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Polian's Post Game Interview W/bob Lamey


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Lets see the Patriots can thank their QB as can the Packers and where would the 49ers been without Joe Montana. IN a league where the QB is the key, unless you have the most dominate D in the game (Baltimore and 1 of Pitts SB wins) you don't win in this league without a QB.

The Patriots won 11 games without their quarterback and the 49ers played in several NFC Championship games and won a Super Bowl shortly after Montana left. I think the Packers would win a lot of games this year with Flynn because they have a very talented receiving corps.

However, Polian never bothered to give the Colts a credible backup.

Edited by Blue Horseshoe
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The Patriots won 11 games without their quarterback and the 49ers played in several NFC Championship games and won a Super Bowl shortly after Montana left. I think the Packers would win a lot of games this year with Flynn because they have a very talented receiving corps.

However, Polian never bothered to give the Colts a credible backup.

The Pats played the easiest schedule in the NFL that season, Steve Young took over for Montana, and GB would not win 5 games without AR. Their D is HORRIBLE.

Edited by John Dee
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The Pats played the easiest schedule in the NFL that season, Steve Young took over for Montana, and GB would not win 5 games without AR. Their D is HORRIBLE.

The Packers defense is a very average #16 giving up 22 points a game.

Your first two rebuttals make my point. There was a credible backup in place.

Polian failed to give the Colts one.

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The Patriots won 11 games without their quarterback and the 49ers played in several NFC Championship games and won a Super Bowl shortly after Montana left. I think the Packers would win a lot of games this year with Flynn because they have a very talented receiving corps.

However, Polian never bothered to give the Colts a credible backup.

The Pats got lucky, plain and simple, you can't tell me that anyone would have ever thought Castle would play like he did. The 49ers got lucky when they were able to get Steve as the backup and the 49ers saw when it was time to cut Montana free which Colt fan can't see with Peyton. Are the Packers WR corp talented on their own or because of Aaron Rogers. How many WR's has Peyton look far better then their talent?

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The Packers defense is a very average #16 giving up 22 points a game.

Your first two rebuttals make my point. There was a credible backup in place.

Polian failed to give the Colts one.

How do you know if your backup is talented? How many backup QB's get playing time with the first team in games that matter?

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The Pats played the easiest schedule in the NFL that season, Steve Young took over for Montana, and GB would not win 5 games without AR. Their D is HORRIBLE.

Look at the Pats, they are what like 5-3 so far...what would their record be without Tom Brady? Maybe 1 or 2 wins?

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The Pats got lucky, plain and simple, you can't tell me that anyone would have ever thought Castle would play like he did. The 49ers got lucky when they were able to get Steve as the backup and the 49ers saw when it was time to cut Montana free which Colt fan can't see with Peyton. Are the Packers WR corp talented on their own or because of Aaron Rogers. How many WR's has Peyton look far better then their talent?

Why is other teams successes in overcoming injuries just plain good luck and our failures just bad luck?

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Why is other teams successes in overcoming injuries just plain good luck and our failures just bad luck?

The only luck I have spoken about is how lucky the Pats got that Castle was a pretty good backup when there was no evidence that he would be.

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The only luck I have spoken about is how lucky the Pats got that Castle was a pretty good backup when there was no evidence that he would be.

It wasn't all Matt Cassel. Pats had a pretty balanced team that year. Painter would have been able to win with them that year.

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The Packers defense is a very average #16 giving up 22 points a game.

Your first two rebuttals make my point. There was a credible backup in place.

Polian failed to give the Colts one.

Which is about where the Colts defense ranks with Manning, IE the Packers have the same kinda defense Manning had at his peek of winning, one that gave up a lot of yards but would come up with the big play when needed because the other team was being forced to throw and take more chances than they normally would because of the pressure that was being put on them to score because Peyton Manning or Aaron Rodgers was going to score when they got the ball back.

