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Kravitz Article On Chris Polian


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Kravitz has an interesting column in Sunday's Indy Star: Link provided below:


The article detail a lot of the Colts problems and how they coincide with Chris Polian ascending to the GM role. I know this is just an opinion and the Polian loyalists and the "Colts management can do no wrong why just compare the Indy Pre Polian 1984-1997 era to what Bill Polian has done since" defenders will be up in arms because, God forbid, Bill and now Chris can do no wrong and will hate the article (The truth frequently hurts).

I happen to agree with Kravitz on this one and have essentially been saying the same things in previous posts on this and the old board. Bill is becoming a sad shell of himself and Chris is the sterotypical no talent, got his job because of daddy guy. As Kravitz said, do anyone seriously think Chris Polian would have any substantial role on any NFL team, including the Colts, if his daddy didn't run the show? Caldwell is even given a little slack in the article because he can only do so much with the crappy "talent" provided by the Polians,.

My question is where the heck is Irsay in all this? Is he so zoned out with his tweeting that he has left reality? He is letting the Polian turn the team into a laughingstock. The Polians refused to be interviewed on this matter(of course they did because they couldn't control what was in the article).

On another subject our Special Teams have sucked over the years and are historically inept this year. Link to the article discussing the Special Teams is provided below: Of course the Polians refused to be interviewed for this article.


I've loved my Colts since the 1960s, but with the Polians in place I am one sad and disgusted fan. Of course I will continue to be a rabid fan but I don't think we will win more than one game this year with our Middle Tennesse State type roster.

Count On Losing This Sunday (COLTS) to the Falcons because of inepts management, ownership and coaching.

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This article is going to sting and deservingly so. In the season ticket holders survey, I was not kind at all on Polians handling of this team. He is arrogant, turns off the fanbase with his attitude handling fans who dare say a negative thng about how badly the team is/has played over the years (and I mean individual games over the years), his lack of media outlet for the fans of the team other than what he wants out and the poor shape of this team now under his control. I do not think Irsay is hiding under a rock and brainwashed by the fact the team is doing poorly and a lot of desicions short of picking Manning has been dismal over the past several years but if you expect him to say Polian/s are under the gun to the media, you are smoking crack. Good stewards of the game will not publicy say win or your fired, that crap was left for Al Davis and the Jerry Jones types. Irsay is being level headed and taking it all in while I am sure he has to be weighing his options and the direction of his team under the watch of Bill Polian and now under Chris. Maybe Chris has screwed up on many descisions over the past few years and handled things wrong but based on this past draft, has he learned from it all and changed his style to handle the game? I think a few things could happen here. I think most of it depends on Manning of course but if the Colts lose Manning to retirement, I would not be shocked at all to see Irsay start over fresh from the top down. It is clear that this coaching is a poor product from offense, defense and the special teams so it would not be a stretch to say, given a change at the QB spot, to see a whole flush of the teams structure and start over with a fresh perspective, starting at the top.

Bigger question of course, who would be potential GM candidates that could produce a winning legacy as Polian did with Manning as his QB? Can the next guy do it with a Andrew Luck as his first pick and having a possible Solid LT and an emerging star at the WR spot in Garcon? Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Do we already have our Edge on the team in Carter??

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I am thinking of how excited everyone was with the draft picks this season, how most thought it was a huge plus for the team.

Peyton being out is not something we had planned on, and of course it affected everything.

Spreading the blame around . . .

I watched NFL Showtime and Phil Simms stated something that I truly connected with and the way I felt also. ( yeah I know . . . Phil :) ).

We have a lot of pro-bowl players on this team. I thought we would win at least one or two games. It just amazes me how we have not.

We can't be that bad!

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Not saying he's wrong, but in situations like this blame tends to trickle uphill. They've already scapegoated assistant coaches in recent years, now it's time to look at the coordinators and HC. Only if all that doesn't right the ship will the Polians be in danger.

Definitely not a fan of nepotism. I hope the anonymous sources are just doing the sour grapes thing and playing politics with the organization. If not the damage could be hard to undo quickly...

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I am thinking of how excited everyone was with the draft picks this season, how most thought it was a huge plus for the team.

Peyton being out is not something we had planned on, and of course it affected everything.

Spreading the blame around . . .

I watched NFL Showtime and Phil Simms stated something that I truly connected with and the way I felt also. ( yeah I know . . . Phil :) ).

We have a lot of pro-bowl players on this team. I thought we would win at least one or two games. It just amazes me how we have not.

We can't be that bad!

