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Bob Kravitz is spot on.


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Both articles were spot on, you can nit-pick words like "pretenders' or find a couple more things to nit-pick, like the "you can't make mistakes against the Pats" but it doesn't change the fact that if you make mistakes against the Pats, they will make you pay. I don't grasp for straws by pointing out the pats mistakes because we only made them pay for one of those mistakes. The Steelers totally dominated the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball, just like the Pats, they just chose to throw for six TD's instead or running for their TD's.

I have been a Colts fan for over 45 years, and I love the Colts, but our run defense has not been good this year before this game. Early leads and time of possession has forced teams to throw more, no there hasn't been another team to run that much on us, but that hasn't been because we have a great run defense, it has a lot more to do with game situations and we have been dominated on both sides of the line before last night.

All you fans with the rose colored glasses need to wake the hell up, yes there is still plenty of this season left. but at this point this team has done nothing to make us believe that they can even compete with the big boys, much less go into one of their home fields and beat them in Jan. Now is when you have to start running the ball and stopping the run, winning at the line of scrimmage. I so hope we can start doing that, losing Bradshaw will make that task harder. I'm not giving up hope, but I'm a realist, where we stand right now, I just can't see us going to New England, Denver, or Pittsburgh and not getting blown out.

nit-pick "words" or "phrases" if it makes you feel better, but the message of both articles hit the nail on the head.

It's not a nitpick to say that I disagree with the entire premise of his article. It's a fundamental difference of opinion.

I also love the continual "rose colored glasses" garbage.

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That was me blasting wells, and i think kravitz is like wells.  Slow to praise and quick to tear down.  It was a Patriots team that by all right was the better team on both sides of the ball going into the game.  The outcome was only slightly worse than I expected.  I think too much was pout on the Colts to beat the Patriots who have a solid defense right now and an Offense that, honestly i dont know a good way to justly describe them.  The only two losses that were shocking losses in my opinion were the Eagles and the Steelers.  The Broncos and Patriots were expected, even before the season.


I expected us to beat one of Den, Philly, NE, and lose to one of Pit, Cincy, Balt. 


Re: Wells and Kravitz...understand where you are coming from but that's pretty much what the media is these days (and always has been to a certain extent). The main difference to me is that Kravitz is a solid journalist/writer and Wells is just terrible, at least since he came to ESPN (I didn't read him much when he covered the Pacers). 

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"Build the monster? Yes, they built a monster, and his name was Jonas Gray." 


There is a danger here in pushing the code red the sky is falling button too quickly here because it is possible to get our caboose kicked, regroup, & play well the rest of the regular season. But, it's a good possibility that NE is going to the SB now or at least the AFC Championship Game again. If we face NE in Foxboro again & they start to widen the score, it's over because we can't chew up the clock on the ground. 


If your running game is dismal, a team isn't going very far in the post season & now with Bradshaw missing time how is INDY gonna set up the play action pass with no running game? Answer: It's not. 


I do have to complement WR Nicks on that TD just before halftime. I never saw that coming. So, that was a pleasant surprise. 


Besides, INDY can't ask Luck to save us all the time with his arm & legs on 3rd & long all the time. That's a recipe for disaster in December & interceptions are unavoidable then. I'm not blaming Andrew, but he needs help consistent help running the ball. Bradshaw gave him that; TR does not. 

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This is obviously my opinion. I was being facetious and flippant in responding to your previous post.


You're not on Twitter, are you? Last night, Kravitz tweets after Luck's pick about how terrible a decision it was, and how it's obvious that the coach's talks with him about mistakes aren't getting through. (Trolling, IMO.) Then, Brady throws a terrible pass on first down that gets picked off, and Kravitz says it's "as good as a punt." On first down. He magnified our issues, minimized our good plays -- the pick was a result of good pass pressure -- and in general, has spent the last 5+ years putting himself at odds with Colts management and trying to rile up Colts fans. And then he spent last night slobbering all over the Pats and Tom Brady. So I really don't take Kravitz seriously, in general.



