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Today's NFL: Corrupt ot Not?

King Colt

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I'm 18 and as such do not pay attention to politics but yes you are probably right. Either way, people revolted (ie doing what they wanted to do) and couldn't be controlled. It isn't the NFLs problem that players do things, they are just like everyone else, contrary to popular belief that they are gods among men.

You are fine....just pointing it out.  They will be revolting...fighting and hating forever in the Middle East.  Hey kind of like Pep and Richardson threads....:)


I agree with you BTW....LIKE...Out of em.

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um, actually punishing players for off field issues. This kind of stuff has been going on since the beginning of time. Players didn't get in trouble with the league for it until recently

Very true. In the past these problems were swept under the rug by the owners, coaches, GMs and even the press.. If a media person spoke or printed any negative comments about a team they were blackballed from that team forever and also other teams as well. Too many are pointing the finger at Goodell when for years there were a lot of things that were overlooked in the NFL. That would make for a very good thread at another time.

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Do you really think NFL players only recently started committing domestic violence? Or do you think it's more reasonable to think that there's been a paradigm shift of late, not coincidentally arriving at the same time the NFL saw a sudden vast surge of female viewers? 


These "crimes" have always existed among players. I say "crimes" in quotes not to belittle the act, but to belittle the action taken back in the day. If a player got arrested for domestic violence at all, it would be surprising. But if they did, they got a pat on the back and full support when they returned to the locker room. 

You didn't answer the question. Why is it that men don't care about these crimes but women do?

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Oh, you mean the insinuation that they did? Tune it tonight when we discuss the conspiracy 9pm EST. 


Several of you people in this thread need to sit down, think about this, and consider whether or not you've been a bit manipulated by the media's false narrative. I know it's hard, a bit pride unsettling to acknowledge your naivety, but it must be done. 

A conspiracy theorist. Just what this board needs.  ;)

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Tune out means don't care. So it is all women that are propagating this storm against the NFL? Men are just bystanders with their iPods on?

Chances are.......  those propagating this storm against the NFL (just using your words)   weren't big fans of the NFL to begin with.


Are YOU ready to boycott and walk away.....   I'm not.

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Thinking the media jerks us around is not the definition of a conspiracy theory. 

We are all inside the bubble. We are completely surrounded by messaging every second of the day and not just from the "media." To think any one of us some how outside of that and impervious to it is fictional. The best we can do is manage it.

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That's not the point, and not what I asked.     I asked if you were ready to boycott and walk away....???


Because I don't believe the majority of that 40% you refer to are.

I lost you Gramz. This isn't about fans walking away. Rusak said it was women that were propagating this hate storm against the NFL and that men don't care about these issues as much as women. That was the jist of the posts.

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I lost you Gramz. This isn't about fans walking away. Rusak said it was women that were propagating this hate storm against the NFL and that men don't care about these issues as much as women. That was the jist of the posts.

To be clear, female interest in the NFL is a part of the strange goings on in. Only part of it. The rest is a menagerie of influences.  

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We are all inside the bubble. We are completely surrounded by messaging every second of the day and not just from the "media." To think any one of us some how outside of that and impervious to it is fictional. The best we can do is manage it.

It is important to drag conspiracies into the light of day. For example, I was fired from my career at Burger King last week. I refused to recognize them as an actual monarchy and was escorted off the grounds by a 19 year old assistant manager who has ties to the illuminati. 

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I don't get why it's such a big deal . Not long ago a player ran over a family killing them he's playing a serial rapist helped by teammates they are all playing a murderer was the face of a SB win a list that goes on and on but now all the sudden a man beats his wife and a father abuses his child and it's the news of all news and now the future playing is in limbo . If they really want to make a difference there are a lot of players that should be gone not just the select few that are in the media now .

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I lost you Gramz. This isn't about fans walking away. Rusak said it was women that were propagating this hate storm against the NFL and that men don't care about these issues as much as women. That was the jist of the posts.

Okay.... I admit I jumped in, in the middle of a conversation, and missed that part.   And maybe he's right, I don't know.


My point is ~   I don't "get" the "hate storm against the NFL".  Period.   I certainly don't blame the NFL, and My point was, perhaps those (whoever they are)  that are propagating the hate storm,  were NEVER really fans of the NFL to begin with.


I see the NFL as trying to take a stand,  within their rights and limits.   What more do people expect..??   

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Okay.... I admit I jumped in, in the middle of a conversation, and missed that part.   And maybe he's right, I don't know.


