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CBS/98.5 Sources: Under-inflated balls OK'd by refs pregame


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As a fan it hurts to see that. One would think if this continues and Goodell just makes money decisions rather than the right decisions (talking about everything not just this incident) the league would implode similar to what Mark Cuban has predicted. I wonder if people in the 1980's thought about the possibility that boxing would be completely irrelevant one day, maybe it could happen to the NFL.

And...I'm not kidding when I say this, there is a lot of merchandise sold under the marketing theme that the NFL puts on a legitimate show. WWE gets by legally with what they do because they never really claim that the matches are real.

But if people are buying merchandise under the impression that the NFL plays by its established rules...and they don't...there could be an argument made that they are violating consumer protection laws.

False advertising.

Yes, all of this matters. As petty as each little childish and marginally punished rule infraction is...they all matter.

What they could do...is disclose to the consumer in fine print that what they are watching may not be what it is purported to be.

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Right, you have nothing .

Brady is always on the report because if a player misses ANY practice time, they must be listed in the report.

You do realize it was the Jets who gathered to block gunners, yes?

Nothing was illegal about the substitutions, but thanks.

Not true, many veterans don't practice every day and are healthy. Also, the substitutions were legal at first, but then the player has to sit out a play afterwards if his ineligibility changes which did not happen in the game. I personally believe BB knew the refs may not recognize this so kept going until they were to get caught.

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Right, you have nothing .

Brady is always on the report because if a player misses ANY practice time, they must be listed in the report.

You do realize it was the Jets who gathered to block gunners, yes?

Nothing was illegal about the substitutions, but thanks.

About ten years ago, BB got called out by the NFL for not listing Brady on an injury report...I would assume he didn't practice then because he was injured. Since getting caught for cheating by not listing an injured player on the report, BB has listed Brady on the report each week..mainly for a "shoulder". Recent years may be different.

I read where the Jets got the gunner idea from watching the Pats. Just what I read.

The substitutions were devised to take advantage of the procedures that are in place to make the NFL a watchable product (that benefit all owners and players)..meaning...the officials do not stop the flow of the game to announce to the fans who is eligible. Too quick for the defense to react. What BB did was not much different than devising a scheme to defraud the other members of your association who have all agreed on the procedures as a means of business practice.

If you want to use another analogy..its like a union worker who chooses to work outside of the procedures that are established by all union members, which are established to benefit every union member. If I were the other union members (or an owner in this case), I'd be po'd at my colleague...not for making more money than me, but for disrespecting the practices we all agreed to establish for the benefit of us all. Yes...that's a big deal.

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I can't wait for this weekend to be behind us.  


I am so tired of all the circular arguments, theories, and conspiracy theories.  


At first I said I wasn't going to watch the game, but I have had a change of heart...  I will watch and I will be rooting for the Officials :ref:  :flag: to have a good game with NO :drama:  drama for everyone's sake.

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Playing with underinflated footballs

Concealing who is eligible (by knowing the refs won't take the time to sort it out)

From what I read, bunching up coaches and players on the sidelines to interfere with the gunner who gets run OB on punts and kickoffs.


Willie McGinest faking an injury to stop the clock and allow the defense to rest when the colts are driving. (knowing that the refs don't prove that a player is injured before they stop the clock)

BB constantly listing Brady on the injury report out of spite for getting punished for not doing it once ten years ago,...thereby mocking the rule enforcers.

A fan base that enables this behavior by their team does not deserve a franchise. I guess you could say that Boston/Providence are not "real" NFL cities.

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What does that refer to? Is that relevant? I'm just wondering if it includes things like fines for owners who break local driving laws, that have nothing to do with the product on the field.

If you follow...my argument is not about rule infractions...its about the pattern to constantly breach the protocols you agreed to abide by that are designed to help you and your business colleagues produce a watchable show. Taking advantage of the protocols designed to fit a game into a 3 hour window. IOW, the refs can't stop the game to sort out all eligibility...so just move every player around then hurry up to snap the ball because we know the refs have established a pattern to just give a token announcement.