I agree turnovers has become a problem for the defense and we need more play makers on defense but all and all the defense the Packers has now is not much different than the one the Colts have had most of the time Manning has been here. I think if you took Rodgers away from the Packers and looked at the Packers D and said now go win games for us they are going to be trouble much like the Colts defense is. I also think once the league got tape on Matt Flynn he would be brought back to earth just like Painter was once teams got tape on him. Remember Painter looked pretty good his first three weeks and now as teams getting to break him down on film more and more he's looking more and more like the Curtis Painter fans had no faith in during the pre-season.

The Packers and Colts are not the only teams built like this. It's what comes with having a franchise QB. If he goes down your team is in big trouble. What would happen to the Saints or Chargers if Brees or Rivers went down? I dare even say the way the Pats are built now if Brady went down again they are in deep trouble. You can't just replace those guys with a back up. Most starters in this league couldn't do for their team what they do let alone a back up. You have a franchise QB you put talent around those guys and try to win with that and you know what Polian has done that since 1998 it has not worked in 1998, 2001, and this year. That's a pretty good. Sorry but it is. I know it doesn't make this year exceptable but at the sametime this year doesn't mean what we did from 2002-2010 didn't happen or didn't work either like some fans are trying to make it seem.

Yes the Colts gambled with the back up QB spot but they did so to keep other big name players here or get a key free agent or two and spent money on guys like Jeff Saturday, Dallas Clark, AV and Gary Brackett just to name a few who have all been a key part of us winning as much as we did from 2002 till now. I also think the Colts gambled with it becuase they knew there is no such thing as a good back up to Peyton Manning unless you have a Steve Young type player backing him like Motana had with the 49ers and till after this year the Colts haven't really been in poistion to get a guy like that nor has it made sense to get one because then all you are doing is paying big bucks to a guy who is never going to play and wasting most of his career on the bench which does no one any good. Now Manning is old enough it makes sense to get a guy to start being groomed to replace him. Also before someone says we could have had a good vet QB option, uptil this year most people would have said the best back up QB in the NFL was Kerry Collins, well who did the Colts go get once Peyton was down? Kerry Collins. How well did that work? Now also ask yourself if your Kerry Collins or any other good back up QB do you want to go to a team like the Colts where you know you aren't going to play or would rather go to a team like the TItans who were shakey at the QB spot and you might very well get a chance to play? Don't think that wasn't a factor in that as well. Peter King had a story before we brought in Collins where he said he talked to Chris Polian who said they did want to bring in a vet QB the last time Manning missed the pre-season and was told by the guy they wanted he wouldn't come to Indianapolis because he would just waste away on the bench for a year.

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I'm truely fed-up with all the excuses about other teams being in the same mess as us if they lost their franchise QB. Brady went down, and the backup wins 11. Big Ben is banned for 4, and the back-ups win 3. I'll go with the form that points to us being way worse and under prepared than these other marquee teams. This is all just a cover up for the Polian lovers to hide behind. You are not being disloyal to the Colts organisation by admitting Bill is finished....

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I'm truely fed-up with all the excuses about other teams being in the same mess as us if they lost their franchise QB. Brady went down, and the backup wins 11. Big Ben is banned for 4, and the back-ups win 3. I'll go with the form that points to us being way worse and under prepared than these other marquee teams. This is all just a cover up for the Polian lovers to hide behind. You are not being disloyal to the Colts organisation by admitting Bill is finished....

No us "Polian" lovers as you put it, look at things overall and not run around with our head cut off like chicken little off of 1 bad season and so far that is all it is no matter how some here want to spin it. We still won 10 last year, our division and made the playoffs, the season before we won 14 and went to the SB. So no we don't know at this point if "Bill" is finished, we actually are willing to see what happens over the next season or so before we run around screaming and acting like Chicken Little.

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My only problems with the Polians is that for some reason, they chase away good coaches. But that is a big problem indeed and IMO their biggest flaw.

My second problem is not being prepared for football without Manning. Im not talking about building the team around a great QB, I actually agree with it. Im saying is they just hoped for the best with Painter, when he isn't a competent QB.

This is a good team MINUS a capable QB and a good coaching staff. There's some fill in players here and there, but there's more upside on the team than there are Jacob Laceys.