The only thing I would agree with Kravitz and Wells on is that the is not an elite team at this point in time When your two Rbs run for 7 yards on 14 carries and you give up 199 and 4 tds to Jonas Grey , you have work to do. I guess you could say that the whole AFC is flawed other than NE and have a point. As far as the Tweets you speak of , I didn't see them but they sound ridiculous. Brady made two horrible decisions and Luck just tried to fit a ball into Wayne (who was being pin balled) , thats crazy I think both guys are jeks but would have to agree when thy say or infer that the Cots are a nice team but not a great one. 

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The only thing I would agree with Kravitz and Wells on is that the is not an elite team at this point in time When your two Rbs run for 7 yards on 14 carries and you give up 199 and 4 tds to Jonas Grey , you have work to do. I guess you could say that the whole AFC is flawed other than NE and have a point. As far as the Tweets you speak of , I didn't see them but they sound ridiculous. Brady made two horrible decisions and Luck just tried to fit a ball into Wayne (who was being pin balled) , thats crazy I think both guys are jeks but would have to agree when thy say or infer that the Cots are a nice team but not a great one. 


I haven't been able to find the tweets, but I know I didn't imagine them. They could have been deleted.


And my criticism with Kravitz is that he's being sensational to rile up Colts fans. A measured response would be to say "The Colts haven't beaten any of the AFC's elite, so they can't be called elite." His entire article was a rip job, not only of the Colts staff, but with some digs at Colts fans, as well. Like I said earlier, I don't think very highly of his work, going back for some years.


Wells is a whole 'nother story. I don't think he's good at his job, and I don't think he really understands football or the NFL. I don't think he has an agenda, but again, I don't think highly of his work, either.


This is all just IMO, not gospel.


As for where the Colts stand, let's just say that giving up nearly 100 points combined to the Steelers and Patriots over the span of a month doesn't bode well for us. We got beat in the air by one team, on the ground by another. And our offense has taken some steps backward. We're clearly better than below average or average teams, and I think we'll win pretty consistently against slightly above average teams also, like the Ravens and Bengals. But the very best in the AFC -- Denver and New England, in particular -- are tough for us to beat. I don't know why that's surprising, given how young this iteration of the Colts is, and I certainly don't think it's an indictment of anyone in the organization. It just is what it is. We need to be at our very best to beat the very best. Those teams beat up on each other, as well. 


And there's always the uncertainty that the future holds. Any team can lose on any given Sunday. We're not the Raiders. Last year's team wasn't as good as this year's team, and that team beat all the heavyweights, except New England (that includes three of the four conference finalists). So even if we have some roster flaws, and even though we got run over last night, the season isn't over. There may be a cold, mid-January night where this team establishes previously unknown heights for itself, and then all bets are off. 

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I haven't been able to find the tweets, but I know I didn't imagine them. They could have been deleted.


And my criticism with Kravitz is that he's being sensational to rile up Colts fans. A measured response would be to say "The Colts haven't beaten any of the AFC's elite, so they can't be called elite." His entire article was a rip job, not only of the Colts staff, but with some digs at Colts fans, as well. Like I said earlier, I don't think very highly of his work, going back for some years.


Wells is a whole 'nother story. I don't think he's good at his job, and I don't think he really understands football or the NFL. I don't think he has an agenda, but again, I don't think highly of his work, either.


This is all just IMO, not gospel.


As for where the Colts stand, let's just say that giving up nearly 100 points combined to the Steelers and Patriots over the span of a month doesn't bode well for us. We got beat in the air by one team, on the ground by another. And our offense has taken some steps backward. We're clearly better than below average or average teams, and I think we'll win pretty consistently against slightly above average teams also, like the Ravens and Bengals. But the very best in the AFC -- Denver and New England, in particular -- are tough for us to beat. I don't know why that's surprising, given how young this iteration of the Colts is, and I certainly don't think it's an indictment of anyone in the organization. It just is what it is. We need to be at our very best to beat the very best. Those teams beat up on each other, as well. 


And there's always the uncertainty that the future holds. Any team can lose on any given Sunday. We're not the Raiders. Last year's team wasn't as good as this year's team, and that team beat all the heavyweights, except New England (that includes three of the four conference finalists). So even if we have some roster flaws, and even though we got run over last night, the season isn't over. There may be a cold, mid-January night where this team establishes previously unknown heights for itself, and then all bets are off. 