There are no rules governing that. Its procedural, so those breaches would not show up as illegalities. But I'm sure 31 owners have probably taken notice.

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the protocol said a gauge must be used. Blandino said protocol was followed. So where is it you are having a hard time figuring that out



Whadda ya mean ? This is very confusing ... look up gauge in the dictionary man. You'l  see ... oh my aching coulee

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Blandino stated yesterday in the press conference that the balls weren't checked with gauges .

So... Yeah. Great job , NFL.



Yes, I honestly think that the refs squeeze the balls, say "Feel about right", and move on to the game.

But Blue is right, there is a method; I just don't think that it's been followed. Just like driving : virtually no one follows every rule of the road.

Using gauges or not, I just wanna rename Deflate Gate the "Loving, Touching, Squeezing" Scandal for comic relief purposes. Cue the Journey song...I know; I know. I have a twisted sense of humor VL. Guilty as charged.  ;)


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"This is apparently a well known fact in the NFL. The refs touch it, squeeze it, approve the balls, & then it's done [the psi test]."


This Boston radio personality doesn't seem to realize that the word apparently is not the same thing as conclusively. 


"The Colts were aware that balls PSI was going to be tested so they kept their balls properly inflated."


Excuse me? What the hades do you mean INDY passed the PSI test in advance? Have we ever failed this pressure test before? Absolutely not. Don't throw around weak allegations Boston host because NE got busted on their own genius. Grow up you mental midget.  


1st the refs failed, then the ball boy dropped the ball, & now the Patriots are completely innocent. This Boston dude has blinders on when it comes to his precious Patriots. Jesus man, get a grip. This man is in complete denial. 


That radio on air dialog exchange was so delusional it was hysterical. That guy can't handle NE being accused of any wrong doing whatsoever. Ask him about Aaron Hernandez too. According to that fool, he'd probably say Aaron was framed for murder too.  haha

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Considering we've been talking balls all week, I am sure there is a joke in there that would get me banned. :)

I really almost did put something to that effect lol. It's hard not to when the story surrounds ball boys, his sack of (foot)balls, and for whatever reason, virulidant and monty's squeeze test.
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At this point, for anyone to sit back and definitively say that they know for a fact the Pats are guilty, are just lying to themselves, and delusional.




But the problem is that they want to believe that its true, so they've convinced themselves that it is from the moment they saw the first headline of the first article.  No amount of evidence, press releases or anything can ever convince them otherwise.  It gave them the excuse and the ammunition to feel good about their loss and try to ruin the enjoyment of the success the Patriots are having from their fans.


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ROFL at "all those transgressions". What an absolute load of garbage.

I'll spot you Spygate, which most here still don't understand; what other transgressions are you inventing?


There are none.. but they keep citing "multiple transgressions" and never actually define what they are..  Its intentionally being done as defamation of character, they just keep repeating it over and over again because they want to believe its true.  Sort of like when someone is accused of rape or something, even if they're 100% innocent, after people keep mentioning their name in the same sentence as rapist, etc.. it does its damage over time as far as public opinion


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There are none.. but they keep citing "multiple transgressions" and never actually define what they are..  Its intentionally being done as defamation of character, they just keep repeating it over and over again because they want to believe its true.  Sort of like when someone is accused of rape or something, even if they're 100% innocent, after people keep mentioning their name in the same sentence as rapist, etc.. it does its damage over time as far as public opinion



Gosh if you guys are so insulted and despondent , why not go look for a NE board . I bet you both would be far better accepted there.

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Yea there have been a few people that have completely squashed Warren Sharp's "data analysis".  He was purposely trying to paint a picture to support his view point by manipulating the data to give the results that he wanted.


This has been proven by more than just Drew Fustin, but Drew does an amazing job at completely debunking it in this article you posted.]

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But the problem is that they want to believe that its true, so they've convinced themselves that it is from the moment they saw the first headline of the first article.  No amount of evidence, press releases or anything can ever convince them otherwise.  It gave them the excuse and the ammunition to feel good about their loss and try to ruin the enjoyment of the success the Patriots are having from their fans.




