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I believe we will win


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Not neccesarily, Dan Marino, Jim Kelly, Warren Moon all HOFers never won a SB and widely are considered great QBs, on the flip side Trent flipping Dilfer won a SB. Do I think it is Lucks time yet, no under no circumstances does Luck have to win a SB to be on the same level, it would merely help.

Isn't it funny how everyone forgets Marino when talking about great QBs.

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Not neccesarily, Dan Marino, Jim Kelly, Warren Moon all HOFers never won a SB and widely are considered great QBs, on the flip side Trent flipping Dilfer won a SB. Do I think it is Lucks time yet, no under no circumstances does Luck have to win a SB to be on the same level, it would merely help.


I just said tho that luck is a great QB. I never said you have to win a SB to be considered great. I said he had to win a SB to be mentioned in the same sentence as brady and rodgers. You are entitled to your opinion tho, but most non colts fans would disagree. Plus I'm not basing it merely on SB's. Brady and rodgers have the numbers AND the sb's. Luck just has the numbers. 

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I miss Tubaguy. He gave me my first infraction ever on these forums. Ahhhhh....good times. He's a good dude, wonder why he doesn't post here anymore? 


I'll chat with him every now and then on Twitter. From what I get, he's just burnt out. He spent a lot of time on this forum. When I was a STH he sat two sections over from me. Great guy!

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I miss Tubaguy. He gave me my first infraction ever on these forums. Ahhhhh....good times. He's a good dude, wonder why he doesn't post here anymore?

Pppffftt Ken what could you have possibly done to get an infraction? By the way I am posting this post with my voice, pretty cool stuff got to love technology.

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Ok, so maybe it is just wishful thinking, but I now believe we have a good chance of winning this game. Earlier in the week, I didn't think we could. Until I started breaking down a few things. These are mostly my opinion, obviously, but...

1) The Colts are a much different and better team then the first time we played. Better offensive line play, Boom Herron adding a lot to the running attack, Jones adding to the defense, and Luck willing to drop off a ball to a checkdown.

2) The Patriots may not be the awesome team the media makes them out to be. The Jets manhandled them save for having no offense. I know they had some players out against Buffalo, but they got handled. Baltimore went right through them most of the time. This is not an overpowering team. They are good, don't get me wrong.

3) The "bad" Colts, even with no running attack, bad oline, and receivers limited, were within 7 into the 4th quarter.

4) I think the Colts have the momentum. The Colts remind me of the push they had in 2006. A bunch of guys really outworking everyone to win.

5) I believe we can run on them enough to keep them honest.

6) I believe we will actually be more physical then them, much like 2006. We are not a finesse team.

My prediction:

Colts 37 Pats 34

Ok the jets,KC and Baltimore are POWER running teams they gave the pats fits all year! The COLTS ARE NOT!

Also the Ravens are just a bad match up for the Pats have been for years! So using what flaccid did as a marker may be fools gold. Also the pats came out real flat! I wouldn't expect or hope for that for victory.

The colts chances rely on Luxk arm.

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Ok, so maybe it is just wishful thinking, but I now believe we  have a good chance of winning this game.  Earlier in the week, I didn't think we could. Until I started breaking down a few things.  These are mostly my opinion, obviously, but...
1) The Colts are a much different and better team then the first time we played.  Better offensive line play, Boom Herron adding a lot to the running attack, Jones adding to the defense, and Luck willing to drop off a ball to a checkdown.
2) The Patriots may not be the awesome team the media makes them out to be.  The Jets manhandled them save for having no offense.  I know they had some players out against Buffalo, but they got handled.  Baltimore went right through them most of the time.  This is not an overpowering team.  They are good, don't get me wrong.
3) The "bad" Colts, even with no running attack, bad oline, and receivers limited, were within 7 into the 4th quarter.
4) I think the Colts have the momentum.  The Colts remind me of the push they had in 2006.  A bunch of guys really outworking everyone to win.
5) I believe we can run on them enough to keep them honest.
6) I believe we will actually be more physical then them, much like 2006.  We are not a finesse team.
My prediction:
Colts 37 Pats 34





We can even throw in the game they had vs. the Chargers who had a shaky O line, no running backs, and less talent than we have on defense and they took the Pats all the way into the 4th quarter before New England pulled that one out.  Like you said they have a good team, but they are not Superhuman.

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Ok the jets,KC and Baltimore are POWER running teams they gave the pats fits all year! The COLTS ARE NOT!

Also the Ravens are just a bad match up for the Pats have been for years! So using what flaccid did as a marker may be fools gold. Also the pats came out real flat! I wouldn't expect or hope for that for victory.

The colts chances rely on Luxk arm.



The Chargers may be a closer comparison and the Pats took the entire game to knock them off.  They had no running game, and a defense in my opinion that is not as good as Indy.

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No team can play perfect football!!! Perfection is impossible. And 1 turnover will not completely blow the Colts chances. It could make it mire difficult depending on what the Pats do with the turnover. I think you're trying really hard to put the Patriots on whole other level like they are invincible and playing so outstandingly well. They are a great team indeed with Brady coach Bill. But if the Colts come out and play like we have been, you can bet this game will be close. And the Colts will have a shot to win. The Pats are Faaaaar from invincible. And overall they are not a whole lot better than the Colts. I also don't believe they are playing better than the Colts but we'll see. Should be a good game between two Solid teams.


