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Spikes and Talib Say Patriots Put Out False Injury Reports


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I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said.  I was just making the general statement that probably all teams do this in some fashion or another and that teams aren't caught off guard whenever guys status' are in question before the game and then play anyway.

:agree:  I've noticed this, and probably paid closer attention to it  since playing Fantasy Football.    Every week there are players listed as doubtful, or questionable, and then they play and have a fantastic game.   :scratch:     And it happens with ALL teams.

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I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said.  I was just making the general statement that probably all teams do this in some fashion or another and that teams aren't caught off guard whenever guys status' are in question before the game and then play anyway.

I also believe it's standard practice among NFL teams but it makes no sense with these two because they were hurt. The Commissioner needs to send a memo out to all 32 teams telling them to stop the practice and if anyone continues penalize them. Maybe and draft pick and some money? Just saying:-)  

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Show me the *, Mr. Wishful dreamer.

Making things up again, are we?

BTW, please show me what Polian, Irsay, and Dungy said about what the Patriots did, and whether it helped them win.

The ignorance in this web board of what the Patriots did is amazing.

What Polian, Irsay and Dungy said don't mean anything. Roger Goodell and some of the other owners of NFL teams had alot to say. The total blindness and total disreguard of most the Pats fans could be called ignorance just as well.

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I also believe it's standard practice among NFL teams but it makes no sense with these two because they were hurt. The Commissioner needs to send a memo out to all 32 teams telling them to stop the practice and if anyone continues penalize them. Maybe and draft pick and some money? Just saying:-)  

Show me a commissioner that thinks he's in control of his 32 employers and I'll show you a commissioner who's about to be fired.

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Does a $500,000. dollar fine for BB, a $200,000. for the Pats and a loss of a 1st round pick sound familiar?


It was actually $250,000 for the team.


This is a good source for sifting through the Spygate stuff and getting to the actual facts:





Personally I have no problem if someone believes the worst of it. As Belichick would say, "it is what it is." I just hope that anyone in that category would take the time to educate themselves before reaching that conclusion, that's all. Pretty fair I think.  :thmup:

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Does a $500,000. dollar fine for BB, a $200,000. for the Pats and a loss of a 1st round pick sound familiar?

Does a $500,000. dollar fine for BB, a $200,000. for the Pats and a loss of a 1st round pick sound familiar?

What did they say?

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It was actually $250,000 for the team.


This is a good source for sifting through the Spygate stuff and getting to the actual facts:





Personally I have no problem if someone believes the worst of it. As Belichick would say, "it is what it is." I just hope that anyone in that category would take the time to educate themselves before reaching that conclusion, that's all. Pretty fair I think.  :thmup:




Educate themselves? :goodluck:  :highfive2:

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 22, 2014 - posts and quotes for banned poster
Hidden by Nadine, March 22, 2014 - posts and quotes for banned poster

I don't think this is much news really.  Just two disgruntled employees who decided to take a shot at the team that didn't give them what they wanted in $$$ so drive by the home you were kicked out of and throw some empty beer cans on the front lawn and shi% in the bed you use to sleep in.  Pretty juvenile and immature.  It's like when a couple breaks up after a successful relationship and one of them goes out to dinner with their friends and says the sex was bad or the guy had a small peni% or her butt was too flabby but they never said anything or complained while they were in the relationship.  Sour grapes.


We're all innocent till proven guilty.  Just because someone accuses a team of something doesn't make it true.


The facts are that Talib and Spikes were injured through parts of the 2013 season and had to miss games with real injuries and not some conspiracy injury report nonsense.


But every year or so one of these types of stories comes out about the Pats that the media and fans like to jump on but since it's the Pats people pay more attention too.  These stories come out often about other teams but it's more in the local news and it doesn't make the national news because it goes against the media's narrative and it goes against the narrative of people who hate the Patriots.  We need to face facts, people will do, say and try whatever they can to bash the Patriots and try to take them down.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 22, 2014 - posts and quotes for banned poster
Hidden by Nadine, March 22, 2014 - posts and quotes for banned poster

What a coincidence.  After the Colts owner gets caught with drugs in his car driving under the influence endangering the lives of others and himself and spends a night in jail two former Pats players who didn't get the money they wanted from the Pats decides to take cheap shots at the Pats.  hmmmm someone trying to take the negative headlines off the Colts?


