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Do you see Brady winning a 5th Super Bowl


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Yea i am supposed to believe that the ball just magically lost air pressure. You have been looking thru rose colored glasses . Some one DID IT, I dont believe for one instance that he did not know, and if you do I have some waterfront land in the mohave i would like for you to buy!



If you don't want to hold off until the actual facts emerge, that's your right. But keeping your eyes closed to how the details have changed in this story is only going to lead to your own outrage and disappointment when the dust settles from all of this.




Why do you think the NFL is consulting Columbia University? If they found clear-cut evidence of any wrong-doing, they wouldn't be looking to scientifically validate the idea that footballs lose PSI when they get colder. 


Nothing much, if anything, is going to happen here. Maybe a fine... that's it. 

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Yea i am supposed to believe that the ball just magically lost air pressure. You have been looking thru rose colored glasses . Some one DID IT, I dont believe for one instance that he did not know, and if you do I have some waterfront land in the mohave i would like for you to buy!

Most of the reports now say just one ball was under inflated by two psi and the rest were just a tad under....I think this story is going to go away. Hopefully that is the case because the Pats don't need another scandal...Brady played like a champ last night...very impressive and deserved to win it all. Clearly they were the best team in the league.

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We don't have any evidence that the deflations directly affected the games' outcomes, but the fact that they could have definitely brings the Patriots' legitimacy into question. It could have affected several plays that changed the nature of the game. Either way, they bring bring filth to the integrity of the game. This being the case, I refuse to praise Brady/Belichick, or the Patriots. Had the season been a clean one, this would be different but to see Brady prancing (yes, I went there) around the sidelines while the investigation in progress is humorous.

If you and I are playing cards and I catch you cheating, I'm definitely going to always wonder what else are you doing and how long have you been doing it.

Too bad nothing has been proven, eh? Except apparently here.

It's already been proven by MIT and ESPN Sports Science that the negligible deflation could easily have been caused by natural means.

But please , let's not let facts et in the way of such a misdirected witch hunt.

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Its possible that the Patriots could win another, they're just as likely as a few other contenders to repeat next year but I think it goes without saying that repeating is extremely difficult.


The story of this years Pats team and last years was health.  Last year, the Patriots lost so many of their super stars to injury, they simply had no horses left in the stable for the AFCCG against the Broncos, especially once Talib went out of the game with that hip.  This year, the Patriots had a few guys miss some time with injury and they lost Mayo for the year, but their overall team health was very good.. they were very fortunate in that department, and that is what it takes to win a SB.. hard work, determination and some good fortune mixed in as well.


I'm perfectly content with what they've accomplished as a team, im not greedy..  This is a span of history that will never be forgotten and I've been so fortunate to be able to experience all of it at an age where I could appreciate it that much more.



The Patriots are going to lose a couple key guys to free agency, so we'll see what the team looks like next year.. but for now, I'm just going to enjoy this Super Bowl Championship!  Can't wait to see how much cash Kraft drops on their SB Rings!

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Its possible that the Patriots could win another, they're just as likely as a few other contenders to repeat next year but I think it goes without saying that repeating is extremely difficult.


The story of this years Pats team and last years was health.  Last year, the Patriots lost so many of their super stars to injury, they simply had no horses left in the stable for the AFCCG against the Broncos, especially once Talib went out of the game with that hip.  This year, the Patriots had a few guys miss some time with injury and they lost Mayo for the year, but their overall team health was very good.. they were very fortunate in that department, and that is what it takes to win a SB.. hard work, determination and some good fortune mixed in as well.


I'm perfectly content with what they've accomplished as a team, im not greedy..  This is a span of history that will never be forgotten and I've been so fortunate to be able to experience all of it at an age where I could appreciate it that much more.



The Patriots are going to lose a couple key guys to free agency, so we'll see what the team looks like next year.. but for now, I'm just going to enjoy this Super Bowl Championship!  Can't wait to see how much cash Kraft drops on their SB Rings!

The biggest impetus to the Pats victory was Brady's extension two years ago. Gave us the cap room to sign Revis, Browner and Lafells.

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Too bad nothing has been proven, eh? Except apparently here.

It's already been proven by MIT and ESPN Sports Science that the negligible deflation could easily have been caused by natural means.

But please , let's not let facts et in the way of such a misdirected witch hunt.


It's already been proven that the footballs were deflated...you misunderstood (or didn't read through) and we know that Brady prefers them a little deflated from a 2011 interview.    And certainly, only the Patriots' footballs that were used were the only ones "affected by natural means" while the Colts' footballs were not affected by this strange mishap.  The term, witch hunt, should be used when there is nothing there, similar to the Salem (now Danvers) 1692 Witch Trials.  (Poor John Proctor).  In this case, there is substance.  


