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Reggie Wayne has Torn Tricep


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I was there, last year, at LOS screaming when we came from behind to beat KC, after an awful first half of football.

But the joy was short-lived after the debacle up in NE.

Perhaps we still would have lost, but to be humiliated? Pagano has to be held at least pertly responsible.


So Luck locking in his first throw of the game, that is on Pagano?


Or when Landry whiffed on Blount's long TD run, that is on Pagano too?


Humiliated?  Seriously - they lost a freaking game to a pretty good coach, QB and team overall.  Somehow I fail to see humiliation.

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I'd say let the doctors and coaches do their thing. They have much more information than us Internet doctors.

I will be the first to admit that I did not go to medical school.

But it should also be plain to see that Reggie isn't physically able to contribute. He is dropping balls that he should not be. You use your arms to catch, and if your arm is injured....

Again, no medical professional here, I'm also not an NFL coach, but in this case, I don't think I need to be. I'm not an * because I don't work on 56th street.

Which is basically what the whole "you're not a coach and you don't know what you're talking about" argument is saying, and why this place sees a little less activity all the time.

It's plain to be seen it's a serious problem. It is what it is.

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I will be the first to admit that I did not go to medical school.

But it should also be plain to see that Reggie isn't physically able to contribute. He is dropping balls that he should not be. You use your arms to catch, and if your arm is injured....

Again, no medical professional here, I'm also not an NFL coach, but in this case, I don't think I need to be. I'm not an * because I don't work on 56th street.

Which is basically what the whole "you're not a coach and you don't know what you're talking about" argument is saying, and why this place sees a little less activity all the time.

It's plain to be seen it's a serious problem. It is what it is.

thats not what I said at all you read a lot into one line.
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thats not what I said at all you read a lot into one line.

I'm not singling you out, I'm just making a general statement. There are a ton of people here over the last year and a half who have flown the "you're not a coach therefore you are an * for having an opinion flag".

I think that the win streaks mean a lot to Reggie. I think the coaches (as well as the players) admire his toughness to play through. They respect his will to. Everyone should. What Reggie is doing is, in my opinion, one of the biggest acts of team commitment the NFL has ever seen.

But at some point, we can't keep ignoring the elephant in the room, especially when it's growing at an alarming rate. Reggie is, for all intents and purposes, done. There's nothing left in the tank.

Now that it's been publicly confirmed that he has a torn tricep, the Texans would be FOOLISH not to single cover him all game and divert doubles to Hilton or the tight ends.

Now the fact that we are so deadest on keeping Reggie out there is straining our offense.

I know Reggie wants nothing more than to ride into the sunset on a white horse as the hero with a storybook ending.

But it just can't happen.

I think it is a serious mistake to keep him out there, and not just from a strategical standpoint.

What if Reggie the damage to his arm becomes irreversible, or permanent damage is done because he's trying to stay out there?

At some point it's just not worth it anymore. For the team, for Reggie, and for the fans. Yesterday was that point. Looking back on Reggie's last month has been rough. There's no shame in phoning it in right now. IR him and let him hang around. Let him stay with the team until the end.

But keeping him out there... I just don't get it. Why? Moncrief has shown well. Whalen can contribute. Fleener is finally playing with consistency. Those guys could easily replace the production of Reggie over the last month, and even be less of a liability out there.

There's just nothing about it that makes sense, other than pride and respect. Maybe Reggie gets the record of most wins as a Colt and then they IR him. I dunno. But in all honesty, I think it would be a terrible call by this coaching staff to put Reggie on the field in a playoff game.

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Ladies and gentlemen.... After this week I'm afraid we have most likely had seen the last of Reggie Wayne playing in a Colts uniform.

It had to come at some point but It stinks that it will be this way.

IMO Reggie will start this week and play so he can get the record for most game played as a Colt then they will shut him down.

We love Reggie!!!!

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It's so funny to read everyone's "un-professional" opinion on what they should do...what may happen...etc.


I'm just sticking to the facts. The fact is Reggie is one of the best to ever play...he still is better than a lot of players on the field today. Injuries effect all players no question about it...and you can tell he is being effected here. However, I'll go ahead and let Reggie Wayne decide when Reggie Wayne is done. Until then...I'll always be so frickin happy he re-signed in a Colts uniform when most everyone thought he'd be long gone years ago and I get to still see him in that Colts uni until he tells us otherwise.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - trolling
Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - trolling

Examples of him being out coached? I happen to think the patriots have a far better roster. It isn't close really

Totally disagree, Patriots have the advantage!