I'd love for the Patriots organization to mock this injury report conspiracy and laugh it off and use it to their advantage, make some funny YouTube videos with Will Ferrell titled: "Yes, we cheat, we fake injuries too."  

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I guarantee this story is only a thread on forums of teams that have reasons to hate the Patriots.

Nobody else cares. I could google "Cowboys forum" right now and I bet I would see nothing or a news report with 2 uninterested replies.


If I go to a colts forum, Steelers forum, Jets forum, Bills forum, Dolphins forum, Ravens forum, etc, it's probably "OMG THE EVIL PATS AGAIN"

Similar to people who post on this forum who aren't Colts fans.....texans, pats , ravens. I know, all you guys are here because this just a great forum lol

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u say :whats the difference between saying hip or knee...i say, why hide it?

I didn't say and what did they hide? Talib had a hip pointer the same thing that has nagged him and Spikes bummed his knee. I saw both injuries happen and it wasn't rocket science knowing what happened. 

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How is this a non story? forget about pats hate or whatever. its about Players saying that what their former team report regarding injuries is false.



how is that not relevant? 


I'm with you on this one and I don't care if we are talking about the Patriots or the Colts or any of the other teams.


I don't understand why putting out false injury reports wouldn't be a big deal if proven to be true.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 22, 2014 - posts and quotes for banned poster
Hidden by Nadine, March 22, 2014 - posts and quotes for banned poster

I'm with you on this one and I don't care if we are talking about the Patriots or the Colts or any of the other teams.


I don't understand why putting out false injury reports wouldn't be a big deal if proven to be true.


Who says Talib and Spikes are telling the truth?  Those two have a shady past.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 22, 2014 - posts and quotes for banned poster
Hidden by Nadine, March 22, 2014 - posts and quotes for banned poster

Who says Talib and Spikes are telling the truth?  Those two have a shady past.


I'm not saying that they are.


I was just speaking in general about any team and asking why it wouldn't be a big deal if it was proven that they were giving out false injury reports. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, March 22, 2014 - posts and quotes for banned poster
Hidden by Nadine, March 22, 2014 - posts and quotes for banned poster

Not as shady as your owner.

Don't recall our owner cheating to win our Super Bowl. His personal problems don't make us cheaters or shady.
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Maybe this has already been asked, and I missed it... and I'm not saying whether I put any merit in this story or not,  


But  could someone tell me what would be the "benefit" of false reporting of injuires...??

No real benefit in general except to maybe throw off opponents from targeting an injured area. But in the case of Talib, the quad and hip are so close that it would not matter. I think he was just trying to let the Denver fans and media know that he does not have a reoccurring hip issue.


Spikes had no issue with his injury or how it was reported but was more miffed that they put him on IR when he wanted to keep playing.

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No real benefit in general except to maybe throw off opponents from targeting an injured area. But in the case of Talib, the quad and hip are so close that it would not matter. I think he was just trying to let the Denver fans and media know that he does not have a reoccurring hip issue.


Spikes had no issue with his injury or how it was reported but was more miffed that they put him on IR when he wanted to keep playing.

The blonde coming out in me....  This makes ZERO sense.    

If there is no injury, and there is no benefit to report false injury,  why do it...???


If you falsely report an injury on a player  ~  and then as you say ~ opponents may "target" that injury,  couldn't they in FACT end up with an injury there, that they never had in the first place...??   :scratch:

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The blonde coming out in me....  This makes ZERO sense.


If you falsely report an injury on a player  ~  and then as you say ~ opponents may "target" that injury,  couldn't they in FACT end up with an injury there, that they never had in the first place...??   :scratch:

Sure but the idea is to keep the opponent away from the already injured area. New injuries can happen at any point but if a guy has a bad ankle and the opposition knows it then they will target it. Do you remember teams last year saying that they were going to pressure Manning because they knew he had bad ankles and were going to try to make him move and hit him?

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Sure but the idea is to keep the opponent away from the already injured area. New injuries can happen at any point but if a guy has a bad ankle and the opposition knows it then they will target it. Do you remember teams last year saying that they were going to pressure Manning because they knew he had bad ankles and were going to try to make him move and hit him?

Of course, I remember that.   But I also remember he did in fact have injured ankles.


I am still NOT understanding  WHY report a phantom injury., and set your player up to be targeted..??  Still makes ZERO sense.   Maybe I need a :cheers:

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