It is a little hard to take to suggest that one player, even Peyton Manning, can cause a playoff team to suddenly go to a potential winless team the next year. Peyton is very good but no way in heck is his being injuried this year is the sole reason for this pile of talentless players we place on the field every week. That is a tired excuse that's been beat to death. Colts management - TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR FAILURES. We've had some players make some pro bowls over the years. That doesn't mean they are pro bowls locks every year like Manning nor does it mean a lot in today's game where sometimes the 3rd or 4th alternate makes the Pro Bowl because of injury to and/or other reasons players selected ahead of them bow out. Sooooo can we please lose the "Pro Bowl" misleading tag for our players who might have had a decent season or two and luck out on the Pro Bowl because the other five better players at their position didn/t/couldn't make the Pro Bpowl for that particular year.

As far a blame goes, it is the front office fault. They hired the substandard coaching, they drafted/acquired the substandard players, they control all aspects of the Colts organization and they accept all the benefits so why shouldn't they accept blame with things go wrong?

Edited by Fatboyslim11
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The article detail a lot of the Colts problems and how they coincide with Chris Polian ascending to the GM role. I know this is just an opinion and the Polian loyalists and the "Colts management can do no wrong why just compare the Indy Pre Polian 1984-1997 era to what Bill Polian has done since" defenders will be up in arms because, God forbid, Bill and now Chris can do no wrong and will hate the article (The truth frequently hurts).

So that's the only viewpoint people can have if they defend Polian? Nice way to sneak a stab in there to those who don't share your all-hate viewpoint. Also, why is the opposing viewpoint, presented by Kravitz, the "truth" compared to a Kool Aid view? Why are there no in-betweens permitted among those who support the Polians?

Just playing devil's advocate here.

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I am thinking of how excited everyone was with the draft picks this season, how most thought it was a huge plus for the team.

Peyton being out is not something we had planned on, and of course it affected everything.

Spreading the blame around . . .

I watched NFL Showtime and Phil Simms stated something that I truly connected with and the way I felt also. ( yeah I know . . . Phil :) ).

We have a lot of pro-bowl players on this team. I thought we would win at least one or two games. It just amazes me how we have not.

We can't be that bad!

What's weird is it seemed like the media and the fans (well at least me) were expecting Peyton to be out or at least not play at a high level this season after hearing about his 2nd surgery. The front office seemed to be in the dark about it and expected him to play and didn't really prepare for it until the last second.

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What's weird is it seemed like the media and the fans (well at least me) were expecting Peyton to be out or at least not play at a high level this season after hearing about his 2nd surgery. The front office seemed to be in the dark about it and expected him to play and didn't really prepare for it until the last second.

I always joked with my friends that we would win 1-2 games without peyton and they would all laugh and say no way.Some would say they had been rolling the dice for 13 years and now the dice came up snake eyes.
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So that's the only viewpoint people can have if they defend Polian? Nice way to sneak a stab in there to those who don't share your all-hate viewpoint. Also, why is the opposing viewpoint, presented by Kravitz, the "truth" compared to a Kool Aid view? Why are there no in-betweens permitted among those who support the Polians?

Just playing devil's advocate here.

You care to share your viewpoint on this subject? What do you agree with or diagree with in the article? I just you don't attribute our bad team and organization to be the results of "bad luck". IMO, that is the ultimate cop out excuse. In the past, particularily on the old board, anyone who questioned any aspect of the Polian(s) rule was villified and beaten down by the Pro Polian loyalists. I happen to believe all views are welcome and and would love to read your take.

Edited by Fatboyslim11
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I don't know that Chris Polian had his hand in JIm Caldwell following Tony Dungy. That seemed to be more his dad. And Caldwell is who brought in his staff.

I honestly feel it is a mistake to throw Chris Polian under a bus for what is going on. In my opinion, what you are seeing is inept coaching, not lack of talent. If Bill Belichick or Bill Walsh (if he were alive) were running this team, they would have made drastic game plan changes to compensate for who is missing or the strengths of the team. It seems with Caldwell and Christenson, we still act like Manning is back there. I still can't figure out with Carter, Brown, and Addai running well, why Painter is throwing the ball 40+ times in a game. On the other side of the ball, Coyer has to do SOMETHING diffeent than 10 yard cushions and obvious blitzs. That is now Chris Polians fault. If this is now his team, lets see him get his head coach in. Then we can hold him accountable.

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Excellent article but weeks late,some of the poster's here have brought this up earlier.But the know it all's here had to try to dismiss them as uninformed.But now a writer brings it up with some fact based arguments and now you get ,kravitz is a hack or some other bull.They are always right and no one should offer up opinions or facts that they disagree with.

