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What's next? 70,000 yards?


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Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?

But after Peyton Manning breaks Brett Farve's record for career TD passes...what's next?

I didn't notice he was at 66,494 yards passing...

With 11 games to play, isn't that a few rag arm tosses more than 300 yards a game?

Is the old cowboy going to get there this year? They do have 2 games left with the Raiders.

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Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?

But after Peyton Manning breaks Brett Farve's record for career TD passes...what's next?

I didn't notice he was at 66,494 yards passing...

With 11 games to play, isn't that a few rag arm tosses more than 300 yards a game?

Is the old cowboy going to get there this year? They do have 2 games left with the Raiders.

I don't see it happening this year. But within the first 2-3 games of next year.

And is 318.7 per game.

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Hey, as long as his brain is working, he might even get a bionic arm and make it work :). He will play out his contract of 5 yrs with the Broncos at the least, I feel, which would be till the end of 2015 and he probably could eclipse the yardage record by then??? That would be a total of 27 games to get past Favre's yardage record of 71,838 yards and he would need to average just about 200 yards per game till then :).


I think it is a safe bet to say that he will eclipse Favre's yardage record next season and TD record next game.

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Not that it isn't an impressive record or feat but I don't think that record will mean as much to him. Its certainly going to fall regardless as passing yards are through the roof. Even avg qbs throw for 3500 yds now. All that said I think the only reason Peyton continues to play is to win. Win football games and hopefully a SB. Him and Tom both have that drive to win it all and whether it took not throwing another pass again to do it he would. Individually/statistically he doesn't need to do another thing to be considered one of the best ever....its about winning SBs for him/Tom. They've left their legacy/mark on the game...now its about attaining the ultimate achievement again. They love the taste and they want to experience it again....of course the numbers come with trying to get back there...its just a by product of success.

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Hey, as long as his brain is working, he might even get a bionic arm and make it work :). He will play out his contract of 5 yrs with the Broncos at the least, I feel, which would be till the end of 2015 and he probably could eclipse the yardage record by then??? That would be a total of 27 games to get past Favre's yardage record of 71,838 yards and he would need to average just about 200 yards per game till then :).


I think it is a safe bet to say that he will eclipse Favre's yardage record next season and TD record next game.

I think what you say about him playing out his contract is true...

That was his original idea..His original hope..and probably what he told Elway he wanted..

I;m looking at this year's schedule and, other than the cold weather game in Cincinatti..there are some big yardage games remaining.

To be honest, this Sunday..with the 49ers crippled defensively, could be one of them

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Hey, as long as his brain is working, he might even get a bionic arm and make it work :). He will play out his contract of 5 yrs with the Broncos at the least, I feel, which would be till the end of 2015 and he probably could eclipse the yardage record by then??? That would be a total of 27 games to get past Favre's yardage record of 71,838 yards and he would need to average just about 200 yards per game till then :).


I think it is a safe bet to say that he will eclipse Favre's yardage record next season and TD record next game.


Is there anything in the rules against having a bionic arm?

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I think chasing that silly record was the main reason he didn't get the neck fixed in the 5 years after it was injured.

Yikes. That would be pretty tragic if true. He's still doing well but it came at the cost of a lot of heartache for himself, his family and of course his former team.

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And all topped off with another failure to get a second Super Bowl :thmup:


This is why including Brees or Rodgers with Manning/Brady is absurd to me.



Played in 3 SBs. 

Played in 23 playoffs game

Holds the record for most TDs in a year

Playing consistent for 16 years



Played in 5 SBs

Played over 25 playoffs game

Most playoffs win by a QB

Playing consistent for 15 years.


Brees and Rodgers has to put in another 5 years of consistent performance and appear in a few more SBs to be even compared to the Manning/Brady.


Manning/Brady are players who are legends already and its not over yet. They remind me of Teddy Roosevelt's quote.


"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

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I think that Drew Brees is there with Tom Brady and Peyton...

Brees has the all-time consecutive game TD streak

...1-0 in Super Bowls..and the most 5,000 yard seasons

I agree. These three qbs are all first ballot HOF qbs that defined their "ERA" in the league. THEY set the bar....and its pretty high...and set a standard for those coming behind them to achieve....the Rogers,Rothlisburgers, and Rivers of the league hope to measure up to and the future guys like Luck, Ryan, Wilson and Newtons will later. Just like Montana, Moon, Elway, Kelly, and Marino did before there was Aikmen, Young, and Favre....they tell the story of the NFL through these Qbs and their teams. Greatness isn't always measured in stats, wins, and championships...but legacy...and those three have an incredible one already.

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I think that Drew Brees is there with Tom Brady and Peyton...

Brees has the all-time consecutive game TD streak

...1-0 in Super Bowls..and the most 5,000 yard seasons

Playing in few SBs means you are carrying your team all the way. Brees without Sean Payton was a Deer looking at headlights.

No doubt a great player just not with Manning/Brady.

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