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Chuck Pagano


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I think he's very poor. A lot of his playing calling leaves you scratching your head and he never seems to have a plan B (like Sunday night).

He is out-coached thoroughly and often.

I also despise his post-game analysis when the Colts lose;

"We need to play better".

"We need to execute".

"We need to stick to the process".

"Next man up".

"The opposition did a heck of a job".

You could watch one press conference after a loss and just repeat it over and over again after every other loss. I'm surprised the media even bother asking him questions.

The sooner he is out, the better. He can take Manusky and Hamilton with him too.

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I feel like there are a lot of times we are outcoached, if I am being honest. I like they guy, but... I just can't even imagine the success we would have if we had Bill Belichick coaching this team.

I agree. We will still win many games (10-12 games a year) and maybe a super bowl or two. But they will be won because of Luck. Chucks coaching at time leaves much to be desired.

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I'm just curious

Do you believe Chuck is a good/great coach?

I think hes a decent coach, but sometimes he does things that make me shake my head. I'm just curious as to what most of you guys think about him...

Marginal as a head coach...he specializes in being the players friend and cheerleader.

Below average in game preparation and game day management...unable to adjust to in-game situations...lacking in imagination and innovation...manages? the game as though reading from an unchangeable script...incapable of taking this team to the next level.

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I'd say he's a good coach,  and bordering on a very good coach.   But not more than that.


I think he's mostly hamstrung by personnel.    Remember, we're only in the third year of rebuilding a complete tear down.


These things take time,  unfortunately,  far more time than all of us (including Pagano) would like....

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So basically you don't think he's God's gift to the world?

Before anyone starts calling into question another forum members opinion, please take a moment to reflect on the dismal season we had under QB Curtis Painter & HC Jim Caldwell please remember 2011. 


Pagano inherited a train wreck of a franchise with a lot of turnover in it. Be patient please. I like Chuck's gym rat persona & even if you wanna claim that Luck is responsible for his playoff successes so what? News flash people what elite QBs don't make their coaches look good? If you're on staff during winning seasons you get credit for that, that's how the real world works. 


No need to panic here. R-E-L-A-X just like Aaron Rogers QB of the GB Packers said. 

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Before anyone starts calling into question another forum members opinion, please take a moment to reflect on the dismal season we had under QB Curtis Painter & HC Jim Caldwell please remember 2011. 


Pagano inherited a train wreck of a franchise with a lot of turnover in it. Be patient please. I like Chuck's gym rat persona & even if you wanna claim that Luck is responsible for his playoff successes so what? News flash people what elite QBs don't make their coaches look good? If you're on staff during winning seasons you get credit for that, that's how the real world works. 


No need to panic here. R-E-L-A-X just like Aaron Rogers QB of the GB Packers said. 


I wasn't questioning his opinion, I just found it funny that he said Pagano was "very good" but nothing more. Being "very good" is pretty good in my opinion lol


I have to say that it's a complete myth that Pagano inherited a "train wreck" when he took over. That 2012 roster was pretty solid; not even close to worst in the league.

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I wasn't questioning his opinion, I just found it funny that he said Pagano was "very good" but nothing more. Being "very good" is pretty good in my opinion lol


I have to say that it's a complete myth that Pagano inherited a "train wreck" when he took over. That 2012 roster was pretty solid; not even close to worst in the league.

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In what universe? Do you remember all the dead money salaries GM Grigs was cash strapped with his 1st year. Pagano did not have "a solid roster" at all. LOL! 


C'mon man, you cannot say that roster was a "train wreck". Off the top of my head, the Colts had;
























That roster was not a "train wreck" and their record at the end of the year proved it. I don't really get where you're coming from because that 2012 team was far above average.

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I think he's good.  I know Bruce took over the team is first year but it was his mindset that set the stage for that team and then he followed that up with a clear step forward last year with a division championship and playoff win.  I don't think he's a future Hall of Fame Coach but I think there have been far worse coaches in Colts history and there are far worse coaches in the NFL right now. 

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I feel like there are a lot of times we are outcoached, if I am being honest. I like they guy, but... I just can't even imagine the success we would have if we had Bill Belichick coaching this team. 

I've often wondered if there's a Bill Belichick "Lite" out there somewhere who is presently a coordinator on some team.  


I think we get out-coached a lot....maybe in the Philly game or more illustrative in the last two (horrible) losses.  


On another note, I think we need an O-line specialist here.  Teams do it with scrubs and do better than we do.  

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C'mon man, you cannot say that roster was a "train wreck". Off the top of my head, the Colts had;




Luck- A rookie that was tremendous at Stanford but far from a proven commodity. 

Ballard- Very injury prone. Often hurt. 

Brown-Mr. get the ball, barely get touched & fall down you mean? 

Hilton- Home run TD star with incredible speed. 

Allen-Capable TE just started to blossom in 2014.

Wayne-Clutch WR, great route runner, only knock against him father time.

Fleener-BA didn't seem that overly impressed with him initially so I wouldn't call him an asset in 2012 yet. 





Freeman-So, you have a CFL cell phone tracker. Before Grigs invited him to INDY, no one in the US knew who this LB even was. 

