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Jameis Winston: Shoulder Weakness....

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Medical testing at the combine reveals Winston is having some shoulder weakness.


Not the kind that might require surgery,  but some therapy....   but that may mean not throwing at the combine.




I read/heard yesterday that Winston,  who is typically listed at 235,  played the semi-final game vs. Oregon at 254!


Then,  showed up about a month or so ago to begin his training for the combine at 248.


Now he's 231.    Great that he dropped the weight,  but quarterback is not the position where you want the weight to be going up and down like that to such extremes.    254 for the biggest game of your life?    What are you thinking?

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From the guys who know Lovie and the kind of QB he wants, Winston is the QB he would pick. He is NFL ready, and according to Lovie, all the behavior problems everyone has worried about have been checked on, and said to be of no concern to the Buccanneers, at least that is what is being said publicly. Remember, a lot of smoke right now, but I do believe that they will go with Winston.


Mariotta may be a great guy, so his interviews should have gone well, and white board is not the real field. I don't know if he will be good or not. He compares to Kaepernick to me, but my problem is after the year Kaepernick just had, name one spread QB who has made it so far in the NFL. It is so different. I just could not take the chance with the first pick on him, regardless of character and intelligence which he has. We will see. I don't believe TN. is going to take him either, but they may fall in love with him after the athletic underwear contest tomorrow coupled with the intangibles. Who knows, TB may too after he runs a 4.4. RGIII ran under a 4.4 if I remember correctly. After that hit by Ngata, he will never run that fast again, which is my other reservation about Mariotta.

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I don't know anything. I just think Lovie is going to go with Winston.

I dunno. Greg Gabriel, who worked with Lovie in Chicago, said he would be very surprised if the Bucs took Ainston. Then again, getting fired tends to change one's outlook.

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I dunno. Greg Gabriel, who worked with Lovie in Chicago, said he would be very surprised if the Bucs took Ainston. Then again, getting fired tends to change one's outlook.


Everything Lovie and everyone else associated with the Bucs have said about Winston has been complementary. They seem to be selling him to their fan base, actually, to whatever extent that's necessary. Lovie kind of defended him, actually. Licht said they're comfortable with him, then said that they have a favorite already.


We'll see what happens, but I tend to think it will be Winston.

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I don't know anything. I just think Lovie is going to go with Winston.

Lovie is high on character; their OC has a very close relationship with Oregon's coach and also likes the spread; there's a connection with the qb coach too.

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In a story published Saturday, Bleacher Report‘s Mike Freeman quoted an unnamed evaluator who raved about Winston’s “[football] IQ.”

Said the evaluator: “I think he’s probably the smartest player I’ve ever interviewed.”

Freeman also reports that Winston had been compared to Peyton Manning from a football intelligence standpoint “several times” in the reporter’s discussions with club officials.

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Mariota will need A LOT of help from an offensive standpoint. Unless he goes to an offense that gives him a one read or go style - Eagles -  he's going to add up to that LONG list of Pac-whatever QB busts. He's never really had to sit back and break a defense down, especially not with the defenses in the Pac-12. Winston is the obvious pick here. Vincent Jackson and Mike Evans now have someone who can get them the ball.

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