My point is ~   I don't "get" the "hate storm against the NFL".  Period.   I certainly don't blame the NFL, and My point was, perhaps those (whoever they are)  that are propagating the hate storm,  were NEVER really fans of the NFL to begin with.


I see the NFL as trying to take a stand,  within their rights and limits.   What more do people expect..??   


Winner winner chicken dinner.


Of course they arn't fans of the NFL.  They just want to make noise and cause problems and take a ride on the latest media outrage train.


Where where they for the last however many years the NFL has been in existence?  No where.  


Where where they when Hope Solo beat the crap out of her sister and nephew as well as got caught doping only to be further praised by US soccer for her play.

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Okay.... I admit I jumped in, in the middle of a conversation, and missed that part.   And maybe he's right, I don't know.


My point is ~   I don't "get" the "hate storm against the NFL".  Period.   I certainly don't blame the NFL, and My point was, perhaps those (whoever they are)  that are propagating the hate storm,  were NEVER really fans of the NFL to begin with.


I see the NFL as trying to take a stand,  within their rights and limits.   What more do people expect..??   

I think there are plenty of fans of the NFL that are not happy with the league right now.

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I don't get why it's such a big deal . Not long ago a player ran over a family killing them he's playing a serial rapist helped by teammates they are all playing a murderer was the face of a SB win a list that goes on and on but now all the sudden a man beats his wife and a father abuses his child and it's the news of all news and now the future playing is in limbo . If they really want to make a difference there are a lot of players that should be gone not just the select few that are in the media now .

I gotta stop you right there.  I know the point you were trying to make, but it is a big deal.  A man, and especially one who is in a position that kids around the world look up to, that hits his wife is a big deal.  Now maybe it's not as big a deal as people are making out of it, but that's because people focusing on the wrong issues.  A great majority are acting like the NFL is the one who struck the kid, that the NFL (and not our congress or law enforcement officers), should be responsible to wipe out domestic violence, and that Goodell's a failure for not doing so and therefore should be fired as commissioner.  But guys like Rice and Peterson, whether they like it or not, are role models and kids want to be like those guys.  So as it pertains to the NFL, they should do what they can to eliminate the behavior and for the guys who won't, should be dealt with harshly and/or eliminated from the NFL.  That's really all the NFL can do.

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I gotta stop you right there.  I know the point you were trying to make, but it is a big deal.  A man, and especially one who is in a position that kids around the world look up to, that hits his wife is a big deal.  Now maybe it's not as big a deal as people are making out of it, but that's because people focusing on the wrong issues.  A great majority are acting like the NFL is the one who struck the kid, that the NFL (and not our congress or law enforcement officers), should be responsible to wipe out domestic violence, and that Goodell's a failure for not doing so and therefore should be fired as commissioner.  But guys like Rice and Peterson, whether they like it or not, are role models and kids want to be like those guys.  So as it pertains to the NFL, they should do what they can to eliminate the behavior and for the guys who won't, should be dealt with harshly and/or eliminated from the NFL.  That's really all the NFL can do.

Sorry ment to type why it's such a big deal NOW brain got ahead of my fingers . I agree it's a big deal because kids want to be like there favorite stars and as a parent I want to see good role models in sports not what we have been seeing for to long now . They have been dropping the ball for a long time now after the Ravens SB I almost quit watching football after seeing there love affair with a murderer .

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Hey guys. You remember when we would come on here and share our thoughts and opinions, without people getting all up in arms about being pc, liberal, conservative, communist, socialist, or whatever other view that doesn't conform to their own?

Good times.

Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt the train of telling others how to think and feel, and telling them how they think and feel is wrong.

I'll excuse myself.

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Hey guys. You remember when we would come on here and share our thoughts and opinions, without people getting all up in arms about being pc, liberal, conservative, communist, socialist, or whatever other view that doesn't conform to their own?

Good times.

Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt the train of telling others how to think and feel, and telling them how they think and feel is wrong.

I'll excuse myself.

haha   sorry for my rants :hissy:     :rantoff:

It will be nice when we can all get back to enjoying the games. :)

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So? Did they not know this before?

No, it was ignored/swept under the rug (and I say that lightly) before because it wasn't at the top of the headlines and thrown in your face 24/7 and there weren't so many people complaining about it. I mean, why would the NFL want to put that all over the news.  The Ray Rice handling is proof that they hope it stays out of the news.

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No, it was ignored/swept under the rug before because it wasn't at the top of the headlines and thrown in your face 24/7 and there weren't so many people complaining about it. 