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I don't know that Chris Polian had his hand in JIm Caldwell following Tony Dungy. That seemed to be more his dad. And Caldwell is who brought in his staff.

I honestly feel it is a mistake to throw Chris Polian under a bus for what is going on. In my opinion, what you are seeing is inept coaching, not lack of talent. If Bill Belichick or Bill Walsh (if he were alive) were running this team, they would have made drastic game plan changes to compensate for who is missing or the strengths of the team. It seems with Caldwell and Christenson, we still act like Manning is back there. I still can't figure out with Carter, Brown, and Addai running well, why Painter is throwing the ball 40+ times in a game. On the other side of the ball, Coyer has to do SOMETHING diffeent than 10 yard cushions and obvious blitzs. That is now Chris Polians fault. If this is now his team, lets see him get his head coach in. Then we can hold him accountable.

It is the players we put on the field that is the problem. I agree that Caldwell and staff couldn't coach their way out of a paper bag but the quality of the talent level of the men we put on the field is an embrassment to the organization, the NFL, the fans and humankind in general.

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Excellent article but weeks late,some of the poster's here have brought this up earlier.But the know it all's here had to try to dismiss them as uninformed.But now a writer brings it up with some fact based arguments and now you get ,kravitz is a hack or some other bull.They are always right and no one should offer up opinions or facts that they disagree with.

I was one of those who was dismissed. I didn't have the level of information that Kravitz has. What I was primarly going by the fact that as Chris's name became more prominent in press releases from the Colts, the worse the drafts.

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Kravitz was right on with this article. I for one said Caldwell has got to go after this year but is was the Polians that put him as coach. So Bob is right, Jim Caldwell cannot take all the blame for the situation we are in. Chris Polian cannot run this team for years to come. I have wondered for the past several years what would happen to this team without Peyton but I never knew he was the whole team.

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Great article Kravy! This is great insight, with clear examples of an incompetent GM that inherited a job he was not qualified for. "Jim Irsay needs to pull his head out of his ***", one commenter said. But the NEPOTISM in this front office lies not only with the Polians but with the IRSAY's. Jim Irsay also inherited a job and a team his isn't qualified for. The are cracked from the same egg, Chris Polian and Jim Irsay. Bob Irsay would have never let happen. His son is a drug addict loser, slowly running his fathers franchise in the ground with the help of his cell phone and Bill Polian. Jim Irsay, PLEASE wake up out this this haze that you are in. Take some advise from someone outside the team before its too late and Manning is gone and most of your season ticket holders.

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Stampede Blue had same / similar analysis I just hesited putting it up do to source and that we all know their bias, Kravitz is a different animal though

whlie for the most part I agree, I love the last draft and maybe hes finally learning

I have also read ( sorry no link ) , he had applied just a few years ago for a other position at other teams all who hired other personnel instead see below

The stampede blue earlier article mentioned and 2 notes from it

To be fair to Chris, I did some digging the last few days, sending out emails to reporters and NFL insiders around the country. I even got some input from some local people who have access to the Colts. The subject I asked for input on was Chris Polian, and the question was: If he got fired at the end of 2012, would anyone else in this league hire him in an equal capacity that he is right now in Indianapolis.

Everyone said no.


Even more telling is that Chris has, in the past, been linked to openings within the within the 49ers and Falcons. He didn't get either job, and in the case of the Falcons, I highly doubt the interest was serious considering owner Arthur Blank eventually hired Thomas Dimitroff in 2008, viewed by many to be one of the best up-and-coming personnel execs in the league. Unlike Chris Polian, Dimitroff had been a real scout, working in the CFL and for several NFL teams, before becoming the director of college scouting for the Patriots from 2003-2007. During Dimitroff's tenure as director, the Pats won two Super Bowls and drafted players like Vince Wilfork and Logan Mankins


Edited by bayone
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The buck has to stop somewhere and ultimately it's at the top. I think the old joke term "NaPolian" is, unfortunately, accurate. In both Jim Caldwell and Chris Polian we have high level employees, neither of which would probably be considered the best man for the job. It's all about control, and uncle Bill will not give it up entirely. Mr. Irsay is the only one who can do what needs to be done, and right now it doesn't look like changes are imminent.

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So that's the only viewpoint people can have if they defend Polian? Nice way to sneak a stab in there to those who don't share your all-hate viewpoint. Also, why is the opposing viewpoint, presented by Kravitz, the "truth" compared to a Kool Aid view? Why are there no in-betweens permitted among those who support the Polians?

