to disagree with everything I just said.

I'm sorry that my bar of excellence doesn't coincide with your ethical sensibilities, but they are really 2 separate thresh holds: Brady is a nice guy & he is supremely talented on a football field, but a person can still admire him from a distance while still believing that he didn't do himself any favors when he said "I don't believe so to the question are you a cheater?

I don't expect sainthood in my highly regarded athletes just honesty,but at the end of the day, Brady is a good guy who often beats my Colts way too frequently for my tastes. LOL!

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On 12/3/2015, 3:49:34, crazycolt1 said:

I don't buy into because Brady has rings he has earned the right to disrespect the refs. If this was the NBA an action like that would be a technical foul. Two technical fouls and your gone. This kind of action is not allowed in any sport from pop warner all the way through college. Young people are watching these games and seeing Brady act like a spoiled little brat does not set a good example. Actions like what Brady does deserves a 15 yard penalty and a second flag should be an ejection. I really don't care if Brady had 20 rings it is no excuse. The defenders are already limited on what they can and cant do and now Brady wants more?  Sorry SW1, your man crush on Brady does not give him the right to verbally abuse the refs. As far as the money aspect of the NFL the NFL will not suffer a penny by holding any player to a certain standard. If a coach bad mouths a ref they get fined. These are grown men and having tantrum fits should not be allowed. These kind of actions are only done because they can get by with it.

Did you read what I said originally? I was okay with a fine for criticizing a ref publicly. Also, who do people like to bring up other sports like the NBA when discussing professional football games? The rules are completely different as are the possible infractions & the only way cross pollination of sports is relevant is when it comes to discussing titles or rings IMHO.

There's a fine line between a temper tantrum & competitiveness. My man crush on Brady? Yes, I admire his will to win, his ability to adapt to numerous roster changes year in & year out, & that he can march his team on the comeback trail many times...If it makes you feel better to use that comical classification go right ahead CC1, but sports is all about crossing the finish line & not being a model citizen 24/7.

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2 hours ago, southwest1 said:

Did you read what I said originally? I was okay with a fine for criticizing a ref publicly. Also, who do people like to bring up other sports like the NBA when discussing professional football games? The rules are completely different as are the possible infractions & the only way cross pollination of sports is relevant is when it comes to discussing titles or rings IMHO.

There's a fine line between a temper tantrum & competitiveness. My man crush on Brady? Yes, I admire his will to win, his ability to adapt to numerous roster changes year in & year out, & that he can march his team on the comeback trail many times...If it makes you feel better to use that comical classification go right ahead CC1, but sports is all about crossing the finish line & not being a model citizen 24/7.

The actions taken in all pro sports reflects directly on our youth. Lets say if Romo acted that way in reality would you still defend him? Rings or championships have nothing to do with how a player conducts them selves in front of the public. The is no difference in rules from one pro sport to the other when it comes to personal actions. IMO any pro player should act like a pro, not a spoiled brat when things don't go his way. Talent has zero to do with that. Why should there be any difference in rules between pro sports when it comes to personal actions on this nature? Does one sport need to overlook those actions because it's the NFL, NBA or NBA? So what your basically saying is poor sportsmanship, verbally abusing the refs should by overlooked because it's the NFL? Why should the NFL be any different with protecting the professionalism of their refs over any other pro sport?

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1 hour ago, crazycolt1 said:

The actions taken in all pro sports reflects directly on our youth. Lets say if Romo acted that way in reality would you still defend him? Rings or championships have nothing to do with how a player conducts them selves in front of the public. The is no difference in rules from one pro sport to the other when it comes to personal actions. IMO any pro player should act like a pro, not a spoiled brat when things don't go his way. Talent has zero to do with that. Why should there be any difference in rules between pro sports when it comes to personal actions on this nature? Does one sport need to overlook those actions because it's the NFL, NBA or NBA? So what your basically saying is poor sportsmanship, verbally abusing the refs should by overlooked because it's the NFL? Why should the NFL be any different with protecting the professionalism of their refs over any other pro sport?

I get what your driving at CC1: Win or lose with dignity at all times. No one would really dispute that claim, but let's be honest here. All athletes are selfish on a professional level & achieving sports immortality with a Lombardi trophy is shared with the fans but not earned by them. The players, coaches, & staff of the winning franchise played a role in contributing to that teams ultimate pinnacle of success no spectators practiced or played mistake free football for say 20 weeks did they?