HA HA HA HA... aww man . That's too much . Honest to God... you have me sitting here laughing into the computer. We Colts fans are "ruining the enjoyment of the success the Patriots are having from their fans.' Oh my God ... what a mouthful of poop that is . My God strike me dead , I can't stop laughing. If anyone can make sense out of that one .. let me in on it.


POST OF THE YEAR .. no doubt about that. The rest is almost as ridiculous. Where is all this evidence that proves they did nothing wrong ? The findings of the investigations haven't been released yet. Too much man.....

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Playing with underinflated footballs


There is no substantiated evidence that proves they intentionally did anything with footballs to undermine the rules that are in place.  There is an active, ongoing investigation right now so this can't be used as a "transgression" until its been proven they were guilty of said transgression.



Concealing who is eligible (by knowing the refs won't take the time to sort it out)


lol!  This isn't a transgression of cheating by any stretch of the imagination.  They played within the rules which has been confirmed by the NFL SEVERAL times.  Its not a transgression, its just a whiny team that got beat and has to complain about something like the Ravens do every single year when they lose.


So this one gets crossed off your list



From what I read, bunching up coaches and players on the sidelines to interfere with the gunner who gets run OB on punts and kickoffs.


lol what!!?!?!?!


Show me ONE article that suggests the Patriots have done this...  Your hatred is blinding you so much that you're now blaming the Patriots for OTHER TEAM'S transgressions lol.   The Jets were caught doing this by making a wall along the sideline to mess with the gunner, the Steelers HC Tomlin was fined for running ONTO THE FIELD to get in the way of a punt returner, forcing him to have to go back towards the middle of the field and he got tackled because of it.  The Jets or Dolphins actually TRIPPED a guy on a return team...


but the Patriots have never been accused or caught doing anything like this, so you're literally just making things up to make your "list" look longer.


Cross this one right off as well.






So you have 1 thing on your list so far.



Willie McGinest faking an injury to stop the clock and allow the defense to rest when the colts are driving. (knowing that the refs don't prove that a player is injured before they stop the clock)


oh noes!  No player has EVER had an injury or pulled muscle in a game, or stayed down on the field to slow an offense down before!  Those dirty patriots!


McGinest had to sit out 1 play per the rule, he came back in and that was that..  This isn't a "transgression", this is your SPECULATION at best because they weren't penalized, fined or anything for this..


I also find it ironic that Tony Dungy just said less than a week ago that he would have someone fake an injury to stop an offense that was using formations they weren't familiar with in a quick offensive attack..   SAY IT ISNT SO DUNGY, SAY IT ISNT SO!!!


Cross another one off the list



BB constantly listing Brady on the injury report out of spite for getting punished for not doing it once ten years ago,...thereby mocking the rule enforcers.




Thats not a transgression either.. Much like a baseball player, QBs get sore shoulders after a game, especially if they throw it 50+ times... BB got fined a long time ago for not reporting something on his injury report, so now every single little bump and bruise a player has will be listed as a full participant, probable to play injury..


This is just your sour grapes, this isn't a transgression becasue again.. no penalty, no fine, no anything from the league on this.


Cross another off your list.





A fan base that enables this behavior by their team does not deserve a franchise. I guess you could say that Boston/Providence are not "real" NFL cities.


And again this is just your sour grapes..  Boston is an historic city for sports.. thats why they have the nick name "Title Town". 






So there you have it.. your "list" of transgressions amounts to 1 single infraction that happened 7 years ago.


Case closed.

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Playing with underinflated footballs

Concealing who is eligible (by knowing the refs won't take the time to sort it out)

From what I read, bunching up coaches and players on the sidelines to interfere with the gunner who gets run OB on punts and kickoffs.


Willie McGinest faking an injury to stop the clock and allow the defense to rest when the colts are driving. (knowing that the refs don't prove that a player is injured before they stop the clock)

BB constantly listing Brady on the injury report out of spite for getting punished for not doing it once ten years ago,...thereby mocking the rule enforcers.