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My only problems with the Polians is that for some reason, they chase away good coaches. But that is a big problem indeed and IMO their biggest flaw.

My second problem is not being prepared for football without Manning. Im not talking about building the team around a great QB, I actually agree with it. Im saying is they just hoped for the best with Painter, when he isn't a competent QB.

This is a good team MINUS a capable QB and a good coaching staff. There's some fill in players here and there, but there's more upside on the team than there are Jacob Laceys.

I would be shocked if the Polians, or the coaching staff ever saw Painter as the future QB for this franchise. I think they saw him as a serviceable part time replacement if ever needed and we have seen that they were wrong. I think they viewed Peyton's replacement as a QB they would be drafting probably in 2013 or maybe 2014, but now that has been pushed back to 2012 and we have a bevy of choices to take.

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I would be shocked if the Polians, or the coaching staff ever saw Painter as the future QB for this franchise. I think they saw him as a serviceable part time replacement if ever needed and we have seen that they were wrong. I think they viewed Peyton's replacement as a QB they would be drafting probably in 2013 or maybe 2014, but now that has been pushed back to 2012 and we have a bevy of choices to take.

Sorry I didn't mean Painter as replacement, just a backup. I agree they made a huge mistake with Painter and should've taken the possibility that Manning could be hurt more seriously.

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Sorry I didn't mean Painter as replacement, just a backup. I agree they made a huge mistake with Painter and should've taken the possibility that Manning could be hurt more seriously.

But at the point that anyone really thought Peyton might not be able to go this season there were not really any choices out there to bring in and the one they did was not a good choice. Basically we were in a no win situation when you have your QB go down and have an untested QB in the backup role.

I think we could have gotten a better feel on Painter had Peyton been more willing to come out of games in the past where we were ahead and allow Painter some time with the A team in real games. I think that would have helped the coaches and staff see what Painter could or couldn't do. How many games during Painters career here have the Colts had big leads and Peyton didn't come out....

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No us "Polian" lovers as you put it, look at things overall and not run around with our head cut off like chicken little off of 1 bad season and so far that is all it is no matter how some here want to spin it. We still won 10 last year, our division and made the playoffs, the season before we won 14 and went to the SB. So no we don't know at this point if "Bill" is finished, we actually are willing to see what happens over the next season or so before we run around screaming and acting like Chicken Little.

By your admission you're looking just two years into the past and one season into the future - a total four years - and that is the definition of being shortsighted relevant to the discussion.

A more accurate assessment would be the body work since Polian arrived in Indianapolis in 1998 plus what lies ahead for the next three years at minimum = 18 year reference. What's happening with the Colts is far bigger than "one bad season." Not everyone is capable or willing to see it even though there should be more than enough evidence currently on the field, coupled with team performance since 1998. Since Bill Polian is still involved even while his son Chris takes over the reigns....I think it's fair to include the immediate 3yr. future in his sphere of influence.

Part of it depends on what an acceptable definition of success is. If it's one SB title and a sub-.500 postseason record while operating with one of the best QBs of all time, but with no plan for success beyond the Manning formula......then that's great for some folks. I'm not satisfied with it though. What we've been given is a nice era with Manning. It should finally be clear to even the most casual fan, there's no long term plan for success currently in place. The Colts lack identity beyond the Manning formula. End of file.

What Polian did drafting Manning and filling Faulk's shoes with EJ was great (although it's measuring a HOFer against one of the Colt RB greats), plus trading down to get Reggie. Yes, he's made some other good moves but the huge majority of those revolved around the Manning formula = a mostly unbalanced team over the years that has by far and large won games in the same fashion vs. different phases producing and/or contributing more to wins. Most of the wins we did get came in a weak division including two very new and/or expansion teams during the regular season (HOU entered in 2002; JAX entered in 1995). Again, sub-.500 postseason record when all the chips are on the table with perrenial thorns in the side including PITT, NE, SD and old nemesis from AFC East days....NYJ.

We live and die by Manning to a fault.

