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Phillip Rivers-Would you trade him?

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The Phillip Rivers specuation will not go away, and there are many good reasons for it in the article I have linked below. I post it because the most likely spot for Rivers would be Tennessee. The thing I just cannot understand is no matter how much Rivers does not want to go to LA, if you traded him you would essentially be setting back a playoff ready team by 1-2 years at least if you took Mariotta, and waited on him to develop. Plus, you then are in that 50/50 range of if he becomes a good QB. I just don't see Telesco doing it, but according to the article, thoughts on the matter are not going away.


Also, the two things I don't like it from Tennessee's point of view is yes they get a top 10 QB, at least the last few years, but how many years does he have left. He won't be playing until 40. I think maximum, you get 4-5 years from him. Plus S.D. would demand more than the 2nd pick, and Tenn. has so many holes right now, would Rivers really help them compared to trading away the pick and getting multiple picks. Tennessee fans are not happy right now, Eddie George who now is their on air play by play caller, says the organization is in disarray. To me, that says start over with as many picks as possible.


Would you pull the trigger and trade for Rivers?



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If he would play for Tennessee, then yes.


I imagine the Titans will have the Eagles on speed dial if Mariota is still there at #2.


This means the Eagles will have the Browns on speed dial to pawn off Bradford.


Titans will get a huge haul and build around Mettenberger.


So, I think Tennessee would like to trade for Rivers but, go another way.

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If Rivers won't sign an extension with the Chargers,  then the Chargers don't have a choice.


Trade him for as much as you can and cut your losses.


Sometimes you have to take a step back in order to move forward.


If Rivers doesn't give them other options then do what you have to do and move on.....    just try and get the best deal possible.

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Rivers has seven kids. He may not want to relocate them. Who knows? I haven't heard anything saying one way or the other. It's a tough choice to up and pack your family depending on their ages. Maybe our San Diego fan knows if this has been discussed locally.

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San Diego would have to give up more for the #2 than just Rivers.


That's an interesting view.    And you may indeed be right.


By coincidence I was watching one of those ESPN "insider" shows a few weeks back when this story/rumor first broke...  and Polian was saying Tennessee was going to have to give up much more than just the #2 to get Rivers.     


His view was the #2 overall pick and another 1st round pick....   and maybe more....


I confess I was surprised to hear that.    I wasn't sure if he was spot-on,  or if he's gone all Gil Brandt on us?   (Senile)

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Well they should not trade Rivers for a chance to get a QB that's in all likelihood going to wind up a back up QB that's for sure (Mariota)....Good kid but he stands little chance of making it as a starter in the league long term...They also should not trade Rivers for draft picks.


The picks would be nice no doubt but even if you hit on all of those picks or just a few you still have no QB. Your basically drafting players who are under contract for four years hoping they all develop  while your likely searching for your next franchise QB...What if it takes 4 years to come across the next Rivers? ya might already be out a couple of those draft picks who opted to move on after becoming FA's (Cant franchise tag them all ya know)because they want to chase money and do so going to a winning team...Not to mention other players you may not be able to re-sign whos contracts are up over the course of those 4 years......Keep Rivers as long they can, If he opts to retire then so be it

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I would.  I don't think they will be SB ready in the next couple years which is really what Rivers has left.  If you can get a guy you see as a franchise QB, you do it.


Yeah, Locker set them back by 4 years but they could cut their ties and move on due to the rookie contract. However, it would be foolish to give up anything more than the #2 pick for Rivers. Ken Wisenhunt's familiarity will make the deal work, IMO. But it will also make the Chargers go back to rebuild mode when they are constantly challenging for the division. 

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I don't think they have a choice about trading him.

They are moving to L.A. and when they wanted to extend his contract he said he wants to play his last year out because not wanting to raise his several dozen kids there.

If they don't trade him they will lose him after the season.

So they are just trying to get What they can for him and maybe Mariota will be a decent if not a good qb.

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I wouldn't trade him, but I think they definitely have some moves in mind.  You just don't have this type of blatant in your face discussions about moving a quarterback of his caliber nearing the draft if it's not going to happen.  And the Chargers aren't doing a whole lot to quell the talking.  I think they are going to deal him.