Just playing devil's advocate here.

Honestly, what reasonable opposing viewpoint could exist? Chris Polian's rise to GM has coincided with huge draft debacles. What's his defense?

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This article is going to sting and deservingly so. In the season ticket holders survey, I was not kind at all on Polians handling of this team. He is arrogant, turns off the fanbase with his attitude handling fans who dare say a negative thng about how badly the team is/has played over the years (and I mean individual games over the years), his lack of media outlet for the fans of the team other than what he wants out and the poor shape of this team now under his control. I do not think Irsay is hiding under a rock and brainwashed by the fact the team is doing poorly and a lot of desicions short of picking Manning has been dismal over the past several years but if you expect him to say Polian/s are under the gun to the media, you are smoking crack. Good stewards of the game will not publicy say win or your fired, that crap was left for Al Davis and the Jerry Jones types. Irsay is being level headed and taking it all in while I am sure he has to be weighing his options and the direction of his team under the watch of Bill Polian and now under Chris. Maybe Chris has screwed up on many descisions over the past few years and handled things wrong but based on this past draft, has he learned from it all and changed his style to handle the game? I think a few things could happen here. I think most of it depends on Manning of course but if the Colts lose Manning to retirement, I would not be shocked at all to see Irsay start over fresh from the top down. It is clear that this coaching is a poor product from offense, defense and the special teams so it would not be a stretch to say, given a change at the QB spot, to see a whole flush of the teams structure and start over with a fresh perspective, starting at the top.

Bigger question of course, who would be potential GM candidates that could produce a winning legacy as Polian did with Manning as his QB? Can the next guy do it with a Andrew Luck as his first pick and having a possible Solid LT and an emerging star at the WR spot in Garcon? Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Do we already have our Edge on the team in Carter??

of course he's arrogant and belittling to the fans, but we put up with it when we're winning! When we're winning he's one of the best ever! When we're losing he's a jerk that can't do anything right. I'm not defending the guy. I hate him for what he did with the perfect season fiasco. But fans will turn on a guy quick!

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It is nice to see Kravitz putting the blame where it belongs, with the Polians.

I am not saying Kravitz is wrong but any chance he gets he takes a shot at the Polians. He even admits to it and makes jokes about it from time-to-time when he writes. Him pointing the finger at the Polian is nothing new. With that said I am not saying he is wrong here either.

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I am tired of Kravitz. I will give him that he wrote an intelligent article for a change, but I think he is a joke. He whines and complains when we win, he whines and complains when we lose. He is constantly jabbing because he cannot get an audience with Polian. Yes, the Polian's have not had spectacular drafts recently, but this year's draft picks are going to be major contributors.

Our team is like a luxury car. It has all kinds of bells and whistles and is the best out there when all of the parts work in unison. What happens if you drop a gear from the transmission? You can move, but not well, and eventually you have to replace or service the part. Our team lost it's engine and transmission when Peyton went down. The team, the staff, and the front office genuinely thought Peyton would recover in time for the start of the season. With our team missing those components, it is a miracle we can field a team. We have a luxury car, with a Yugo engine. It just isn't working. That isn't the Polian's...it just happens!

You can blame the Polian's for Tony Ugoh, Jerry Hughes, Donald Brown, re-signing Bob Sanders (what the public wanted at the time), re-signing Joe Addai (what the public wanted), not resigning some of our better defenders, but you cannot blame them for an injury induced team coma.

Peyton determines the fate of this team short term. If he is healthy and returns, this is a blip on the radar; if he is done, it may be a year or two before we re-ascend the hill. Unfortunately, Peyton is a human being and at some point, now or in the future, will be forced to retire. That doesn't make it the front offices fault, it is just reality.

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I am tired of Kravitz. I will give him that he wrote an intelligent article for a change, but I think he is a joke. He whines and complains when we win, he whines and complains when we lose. He is constantly jabbing because he cannot get an audience with Polian. Yes, the Polian's have not had spectacular drafts recently, but this year's draft picks are going to be major contributors.

Our team is like a luxury car. It has all kinds of bells and whistles and is the best out there when all of the parts work in unison. What happens if you drop a gear from the transmission? You can move, but not well, and eventually you have to replace or service the part. Our team lost it's engine and transmission when Peyton went down. The team, the staff, and the front office genuinely thought Peyton would recover in time for the start of the season. With our team missing those components, it is a miracle we can field a team. We have a luxury car, with a Yugo engine. It just isn't working. That isn't the Polian's...it just happens!