Sure ..have no problem with you not liking Kravitz. Also agree with the rest of it. My only issue is there was so much talk of the Colts taking control of the AFC and IMO it's unfounded. I think we're an OK team and if somehow NE trows a stinker in January , ya never know... IMO even Denver is flawed as Peyton has little arm strength left. If he runs into a cold windy January day , all bets are off on that team. 

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I haven't been able to find the tweets, but I know I didn't imagine them. They could have been deleted.


And my criticism with Kravitz is that he's being sensational to rile up Colts fans. A measured response would be to say "The Colts haven't beaten any of the AFC's elite, so they can't be called elite." His entire article was a rip job, not only of the Colts staff, but with some digs at Colts fans, as well. Like I said earlier, I don't think very highly of his work, going back for some years.


Wells is a whole 'nother story. I don't think he's good at his job, and I don't think he really understands football or the NFL. I don't think he has an agenda, but again, I don't think highly of his work, either.


This is all just IMO, not gospel.


As for where the Colts stand, let's just say that giving up nearly 100 points combined to the Steelers and Patriots over the span of a month doesn't bode well for us. We got beat in the air by one team, on the ground by another. And our offense has taken some steps backward. We're clearly better than below average or average teams, and I think we'll win pretty consistently against slightly above average teams also, like the Ravens and Bengals. But the very best in the AFC -- Denver and New England, in particular -- are tough for us to beat. I don't know why that's surprising, given how young this iteration of the Colts is, and I certainly don't think it's an indictment of anyone in the organization. It just is what it is. We need to be at our very best to beat the very best. Those teams beat up on each other, as well. 


And there's always the uncertainty that the future holds. Any team can lose on any given Sunday. We're not the Raiders. Last year's team wasn't as good as this year's team, and that team beat all the heavyweights, except New England (that includes three of the four conference finalists). So even if we have some roster flaws, and even though we got run over last night, the season isn't over. There may be a cold, mid-January night where this team establishes previously unknown heights for itself, and then all bets are off.

Aliens might land a spacecraft and take us all away and then it want matter. Last years team beat three of the top four teams, this years team, has beat none of the top teams, ZERO

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Sure ..have no problem with you not liking Kravitz. Also agree with the rest of it. My only issue is there was so much talk of the Colts taking control of the AFC and IMO it's unfounded. I think we're an OK team and if somehow NE trows a stinker in January , ya never know... IMO even Denver is flawed as Peyton has little arm strength left. If he runs into a cold windy January day , all bets are off on that team. 


I don't think there's been a lot of talk about how the Colts were taking control of the AFC. Some fans here and there, sure. Not enough to where a columnist should feel like he has to combat a flawed popular opinion. IMO. It's like someone writing a told you column about how Luck is better than RG3 because of a few people who had some silly things to say back in 2012. For the most part, everyone knew (and knows) that Luck was a better prospect.


For the most part, everyone knows that the Pats and Broncos are a step ahead of the Colts. The argument is whether they can be beat on a given day.


The Pats could run into a hot Ravens team in the divisional round, a team that has beat them in Foxboro in the playoffs, and played them tough in losses in recent years. We could beat the Broncos in Denver. Then we could host the Ravens in the championship round. The AFC isn't over.

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Teams have tried to do what the Pats did. They didn't invent pull blocking, counters, end arounds, double teams, heavy sets, etc. This isn't a Bill Belichick mastermind philosophy. What they did is what the Niners do, for the most part. And we shut the Niners down last year.

Also, there are few teams with tight ends that can block like Gronk and also are capable of undressing linebackers in the receiving game. So the box advantage that the Pats have against us doesn't hold up for other teams.

Anyways, my point is just that our run defense has held up against some pretty good rushing teams. That we got dominated by the Pats doesn't automatically make us a bad run defense.

Well we are a pretty bad run defense.. were 17th in the league.. we allow a little over 100ypg.. we were mediocre at best before this game.. so this game kinda makes us bad.. below average anyway

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Well we are a pretty bad run defense.. were 17th in the league.. we allow a little over 100ypg.. we were mediocre at best before this game.. so this game kinda makes us bad.. below average anyway

17th isn't pretty bad. It's average, out of 32.

