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Is Jim Harbaugh available?


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I love Harbaugh but giving up on Pagano right now would be pure ignorance. I honestly think that if anybody personally knows the posters here that constantly whine about Pagano, they should take them to get their IQ tested so they can be confronted with just how stupid they are and maybe it will force them to stop spreading their stupidty on public forums.

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I love Harbaugh but giving up on Pagano right now would be pure ignorance. I honestly think that if anybody personally knows the posters here that constantly whine about Pagano, they should take them to get their IQ tested so they can be confronted with just how stupid they are and maybe it will force them to stop spreading their stupidty on public forums.



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Don't fix what aint broke. The Colts do not have a coaching problem as their record shows. The defense plays with a lot intensity but we have personnel concerns along with offensive line not protecting Luck. Last, Harbaugh is a mile away in style from Pagano and we simply do not NEED him.

the colts definitely have a coaching problem
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People seem to forget that last year was Chuck's first full season as a head coach. Believe it or not, just like for the players, there is a learning curve. If we are still having this conversation after year 4, I am concerned. Before then, I am willing to stay the course. Who knows, maybe Chud was hired to expedite the process.

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Look I know we are stuck with him so I want him to do well and succeed...Those of you who tbink he is a great coach ate delusional and you know..I hope he leads us to Supet Bowls, but there is nothing wrong with voicing frustration...The question was would you want Harbaugh? Harbaugh is an exceptional coach so yes Id dtop Pagano in a heartbeat if that could happen....Difference with me is I don't have to resort to personal insults, I argue my perspective and you're welcome to yours...Doesn't mean eithet is right, time will tell, and I hope I'm wrong, and even if he continues mesding up I hope we win in spite of him like we have been...

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Harbaugh is a brilliant head coach....


But he's pretty much worn out his welcome everywhere he's been...


He wore out his welcome at Stanford in 4-years.   People would've kept him on for one more year -- Luck's last year,  but that's it.


He's wearing out his welcome in San Francisco in 3-years.    He's got everything he could want except he's not being paid enough and that's going to happen.


But the man is INCREDIBLY high maintenance.


I doubt he'd last very long here.


And his wife wants to stay in California.....


I wouldn't hold my breath trying to figure out ways for Harbaugh to come here....


Oh, one last thought.....


For those who wonder why our defense isn't any better than it is.....   did it ever occur to you that maybe it's as good as it is because of Pagano?!?    That without him it might be much, much worse?


Why you expect to have a Seattle level defense after two years of building is a complete mystery....   boggles the mind....


But everyone is entitle to their own opinion.......

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I like Pagano, but I would if Harbaugh was available. I don't know why people treat coaches so much differently than players. If the colts could trade Freeman for Luke Kuechly no one would have a problem with it.

This sums it up perfectly IMO.  The hate for Pagano by some on here is puzzling to say the least, but Harbaugh's results speak for themselves.  Plus Captain Comeback was our QB when I became a Colts fan, so I can't be expected to fully think logically here.  He'd have taken us to the Super Bowl in 95 if instant replay existed back then.

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Someone should make a "Mathis is the worst pass rusher in the nfl" thread.

You don't win without a good coach. Not saying Pagano is great, but he is certainly good. Pagano could well prove himself to be great.

Decisions are made in the heat of battle. Not always the right ones. This is especially true woth inexperience. Chuck wont make the same mistakes.

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There are rumors that there is a big rift between Harbaugh and the 49ers front office. There was a rumor last week that there was talk about a trade for him to go to Cleveland. Should the Colt be interested? There is the Stanford and previous Colts connection. I think he would be a huge upgrade over what we have now. Your thoughts?



Kind sir, you just got put on blast!!!!!


Reading Colts blogs on http://Colts.com  right now.... the suggestions and tips for us parts are pure #comedy

there's more

Now asking for harbaugh?? #ImDone reading that .Our fans are great n awesome n chipper n smart n stuff lol #IknowWhereMyBreadIsButtered


:facepalm: :facepalm:

I give up on this forum, there's no more hope

apparently Mathis isn't too far behind

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Kind sir, you just got put on blast!!!!!


Reading Colts blogs on http://Colts.com  right now.... the suggestions and tips for us parts are pure #comedy

there's more

Now asking for harbaugh?? #ImDone reading that .Our fans are great n awesome n chipper n smart n stuff lol #IknowWhereMyBreadIsButtered


apparently Mathis isn't too far behind



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I'd take Vince Lombardi. We can rebuild him, we have the tecnology.