Bill Polian has also not done this team any favors while mis-managing the salary cap. Several coming to mind are Bob Sanders (paid more than Polamalu at the time), Kelvin Hayden, Corey Simon, Dwight Freeney (richest defensive contract at the time), and Ryan Diem. Freeney has been great for us but I'm talking about money and it's impact on the salary cap coupled with philosophical approach.

The mindset of holding roster spots open for non-contributors has also not helped. Obvious players would be Bob Sanders, Mike Hart, Anthony Gonzalez, Melvin Bullitt, Kelvin Hayden (to a lesser degree) and now even Joe Addai is falling into that category. I'd like to see Joe stay, but in a specialty 3rd down role because of his skill set incuding pass blocking, together with his durability issues.

There are also the relatively non-productive early round draft picks from the past severals years, Bill Polian's admitted o-line neglect which put the project at bare minimum one year behind schedule, mistakes with Jake Scott & others, annual lack of emphasis on obtaining defensive impact players and special teams, and the promotion of Jim Caldwell together with other coaching staff turnover. All of it spells flawed philosophy and over reliance on one phase of the game and/or one player (Manning).

Fortunately, this past offseason saw the team starting to trend away from the roster liability-type players (Hart, Hayden) and over-priced players (Session to JAX for 30M), which is encouraging. It also appears the team might entertain aquiring more FA talent, but that remains to be seen beyond this past offseason which was steered by unusual circumstances. Make no mistake though, the team has much bigger issues than "one bad season" and again, that has been sorely exposed for all to see. The buck does in fact stop with Bill Polian, like it or not. How long he'll be around Colt football remains to be seen.

I think the team still has a chance to be competitive in the short term if Manning plays again at a high level....and the future years may be good if the current trends continue to progress and we capitalize on this year's draft. We'll see what they give us.

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My only problems with the Polians is that for some reason, they chase away good coaches. But that is a big problem indeed and IMO their biggest flaw.

My second problem is not being prepared for football without Manning. Im not talking about building the team around a great QB, I actually agree with it. Im saying is they just hoped for the best with Painter, when he isn't a competent QB.

This is a good team MINUS a capable QB and a good coaching staff. There's some fill in players here and there, but there's more upside on the team than there are Jacob Laceys.

Exactly what good coaches did they chase away?

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By your admission you're looking just two years into the past and one season into the future - a total four years - and that is the definition of being shortsighted relevant to the discussion.

A more accurate assessment would be the body work since Polian arrived in Indianapolis in 1998 plus what lies ahead for the next three years at minimum = 18 year reference. What's happening with the Colts is far bigger than "one bad season." Not everyone is capable or willing to see it even though there should be more than enough evidence currently on the field, coupled with team performance since 1998. Since Bill Polian is still involved even while his son Chris takes over the reigns....I think it's fair to include the immediate 3yr. future in his sphere of influence.

Part of it depends on what an acceptable definition of success is. If it's one SB title and a sub-.500 postseason record while operating with one of the best QBs of all time, but with no plan for success beyond the Manning formula......then that's great for some folks. I'm not satisfied with it though. What we've been given is a nice era with Manning. It should finally be clear to even the most casual fan, there's no long term plan for success currently in place. The Colts lack identity beyond the Manning formula. End of file.

What Polian did drafting Manning and filling Faulk's shoes with EJ was great (although it's measuring a HOFer against one of the Colt RB greats), plus trading down to get Reggie. Yes, he's made some other good moves but the huge majority of those revolved around the Manning formula = a mostly unbalanced team over the years that has by far and large won games in the same fashion vs. different phases producing and/or contributing more to wins. Most of the wins we did get came in a weak division including two very new and/or expansion teams during the regular season (HOU entered in 2002; JAX entered in 1995). Again, sub-.500 postseason record when all the chips are on the table with perrenial thorns in the side including PITT, NE, SD and old nemesis from AFC East days....NYJ.

We live and die by Manning to a fault.

Bill Polian has also not done this team any favors while mis-managing the salary cap. Several coming to mind are Bob Sanders (paid more than Polamalu at the time), Kelvin Hayden, Corey Simon, Dwight Freeney (richest defensive contract at the time), and Ryan Diem. Freeney has been great for us but I'm talking about money and it's impact on the salary cap coupled with philosophical approach.