And I am not calling the run defense great. I'm saying that the Pats are the only team that has shown the ability to run on us. I should add in the Texans, for a couple of possessions. But generally speaking, our run defense holds up.

Sorry that I'm not willing to be a prisoner of the moment just because we had a bad game.

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Colts can still beat any team in the NFL !! I guess since denver got smoked by the rams they have no chance to go deep in the playoffs. The Pats are a really good team and they came to play,we didn't and lost but that dosent mean that we won't win if we meet them again ! I think the real pretenders are people such a Kravits and what looks like a lot of so called Colts fans, Don't throw in the towel..the season is not over !!


dude rams always a top defense they just suck at offense . 

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Sure ..have no problem with you not liking Kravitz. Also agree with the rest of it. My only issue is there was so much talk of the Colts taking control of the AFC and IMO it's unfounded. I think we're an OK team and if somehow NE trows a stinker in January , ya never know... IMO even Denver is flawed as Peyton has little arm strength left. If he runs into a cold windy January day , all bets are off on that team. 


only reason denver lost too the  injury top offense players on their team .

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17th isn't pretty bad. It's average, out of 32.

And I am not calling the run defense great. I'm saying that the Pats are the only team that has shown the ability to run on us. I should add in the Texans, for a couple of possessions. But generally speaking, our run defense holds up.

Sorry that I'm not willing to be a prisoner of the moment just because we had a bad game.

Our run defense has held up because we have jumped out to early leads and forced teams to play catch up, so to say the Pats are the only team to show the ability to run on us is crazy.

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This isn't a good article, either.


As an example, Kravitz says 'you can't make mistakes against the Patriots.' Every team makes mistakes, every game. We made too many, absolutely, but Brady made huge mistakes in the first half. His first interception, a deep pass on first down, Kravitz tweets that it's 'as good as a punt.' What? No, it was a terrible decision, a terrible interception, and it's an example of how even really good teams with future HOF QBs make mistakes.


So a team making mistakes and not playing well in a game in November doesn't make them a "pretender." Again, this is a bad article, just like Wells' article was bad.

I'm only quoting you because you are the first one here to say something negative about Kravitz in this thread. 


Throughout the years, Kravitz has always seemed to have a bias or possibly dislike, for much of the Indy fan base and the Midwest in general. He basically will praise the Colts when its unavoidable, but will be quick to criticize them when he can.  He will generally always praise NE, and thinks Brady is a better QB than Manning.  I really can't argue much about that, but its just a strange position to take for someone who was the lead sports columnists for the Indy newspaper for years.


He is from the northeast, and his cultural bias has shown in his articles, and even back in his radio co-hosting days.


This article uses the word "nice" to describe the Colts..and says they have to "man-up ".  I think, down deep, he doesn't even think an NFL team should be in Indy....because the NFL is tough...like the places he likes....and Indy is nice. 


He is biased...and its on a personal level...not professional.

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I would really like to have a sensible answer as to what has happened to our run defense.  I tried to listen to Pagano, but it only made partial sense to me.  I can understand the claim of the defense being on the field too long as being hand in hand with guys not using the proper technique and what not, but then how do you explain what happened on the Patriots very first drive when they were running all over us.  Are we to say we were too tired in the first quarter and on the very first drive?  I really do want to know as I'm deeply bothered by what is happening.

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I would really like to have a sensible answer as to what has happened to our run defense.  I tried to listen to Pagano, but it only made partial sense to me.  I can understand the claim of the defense being on the field too long as being hand in hand with guys not using the proper technique and what not, but then how do you explain what happened on the Patriots very first drive when they were running all over us.  Are we to say we were too tired in the first quarter and on the very first drive?  I really do want to know as I'm deeply bothered by what is happening.


bad coaching from dc .