Every time we play NE we get out coached

Chuck is soft, even more so no that he's had cancer
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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post
Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post

Totally disagree, Patriots have the advantage!Chuck is soft, even more so no that he's had cancer

so please tell me about your relationship with him before and after cancer. I feel a jskinnz response coming to this incredible nonsense

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post
Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post

Totally disagree, Patriots have the advantage!Chuck is soft, even more so no that he's had cancer


Oh,  the magnificent irony of a person calling himself "The Shrink" making this observation of a person, who, outside of watching some video clips,  he doesn't know and has never met.    Not sure irony gets any thicker than that.


Oh, and did you happen to notice that when JVan said the Patriots have a better roster,  your response was to tell you that you totally disagreed with him, and that the Pats had the advantage.


Don't suppose you noticed either the contradiction,  or at least,  the complete confusion.


For a new member,  you've jumped into the deep end with quite the splash!!       :facepalm:


Just waiting for our friend JSkinnz to come along and chime in.....    hopefully, in 3....  2.....   1......

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Reggie Wayne is my favorite colt of all time... but at this point he's a waste of space on the field. I'm not even sure the defense needs their 2nd corner to cover him. He doesn't get separation anymore and with this injury, he can't catch the ball. There's no point in knowing exactly what the defense is doing if you don't have the body to take advantage of it. I hope he proves me wrong and makes this post look stupid but I have little to no expectations. 

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I'm not singling you out, I'm just making a general statement. There are a ton of people here over the last year and a half who have flown the "you're not a coach therefore you are an * for having an opinion flag".

I think that the win streaks mean a lot to Reggie. I think the coaches (as well as the players) admire his toughness to play through. They respect his will to. Everyone should. What Reggie is doing is, in my opinion, one of the biggest acts of team commitment the NFL has ever seen.

But at some point, we can't keep ignoring the elephant in the room, especially when it's growing at an alarming rate. Reggie is, for all intents and purposes, done. There's nothing left in the tank.

Now that it's been publicly confirmed that he has a torn tricep, the Texans would be FOOLISH not to single cover him all game and divert doubles to Hilton or the tight ends.

Now the fact that we are so deadest on keeping Reggie out there is straining our offense.

I know Reggie wants nothing more than to ride into the sunset on a white horse as the hero with a storybook ending.

But it just can't happen.

I think it is a serious mistake to keep him out there, and not just from a strategical standpoint.

What if Reggie the damage to his arm becomes irreversible, or permanent damage is done because he's trying to stay out there?

At some point it's just not worth it anymore. For the team, for Reggie, and for the fans. Yesterday was that point. Looking back on Reggie's last month has been rough. There's no shame in phoning it in right now. IR him and let him hang around. Let him stay with the team until the end.

But keeping him out there... I just don't get it. Why? Moncrief has shown well. Whalen can contribute. Fleener is finally playing with consistency. Those guys could easily replace the production of Reggie over the last month, and even be less of a liability out there.

There's just nothing about it that makes sense, other than pride and respect. Maybe Reggie gets the record of most wins as a Colt and then they IR him. I dunno. But in all honesty, I think it would be a terrible call by this coaching staff to put Reggie on the field in a playoff game.

I made my post because I saw all kinds of people jumping on here and saying oh if Reggie really has this injury there is no way in the world he can play or something to that effect. I was pointing out just because this is news to us doesn't mean it's news to the Colts and that they probably have way more information about it than we do so maybe we should trust the coaches and doctors to act on what they know rather than just assuming we some how know more than them and saying he must be IRed and there is zero chance he can play with this. I'd say there is little to no chance that injury happened in the Browns game, it probably happened in the Bengals game so the idea he can't play with it at all is clearly false right off the bat.

Now I would agree the injury is very clearly have impact on his production. I don't think it's just coincidence you are seeing Moncrief and Fleener becoming bigger factors in our passing game the past couple of weeks. You've also seen a shift with Luck looking Hilton's way first before Reggie's. The Colts clearly know Reggie is hurt and are reducing his role in the offense which is the right thing to do. However, just because Reggie might not be putting up the numbers he was when healthy doesn't mean Reggie doesn't still have something to offer. He is still extremely good at blocking down the field and running rub plays, frankly TY probably doesn't get open for the game winning TD without him. Also, injured or not when he's out there you still have to account for him which helps get other guys open. When you have a future Hall of Fame WR who can be your fourth option on passing plays that's a wonderful thing to have even if he's a shell of what he used to be.