The mindset of holding roster spots open for non-contributors has also not helped. Obvious players would be Bob Sanders, Mike Hart, Anthony Gonzalez, Melvin Bullitt, Kelvin Hayden (to a lesser degree) and now even Joe Addai is falling into that category. I'd like to see Joe stay, but in a specialty 3rd down role because of his skill set incuding pass blocking, together with his durability issues.

There are also the relatively non-productive early round draft picks from the past severals years, Bill Polian's admitted o-line neglect which put the project at bare minimum one year behind schedule, mistakes with Jake Scott & others, annual lack of emphasis on obtaining defensive impact players and special teams, and the promotion of Jim Caldwell together with other coaching staff turnover. All of it spells flawed philosophy and over reliance on one phase of the game and/or one player (Manning).

Fortunately, this past offseason saw the team starting to trend away from the roster liability-type players (Hart, Hayden) and over-priced players (Session to JAX for 30M), which is encouraging. It also appears the team might entertain aquiring more FA talent, but that remains to be seen beyond this past offseason which was steered by unusual circumstances. Make no mistake though, the team has much bigger issues than "one bad season" and again, that has been sorely exposed for all to see. The buck does in fact stop with Bill Polian, like it or not. How long he'll be around Colt football remains to be seen.

I think the team still has a chance to be competitive in the short term if Manning plays again at a high level....and the future years may be good if the current trends continue to progress and we capitalize on this year's draft. We'll see what they give us.

I am confused, Bill Polian built a team that has dominated over the past 10 years in the regular season and only .500ish in the playoffs and that is his fault? How about the players and even coaches assume the blame for not getting the job done in the playoff games? Where is the blame that Peyton has had a history of not coming up big in big time games? I am glad Peyton was and is a Colt, but I also can see that for whatever reason when it comes big game time there are players who just don't respond as well as others.

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I am confused, Bill Polian built a team that has dominated over the past 10 years in the regular season and only .500ish in the playoffs and that is his fault? How about the players and even coaches assume the blame for not getting the job done in the playoff games? Where is the blame that Peyton has had a history of not coming up big in big time games? I am glad Peyton was and is a Colt, but I also can see that for whatever reason when it comes big game time there are players who just don't respond as well as others.

Re-read my post and you'll see blame spread around....but all of it comes off branches of the Bill Polian decision tree while shaping the team. Make no mistake, this team is Bill Polian's product top to bottom. Like I said, part of it depends on definition of success & if yer a happy camper, that's fine. I'd like to think we can do better though. I'd like to see the team have enough of a shift in philosophy to enable winning ways for years to come....because I doubt we'll see another player like Peyton Manning on which so much could/should be placed, however misguided that may be. One thing in our favor (but every other team's as well) is the new CBA which includes rookie wage scale. Prudent, more conservative decision making when necessary could go a long way for us...... this upcoming offseason most particularly.

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I am confused, Bill Polian built a team that has dominated over the past 10 years in the regular season and only .500ish in the playoffs and that is his fault? How about the players and even coaches assume the blame for not getting the job done in the playoff games? Where is the blame that Peyton has had a history of not coming up big in big time games? I am glad Peyton was and is a Colt, but I also can see that for whatever reason when it comes big game time there are players who just don't respond as well as others.

One man built this team. His name is Peyton Manning. Proof is in the pudding! Everything you say points to this. Yes, I give Bill credit for drafting him.

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The Patriots won 11 games without their quarterback and the 49ers played in several NFC Championship games and won a Super Bowl shortly after Montana left. I think the Packers would win a lot of games this year with Flynn because they have a very talented receiving corps.

However, Polian never bothered to give the Colts a credible backup.

the pats won because of their brick wall o-line they proved any qb could be good with enough time to throw, help us bp, he has tried to the best of his ability
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I'm truely fed-up with all the excuses about other teams being in the same mess as us if they lost their franchise QB. Brady went down, and the backup wins 11. Big Ben is banned for 4, and the back-ups win 3. I'll go with the form that points to us being way worse and under prepared than these other marquee teams. This is all just a cover up for the Polian lovers to hide behind. You are not being disloyal to the Colts organisation by admitting Bill is finished....