I never said the Pats were invincible, but they are, IMO, on a different level than the Colts. Their records speak for themselves one team is 2-5 against teams with a winning record (outside their division) and the other is 5-2. The Colts are still the same team that lost 42-7 in a meaningful week 16 game against the Cowboys. At the end of the day the Colts are a team on the verge of owning the AFC, but they need a few more pieces especially on defense. 


I don't see how the Colts cover everyone. Vontae is excellent, seems like he has his head on straight now. Toler is a solid #2 (Assuming they are both healthy and not limited by injury). But after that it drops off significantly.


I will take Edelman against Butler in the slot all day long. Amendola has had a nice stretch to end the season that has carried into the playoffs and I don't recall seeing Toler or Vontae covering the slot much if at all this season, if that is the case, that means Lafell and Amendola will be covered by Vontae and Toler the majority of the time.


Then you still have Vereen out of the backfield which is a mismatch for most LB's, he forces most teams to go into a nickel or dime, which lightens the box. Honestly with your smaller backers that might not be the case tomorrow. And last but not least Gronk. Landry is not going to cover Gronk, the Colts LB's are damn near the same size as Landry, Freeman is good (I like that kid) but he is too small to cover him. So it will be a bracket coverage like it was the last time, which leaves most of the Colts DB's one on one with no safety help or you play zone which Brady typically chews up.


How do you feel the Colts should cover the Pats receivers?

Edited by 21isSuperman
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The Chargers may be a closer comparison and the Pats took the entire game to knock them off.  They had no running game, and a defense in my opinion that is not as good as Indy.


That was the bookend of a stretch of 5 games that went like this: Denver, @Indy, Detroit, @Green Bay, @ San Diego. That is as a tough a stretch of games as any in the league and the Pats went 4-1 dropping a close game at GB.


I guess this is the last post of the day for me. I don't get these rules it says I need two more approved posts but can only post 1 more today which would make two for the day.


I doubt I will be here tomorrow, nerves and all. Here is a to a good game and hope every one leaves the game healthy. The weather looks like crap. Crappier than usual I would take snow over rain if I were going to the game and I'm sure the players would as well.

Edited by 21isSuperman
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The Colts will win and here is why. (1.)Look at the RB`s in no particular order they've faced since that Patriots game. Alfred Morris, Arian Foster, DeMarco Murry, Jeremy Hill, CJ Anderson, etc.. all better than the Pats RB`s and they shut them down. Art Jones is an unsung hero for this team.(2.) In the first meeting they double teamed TY Hilton with a safety and #3 CB. That left their #1 (Revis) and #2 (whats his name)CB`s to cover one on one Reggie and Nicks. They wont be able to do that or have as much success if they try now. Nicks is healthy and gained rapport with Luck, which he wasn't then and playing at a higher level now. Reggie is banged up but still..then you have the emergence of Moncrief, another "take the top off the defense" WR. (3)Throw in 3 very good TE`s. (4)Luck now has the ability to check down his throws if theres nothing there, something he`s never done and now is really improved on.(5) A legitimate run game, more than adequate enough to keep a defense "honest". I listened to the Indy Star sports writer Doyle talk all about this and it makes sense. The biggest thing that he said that stuck out..We all know one day Andrew Luck will beat the Patriots, he`s already better than he was to start this year. It could be tomorrow, it could be 3 years from now, but it will happen. And he`s a lot closer IMO than most people outside of blue nation think 

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New England is a much better team across the board ... if you think other wise you might want to put that crack pipe down.. and I mean seriously.. Secondly, if you think New England will overlook you guys then again, put the crack pipe down.

I don't think NE will overlook us just like the Bronco's didn't they just got beat.


Really that is the best you can do to support your opinion is talk about crack pipes aren't you the intellectual one. We will see come Sunday now back under the bridge troll.

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The first time I saw Brady, I predicted he would one day model w/o his shirt and holding a baby lamb.  I was right.  The first time I saw Bellichik, I predicted he would cheat and be reprimanded by the league.  I was right.  The first time I saw Luck, I predicted he would grow a neckbeard and win a Super Bowl by the year 2015...Luck has the neckbeard, so that means.......

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No they're not.


Specials Teams: Colts (2 Pro Bowlers)

CB's/Safety's: Even

RB's: Even

WR's: Colts

QB: Brady (I say this because of Brady's post-season experience)

LB's: Patriots

Offensive Line: (Regular season I would say Patriots but now I say Colts given how both have played in the playoffs.)

Defensive Line: Patriots


So no, the Patriots are not better across the board. Better pick that crack pipe back up.

you forgot the TEs  And the 3rd down back but overall good assessment.

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I believe that the Pats are "ripe for the picking".  What?  Too soon?  ;)


On a side note:  If you ever find yourself down in Marco Island, Fl, go eat at a small restaurant called Vandy's.  It's owned by a certain ex Colt kicker...can't remember his name but you will see him working g there; painting walls, taking people's orders....  I haven't been there yet but a friend has, I will stop in next time we are there on vacation.

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