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OT Matt Light ((signed w/Patriots - closed))


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Lets pick up Matt Light. This is a veteran OT that knows how to protect his QB. He protected Bradys backside for years. And he can run block as well. I know he is older been in the league 11 years, but he is solid. He need someone on the outside of the line to watch Peytons back and help us with our strech plays that use to work and just seem to run out of steam the last few years.

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Lets pick up Matt Light. This is a veteran OT that knows how to protect his QB. He protected Bradys backside for years. And he can run block as well. I know he is older been in the league 11 years, but he is solid. He need someone on the outside of the line to watch Peytons back and help us with our strech plays that use to work and just seem to run out of steam the last few years.


I don't think it will happen.They probaly will resign cj and by building the line through the draft this year it's not a great need.

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Charlie Johnson was never drafted to play OT. He was brought in to play guard. Lets quit moving people around on that line and put them were they belong. I want to run the ball again in indy. Peyton can not keep throwing the ball like he is or he is going to end up on the bad end of a big hit and not get up or just plain use up his arm. He need to get the stretch play running again and the play action working again in indy. With Diem gone we need charlie at guard not staying out at OT out of position again.

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We don't need Matt Light at all. Unless he comes in for cheap there is no reason spending money on a 33 year old tackle. We draft Costanzo to play left tackle for a reason. Johnson can play right tackle (He showed it in the superbowl against the bears) or he can kick in to guard. We have options and most of them are good. We don't have a dire need to sign anymore offensive lineman.

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Would be a good signing but the Pats are trying to resign him and it would be a case of release Diem, then pay someone older than Diem to play RT for us.

diem seems like he shows his age more than light

light will also sign a big contract

i think the line will b ok n the cap that we got we need to use to sign a: DT, CB, LB, S, RB (probly in that order)

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We just got Castonzo, and Ijalana, what makes you think we'll get Matt Light. He doesn't like the Colts, plus he's very expensive and I think Castonzo will do just fine, and will end up better than Light.

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diem seems like he shows his age more than light

light will also sign a big contract

i think the line will b ok n the cap that we got we need to use to sign a: DT, CB, LB, S, RB (probly in that order)

I doubt we'll bring in a RB, but we can use some depth at DT an S for sure.

Is Diem still on the roster? I thought I read he was cut, then NFL Network (or ESPN) said they're going to restructure his contract because Peyton wants him back.

Here's a roster link, not sure how accurate it is:


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'Smonroe' timestamp='1312124544' post='5819']

I doubt we'll bring in a RB, but we can use some depth at DT an S for sure.

Is Diem still on the roster? I thought I read he was cut, then NFL Network (or ESPN) said they're going to restructure his contract because Peyton wants him back.

Here's a roster link, not sure how accurate it is:


Wow! Unless we do something major in the next day or 2 we are in serious trouble on the defensive side of the ball. Moala is far and away the best DT on the roster(and im not sure thats saying much). We are remarkabley thin at DT, CB, SS, and in my opinion LBer.

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Lets pick up Matt Light. This is a veteran OT that knows how to protect his QB. He protected Bradys backside for years. And he can run block as well. I know he is older been in the league 11 years, but he is solid. He need someone on the outside of the line to watch Peytons back and help us with our strech plays that use to work and just seem to run out of steam the last few years.

That would be a colossal waste of money. Pay big bucks (because he won't come cheap) to a 33 year old tackle who just came off of a season in which he gave up more sacks than he ever has before? No thank you.

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Charlie Johnson was never drafted to play OT. He was brought in to play guard. Lets quit moving people around on that line and put them were they belong. I want to run the ball again in indy. Peyton can not keep throwing the ball like he is or he is going to end up on the bad end of a big hit and not get up or just plain use up his arm. He need to get the stretch play running again and the play action working again in indy. With Diem gone we need charlie at guard not staying out at OT out of position again.

This is not true. His entire rookie year saw him listed at OT and the only games he played were at RT. The next year he competed with Tony Ugoh for the LT job in camp and lost. He played his second year exclusively at OT, starting 10 games at either side. 2008 (his 3rd year) was the only year he played guard, and that was due to Lilja going down with injury and Johnson having the most experience of all the depth. He only had Jamey Richard, Steve Justice, Corey Hilliard, and Dan Federkiel to beat out. Richard is the only one to get significant time of the bunch, and that came after injury as well. He's started 37 games at OT and 16 at OG. Not to mention he never even played guard in college.