I'll give it to the Patriots that they are a good football team with a very smart and wily coach.  Your turn to admit that you support an unethical football team.  If you're looking for a "congratulations!  great game!"  You won't find that here, at least from me as I have no respect for any team with the low level of ethics that NE has.  

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It's already been proven that the footballs were deflated...you misunderstood (or didn't read through) and we know that Brady prefers them a little deflated from a 2011 interview. And certainly, only the Patriots' footballs that were used were the only ones "affected by natural means" while the Colts' footballs were not affected by this strange mishap. The term, witch hunt, should be used when there is nothing there, similar to the Salem (now Danvers) 1692 Witch Trials. (Poor John Proctor). In this case, there is substance.

I'll give it to the Patriots that they are a good football team with a very smart and wily coach. Your turn to admit that you support an unethical football team. If you're looking for a "congratulations! great game!" You won't find that here, at least from me as I have no respect for any team with the low level of ethics that NE has.

You do realize that the balls were nowhere near as deflated as first reported, yes?

That only one (suspiciously , the only one that the Colts handles) was 2 PSI under? That the others were barely under ?

Or did you not know this update?

I'll repeat this question : would you support a team that hired a known lip reader as a coach?

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They're as likely as anyone to win it next year; definitely a top 2-3 team. I wouldn't be surprised if they're even better next year. Solid team with not a great deal of issues to address in free agency/draft

I'm doubtful that they'll be better because they might lose some key guys to free agency. .

On the bright side, they're going to get Jerod Mayo back, Easley should be healthy and add some nice talent to the inside of that defensive line and hopefully Aaron Dobson can come back healthy and finally live up to his potential.. if not, he joins a long line of bust draft picks at the WR position for the Pats

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Brady wouldn't have even gotten a bye if it wasn't for how many deflated balls he was playing with.


Next season, watch for the Pats fumbles to rise drastically on account of new rules for protecting the footballs from teams.


Just like they did on Sunday night against the league's best defense???

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Not that I care, but I'm sure they can handle 2 FA signings

It's more than 2 FA signings. Mccourty and Revis are going to demand top market value at their positions

Stephen Ghostkowksi will demand top kicker money which is around 4 mill a year

Shane Vereen will probably get Danny Woodhead money which is about $3 million a year

Nate Solder if they exercise his 5th year option on his rookie deal will be at $7.5 million

Ridley will be gone

Akeem Ayers and Casillas were solid contributors and it will take a couple mill each to retain them

Alan Branch I believe is a free agent and will get 1 to 2 mil a year

That cap money runs out real fast, especially when you have 2 monster contracts in Revis and McCourty

Revis $13 mill a year

mccourty $7-8 mill a year

Ghostkowksi $4 mill a year

Vareen $3 mil a year

solder $7.5 A year

slater $2 mill a year

Casillas $1.5 a year

Ayers $1.5 a year

Branch $1.5 A year

Thats about $40 million a year in contracts for those guys, and that's assuming they restructure Revis.. otherwise his cap hit will be like $25 mill next year which is absurd

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Yea i am supposed to believe that the ball just magically lost air pressure. You have been looking thru rose colored glasses . Some one DID IT, I dont believe for one instance that he did not know, and if you do I have some waterfront land in the mohave i would like for you to buy!

The only ball 2psI low was the one the Colts had. The others were "a few ticks" low

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You do realize that the balls were nowhere near as deflated as first reported, yes?

That only one (suspiciously , the only one that the Colts handles) was 2 PSI under? That the others were barely under ?

Or did you not know this update?

I'll repeat this question : would you support a team that hired a known lip reader as a coach?


Your making excuses for a team that constantly skirts the rules when it can get away with it.  

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It's certainly possible. I think their biggest threat would be Ravens. Ravens play them very well. On another note, if the Ravens knock them out, we tend to play well against the Ravens. :). Don't think Denver will be much of a threat, even if Peyton stays. Peyton will still have a good year if he stays, but he'll be starting over again. Steelers could be a threat, but they seem to be up and down a lot. Colts could be a legitimate threat if we get NE at home.

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It's certainly possible. I think their biggest threat would be Ravens. Ravens play them very well. On another note, if the Ravens knock them out, we tend to play well against the Ravens. :). Don't think Denver will be much of a threat, even if Peyton stays. Peyton will still have a good year if he stays, but he'll be starting over again. Steelers could be a threat, but they seem to be up and down a lot. Colts could be a legitimate threat if we get NE at home.

I don't buy into past history of who beat who. The Colts need some fixing but clearly they made it to the AFCCG so..........

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Prove your claim, then. I know you can't , based in the most recent evidence , but back up your words.


They've already proven deflations.  I realize that it would not have changed the outcome of the game with the Colts' horrible play but it shows the lack of integrity of the Patriots organization-as does the spygate issue.  You are choosing not to look at it-which really isn't my problem.  