Considering that I despise the Cowboys franchise since I was a tiny munchkin or trained to do so by my elders, Tony Romo may not be the best example to illustrate your point CC1. I see where you are coming from though. Don't go bananas keep your composure. However, some outbursts may be designed to motivate your teammates & inspire your troops to play better.

Why does everything in this country have to revolve around a think of the children mentality too? It's a professional sport played by men who are paid handsomely to win games. I'm not saying that fame or money gives any celebrity a license to be a colossal jerk, but let's not create the illusion that a QB arguing with a ref is on the same level as the fabric of our society crumbling shall we. Fine Brady. Case closed. Move along.

Charles Barkley said it best. Something to the effect that I'm not being paid to be a role model. My team is paying me to win division crowns & titles. Do nice things for the less fortunate in your community sure it comes with the territory, but live like a saint & act like a saint at all times? That's a bit excessive & unreasonable to me. JMO.

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3 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

I get what your driving at CC1: Win or lose with dignity at all times. No one would really dispute that claim, but let's be honest here. All athletes are selfish on a professional level & achieving sports immortality with a Lombardi trophy is shared with the fans but not earned by them. The players, coaches, & staff of the winning franchise played a role in contributing to that teams ultimate pinnacle of success no spectators practiced or played mistake free football for say 20 weeks did they?

Considering that I despise the Cowboys franchise since I was a tiny munchkin or trained to do so by my elders, Tony Romo may not be the best example to illustrate your point CC1. I see where you are coming from though. Don't go bananas keep your composure. However, some outbursts may be designed to motivate your teammates & inspire your troops to play better.

Why does everything in this country have to revolve around a think of the children mentality too? It's a professional sport played by men who are paid handsomely to win games. I'm not saying that fame or money gives any celebrity a license to be a colossal jerk, but let's not create the illusion that a QB arguing with a ref is on the same level as the fabric of our society crumbling shall we. Fine Brady. Case closed. Move along.

Charles Barkley said it best. Something to the effect that I'm not being paid to be a role model. My team is paying me to win division crowns & titles. Do nice things for the less fortunate in your community sure it comes with the territory, but live like a saint & act like a saint at all times? That's a bit excessive & unreasonable to me. JMO.

I am around high school sports quite a bit and yes those players want to imitate what they see a player do in the pros. When they do decide to berate of argue with a refs it is an penalty with no excuses. Berating and verbally assaulting a ref is not the same thing as trying to motivate or inspire IMO. This is my 3rd grandson I have put through either football, wrestling and even jazz band. I try my best to teach them to control themselves at all times. That is what the coaches also do. When sportsmanship is not practiced it sets a poor example. Having respect is not living like a saint. There is a thing called class and that seems to be forgotten by players who show they cant control themselves. If Barkley or any other pro player don't care about the sportsmanship of sports that's on them. Brady is a fantastic QB and what he has done cant be argued. But when your reputation of being a whiny crybaby is true, it's true. As you say, JMO respectfully.

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6 hours ago, Moose Of Woe said:

Among other things, he deliberately destroyed evidence for a court case and has a love child out of wedlock. I wouldn't exactly call him a model citizen off the field.

That being said, you're right in that there are far worse types out there. He's nowhere near the league of child/wife beaters, murderers and such. He's just a lying, whining, cheating (not just at football) sleazeball. A far "cry" from the other gems the league has.

A love child out of wedlock?  Burn him at the stake!!!

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13 hours ago, southwest1 said:

Deflate Gate is over & done. Time to move on, Goodell lost in court. I can separate the Wells Report from the pedigree of winning very easily CCF. I never said I believed Tom Brady's explanation about what went on during the AFC Championship Game & I will always believe he knows more than he will ever tell.

However, I could care less what you think CCF & if I wanna respect Brady for his Playoff clutchness, SB rings, & friendship toward another HOF QB in Manning that's my choice just like you have the freedom to disagree with everything I just said.

I'm sorry that my bar of excellence doesn't coincide with your ethical sensibilities, but they are really 2 separate thresh holds: Brady is a nice guy & he is supremely talented on a football field, but a person can still admire him from a distance while still believing that he didn't do himself any favors when he said "I don't believe so to the question are you a cheater?