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I got an idea how bout we get a real change of pace back to actually give us versatility.. Instead of having 3 of the same back. .. Let's not run that stupid delay play ever again. Let's not treat Moncrief how we did Rogers last year, get him in the game plan!!!! Let's add griff in while we're at it hes a great catcher on the same token get him away from PR duty. Our o line is not really all that bad (hear me out b4 you stone me) we have talent and size with that being said we never do the one thing gave teams problems. .. we don't run to the left, I mean almost never ran behind AC and mewhort aka being ultra predictable that's not going to help our rb even if we had Walter Payton toating the mail.


FIND THE BALL!!! Countless times last night we had guys in the backfield literally inches from Ron gray but instead of fighting towards him the kept running right past him. Newsome (see Moncrief comment above). Let's start looking at andrew Jackson get his reps if he's the run stuffer we drafted him to be nows the time to find out. Sergio nor Landry is our answer Let's see what Dewey has to offer back there the kid has at least earned a chance. Also coach manusky should know that when teams are beating us with the trap blocking scheme you play D lineman head up the o lineman attack and read the play that way no one falls into the "trap" the Lbs can read it then counter the trap, or attack the trap blocker with the wrong shoulder which closes the lane ultimately killing the play. The same thing philly did against us when we're killing them with the same play for 3 qts

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Can we all agree to stop saying "spot-on" in reference to an opinion piece? Opinion can't be "spot on".


spot–on adjective \ˈspät-ˈän\

: exactly correct : completely accurate


So by saying an opinion is spot on you are essentially admitting to not knowing what "spot-on" means.



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"And he's right. It doesn't matter what I think, or you think, or what any fan thinks. But the goal is Glendale, Arizona in February, and the Colts have done absolutely nothing to make you believe they are headed for those warmer climes." 


I really despise this sentence by Bob Kravitz. Why? Because before INDY can win a SB again, it must figure out how to take down NE convincingly. The Colts have cracked the code on Denver, Baltimore, Cincinnati, & the 49ers. The SB is too big picture. We need to think smaller like how do we neutral Julian Edelman?


21isSuperman is exactly right when he said in the coaches thread that we can't stack the box against Tom Brady because he's seen everything & he will beat you through the air or the ground. It makes no difference to him.  


I don't blame our run defense that much because Jonas Grey is a big guy & agile back. Sometimes, teams just face a back they can't bring down or don't have an answer for it happens. It's hard to stop a RB you have no film tape on or minimal video on anyway. 


NE went out & got Revis & Browner to overtake Denver & we need to devise a plan to stop the Patriots dead in their tracks now. They are our #1 stumbling block to another Championship. No one else in the AFC. They can recover from interceptions we cannot. 

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This is the only game this season where our run defense has been bad. Generally speaking, we don't get beat on the ground, especially against straightforward running teams. 



I think you'd agree that clearly New England saw something on tape that made them think they could be very successful running the ball against us.


They ran 6-OL formations on more than 42% of their plays.   They had a plan.   And they likely exceeded their wildest expectations!


You can argue that we haven't had a bad night against the run up until last night,  but we've flirted with trouble during the year...   whether it was against Philly, or Baltimore,  or Houston,  or Pittsburgh.     New England saw something on tape that told them they could have success and WOW, were they were right!


When you have on your calendar that the New England game is the biggest and most important game of the regular season and the franchise sure seemed to treat it that way and then you come out and lay a spectacular egg,   I don't just chalk it up to having a bad night.


I think we got exposed.    Exposed enough that our future opponents are sure going to be playing this video and the Pittsburgh video on an endless loop.


I don't think we can argue we're an elite AFC team anymore.    We haven't beaten anyone of substance.    We've beaten teams that could be called good (Cincy and Baltimore)  or fair (Houston there)  or worse (NYG, J'Ville, Tenn)....    we've got little to hang our hat on.


We're at the top of the crowd of good teams.   But we're not in the class of New England or Denver or Pittsburgh.    I'm not even sure we're in the group with a much improved KC team.


I don't think last night was an off night.    I fear it was much worse.....    and I don't think I'm being a prisoner of the moment.


I'm not saying we can't make a deep run in the playoffs.    I just think it's much less likely now....

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"And he's right. It doesn't matter what I think, or you think, or what any fan thinks. But the goal is Glendale, Arizona in February, and the Colts have done absolutely nothing to make you believe they are headed for those warmer climes." 