A fan base that enables this behavior by their team does not deserve a franchise. I guess you could say that Boston/Providence are not "real" NFL cities.




Ouch!  So I guess if you were to use transgressions that were so bad they warranted a fine, you could say that the Colts are the biggest cheaters in the league going by this list.

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HA HA HA HA... aww man . That's too much . Honest to God... you have me sitting here laughing into the computer. We Colts fans are "ruining the enjoyment of the success the Patriots are having from their fans.' Oh my God ... what a mouthful of poop that is . My God strike me dead , I can't stop laughing. If anyone can make sense out of that one .. let me in on it.


POST OF THE YEAR .. no doubt about that. The rest is almost as ridiculous. Where is all this evidence that proves they did nothing wrong ? The findings of the investigations haven't been released yet. Too much man.....


Not sure why thats so amusing to you, thats literally what a good chunk of posters here have been doing over the last 2 weeks.  Just endlessly spending energy trying to wipe out the 15 years of Patriots success as if it doesn't exist, and attack Pats fans, even the couple Pats fans that are really level headed and chill people here.. calling their team, their QB, their coach and their owner cheaters, despicable human beings, etc... some have gone to even more extremes, saying the FANS are classless, arrogant, stupid, delusional, etc etc etc.. even suggesting they dont deserve to have a sports team..


Its been very personal around here the last 2 weeks and the agenda for quite a few Colts fan posters here has been to completely discredit an entire franchise and their fans. 

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Not sure why thats so amusing to you, thats literally what a good chunk of posters here have been doing over the last 2 weeks.  Just endlessly spending energy trying to wipe out the 15 years of Patriots success as if it doesn't exist, and attack Pats fans, even the couple Pats fans that are really level headed and chill people here.. calling their team, their QB, their coach and their owner cheaters, despicable human beings, etc... some have gone to even more extremes, saying the FANS are classless, arrogant, stupid, delusional, etc etc etc.. even suggesting they dont deserve to have a sports team..


Its been very personal around here the last 2 weeks and the agenda for quite a few Colts fan posters here has been to completely discredit an entire franchise and their fans. 



You have to take it with a grain os salt. The Pats belong in the SB and should get big time credit if they win it. It's kind of like when 3-4 Pat fans jumped into that Luck Dawson comparison and said it was legitimate. No doubt that was done to irritate Colt fans. Some of what you are talking about is similar. Comes with the territory I think.

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Its been very personal around here the last 2 weeks and the agenda for quite a few Colts fan posters here has been to completely discredit an entire franchise and their fans.

Nope, the Patriots have managed to do that to themselves.

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Not sure why thats so amusing to you, thats literally what a good chunk of posters here have been doing over the last 2 weeks. Just endlessly spending energy trying to wipe out the 15 years of Patriots success as if it doesn't exist, and attack Pats fans, even the couple Pats fans that are really level headed and chill people here.. calling their team, their QB, their coach and their owner cheaters, despicable human beings, etc... some have gone to even more extremes, saying the FANS are classless, arrogant, stupid, delusional, etc etc etc.. even suggesting they dont deserve to have a sports team..

Its been very personal around here the last 2 weeks and the agenda for quite a few Colts fan posters here has been to completely discredit an entire franchise and their fans.

yet, you keep coming back

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Not sure why thats so amusing to you, thats literally what a good chunk of posters here have been doing over the last 2 weeks.  Just endlessly spending energy trying to wipe out the 15 years of Patriots success as if it doesn't exist, and attack Pats fans, even the couple Pats fans that are really level headed and chill people here.. calling their team, their QB, their coach and their owner cheaters, despicable human beings, etc... some have gone to even more extremes, saying the FANS are classless, arrogant, stupid, delusional, etc etc etc.. even suggesting they dont deserve to have a sports team..


Its been very personal around here the last 2 weeks and the agenda for quite a few Colts fan posters here has been to completely discredit an entire franchise and their fans. 



Oh and BTW .. can I ask you of what you think of the nasty texts and emails Kravitz has received for pretty much saying what is below. That's OK ? Or are there as many "lame Pat fans " out ether as you claim there are Colts fans.