I don't expect sainthood in my highly regarded athletes just honesty,but at the end of the day, Brady is a good guy who often beats my Colts way too frequently for my tastes. LOL!


Your ability to totally miss the point, but stil go on and write an essay about nothing of relevance is astounding. LOL!

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7 hours ago, CroatianColtsFan21 said:


Your ability to totally miss the point, but stil go on and write an essay about nothing of relevance is astounding. LOL!

Enlighten me CCF. It is possible to like a QB's talent on the field & still not be comfortable with how Brady handled his 1st deflate gate press conference is it not? Or is it just that the Patriots always have our number in the Luck era & as our #1 arch rival I am obligated as a Colts fan to detest them? 

I dislike losing to Brady & Belichick, but I don't hate them on a personal level. They are both wickedly smart men. I love how people think that a cheating allegation disqualifies everything they have done in terms of Lombardi trophies. Execution on the football field against opponents is still required is it not? Defenses from other teams still have to stop NE's offense correct?

You can disapprove of their methods as a Massachusetts franchise all you want CCF, but their production speaks for itself.

What in your eyes am I missing? Where in your judgment am I missing the boat or the harbor? I will listen once you clarify your position & we close this void of confusion so we are on the same page.

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16 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I am around high school sports quite a bit and yes those players want to imitate what they see a player do in the pros. When they do decide to berate of argue with a refs it is an penalty with no excuses. Berating and verbally assaulting a ref is not the same thing as trying to motivate or inspire IMO. This is my 3rd grandson I have put through either football, wrestling and even jazz band. I try my best to teach them to control themselves at all times. That is what the coaches also do. When sportsmanship is not practiced it sets a poor example. Having respect is not living like a saint. There is a thing called class and that seems to be forgotten by players who show they cant control themselves. If Barkley or any other pro player don't care about the sportsmanship of sports that's on them. Brady is a fantastic QB and what he has done cant be argued. But when your reputation of being a whiny crybaby is true, it's true. As you say, JMO respectfully.

Yes, high school athletes do emulate the pro football players they see on TV & yes, Tom Brady yelling at a referee may not have been the best way to display his frustration. If you wanna use this 1 Brady example as a way to illustrate how not to treat authority figures on a football field that's fine. I just think that it's a little overboard to criticize an NFL QB just because during a few games Brady got heated. If you don't like Brady's mannerisms or behavior, select another QB you do like & think conducts himself to your satisfaction then. The choice is up to you.

I firmly believe what I said before why does everything in the United States have to be modeled after children is this country? Adults have jobs & pay bills. Kids don't. It's admirable that you want your relatives to grow up to be fine upstanding citizens later in life CC1, but I never look to famous celebrities to mold my nephews. It's the good examples they see everyday on the home front that influence & shape them not something Tom Brady, Charles Barkley, or Peyton Manning does. 

We disagree & that's perfectly fine. Friends don't always see eye to eye on everything & that's okay. 

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

Yes, high school athletes do emulate the pro football players they see on TV & yes, Tom Brady yelling at a referee may not have been the best way to display his frustration. If you wanna use this 1 Brady example as a way to illustrate how not to treat authority figures on a football field that's fine. I just think that it's a little overboard to criticize an NFL QB just because during a few games Brady got heated. If you don't like Brady's mannerisms or behavior, select another QB you do like & think conducts himself to your satisfaction then. The choice is up to you.

I firmly believe what I said before why does everything in the United States have to be modeled after children is this country? Adults have jobs & pay bills. Kids don't. It's admirable that you want your relatives to grow up to be fine upstanding citizens later in life CC1, but I never look to famous celebrities to mold my nephews. It's the good examples they see everyday on the home front that influence & shape them not something Tom Brady, Charles Barkley, or Peyton Manning does. 

We disagree & that's perfectly fine. Friends don't always see eye to eye on everything & that's okay. 

Just a thought- If everything is not modeled for our youth in this country what does that say? How many times have we said or have read about if the youth were taught the correct and brought up in a way they wouldn't do some of the stuff they do? You may not look at pro players as an example but the youth do. As a kids didn't you imitate your fav ball player no matter what the sport? I can remember playing little league and every play I made I was Brooks Robinson or Mickey Mantle. When I shot a basketball I was Doctor J or Rick Mount. So no matter what, the youth have always looked at pro players to imitate. I do have to say that the media and the press wasn't as prone to show negative things as they are now but never the less it's there and does have an influence no matter what Dad or who else's guidance are present. So now when a father is guiding his son he can say "look son, how Brady is acting is not how you need to act when things don't go your way". I agree that being friends does not mean seeing eye to eye. and you are right, it's OK.