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They've already proven deflations. I realize that it would not have changed the outcome of the game with the Colts' horrible play but it shows the lack of integrity of the Patriots organization-as does the spygate issue. You are choosing not to look at it-which really isn't my problem.

No claim can be made about the Pats integrity from an accusation that has not been proven true.

The more these reports come out the more dead this story is. Also if it's true that only 1 ball was significantly deflated, which just so happened to be the ball the Colts had in their possession after the interception, and Grigson has now admitted in an interview that they were trying to catch the Pats (supposidly if what I heard is true) then this is beyond crazy and a very low blow from the Colts organization.

Like I said earlier, I'm looking forward to the details of this investigation being made public.. and if that's the only the ball that was underinflated beyond any natural means, then its the Colts organization that has some serious explaining to do, not the Pats.

The penalty for falsely accusing and potentially an attempt to setup another team should be punished 10x more severely than the punishment for the act they were falsely being accused of.

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No claim can be made about the Pats integrity from an accusation that has not been proven true.

The more these reports come out the more dead this story is. Also if it's true that only 1 ball was significantly deflated, which just so happened to be the ball the Colts had in their possession after the interception, and Grigson has now admitted in an interview that they were trying to catch the Pats (supposidly if what I heard is true) then this is beyond crazy and a very low blow from the Colts organization.

Like I said earlier, I'm looking forward to the details of this investigation being made public.. and if that's the only the ball that was underinflated beyond any natural means, then its the Colts organization that has some serious explaining to do, not the Pats.

The penalty for falsely accusing and potentially an attempt to setup another team should be punished 10x more severely than the punishment for the act they were falsely being accused of.

I appreciate your sensible response.


11/12 were under-inflated.  In addition, I call into question Belichick's integrity when we've seen this sort of thing.  Spygate, Indy getting Willie McGinested to stop the clock, that sort of thing.  If these weren't present, I'd see the Patriots as the best team to ever take the field.  Because they are present, it causes the questioning of the integrity of the organization.  When one wins and there are those questions of integrity, it tarnishes the win. 

And I agree with you.  Any false accusation should be dealt with severely.  I would be devastated if I found it Grigson, Pagano, Luck etc. did something that skirted the rules in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.  It's one of the reasons that I loved Dungy being here.  He brought integrity to the Colts.  Ethics are very big deal to me.  

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it's ridiculous to see you guys stop thinking about deflategate.  i mean it's been dissected and proven to be absolutely nothing already. 


and of course pats can win 5th.  pats are the youngest SB team at avg age of 25.  and we will sign key guys and bringing in more.   as long as brady plays like brady we are a threat to win it all every year.  

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I appreciate your sensible response.


11/12 were under-inflated.  In addition, I call into question Belichick's integrity when we've seen this sort of thing.  Spygate, Indy getting Willie McGinested to stop the clock, that sort of thing.  If these weren't present, I'd see the Patriots as the best team to ever take the field.  Because they are present, it causes the questioning of the integrity of the organization.  When one wins and there are those questions of integrity, it tarnishes the win. 

And I agree with you.  Any false accusation should be dealt with severely.  I would be devastated if I found it Grigson, Pagano, Luck etc. did something that skirted the rules in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.  It's one of the reasons that I loved Dungy being here.  He brought integrity to the Colts.  Ethics are very big deal to me.  


again it has been scientifically proven that it can happen.  and obviously we don't know what happened to the colts ball.   and this is such a none issue because obviously pats dominated the colts in the 2nd half.  and pats offense had zero problem with a perfect ball against the best D in the NFL in the SB.


colts should be the last team who bring up 'integrity'.   i mean let's not act like Irsay is a man of integrity with his known issues. 

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I appreciate your sensible response.


11/12 were under-inflated.  In addition, I call into question Belichick's integrity when we've seen this sort of thing.  Spygate, Indy getting Willie McGinested to stop the clock, that sort of thing.  If these weren't present, I'd see the Patriots as the best team to ever take the field.  Because they are present, it causes the questioning of the integrity of the organization.  When one wins and there are those questions of integrity, it tarnishes the win. 

And I agree with you.  Any false accusation should be dealt with severely.  I would be devastated if I found it Grigson, Pagano, Luck etc. did something that skirted the rules in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.  It's one of the reasons that I loved Dungy being here.  He brought integrity to the Colts.  Ethics are very big deal to me.  


Were not the colts one of the teams that would regularly make a substitution and then rush to the line of scrimmage before the defense could response by doing its own substitution thereby getting a cheap 5 yard penalty for 12 men on the field?  


The NFL has thankfully closed this loop by allowing the defense a fair chance to react to the offense substitution. 


You speak of integrity but your team was one of ones that would not allow, from a fairness standpoint, their opponent time to react to their substitutions.    