How is that an excuse. Social media has been here since the late 90's. The NFL has used social media to pump its brand and increase sales. And now when negative stories emerge from its players, we are supposed to feel bad and blame social media? You know the league and NFL teams have legions of PR people that are paid a lot of money to handle social media and to be smarter than this.

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No, it was ignored/swept under the rug (and I say that lightly) before because it wasn't at the top of the headlines and thrown in your face 24/7 and there weren't so many people complaining about it. I mean, why would the NFL want to put that all over the news.  The Ray Rice handling is proof that they hope it stays out of the news.

That same media has helped the NFL reach $9 billion annually.

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THAT'S BECAUSE MEN DON'T CARE, or at least they never did before. 


Lemme shine some light.....


Women, I love 'em. They are the better half, I don't care if that sounds sexist, I just don't. Women are why this is a big deal now. Women have the sense we men lack, attention to detail and an ability to remain empathetic on levels that many men just don't.


Over the last several years the NFL has launched a furious campaign to snare female viewers. Breast Cancer Awareness is a sterling example of this, but there are many more, including women's NFL apparel lines and many other clever tactics. This strategy has worked, upping female viewership by a metric ton. 


Men will look the other way, women will not. They get involved. 

I don't think its a gender thing

I think it's social media

This whole thing started to spiral when the ray rice video came out


I think this is mass hysteria for both men and women. The sky is falling the sky is falling!


Child abuse and domestic violence didn't just start, we've always had these things.  What's new is that people like to get whipped up into a frenzy.......and the media and social media accelerate this


I'd like to see a sociologist study this.


And before anybody counters with (YOU MUST NOT CARE ABOUT CHILDREN!!!!!!!)......children are not what I am referring to.  I'm referring to the spectators here who want to be involved by venting their outrage.


This whole thing is out of control


NFL gives them what they want with Ray Rice.......they move on to AP......NFL gives them what they want with AP.......and shares further incidences with them so they can stop digging for me


NOW THEYRE OUTRAGED ABOUT EVERYTHING........where do you go with this much emotion?  It must be someone is to blame for them feeling so upset........they probably need to be fired.  We probably need an investigation!


Now if people want to express an opinion that they don't want child beaters or wife beaters in the NFL, fine.  But don't pretend that it exists in the NFL more than it does elsewhere or that the NFL is somehow corrupt because you just found out that everyone in it is human and as a group have the same problems as other groups of humans


And don't pretend that corporations are going to solve our social ills, they're not, none of them.  They do what they do to make money


That's the reason most of us work.  Difference is Lots of people pay attention to the NFL and the rest of us just don't have that kind of audience judging us


Don't pretend the NFL can cure our problems and hold yourself accountable to doing more that calling for someone else's head on a stick


Sorry, Ruk, I did not mean to direct all of this at you, this is just where I stopped in this thread because this started building in me with the first post


People scare me sometimes.  Watching this unfold has been more than a little bit scary

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When I say the league, I also meant the players that play the game. It is all very depressing as a fan.

I'm sorry you feel that way

It has nothing to do with the game any more than the child abusers you may have worked with are your fault


My daughter worked with a kid at a cookie store who murdered his dad.  Nobody thought the cookie store was responsible.

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How is that an excuse. Social media has been here since the late 90's. The NFL has used social media to pump its brand and increase sales. And now when negative stories emerge from its players, we are supposed to feel bad and blame social media? You know the league and NFL teams have legions of PR people that are paid a lot of money to handle social media and to be smarter than this.

It's not an excuse, it's just the reality of reporting the news, the public's reaction, and the affected groups (i.e. NFL) responding to it.  I'm not blaming the media for stories like this coming up.  You're putting words in my mouth.  All I said was that stories like this weren't reported like they are today.  If it's not widely reported, then it's not going to gain any attention from the public.  The media reports what makes money, and right now, domestic violence is the thing to report.  I mean, we didn't even know that Peterson was being investigated last year for potential child abuse (in fact, ESPN initially reported it as new charges, when in fact, they were over a year old).  So before things like this were reported, of course the NFL is going to be silent about it.  It's not going to go make a public announcement about the incidence of domestic abuse and blow the whistle on itself.  That's a way for business to give itself its own black eye. 


That same media has helped the NFL reach $9 billion annually.

Just because it doesn't want bad publicity doesn't mean it doesn't wnat any publicity at all. 

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I'm sorry you feel that way

It has nothing to do with the game any more than the child abusers you may have worked with are your fault


My daughter worked with a kid at a cookie store who murdered his dad.  Nobody thought the cookie store was responsible.

You missed my other posts. I am not blaming the league but the players who are part of the NFL. That is the part that is depressing.

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