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1 minute ago, crazycolt1 said:

Just a thought- If everything is not modeled for our youth in this country what does that say? How many times have we said or have read about if the youth were taught the correct and brought up in a way they wouldn't do some of the stuff they do? You may not look at pro players as an example but the youth do. As a kids didn't you imitate your fav ball player no matter what the sport? I can remember playing little league and every play I made I was Brooks Robinson or Mickey Mantle. When I shot a basketball I was Doctor J or Rick Mount. So no matter what, the youth have always looked at pro players to imitate. I do have to say that the media and the press wasn't as prone to show negative things as they are now but never the less it's there and does have an influence no matter what Dad or who else's guidance are present. So now when a father is guiding his son he can say "look son, how Brady is acting is not how you need to act when things don't go your way". I agree that being friends does not mean seeing eye to eye. and you are right, it's OK. Good debate!


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The hate is so strong in this thread. 


Im assuming once Brady retires all the vitriol, hate, over analyzing, and whinning will be directed at another player. Maybe Cam Newton for his gyrating, or perhaps Jj Watt for his sack dances. Or do they have to beat us over and over again and win consistently for the bandwagon to get hitched to those guys? I just want to be clear on who I can hate in the future, I don't want to be excluded on any future threads. 

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15 minutes ago, IndyTrav said:

The hate is so strong in this thread. 


Im assuming once Brady retires all the vitriol, hate, over analyzing, and whinning will be directed at another player. Maybe Cam Newton for his gyrating, or perhaps Jj Watt for his sack dances. Or do they have to beat us over and over again and win consistently for the bandwagon to get hitched to those guys? I just want to be clear on who I can hate in the future, I don't want to be excluded on any future threads. 


*tips fedora*

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1 hour ago, IndyTrav said:

The hate is so strong in this thread. 


Im assuming once Brady retires all the vitriol, hate, over analyzing, and whinning will be directed at another player. Maybe Cam Newton for his gyrating, or perhaps Jj Watt for his sack dances. Or do they have to beat us over and over again and win consistently for the bandwagon to get hitched to those guys? I just want to be clear on who I can hate in the future, I don't want to be excluded on any future threads. 

Cam Newton's "gyrating" has people way way WAY too worked up at times. I happen to like his dancing at times. He's a good looking man.:thmup: I'd hit the clubs with him.

JJ Watt I just ignore. He's good but whatever, it's Houston. He reminds me of the big white jock version on defense of Gronk.

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2 hours ago, IndyTrav said:

The hate is so strong in this thread. 


Im assuming once Brady retires all the vitriol, hate, over analyzing, and whinning will be directed at another player. Maybe Cam Newton for his gyrating, or perhaps Jj Watt for his sack dances. Or do they have to beat us over and over again and win consistently for the bandwagon to get hitched to those guys? I just want to be clear on who I can hate in the future, I don't want to be excluded on any future threads. 

I'm waiting for Mariota to spike the ball a bit too hard......then I shall unleash my disgust.

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On 12/5/2015, 8:25:39, southwest1 said:

Enlighten me CCF. It is possible to like a QB's talent on the field & still not be comfortable with how Brady handled his 1st deflate gate press conference is it not? Or is it just that the Patriots always have our number in the Luck era & as our #1 arch rival I am obligated as a Colts fan to detest them? 

I dislike losing to Brady & Belichick, but I don't hate them on a personal level. They are both wickedly smart men. I love how people think that a cheating allegation disqualifies everything they have done in terms of Lombardi trophies. Execution on the football field against opponents is still required is it not? Defenses from other teams still have to stop NE's offense correct?

You can disapprove of their methods as a Massachusetts franchise all you want CCF, but their production speaks for itself.

What in your eyes am I missing? Where in your judgment am I missing the boat or the harbor? I will listen once you clarify your position & we close this void of confusion so we are on the same page.

I was just trying to tell you your respect for brady on account of "being nice to peyton" is misplaced, since it's not sincere. As showed by his emails that came out during the deflategate. 