Normally you shut a guy down because you are fearful of him doing further injury to an injury. It could be they can't make it worse for Reggie and it could also be Reggie knows this is it and isn't worried about the injury getting worse. I think Reggie has all but flat out said this is going to be his last year in the NFL and doesn't want his career ended by injury. The man is one game away from setting the club record for most games played as a Colt and one win away from setting the club record for most wins by individual player. After everything he has done for this team if he can still contribute on some level and wants to get those records with just three games to go in the season you let the man play. I know players say those marks don't matter but we know that's a lie and that those things do mean something to players. Yes, adjust his role in the offense, I think the fact his three catches in a game streak is now over will help with that and I still think he has something to offer this team even if it's not at the level we are used to from Reggie Wayne.

While it's more than fine to have an opinion and it's very clear Reggie isn't 100% the doctors and coaches have more information than us when it comes to this that they use to factor into their decision making so I would avoid saying things like there is no way he can play or he must go to IR no question because I don't think those things are true. I can fully understand the people who just say hey I don't think it's wise to play him. However, the absolute talk that some have put in this thread I just don't think is true and I don't think it can be true because we just don't have the information that those making the decisions do. That's what I was getting at.

I will also say Reggie knows he did not play well Sunday and that his play was not acceptable. He's also smart enough to know his coach is putting his neck out there a little bit to let him keep playing. If there is one guy on this team that deserves a chance to see how he responds to that injuried or not it's Reggie Wayne.

I think it's safe to say wherever you fall on should Reggie player or not we all love Reggie and are grateful he was a Colts. There is a good chance this Sunday will be one of his last two home games (counting playoffs) and perhaps even his last. I would encourage anyone who goes to the game to salute him the way he should be saluted for a wonderful career as he passes Peyton Manning on the all time games played record and hopefully the wins mark and not get caught up in worrying about if he should be out there or not. Odds are this will be one of the if not the last time you see one of the all-time Colt greats if not NFL greats at WR take the field at home, enjoy it. That's my advice.

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Every time we play NE we get out coached


Not to hop on the negativity train, but we also get out coached by many other teams. We were out coached Sunday too. We only won because Hoyer is a horrific QB, and Browns left way too many plays on offense and our offense got more chances than they deserved. I'm not gonna complain though, I'll take it and run with it. It's a shame how bad we actually are though, I was hoping we could get hot if we make the postseason... but we lack depth at most position and our coaching staff is lame and predictable. If we didn't have Luck, Pagano would be at risk of losing his job. 


All I am saying is that...

I think Pagano (and the entire coaching staff for that matter) is one of our biggest weaknesses.


You can say that I am "off topic" with this being the Reggie Wayne posting...


But the relevance is that Pagano had to open his mouth, that the reason for Wayne's poor play is injury related.

Reggie didn't use that excuse.

For weeks triceps was never mentioned.

And if it's torn, it is not noticeable.

Granted Wayne does not look the same. He looks slower and less physical . But when you watch him play, he doesn't seem to be favoring his arm

He simply dropped a few passes. So out comes the injury news.

And if he's hurt, why wasn't he on the injury report like all the other players on this team, (some who may only have a hangnail)?

Just seems to me Pagano has been bad this year in many regards. On and off the field.


Pagano is a great guy, a players coach. He isn't greay head coach material though. It says a lot that him holding back on that challenge--then challenging the Gordon drop afterwards, are like the best decisions I remember him making here. I wouldn't mind him as a defensive coordinator or a positions coach (somewhere on defense of course). But he lacks what makes most NFL coaches great. We need a coach that would have the grit to bench Richardson.


I really hope it isn't Irsay or Grigson trying to save face for the double bust for the ages. Richardson not only gave Cleveland billboard material, but he was almost a non-factor aside from like 2-3 good runs that a HS running back could make. Cribbs nearly cost us the game, he had one good return but screwed us over more than he helped. Can we stop going after Browns players who clearly are done? Jackson and Adams are good though--exceptions to the rule as they say.