I really despise this sentence by Bob Kravitz. Why? Because before INDY can win a SB again, it must figure out how to take down NE convincingly. The Colts have cracked the code on Denver, Baltimore, Cincinnati, & the 49ers. The SB is too big picture. We need to think smaller like how do we neutral Julian Edelman?


21isSuperman is exactly right when he said in the coaches thread that we can't stack the box against Tom Brady because he's seen everything & he will beat you through the air or the ground. It makes no difference to him.  


I don't blame our run defense that much because Jonas Grey is a big guy & agile back. Sometimes, teams just face a back they can't bring down or have an answer for it happens. It's hard to stop a RB you have no film tape on. 


NE went out & got Revis & Browner to overtake Denver & we need to devise a plan to stop the Patriots dead in their tracks now. They are our #1 stumbling block to another Championship. No one else in the AFC. They can recover from interceptions we cannot. 

The problem I have with that sentence is that if the Colts make the playoffs (they should) then BK will tweet out "Anything can happen once you are in the playoffs." He's reacting to it as though it was a playoff game and as if there is no tomorrow.

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One thing people are forgetting is this: It doesnt matter how far a team reaches in the playoffs. There are only TWO teams in the superbowl. It doesnt matter if you lose in the wildcard or the AFCCG. You still lost. So what is a pretender in you case? If the Broncos were to lost to the Patriots in the AFCCG, are the considered pretenders. What if the colts were to play in the AFCCG and lose? Ae the still pretenders. Pretenders and contenders is just stupid. Anything can happen in the NFL. What happened to the Packers 3 years back? Or the Broncos 2 years back? Or the Patriots last year? Were they considered pretenders.


I THINK we all have to calm down a bit. Remember.Patriots got blown out by the Chiefs. Who have the chiefs beaten? What about the broncos other than the Cardinals.

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The problem I have with that sentence is that if the Colts make the playoffs (they should) then BK will tweet out "Anything can happen once you are in the playoffs." He's reacting to it as though it was a playoff game and as if there is no tomorrow.

Yes, that's a valid point corgi. It is an important distinction. I know you didn't mention this, but personally hitting Brady to me is too risky as in a full bring the house blitz because if he slides his feet & beats the pressure he will crush you for 20-35 yards. 


No, I like doing what Seattle did to Denver in the SB: Disrupt the WR & TE routes. Harder to do in 3 WR bunch formations I will admit, but if the DB guesses right, he can frustrate a QB really quick.   

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One thing people are forgetting is this: It doesnt matter how far a team reaches in the playoffs. There are only TWO teams in the superbowl. It doesnt matter if you lose in the wildcard or the AFCCG. You still lost. So what is a pretender in you case? If the Broncos were to lost to the Patriots in the AFCCG, are the considered pretenders. What if the colts were to play in the AFCCG and lose? Ae the still pretenders. Pretenders and contenders is just stupid. Anything can happen in the NFL. What happened to the Packers 3 years back? Or the Broncos 2 years back? Or the Patriots last year? Were they considered pretenders.


I THINK we all have to calm down a bit. Remember.Patriots got blown out by the Chiefs. Who have the chiefs beaten? What about the broncos other than the Cardinals.

I agree DAC212 that the word pretenders is just a fake word for soft or artificial as in you don't really belong here & you can't hang with the elite big dogs. 


But, INDY does have holes the size of moon craters when it comes to pass rushing against good teams & running the ball against teams with winning records. I'm not saying panic, but we can't ignore that as December rolls around either. 

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Being a pretender may not matter in November, but we are a pretender at least for the moment. We just are not there yet. The Broncos, Eagles, Steelers and last nights Patriots game have proved it to me. We are more than likely once again a one and done team and I am sick of these one and dones.

So the only losses we have this year is why you think we aren't there yet?

We are beating the teams we should be beating and as for the others, they are just good teams. Just because we didn't beat them doesn't mean we can't beat them. I would have to say I'm more embarrassed about the steelers game still rather than the patriots.

I guess come January we will see if we are pretenders or not

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I think you'd agree that clearly New England saw something on tape that made them think they could be very successful running the ball against us.