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Not sure why thats so amusing to you, thats literally what a good chunk of posters here have been doing over the last 2 weeks. Just endlessly spending energy trying to wipe out the 15 years of Patriots success as if it doesn't exist, and attack Pats fans, even the couple Pats fans that are really level headed and chill people here.. calling their team, their QB, their coach and their owner cheaters, despicable human beings, etc... some have gone to even more extremes, saying the FANS are classless, arrogant, stupid, delusional, etc etc etc.. even suggesting they dont deserve to have a sports team..

Its been very personal around here the last 2 weeks and the agenda for quite a few Colts fan posters here has been to completely discredit an entire franchise and their fans.

Certainly you acknowledge the conduct goes both ways.
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yet, you keep coming back


Why do you keep bringing this up to Pats fans?  I've been posting here since 2001, I participate actively on 3 different NFL forums, one of which is a Patriot forum.  This is the NFL General section of an NFL sanctioned website.. many of us have been discussing football here for a long time and will continue to do so.  I almost never venture into the Colts section of this forum, with the exception of weeks when the Patriots are playing the Colts.


These last couple weeks, some Colts fans have been pretty petty and awful towards not only the Patriots, but their fans as well.  I butt heads with people more often than others, but guys like GoPats and Dynasty are extremely level headed posters and are always very relaxed and chill here, and people were even getting nasty with them.


A sociology major could write their entire dissertation on the human interactions from the last 2 weeks alone.

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Oh and BTW .. can I ask you of what you think of the nasty texts and emails Kravitz has received for pretty much saying what is below. That's OK ? Or are there as many "lame Pat fans " out ether as you claim there are Colts fans.






I don't agree with them doing that, depending on what is said..  but lets not pretend for a second that Kravitz isn't loving every second of this.. Nobody outside of Indianapolis even knew who Bob Kravitz was until after he ran with this deflategate story.. now his name is being mentioned on national news stations and every single article that is being written during the most media driven time of the year.

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I don't agree with them doing that, depending on what is said..  but lets not pretend for a second that Kravitz isn't loving every second of this.. Nobody outside of Indianapolis even knew who Bob Kravitz was until after he ran with this deflategate story.. now his name is being mentioned on national news stations and every single article that is being written during the most media driven time of the year.



So Kravitz shouldn't have reported it ? Just held it under his hat and let Mort of one of those guys great the news ? Huh....

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Why do you keep bringing this up to Pats fans? I've been posting here since 2001, I participate actively on 3 different NFL forums, one of which is a Patriot forum. This is the NFL General section of an NFL sanctioned website.. many of us have been discussing football here for a long time and will continue to do so. I almost never venture into the Colts section of this forum, with the exception of weeks when the Patriots are playing the Colts.

These last couple weeks, some Colts fans have been pretty petty and awful towards not only the Patriots, but their fans as well. I butt heads with people more often than others, but guys like GoPats and Dynasty are extremely level headed posters and are always very relaxed and chill here, and people were even getting nasty with them.

A sociology major could write their entire dissertation on the human interactions from the last 2 weeks alone.

my point is you whine about colts fans "ruining" your experience yet you keep coming back. What could a sociology major write about that

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and now the reports are that the one ball the Colts intercepted was 2 lbs under, 1 was regulation, and the other ten were "just a tick" under 12.5....not 2 lbs as reported by Mortensen. What a disgrace the national reaction to this non-story has been.



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and now the reports are that the one ball the Colts intercepted was 2 lbs under, 1 was regulation, and the other ten were "just a tick" under 12.5....not 2 lbs as reported by Mortensen. What a disgrace the national reaction to this non-story has been.


False, one was 2 lbs, several were 1 lb, several were still below, and 1 was fine. You can keep searching for excuses though.

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Watching the pre-game stuff.   Al Michaels, Chris Collingsworth and Bob Costas and their interviews with Brady.


Someone should tell Tom to quit talking.... he just appears to make things worse for himself.   Well, that is my opinion, and seemed to be the general opinion of the 3 above too.  :dunno:

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