I'd give Pagano maybe a C or a C+ as a grade; and that's being very generous btw. I still feels like we are essentially the same as last year if not slightly worse. Except that Luck, TY, Fleener, and Allen are all improving. Luck is still getting destroyed week in and week out, we still have no run game, we don't have a pass rush when Mathis is out, we are still extremely inconsistent on both sides of the ball, Pep still baffles with his situational playcalling at times, and Richardson is still our starter (this must be a curse).


That said, I will still be hoping for the best come January, but I just don't think we have the pieces to get there.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post
Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post

so please tell me about your relationship with him before and after cancer. I feel a jskinnz response coming to this incredible nonsense


What is wrong with you?


Why cross this line? It's just football...

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i take it you missed a bunch of games in the 80s and 90s. not to mention the 2011 season

Well said Jvan. I ran out of likes. I will give you one for this post tomorrow. 2011 definitely qualifies as a I won't say "humiliating" season, but a very painful one that I wanted to forget as quickly as possible. 

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I was there, last year, at LOS screaming when we came from behind to beat KC, after an awful first half of football.

But the joy was short-lived, a week later, watching the debacle up in NE.

Perhaps we still would have lost, but to be humiliated? Pagano has to be held at least partly responsible for not at even being competitive.

Bill Bellichick out coaches many people every single year. He's a hall of fame coach.

I'm not making excuses, but that's a bad example. And also the pats roster for the most part is better than ours (outside of our wide receivers)

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post
Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post

Chuck is soft, even more so no that he's had cancer

What does that sentence even mean? Cancer makes you stronger or a better coach? So just to clear, you are rooting for a terminal disease in a misguided attempt to evoke toughness & superior game execution. 


It would be laughable if a man's own mortality wasn't being mocked in real life. SMH. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post
Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post

What line did jvan cross? You must not have read the post jvan responded too.

Yes, I agree 100% LIA. Jvan did nothing wrong. As a matter of fact, I must commend him for speaking out & saying something because Coach Pagano deserves to be treated with more respect than that post from The Shrink would indicate. He is entitled to his opinion & I am entitled to disagree with it. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post
Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post

Oh,  the magnificent irony of a person calling himself "The Shrink" making this observation of a person, who, outside of watching some video clips,  he doesn't know and has never met.    Not sure irony gets any thicker than that.


Oh, and did you happen to notice that when JVan said the Patriots have a better roster,  your response was to tell you that you totally disagreed with him, and that the Pats had the advantage.


Don't suppose you noticed either the contradiction,  or at least,  the complete confusion.


For a new member,  you've jumped into the deep end with quite the splash!!       :facepalm:


Just waiting for our friend JSkinnz to come along and chime in.....    hopefully, in 3....  2.....   1......

Another well stated post by NCF highlighting the significance of contradiction or not really digesting another person's original post before replying to it. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes even me from time to time The Shrink. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post
Hidden by Nadine, December 9, 2014 - response to removed post

What is wrong with you?


Why cross this line? It's just football...


What is wrong with JVan?     Seriously?


He was responding to the poster (The Shrink) who claimed Pagano is now soft -- especially after having cancer.   


Don't you think that's the poster you should be calling out?    He's the guy who crossed some line,  not JVan......

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I wouldn't say we need to shut down Reggie completely. We can use him like the Steelers used Hines Ward in his later years, or even Green Bay with Donald Driver. It's pretty much a catch 22 though, because Nicks who was supposed to be the guy if something were to happen to Reggie hasn't done anything this whole season. After TY and Nicks who else is there?

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It's so funny to read everyone's "un-professional" opinion on what they should do...what may happen...etc.

I'm just sticking to the facts. The fact is Reggie is one of the best to ever play...he still is better than a lot of players on the field today. Injuries effect all players no question about it...and you can tell he is being effected here. However, I'll go ahead and let Reggie Wayne decide when Reggie Wayne is done. Until then...I'll always be so frickin happy he re-signed in a Colts uniform when most everyone thought he'd be long gone years ago and I get to still see him in that Colts uni until he tells us otherwise.

I mean.... Isn't that a point of a forum? To inform as well as allow everyone to give their opinions wether they are justified or not? Bravo...Just sayin.

I also agree. I'm sure it is up to Reggie. If it was up to anyone else he most likely would be done by now.

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