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Discussing the Patriots w/o Brady (merge)


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I think he will hand it over at the appeal. His agent made it pretty clear that as a member of the union and to protect his privacy, Brady did not hand over this phone. And as you say, he was under no legal obligation to do so and any legal representative would have advised him not to do so. So, the league can try to ding him for being uncooperative but they had the ball boys phones with his texts and hours of testimony from him.


I don't know that it will matter at that point. Texts can be deleted. This isn't a criminal case. I don't think they'll try and get phone records from his provider.

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I think he will hand it over at the appeal. His agent made it pretty clear that as a member of the union and to protect his privacy, Brady did not hand over this phone. And as you say, he was under no legal obligation to do so and any legal representative would have advised him not to do so. So, the league can try to ding him for being uncooperative but they had the ball boys phones with his texts and hours of testimony from him.

 According to Wells , he was not asked to hand over his phone. He would trust his attorney to go through it and report anything that was associated with deflating the balls. Pretty reasonable request... BTW , you resigned from the other thread and then turn this one into that one ?

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 According to Wells , he was not asked to hand over his phone. He would trust his attorney to go through it and report anything that was associated with deflating the balls. Pretty reasonable request... BTW , you resigned from the other thread and then turn this one into that one ?

I just posted that I am done here unless it turns back to topic. Please PM me if you want to discuss ....

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FYI - no more posts on this from me unless this thread gets back to topic on the Pats potentially playing without Brady. I said yesterday I would stay off the deflategate thread and this one has pretty much turned into that so I am not avoiding you. Please PM if you would like to continue to discuss. I do not want to upset posters even though the convo here has been respectful and informatiive on both sides. I appreciate that.


Acting as a defense attorney can be exhausting. :)

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FYI - no more posts on this from me unless this thread gets back to topic on the Pats potentially playing without Brady. I said yesterday I would stay off the deflategate thread and this one has pretty much turned into that so I am not avoiding you. Please PM if you would like to continue to discuss. I do not want to upset posters even though the convo here has been respectful and informatiive on both sides. I appreciate that.


I'll give you kudos for coming on here to defend NE/Brady. Don't know that I would visit NE board so much to argue my point(s).

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I'll give you kudos for coming on here to defend NE/Brady. Don't know that I would visit NE board so much to argue my point(s).

I come here and discuss everything. I like the board overall. I have said that from day one. Of course I will defend my team and this deflategate thing is really big with a lot of sensitivities for Colts fans which I get so I need to tread more lightly. I do enjoy the debates about my team and other football news. And I have also enjoyed posting with you too.

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I'll give you kudos for coming on here to defend NE/Brady. Don't know that I would visit NE board so much to argue my point(s).

It's because of the way this forum is managed and are open for other fans.

Credit to the forum moderators.

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I come here and discuss everything. I like the board overall. I have said that from day one. Of course I will defend my team and this deflategate thing is really big with a lot of sensitivities for Colts fans which I get so I need to tread more lightly. I do enjoy the debates about my team and other football news. And I have also enjoyed posting with you too.


Thank you, same here. But now I'm reading your posts with a Boston accent in my head. :)

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I doubt I could either. Mainly because I'd be reading every post with the Boston accent.


Thanks a lot, bluebombers87. :) Never thought of that before. The Boston accent will be in my head when I read any posts here from a NE fan.

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Harvard?! Did I get it right?

Yes. The key with the Boston accent is no "r's" and no "g's" for words that end in "g". So something is somethin'. Also, the really thick accents skip syllables or speak words so fast that the syllables roll together. When I hear the Bronx accent it may be the most similar to Boston but ours is more arrogant. lol.

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Yes. The key with the Boston accent is no "r's" and no "g's" for words that end in "g". So something is somethin'. Also, the really thick accents skip syllables or speak words so fast that the syllables roll together. When I hear the Bronx accent it may be the most similar to Boston.


The Boston guy on Survivor keeps saying potty for party. I wasn't sure if he had to use the restroom, or wanted to celebrate. :)

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What sense would that make? Let me hand over content that you will construe to make me look guilty because you have zero understanding of football culture? No one would do that with a firm being hired by the league to find guilt. Like I said, I fully expect him to hand it over at the appeal. He would not do the appeal if he felt his phone records proved his guilt in any way. I mean I think that is obvious. He wants an objective, legal authority looking at his phone.


How would it be construed to make him look guilty? Brady NOT handing over his phone documents makes it look more incriminating than not. Wells is a independent investigator. Do you really think the NFL is going to be anymore objective than a private, outside investigator would've been? Talk about a blind leap of faith.

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Besides, if the Patriots sue the NFL, Brady's phone records could be subpoenaed, if I am right. I am certain the Patriots are aware of that before going down that path.

Greg Bedard just said that in the appeals process Brady would not have to turn over his phone. Only if he went to federal court which is unlikely.

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Greg Bedard just said that in the appeals process Brady would not have to turn over his phone. Only if he went to federal court which is unlikely.


But you just said he'd want to turn his phone over to a "legal, objective authority" anyway. Tell me, where did you hear Brady say he'd do this? Are you secretly the deflator?

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No. There was no such policy at all. Goodell was not bound by anything in his ruling. He believed 2 games fit the offense.

No he didn't. The nfl already had a behavior policy in effect for years, called the personal conduct policy. That policy is what he had to go by. First time offender punishment is 2 games. I'm actually surprised you are letting your emotions fuel this, you're usually pretty reasonable and fact based.

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No he didn't. The nfl already had a behavior policy in effect for years, called the personal conduct policy. That policy is what he had to go by. First time offender punishment is 2 games. I'm actually surprised you are letting your emotions fuel this, you're usually pretty reasonable and fact based.

I am not aware of any personal conduct policy that had that rule. Can you cite a link?

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I am not aware of any personal conduct policy that had that rule. Can you cite a link?

Withholding information/obstructing the investigation is deemed as conduct detrimental to the league/team, as listed under the personal conduct policy. 

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I am not aware of any personal conduct policy that had that rule. Can you cite a link?

The personal conduct policy covered everything. DV was considered under that umbrella and want something that had its own rule. Basically it was anything they viewed as against the personal conduct policy, was punishable under its guidelines. They didn't forsee DV and had to go by the maximum punishment of the personal conduct policy, otherwise the nflpa would be all up in a roar.

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