They ran 6-OL formations on more than 42% of their plays.   They had a plan.   And they likely exceeded their wildest expectations!


You can argue that we haven't had a bad night against the run up until last night,  but we've flirted with trouble during the year...   whether it was against Philly, or Baltimore,  or Houston,  or Pittsburgh.     New England saw something on tape that told them they could have success and WOW, were they were right!


When you have on your calendar that the New England game is the biggest and most important game of the regular season and the franchise sure seemed to treat it that way and then you come out and lay a spectacular egg,   I don't just chalk it up to having a bad night.


I think we got exposed.    Exposed enough that our future opponents are sure going to be playing this video and the Pittsburgh video on an endless loop.


I don't think we can argue we're an elite AFC team anymore.    We haven't beaten anyone of substance.    We've beaten teams that could be called good (Cincy and Baltimore)  or fair (Houston there)  or worse (NYG, J'Ville, Tenn)....    we've got little to hang our hat on.


We're at the top of the crowd of good teams.   But we're not in the class of New England or Denver or Pittsburgh.    I'm not even sure we're in the group with a much improved KC team.


I don't think last night was an off night.    I fear it was much worse.....    and I don't think I'm being a prisoner of the moment.


I'm not saying we can't make a deep run in the playoffs.    I just think it's much less likely now....

These are pretty much my thoughts as well. In my view, a bad game would imply that we made mistakes. We didn't. We got maybe Brady's worst half of football since the KC game and it didn't matter whatsoever. We were manhandled on both sides of the ball. Games are always won in the trenches and we failed miserably on both sides.


I was willing to chalk Pitt up to more of a bad game given we did mistakes and also lost our best corner but Sunday's game gave me far less hope that this team can even compete with the big boys much less beat them.

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Pretender, contender, whatever.  The real question is: is this team improving?  I'm sure someone can point to incremental improvements, but a huge amount of money has been spent in free agency.   You've had a bunch of draft picks.  How much better is this team than it was at the end of Luck's rookie season?  With 4 losses already, they will be lucky to match their record from the past two years, and they actually played better against top competition in the first two years - Green Bay, SF, Denver, Seattle - than they have this year.  If you don't like the word pretender, stagnant and lucky to play in a weak division would be a description difficult to disagree with at this point. 

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bad coaching from dc .

This is very possible, but it's hard to tell.  If the coaches coach the players in the same totally confused manner (coach-speak) that they communicate with the press / fans, we are toast. This may account for last year's "dazed and confused" defense resurfacing this year.


All of the coaching platitudes are meaningless - merely restating the obvious.

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This is the only game this season where our run defense has been bad. Generally speaking, we don't get beat on the ground, especially against straightforward running teams. 

Absolutely. Up until this game the run defense had been the one bright spot aside from Vontae Davis's play this year. Perhaps we just didn't see it because team were busy throwing the ball on our often beaten, or penalized corner on the other side named Toler. 


It's not a bad piece.  


Using the phrase "pretenders" is wrong in this article.  He starts off by talking about how he's not a fan, he just reports the truth as he sees it but then calls them pretenders.  The Colts have never said they are a SB team so if Kravitz thinks they are pretenders that is only because his expectations at one point was for them to be better than they are.

Part of the problem with Bob Kravitz is that he is a hockey guy, and should be covering that sport not football. His lack of being a fan is do to the fact that he really doesn't care about the game, and not just being some impartial "media guy" as he says. It shows in his work when all he does is throw out a few key words with a few poorly used fancy ones like pyrrhic too... and then call it a day. That is part of the reason he and a lot of others were let go (fired) by the Indy Star. The paper was struggling, but bad/lazy writers like Kravitz only made it worse. WTHR only picked him up because they new it would get them attention not for his talent, or lack there of if you ask me.



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So the only losses we have this year is why you think we aren't there yet?

We are beating the teams we should be beating and as for the others, they are just good teams. Just because we didn't beat them doesn't mean we can't beat them. I would have to say I'm more embarrassed about the steelers game still rather than the patriots.

I guess come January we will see if we are pretenders or not

Trust me I hope you're right. But yes we will see.

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