Only reason i mentioned deflategate was to put those emails in timeline, not to show i'm not over deflategate or to start discussing it.

I think our problem here is you are an impossibly positive person and i'm more of a cynic.. And it's buging me, since i have strong negative feelings on brady..


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20 minutes ago, CroatianColtsFan21 said:

I was just trying to tell you your respect for brady on account of "being nice to peyton" is misplaced, since it's not sincere. As showed by his emails that came out during the deflategate. 

Only reason i mentioned deflategate was to put those emails in timeline, not to show i'm not over deflategate or to start discussing it.

I think our problem here is you are an impossibly positive person and i'm more of a cynic.. And it's buging me, since i have strong negative feelings on brady..


It's cool CCF. I wasn't really upset with you or anything like that. I have no issues with you at all. It's fine if deflate gate will always get under your skin. That is your right to hate the Pats if you want just like I hate the Cowboys & always will. LOL!

I can be sarcastic too if the right  mood strikes me, but I can understand how Brady, his mannerisms sometimes, & his popularity in some circles ticks some people off immensely. I chalked his Peyton Manning comments up to a guy who is just insanely driven to play ball & compete for SB rings for as long as he possibly can. Just my interpretation of course not yours naturally. 

We're fine CCF. Trust me. :thmup: Thank you for clarifying your position for me.

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I was expecting to see a really frustrated Brady last night after the game and he seemed fine. He was subdued and answered several questions which he has not done a lot post-game. He ended saying this team is 10-2 and in a good position the rest of the season. Perhaps he was pleased with how the team fought at the end to come back and almost tie it or just feels good about the next few games. Don't know. But he seemed fine which made me feel better. lol.

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2 hours ago, CroatianColtsFan21 said:

I was just trying to tell you your respect for brady on account of "being nice to peyton" is misplaced, since it's not sincere. As showed by his emails that came out during the deflategate. 

Only reason i mentioned deflategate was to put those emails in timeline, not to show i'm not over deflategate or to start discussing it.

I think our problem here is you are an impossibly positive person and i'm more of a cynic.. And it's buging me, since i have strong negative feelings on brady..


You should read this book if you think their friendship is fake, http://www.amazon.com/Brady-Manning-Untold-Rivalry-Transformed/dp/0804139377/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1449489145&sr=8-1&keywords=brady+manning

Actually just read the first two chapters and you will learn that not only are Brady and Manning good friends, their wives are friends as well as their fathers who call or text each other every week. This is a great read on a unique friendship between two great QBs.

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38 minutes ago, amfootball said:

I was expecting to see a really frustrated Brady last night after the game and he seemed fine. He was subdued and answered several questions which he has not done a lot post-game. He ended saying this team is 10-2 and in a good position the rest of the season. Perhaps he was pleased with how the team fought at the end to come back and almost tie it or just feels good about the next few games. Don't know. But he seemed fine which made me feel better. lol.

I think after losing last week, to him this week isn't is bad. I know that sounds funny because Philly isn't that good but once the Pats weren't going undefeated he probably figured it's just another loss. Last week bothered him because the Pats were 10-0, JMO.

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    • Ignoring anything to do with accuracy, level of play, etc., just based on his injury history through 8 games, it's highly unlikely he will be our QB in a few years.  It's a catch 22 with him.  If you don't utilize his legs, it will be very difficult to win with him.  If you do utilize his legs, it will be very difficult to keep him on the field.  I've come to the conclusion that his size is not necessarily a benefit.  The collisions are harder.  He goes to the ground harder.  You don't see some of the gentle drops and rolls you see with Lamar Jackson.     The fact that he's also tied to a front office that might be counting their days doesn't help either.  
    • Id say avoid drafting or taking players from your team that you’re a fan of. I’m an avid fantasy guy and also a sports bettor. I literally will avoid taking any Colts players In fantasy and also during the week in fantasy football I avoid taking the props of the players I’m playing against. I never want to wish bad on anyone so for that very reason I avoid those guys. For me personally it has helped tremendously, I can still enjoy the game without bias. 
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    • I'm not creating anything.  Till AR can stay on the field it's Flacco that has to be tough. 
    • I understand that but till AR shows he can stay on the field, Flacco has to be the man. It's that simple. 
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