Chill out man, the depth on this team has deteriorated in just the last couple of years. The draft has been Indy's lifeblood for the last decade, in the last few years the team has missed on high round picks. FA departures, and injury eventually add up when teams win 12+ games a year for ten years running.

Lordy... I guess you were a Tobin fan? :yuk:

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One man built this team. His name is Peyton Manning. Proof is in the pudding! Everything you say points to this. Yes, I give Bill credit for drafting him.


Did you watch the SB run? Manning was "average" at best in all playoff games except NE. The D won Indy that ring, and Dom and Joe were the real SB MVP's......

Look at the staring D on that team...

Booger, injury ended career

Marlin, injury ended career

Sanders, injury ended career

Morris, injury ended career

June, FA departure... not missed

Brackett, injury will most likely end career

Hayden, team just releases

Jennings, starting for the Bears... ?? Yet he wasn't good enough for us?

Freeney, MIA this season

Mathis, MIA this season

It was only 5 years ago, and if not for injury and what not this D could have been a juggernaut.

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Did you watch the SB run? Manning was "average" at best in all playoff games except NE. The D won Indy that ring, and Dom and Joe were the real SB MVP's......

Look at the staring D on that team...

Booger, injury ended career

Marlin, injury ended career

Sanders, injury ended career

Morris, injury ended career

June, FA departure... not missed

Brackett, injury will most likely end career

Hayden, team just releases

Jennings, starting for the Bears... ?? Yet he wasn't good enough for us?

Freeney, MIA this season

Mathis, MIA this season

It was only 5 years ago, and if not for injury and what not this D could have been a juggernaut.

Manning called every play in the super bowl. Juggernaut??? lol. NOT! What would we do, hold teams to only 200 yds rushing. COME ON MAN!

Edited by sb2001
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Like I asked... "did U watch any of the SB playoff run?"

Yes. How many yards did jacksonville run on us that year in the reg season...... hummmmmm. Jugernot

Tell me, who got us to the playoffs carrying the colts on his back? Ill give you 2 guesses.

Colts D has sucked for years, we all know it. Its NEVER been good.

Edited by sb2001
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Did you watch the SB run? Manning was "average" at best in all playoff games except NE. The D won Indy that ring, and Dom and Joe were the real SB MVP's......

Look at the staring D on that team...

Booger, injury ended career

Marlin, injury ended career

Sanders, injury ended career

Morris, injury ended career

June, FA departure... not missed

Brackett, injury will most likely end career

Hayden, team just releases

Jennings, starting for the Bears... ?? Yet he wasn't good enough for us?

Freeney, MIA this season

Mathis, MIA this season

It was only 5 years ago, and if not for injury and what not this D could have been a juggernaut.

This was the flukiest run to a Super Bowl in NFL history. That defense was the worst defense in NFL history going into the playoffs and they all of a sudden flipped a switch.

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Yes. How many yards did jacksonville run on us that year in the reg season...... hummmmmm. Jugernot

Tell me, who got us to the playoffs carrying the colts on his back? Ill give you 2 guesses.

Colts D has sucked for years, we all know it. Its NEVER been good.

Manning got us to the playoffs that year, then dropped off in the playoffs (for the most part), as he has most playoffs.

That year the D started out O.K, then dropped off completely near the end of the season, then got us to, and won the SB for us.

This whole thread is so over the top emotional and irrational, it's silly.

I don't over look issue on this team, but to me, the glaring issue is simply injuries, and QB play.

If our back up QB situation was stable I feel we'd be about .500 so far this year, maybe better.

Painter's issues seem to be his accuracy, and confidence.

If he had the former, he'd have the later, and we'd be O.K.

BTW, I thought I'd read where the Colts approached Hasselbeck early on in FA, but he balked for playing time, and ended up in TN.