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Brady is not young


I don't think it matters that Brady is aging, at least not yet. Here's where I would argue the value of 1 player to a team. Don't any of you NE fans get me wrong. Brady is a very good QB, but the Patriots as a whole (including the head coach) are better. IMO a better team than Brady is a QB. Again, don't misinterpret what I'm suggesting. When Brady was injured in game 1 in 2008, NE still had an excellent record at 11 and 5. I believe you could plug any really good QB into the NE system and get excellent results. On the flip side, look at the Colts the year Peyton was out. The Colts went from a SB contender to getting the first choice in the draft. I'm not suggesting one QB over the other, although an argument could be made based on this example. I'm only suggesting NE is probably the best all around team and has been for quite a while. 

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Were not the colts one of the teams that would regularly make a substitution and then rush to the line of scrimmage before the defense could response by doing its own substitution thereby getting a cheap 5 yard penalty for 12 men on the field?  


The NFL has thankfully closed this loop by allowing the defense a fair chance to react to the offense substitution. 


You speak of integrity but your team was one of ones that would not allow, from a fairness standpoint, their opponent time to react to their substitutions.    


That was enforced before the 1998 season, so no the Colts weren't one of those teams.


I can show you all the rule changes since 1998 if you'd like. The only change with 12 men on the field has been it was changed from a live-ball foul to a dead-ball foul. Also 12 men in the huddle is an automatic penalty.


Nice try using Collinsworth's commentary though.


This rule was enforced during the 1989 season. And was only brought up recently because Brady tried to do this in a game against Denver during the 2012 season. So I guess your smart remark backfired, huh?

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Lets not get carried away. He just won #4 hours ago lol.

Exactly Jules, you just read my mind. Don't even ask my this question right now. Sunday just happened man. Let the SB result sink in 1st.


Ask me this same question in say late November not freaking now.  haha


That's the problem in today's society: No patience, no historical perspective, no savor the moment; People want speculation & swift gratification instantaneously. 

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I don't think it even matters anymore. Last year was the defining moment that was supposed to make Manning the GOAT and avenge his SB loss to the Saints.



Then Brady comes along and beats up that same Seattle team that down right demolished Denver last year.


He has 4 rings. It don't matter. He's in the conversation now next to Montana and Bradshaw as the greatest quarterbacks ever. Yes I said Bradshaw cause everyone forgets about him. 

Precisely, 4 rings is an outstanding achievement. If Brady retired tomorrow, he'd still be 2nd only to Joe Montana for the best QB to play this game since Joe never lost a  :lombardi: he competed for. 


I value rings plural more than I do NFL stats. Yes, football is a team sport, but in critical moments elite QBs initiate comebacks & finish drives in the post season. 

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again it has been scientifically proven that it can happen.  and obviously we don't know what happened to the colts ball.   and this is such a none issue because obviously pats dominated the colts in the 2nd half.  and pats offense had zero problem with a perfect ball against the best D in the NFL in the SB.


colts should be the last team who bring up 'integrity'.   i mean let's not act like Irsay is a man of integrity with his known issues. 


Your argument immediately failed.  Lack of integrity would involve lying about something or covering something up that one should not do.  Irsay plead his case and is serving his probation and DL suspension in Indiana.  


No one is questioning that the game's results would have been the same.  Colts played horribly.  I assume you're talking about the inflation and the weather.  Yes, "scientifically" it happened to the Pats' footballs but not the ones Indy brought.  hmm.  

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Were not the colts one of the teams that would regularly make a substitution and then rush to the line of scrimmage before the defense could response by doing its own substitution thereby getting a cheap 5 yard penalty for 12 men on the field?  


The NFL has thankfully closed this loop by allowing the defense a fair chance to react to the offense substitution. 


You speak of integrity but your team was one of ones that would not allow, from a fairness standpoint, their opponent time to react to their substitutions.    


Was there a rule that 12 men could be on the field?  Offense controls the time clock.  Get your butt off the field.  

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I don't think it matters that Brady is aging, at least not yet. Here's where I would argue the value of 1 player to a team. Don't any of you NE fans get me wrong. Brady is a very good QB, but the Patriots as a whole (including the head coach) are better. IMO a better team than Brady is a QB. Again, don't misinterpret what I'm suggesting. When Brady was injured in game 1 in 2008, NE still had an excellent record at 11 and 5. I believe you could plug any really good QB into the NE system and get excellent results. On the flip side, look at the Colts the year Peyton was out. The Colts went from a SB contender to getting the first choice in the draft. I'm not suggesting one QB over the other, although an argument could be made based on this example. I'm only suggesting NE is probably the best all around team and has been for quite a while.

You've got to be kidding me.

Let's look at the math.

From 18-1 to 11-5.

That's a 7 win drop off.

Yeah, the QB makes no difference.

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