You can blame the Polian's for Tony Ugoh, Jerry Hughes, Donald Brown, re-signing Bob Sanders (what the public wanted at the time), re-signing Joe Addai (what the public wanted), not resigning some of our better defenders, but you cannot blame them for an injury induced team coma.

Peyton determines the fate of this team short term. If he is healthy and returns, this is a blip on the radar; if he is done, it may be a year or two before we re-ascend the hill. Unfortunately, Peyton is a human being and at some point, now or in the future, will be forced to retire. That doesn't make it the front offices fault, it is just reality.

We've been missing a couple of gears over the past few years - special teams and defense.

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I don't know that Chris Polian had his hand in JIm Caldwell following Tony Dungy. That seemed to be more his dad. And Caldwell is who brought in his staff.

I honestly feel it is a mistake to throw Chris Polian under a bus for what is going on. In my opinion, what you are seeing is inept coaching, not lack of talent. If Bill Belichick or Bill Walsh (if he were alive) were running this team, they would have made drastic game plan changes to compensate for who is missing or the strengths of the team. It seems with Caldwell and Christenson, we still act like Manning is back there. I still can't figure out with Carter, Brown, and Addai running well, why Painter is throwing the ball 40+ times in a game. On the other side of the ball, Coyer has to do SOMETHING diffeent than 10 yard cushions and obvious blitzs. That is now Chris Polians fault. If this is now his team, lets see him get his head coach in. Then we can hold him accountable.

I honestly feel that Chris Polian would have not had this opportunity period if not for his dad. Why should I wait to see if he is worth a crap or not. I dont know if in a position like he is in now that you would be put there because of who you are or if the owner of the team thought that there is no one better. Im waiting to hear about that. In my lifetime and Im 60 i think this is bad business and I think even tho he may be a good kid he is probably not right for the job. Why no good picks in the last 4 yrs? Oh I know they are picking a long way down the line. Ok, then why no free agents. The answer is they had PM and now they dont. They are exposed for what they are. Im thinking that if the team can play a team near the end of the season that is resting players, then we might able to win a game.
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I am tired of Kravitz. I will give him that he wrote an intelligent article for a change, but I think he is a joke. He whines and complains when we win, he whines and complains when we lose. He is constantly jabbing because he cannot get an audience with Polian. Yes, the Polian's have not had spectacular drafts recently, but this year's draft picks are going to be major contributors.

Our team is like a luxury car. It has all kinds of bells and whistles and is the best out there when all of the parts work in unison. What happens if you drop a gear from the transmission? You can move, but not well, and eventually you have to replace or service the part. Our team lost it's engine and transmission when Peyton went down. The team, the staff, and the front office genuinely thought Peyton would recover in time for the start of the season. With our team missing those components, it is a miracle we can field a team. We have a luxury car, with a Yugo engine. It just isn't working. That isn't the Polian's...it just happens!

You can blame the Polian's for Tony Ugoh, Jerry Hughes, Donald Brown, re-signing Bob Sanders (what the public wanted at the time), re-signing Joe Addai (what the public wanted), not resigning some of our better defenders, but you cannot blame them for an injury induced team coma.

Peyton determines the fate of this team short term. If he is healthy and returns, this is a blip on the radar; if he is done, it may be a year or two before we re-ascend the hill. Unfortunately, Peyton is a human being and at some point, now or in the future, will be forced to retire. That doesn't make it the front offices fault, it is just reality.

wake up,this team is garbage without Peyton.Kravitz writes a lot of truth,so where do you get off saying that.Are you a Polian or something?Polian is arrogant and is getting his comeuppings. Edited by mahagga73
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He has no defense, just look at the colts team.

Exactly, when I first started complaining about this, I did not have any information, other what what a fan could see: bad draft picks and Polian promotions including Chris's name being more prominently mentioned. People could say that I didn't have any proof because I only had subtle clues that took putting together 2+2. Now the inside facts are in, and everything that I said previously is reality.

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of course he's arrogant and belittling to the fans, but we put up with it when we're winning! When we're winning he's one of the best ever! When we're losing he's a jerk that can't do anything right. I'm not defending the guy. I hate him for what he did with the perfect season fiasco. But fans will turn on a guy quick!

To be fair, many of us have not been fond of Polian for a few years now and along with the perfect season and handling of fans calling in, he has shown he doesn't really care about the fans so much as just his own opinion. Well I am a season tix holder and I do have a stake in this team so my opinion should account for something. I really think Polian is doing small bits of damage to this team and the ticket base week by week and I do understand that the noise gets louder with losing but this has been brewing under 14-2 winning years too.

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