So, we didn't ignore the situation. We did try.

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Did you watch the SB run? Manning was "average" at best in all playoff games except NE. The D won Indy that ring, and Dom and Joe were the real SB MVP's......

Look at the staring D on that team...

Booger, injury ended career

Marlin, injury ended career

Sanders, injury ended career

Morris, injury ended career

June, FA departure... not missed

Brackett, injury will most likely end career

Hayden, team just releases

Jennings, starting for the Bears... ?? Yet he wasn't good enough for us?

Freeney, MIA this season

Mathis, MIA this season

It was only 5 years ago, and if not for injury and what not this D could have been a juggernaut.

I think Dungy had more doing with building that team than Polian did. I think Polian started using all of his power when the puppet came into play. This is for the "Polian built the SB team" argument.

Edited by smittywerb
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At comparable 0-9 marks the Colts have scored less and allowed more points than the winless Lions team, which I saw pointed out in another thread. That is historically bad at this point. We're on pace to be the worst team in NFL history, statistically, including our win/loss record. You don't get to this point by way of some casually dismissed reasons I see offered here. Some of those things exacerbate the real issues, but face the facts the team has big problems. Many of those are self imposed.

Our current problems coupled with prominent roster question marks moving toward 2012 (Manning, Wayne, Mathis, Clark, Addai, Bullitt, Brackett, Saturday, Diem, Garcon......plus multiple under achievers), our situation could be just a step or two ahead of starting over. Ironically, those are situations where Bill Polian was at his best in years gone by - reference Buffalo (although no salary cap at that point) where he brought in everyone including Marv Levy, Carolina Panthers out of expansion, and here in Indy even on the heels of some good Harbaugh years.

We have some good younger talent on the team including Nevis, Angerer, Conner, Wheeler, Castanzo, Carter, Reitz, Powers, McAfee.....to name a few. We could see a fairly significant turnover in veteran leadership. We're going to need a great 2012 draft to replenish and improve the team though, and a coaching staff that will be able to make consistently good decisions and get the most out of the players.

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This was the flukiest run to a Super Bowl in NFL history. That defense was the worst defense in NFL history going into the playoffs and they all of a sudden flipped a switch.

Not to mention it was fluky because when we got there we played a team that honestly wasn't that good. I mean c'mon Rex Grossman. It was also a fluke the Bears got there. I realize their defense is great but still. Rex Grossman???

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    • Davis came from Alabama. My point of interest as the writer highlighted is he is moving from being a 2 gapper into now only being responsible for a single gap with a lot more penetration from him versus read and react. With his length and power at 6ft 7 300 plus the expectation for him in our scheme is he will be more disruptive. A much more reliable option for us if Grover goes down in addition to whatever else maybe we can do with him.
    • Thank you. You guys are too kind, but I truly appreciate the support.    Perhaps I am being too hard on myself… But my point still stands that anyone who makes it to the NFL, whether practice squad or starter, has achieved something prestigious that only a rare few ever achieve.    Over a million high schoolers play. Of those only 7.8 percent move on to play in college.    Over 80,000 people play in college. Only 0.4 percent make it to opening day in the NFL.    Only 2,016 players make it to NFL rosters. 
    • Davis had a very good rookie season after being drafted in the 2nd round out of Ohio State (I believe).   Graded in the 70’s against both the run and pass.      But his last three years have been disappointing, as he’s graded in the mid-50’s.   The reason I’m so interested in this signing, is (A) I’m sure it was heavily influenced by the new DL coach, Partridge.   And (B) we’re paying him 2/14.  I don’t recall that kind of money ever being given to a basic backup before.   Don’t think Davis is here to push Stewart, the Colts just signed him to 3/39.  That tells me the Colts defensive staff sees him differently.   I don’t know what the plan the staff has come up with for Davis, but I’m looking forward to watching it play out. 
    • What I’m reading on him the Pacers did get good value. Looks like he will need time to develop but he is in the right situation to do that. The pacers are stacking some quality young players that will prove to be more outstanding depth or assets if they choose to make a trade. Very exciting time for the team right now.  
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