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Charlie Johnson was never drafted to play OT. He was brought in to play guard. Lets quit moving people around on that line and put them were they belong. I want to run the ball again in indy. Peyton can not keep throwing the ball like he is or he is going to end up on the bad end of a big hit and not get up or just plain use up his arm. He need to get the stretch play running again and the play action working again in indy. With Diem gone we need charlie at guard not staying out at OT out of position again.

Charlie Johnson played TE in high school, and then when he went to Oklahoma State, he was switched to an OFFENSIVE TACKLE. People say its his natural position because he's small for a tackle, and perfect size for a guard. It would have been better for him to play guard in college, but because he was a blocking tight end, and tight ends play on the end, they made him a tackle. So you're wrong, he was draft to play OT, not guard. He played guard during his first years, because Tarik Gleen was the starting LT and Diem was the RT, and we only had Scott as a guard; we needed another guard, so they moved him there. He's like Ijalana, very versatile which means he could play tackle and guard, something which is hard to find in a tackle.

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Charlie Johnson played TE in high school, and then when he went to Oklahoma State, he was switched to an OFFENSIVE TACKLE. People say its his natural position because he's small for a tackle, and perfect size for a guard. It would have been better for him to play guard in college, but because he was a blocking tight end, and tight ends play on the end, they made him a tackle. So you're wrong, he was draft to play OT, not guard. He played guard during his first years, because Tarik Gleen was the starting LT and Diem was the RT, and we only had Scott as a guard; we needed another guard, so they moved him there. He's like Ijalana, very versatile which means he could play tackle and guard, something which is hard to find in a tackle.

Actually he played TE at Oklahoma State and was switched to tackle his senior year. He backed up Diem his rookie season and played in the SB for a few series. he received one of the best compliments when, after he had been in for a couple of series, Manning looked at him and said, "How long have you been in here?" So his play as a rookie in the SB was good enough, Manning didn't even realize a change had been made.

The only time he played guard was in 2008 when Lilja went down with an injury. He started at LG all but 5 games when he moved to LT because Ugoh got injured.

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Yes, but he's a big name from another team so we really need to get him!

Oh yeah. I didn't factor that part in. My bad.

I've always figured it as... big name from another team so he's automatically better than anyone on the Colts roster at that position, except Manning.

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This is not true. His entire rookie year saw him listed at OT and the only games he played were at RT. The next year he competed with Tony Ugoh for the LT job in camp and lost. He played his second year exclusively at OT, starting 10 games at either side. 2008 (his 3rd year) was the only year he played guard, and that was due to Lilja going down with injury and Johnson having the most experience of all the depth. He only had Jamey Richard, Steve Justice, Corey Hilliard, and Dan Federkiel to beat out. Richard is the only one to get significant time of the bunch, and that came after injury as well. He's started 37 games at OT and 16 at OG. Not to mention he never even played guard in college.

This is from Bill Poian when ask what we needed entering the 2008 draft. he went down positon and player and said this • Offensive guard. “Certainly. (Third-year veteran) Charlie (Johnson) is going to play in there. Can you use a backup? Sure.” So he was always going to play guard. He is undersized to play OT. He does ok there but guard is where he should be playing and I am sure the colts always assumed that.

here is the article. http://www.colts.com/sub.cfm?page=article7&news_id=49d0ca7f-905f-4a67-aea0-a7a05e587e5e

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We just got Castonzo, and Ijalana, what makes you think we'll get Matt Light. He doesn't like the Colts, plus he's very expensive and I think Castonzo will do just fine, and will end up better than Light.

Several interesting tidbits here.

While I agree that Light will not be a Colt, the lockout and missed time for Castonzo and Ijalana means that a veteran LT is not such an unreasonable idea. But how do you know that he doesn't like the Colts and is expensive? Where did you hear of his Colts hatred? I guarantee you that if the Colts offered the right contract, he would be here in no time flat. On the expensive comment, he is an old, declining player who will most certainly not ask for the moon because if he does, no team will pay him anymore. Guys like that are at the stage of their careers in which they play on the team's terms - not the other way around.