Bethea-Pathetic secondary coverage. If he was great, he wouldn't be a 49er right now.

Vaugn-No opinion on him 1 way or another. 

Davis-We still had no idea how he'd adapt to our playbook once INDY picked him up from Miami. So you saw his great potential more power to ya man. 

Mathis-Fantastic pass rusher age is his only knock against him.

Redding-You knew Redding was gonna be so impactful. I sure as hades didn't. 

Butler-If he was so exceptional NE would have found a way to keep him on their squad. 



That roster was not a "train wreck" and their record at the end of the year proved it. I don't really get where you're coming from because that 2012 team was far above average.


Also, I like how you completely ignored my point about salary cap, dead money restrictions in 2012. Does the name LB Gary Brackett ring a bell M-puffs? 


Based on those new rookie pieces in 2012, I wouldn't say that HC Pagano had a spectacular proven roster. And if you disagree, that's fine. Crazy, but fine. 

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I think Pagano deserves credit for leading a rebuilding franchise to back-to-back 11-5 seasons and one playoff victory. But as I watch this season unfold, I wonder if we've seen the best from Pagano. I'm concerned that the team is not improving despite the front office's roster efforts. Perhaps Grigson hasn't given Pagano the right talent. But that wouldn't seem to explain the perceived lack of preparation and inability to adjust to what other teams are doing (e.g. Pats using a 6th o-lineman). Is Pagano capable of improving his performance? If not, and this is as good as it's going to get, then I think Irsay must consider parting ways if a better option is available.

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C'mon man, you cannot say that roster was a "train wreck". Off the top of my head, the Colts had;




Luck- A rookie that was tremendous at Stanford but far from a proven commodity. 

Ballard- Very injury prone. Often hurt. 

Brown-Mr. get the ball, barely get touched & fall down you mean? 

Hilton- Home run TD star with incredible speed. 

Allen-Capable TE just started to blossom in 2014.

Wayne-Clutch WR, great route runner, only knock against him father time.

Fleener-BA didn't seem that overly impressed with him initially so I wouldn't call him an asset in 2012 yet. 





Freeman-So, you have a CFL cell phone tracker. Before Grigs invited him to INDY, no one in the US knew who this LB even was. 

Bethea-Pathetic secondary coverage. If he was great, he wouldn't be a 49er right now.

Vaugn-No opinion on him 1 way or another. 

Davis-We still had no idea how he'd adapt to our playbook once INDY picked him up from Miami. So you saw his great potential more power to ya man. 

Mathis-Fantastic pass rusher age is his only knock against him.

Redding-You knew Redding was gonna be so impactful. I sure as hades didn't. 

Butler-If he was so exceptional NE would have found a way to keep him on their squad. 



That roster was not a "train wreck" and their record at the end of the year proved it. I don't really get where you're coming from because that 2012 team was far above average.



Here's some things you might want to consider;



- Who cares if Luck wasn't proven? He had a very good season in 2012, the fact he was a rookie is pointless.


- Ballard was not injury prone at all during that season, he played every game.


- Brown averaged 3.9 yards per carry. That's very good for a Colts RB.


- Allen was more than "capable" in 2012. 45 receptions and 521 yards shows he played a big role.


- Fleener was a solid second option at tight end as his numbers show.


- The fact Freeman was unknown before the 2012 season means nothing. He played well that year, that's all that matters.


- Bethea was good then and he's playing very well for the Niners now. Better than anything the Colts have currently at the position.


- Butler lead the team with 4 interceptions in 2012. 



Finally, if you think that roster was a "train wreck" it just shows how spoiled Colts fans have been. Go ask a Jags fan about train wreck rosters. Or the Browns, or the Raiders etc.

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Here's some things you might want to consider;

- Who cares if Luck wasn't proven? He had a very good season in 2012, the fact he was a rookie is pointless.

- Ballard was not injury prone at all during that season, he played every game.

- Brown averaged 3.9 yards per carry. That's very good for a Colts RB.

- Allen was more than "capable" in 2012. 45 receptions and 521 yards shows he played a big role.

- Fleener was a solid second option at tight end as his numbers show.

- The fact Freeman was unknown before the 2012 season means nothing. He played well that year, that's all that matters.

- Bethea was good then and he's playing very well for the Niners now. Better than anything the Colts have currently at the position.

- Butler lead the team with 4 interceptions in 2012.

Finally, if you think that roster was a "train wreck" it just shows how spoiled Colts fans have been. Go ask a Jags fan about train wreck rosters. Or the Browns, or the Raiders etc.

You're over hyping the 2012 roster. It wasn't as good as you say it was. Without Luck, the 2012 team wins maybe 4 games, if that.

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You're over hyping the 2012 roster. It wasn't as good as you say it was. Without Luck, the 2012 team wins maybe 4 games, if that.


Nope. Put an average QB in there and you're still getting 7-8 wins.


Secondly, that's a dumb statement to make anyway. Luck was on the roster. Fact. That was not a "train wreck" of a roster. Well above average.


By the way, taking a really good QB out of any team is going to make that team worse, just in case you didn't know that.