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Guys, as I said in my opening, I don't think he will get traded. I don't think Telesco lets a franchise QB walk out the door. Regardless of the LA thing, which many think is a certainty, but I don't. Rivers would be happy to stay in S.D., and one of the teams in LA is Oakland due to the condition of their stadium. I believe the other will be the Rams. Kroenke wants to leave.


Regardless of the move, you still control Rivers for two more years. One more year on contract, and you could franchise him a year. I wonder how many years has in him, but the Chargers must believe he still has at least 5 good years. The trade would also set them back as I mentioned, but I agree with Dustin, they would demand more than Rivers in exchange for the #2, at least another #1. From that point alone, I think it forces Tenn. to say no, and go on to trading the #2 for a haul of picks which I would do, or take Mariotta. The haul of picks sounds better due to the opinions about Mariotta being all over the place, plus no spread option QB has made an impact in the NFL so far. So I don't think Rivers is coming, but draft day will be very interesting due to this possible thread.


Also, Bears are looking to unload Cutler to get up to #1 or #2. They would have to give up a lot more due to his contract, a couple of future 1's possibly. I think Cleveland has the best ammo.

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why that's not near enough for the #1 overall pick. Rivers straight up for the #2 isn't even a good deal he's not some young 23 year old QB


Rivers is a proven and experienced NFL quarterback. He is much more valuable than the 2015 #1 overall pick.


If the Chargers and Rivers are ready to part ways, the Bucs would be crazy not to take that deal.

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don't have to be as good as he was last year if Winston keeps clean he will be just fine to get to a SB with a team around him


Rivers for the next four years is likely better than Winston for the next four years, barring injury. Certainly for the next two. If the Titans or Bucs think they can contend in the next two years, then they'd be better off with Rivers than Winston or Mariota. I think Winston goes to Tampa, so it's a moot point there. But if the Chargers want to trade Rivers -- which I think is stupid -- then I can understand the Titans interest. I'm not that excited about Mariota as a pro prospect, so I think I get it.

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Rivers for the next four years is likely better than Winston for the next four years, barring injury. Certainly for the next two. If the Titans or Bucs think they can contend in the next two years, then they'd be better off with Rivers than Winston or Mariota. I think Winston goes to Tampa, so it's a moot point there. But if the Chargers want to trade Rivers -- which I think is stupid -- then I can understand the Titans interest. I'm not that excited about Mariota as a pro prospect, so I think I get it.

I would agree if the Bucs or titans were ready to contend but IMO neither are or will be so just take the young guy with talent. sure its not as much as rivers but the kid isn't a scrub QB either build around him

Btw I'm not saying rivers isn't talented cause trust me I know but with his age I don't think him straight up would be enough still

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Winston is a prospect.

Rivers is a proven NFL quarterback.

like Supe said I'd be ok if TB or Tenn were close to contending but neither is so just take the young talented player and continue to build around him

Also Luck was once a prospect so was Peyton and Brady.

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I would agree if the Bucs or titans were ready to contend but IMO neither are or will be so just take the young guy with talent. sure its not as much as rivers but the kid isn't a scrub QB either build around him

Btw I'm not saying rivers isn't talented cause trust me I know but with his age I don't think him straight up would be enough still


I don't think Ken Whisenhunt agrees with you about the Titans. I think he believes they can make the playoffs if they get a good QB. And sitting at #2, having to choose between Mariota -- who I don't think is ready -- and Rivers, I think he'd go with Rivers for the short term benefits.


Between the high coaching turnover (7 new jobs in 2015, when I thought there'd be 3 or 4) and the shorter rookie contracts, if they drafted Mariota and he didn't work out, Whisenhunt wouldn't get a second shot at a young QB. They want to have a vet, behind whom Mettenberger can sit and develop and learn, and then they can hand it off to him by 2017 before he hits free agency.


That way, Whisenhunt's job is safe® in the short term, and he might have the right guy in the long term. Mettenberger was considered a 2nd round talent who dropped due to injury, weight concerns, some old legal issues, and a failed drug test at the Combine. He has a big arm and played in a pro style system in college. 

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