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This is from Bill Poian when ask what we needed entering the 2008 draft. he went down positon and player and said this • Offensive guard. “Certainly. (Third-year veteran) Charlie (Johnson) is going to play in there. Can you use a backup? Sure.” So he was always going to play guard. He is undersized to play OT. He does ok there but guard is where he should be playing and I am sure the colts always assumed that.

here is the article. http://www.colts.com/sub.cfm?page=article7&news_id=49d0ca7f-905f-4a67-aea0-a7a05e587e5e

Kind of what Rexall said. He moved there in his third year with the team. Before that he played tackle and after that year he played tackle. He was not drafted to play guard.

An it's tough to say about under sized because the Colts don't worry too much about that for any position. Glenn was huge, Meadows was on the smaller side. Diem is good size but Ugoh and now AC are a bit smaller. For guards Scott and Lilja were on the small side but DeMulling, Pollack and DeVan are in that 310 range, McClendon and Thomas are in the 330lb range. CJ is listed at 305lb but you can tell he is much heavier than that, closer to 320-325. So there is no real weight limit for the Colts to say someone is undersized.

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Several interesting tidbits here.

While I agree that Light will not be a Colt, the lockout and missed time for Castonzo and Ijalana means that a veteran LT is not such an unreasonable idea. But how do you know that he doesn't like the Colts and is expensive? Where did you hear of his Colts hatred? I guarantee you that if the Colts offered the right contract, he would be here in no time flat. On the expensive comment, he is an old, declining player who will most certainly not ask for the moon because if he does, no team will pay him anymore. Guys like that are at the stage of their careers in which they play on the team's terms - not the other way around.

Light will get a big contract somewhere. There will be some unwitting GM somewhere who'll be enamored with the big name and overpay him.

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Light will get a big contract somewhere. There will be some unwitting GM somewhere who'll be enamored with the big name and overpay him.

The big contracts are gone. The only ones left are minimal years for limited $$ that can bterminted without too much pain to the team. And they are most certainly gone for 10 year veteran offensive linemen.

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The big contracts are gone. The only ones left are minimal years for limited $$ that can bterminted without too much pain to the team. And they are most certainly gone for 10 year veteran offensive linemen.

I normally side with you, but with all due respect, you have no more basis for this than someone suggesting he will get paid big. Not huge, but big.

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I normally side with you, but with all due respect, you have no more basis for this than someone suggesting he will get paid big. Not huge, but big.

I normally side with you as well so no harm in disagreeing.

But tell me the big contracts that have been given to clearly declining offensive linemen who are on the plus side of 30. It does not happen - that is my basis. I would guess his best chance to land somewhere now is to a team that has injuries in camp an that will still be a short deal with limited coin and limited team exposure.

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I normally side with you as well so no harm in disagreeing.

But tell me the big contracts that have been given to clearly declining offensive linemen who are on the plus side of 30. It does not happen - that is my basis. I would guess his best chance to land somewhere now is to a team that has injuries in camp an that will still be a short deal with limited coin and limited team exposure.

OK I will give you that Johnson might have been drafted as a Tackle. There is no doubt in my mind they want him at guard instead. The comment that someone said that they are not sure if size really matters to the colts, and that Glenn was just huge. Well he havent had a solid OT since Glenn. So maybe they need to look at size. Now with Castonzo holding out for a 4 year deal, he is not getting any pro experience sitting on his couch. We need someone to step in game 1 and be solid. Peyton can not get hit for a while. Period.

Oh yeah, and old Charlie the OT isnt even signed yet. Not even sure whats going on there.

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I doubt we'll bring in a RB, but we can use some depth at DT an S for sure.

Is Diem still on the roster? I thought I read he was cut, then NFL Network (or ESPN) said they're going to restructure his contract because Peyton wants him back.

Here's a roster link, not sure how accurate it is:


Diem changed his mind and was later signed top a reduced 1 year contract

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OK I will give you that Johnson might have been drafted as a Tackle. There is no doubt in my mind they want him at guard instead. The comment that someone said that they are not sure if size really matters to the colts, and that Glenn was just huge. Well he havent had a solid OT since Glenn. So maybe they need to look at size. Now with Castonzo holding out for a 4 year deal, he is not getting any pro experience sitting on his couch. We need someone to step in game 1 and be solid. Peyton can not get hit for a while. Period.

Oh yeah, and old Charlie the OT isnt even signed yet. Not even sure whats going on there.

CJ wants morev han we offered, he really deserves it based on what he has done in past, we shouldnt of signed diem and given that $ to CJ, his versality is worth it , He has done all asked of him

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