As I said to South West, go talk to a Jags or Raiders fan if you want to find out about real train wreck rosters.

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There was definitely some talent on the roster.....I wouldn't call it great, but I wouldn't consider it a train wreck. There was a completely new staff, new system, new culture, and new QB. There were a lot of rookies on that offense; a rookie OC, a rookie HC, and rookie GM.


This team had largely never played with one another. I would have to say that the team probably meshed quicker with Chuck's illness. It really changed the dynamic of the season. I'm not fully confident that the season would have turned out as well as it did without Chuck's situation.


I think all involved did about as well as they could that year.

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Nope. Put an average QB in there and you're still getting 7-8 wins.

Secondly, that's a dumb statement to make anyway. Luck was on the roster. Fact. That was not a "train wreck" of a roster. Well above average.

By the way, taking a really good QB out of any team is going to make that team worse, just in case you didn't know that.

As I said to South West, go talk to a Jags or Raiders fan if you want to find out about real train wreck rosters.

Did you even watch the Colts in 2012? If not for Luck digging us out 8-9 games that year, that team would not have won many games. The roster was not that good period.

We were losing in nearly half our games because our roster outside of Luck, and a few others was pretty bad. How can you even argue this?

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Nope. Put an average QB in there and you're still getting 7-8 wins.


Secondly, that's a dumb statement to make anyway. Luck was on the roster. Fact. That was not a "train wreck" of a roster. Well above average.


By the way, taking a really good QB out of any team is going to make that team worse, just in case you didn't know that.



As I said to South West, go talk to a Jags or Raiders fan if you want to find out about real train wreck rosters.

That roster would have lost to the Jags with a marginal QB Luck worked magic bringing them back many games . Even now our roster is not that great .

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I'm confused.  Wasn't the Colts record 11-5 the last two seasons, or pretty close.The first year we lost to the SB champs...The next year we beat KC and lost to NE in NE, like plenty of times under Dungy.


The 2-14 year, the Colts had horrible talent.  One WR, One TE (old), a rookie LT, an old C, two DEs and one S.

That's 7 good players out of the 22 needed to start.


Then Pagano got a bunch of low priced vets to play the line, remember Satele, McGoo, and Justice, and basically nobody on Defense.  Since then, the roster has improved, but not really by much, frankly.

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Did you even watch the Colts in 2012? If not for Luck digging us out 8-9 games that year, that team would not have won many games. The roster was not that good period.

We were losing in nearly half our games because our roster outside of Luck, and a few others was pretty bad. How can you even argue this?

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I think he's very poor. A lot of his playing calling leaves you scratching your head and he never seems to have a plan B (like Sunday night).

He is out-coached thoroughly and often.

I also despise his post-game analysis when the Colts lose;

"We need to play better".

"We need to execute".

"We need to stick to the process".

"Next man up".

"The opposition did a heck of a job".

You could watch one press conference after a loss and just repeat it over and over again after every other loss. I'm surprised the media even bother asking him questions.

The sooner he is out, the better. He can take Manusky and Hamilton with him too.

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Did you miss Luck's 18 interceptions, second highest in the league?

Saying those 5 losses had nothing to do with Luck is cute. Saying Luck was the reason for those 11 wins is just as cute.

Regardless, Luck WAS on that roster and that roster was not a train wreck.

Yeah sure, whatever you say.

If you think Luck didn't play a big part in those 11 wins, then clearly you did not watch a game from 2012. The O Line was atricious, the D line outside of Redding was pretty bad. Our linebacker play outside of Mathis, was average at best. Our secondary was OK but nothing special.

Quit over hyping that roster. Its nonsense.

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Yeah sure, whatever you say.

If you think Luck didn't play a big part in those 11 wins, then clearly you did not watch a game from 2012. The O Line was atricious, the D line outside of Redding was pretty bad. Our linebacker play outside of Mathis, was average at best. Our secondary was OK but nothing special.

Quit over hyping that roster. Its nonsense.


The 2012 roster was not a train wreck. Fact.




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Did you miss Luck's 18 interceptions, second highest in the league?


Saying those 5 losses had nothing to do with Luck is cute. Saying Luck was the reason for those 11 wins is just as cute.


Regardless, Luck WAS on that roster and that roster was not a train wreck.


Here's some things you might want to consider;



- Who cares if Luck wasn't proven? He had a very good season in 2012, the fact he was a rookie is pointless.


- Ballard was not injury prone at all during that season, he played every game.


- Brown averaged 3.9 yards per carry. That's very good for a Colts RB.


- Allen was more than "capable" in 2012. 45 receptions and 521 yards shows he played a big role.


- Fleener was a solid second option at tight end as his numbers show.


- The fact Freeman was unknown before the 2012 season means nothing. He played well that year, that's all that matters.


- Bethea was good then and he's playing very well for the Niners now. Better than anything the Colts have currently at the position.


- Butler lead the team with 4 interceptions in 2012. 



Finally, if you think that roster was a "train wreck" it just shows how spoiled Colts fans have been. Go ask a Jags fan about train wreck rosters. Or the Browns, or the Raiders etc.

So was Luck really good or really bad I'm confused now

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