While we're at it, maybe we can trade a St. Elmos shrimp cocktail to New England so Belichek can be defensive coordinator.

Lol. If people think our offense is too conservative now...
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I'd take Vince Lombardi. We can rebuild him, we have the tecnology.

While we're at it, maybe we can trade a St. Elmos shrimp cocktail to New England so Belichek can be defensive coordinator.

Lol. If people think our offense is too conservative now...
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This sums it up perfectly IMO.  The hate for Pagano by some on here is puzzling to say the least, but Harbaugh's results speak for themselves.  Plus Captain Comeback was our QB when I became a Colts fan, so I can't be expected to fully think logically here.  He'd have taken us to the Super Bowl in 95 if instant replay existed back then.

I don't hate Pagano at all. In fact, I admire him a great deal for his courage in dealing with his health situation. But, do I think he is the coach to lead the Colts to the Super Bowl? I don't know. Perhaps he is but I think right now, he is one of the problems with the team and it is all from inexperience. Harbaugh is a winner, pure and simple and he can lead a team to a Super Bowl. Is he the nicest guy in the world? No, he has a real edge to him but he makes it work in his favor. I think the team is eventually going to slide back a bit with Pagano and we will move on to another coach.

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I don't hate Pagano at all. In fact, I admire him a great deal for his courage in dealing with his health situation. But, do I think he is the coach to lead the Colts to the Super Bowl? I don't know. Perhaps he is but I think right now, he is one of the problems with the team and it is all from inexperience. Harbaugh is a winner, pure and simple and he can lead a team to a Super Bowl. Is he the nicest guy in the world? No, he has a real edge to him but he makes it work in his favor. I think the team is eventually going to slide back a bit with Pagano and we will move on to another coach.


Harbaugh had several years of HC experience at Stanford before being hired by San Fran.  Pagano had not had any prior HC experience.  So it should have been expected that it would take him some time to learn the nuances of game management and things like that.  


Grigson, Pagano, Pep, Luck and many other of our young players are learning on the job so there are going to be growing pains.  However Irsay realized this when hiring Grigson, the two of them knew it when they hired Pagano, the three of them knew it when they hired Pep and so on.  These guys were all brought together to grow together.  


Personally, I think Pagano is going to be around here for a long time.  I think it would take a winless season, or back to back 4 or less win seasons before they would even entertain the notion of firing him.

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Harbaugh had several years of HC experience at Stanford before being hired by San Fran.  Pagano had not had any prior HC experience.  So it should have been expected that it would take him some time to learn the nuances of game management and things like that.  


Grigson, Pagano, Pep, Luck and many other of our young players are learning on the job so there are going to be growing pains.  However Irsay realized this when hiring Grigson, the two of them knew it when they hired Pagano, the three of them knew it when they hired Pep and so on.  These guys were all brought together to grow together.  


Personally, I think Pagano is going to be around here for a long time.  I think it would take a winless season, or back to back 4 or less win seasons before they would even entertain the notion of firing him.

The lastest is out. The 49ers are not going to extend Harbaugh and Miami plans to hire him for the 2015 season.  http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/view/413751-dolphins-to-pursue-jim-harbaugh-in-2015


Mr. Irsay, if you are serious about wanting a Super Bowl team, kick Pagano upstairs and hire Harbaugh and his coaching staff to take the Colts to the promised land. Yes, it will be expensive but you are rolling in money and you can afford it. Make this move and the Colts will be Super Bowl contenders for the next decade. Keep Pagano and move back down to earth is inevitable.

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The lastest is out. The 49ers are not going to extend Harbaugh and Miami plans to hire him for the 2015 season.  http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/view/413751-dolphins-to-pursue-jim-harbaugh-in-2015


Mr. Irsay, if you are serious about wanting a Super Bowl team, kick Pagano upstairs and hire Harbaugh and his coaching staff to take the Colts to the promised land. Yes, it will be expensive but you are rolling in money and you can afford it. Make this move and the Colts will be Super Bowl contenders for the next decade. Keep Pagano and move back down to earth is inevitable.




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Harbaugh had several years of HC experience at Stanford before being hired by San Fran.  Pagano had not had any prior HC experience.  So it should have been expected that it would take him some time to learn the nuances of game management and things like that.  


Grigson, Pagano, Pep, Luck and many other of our young players are learning on the job so there are going to be growing pains.  However Irsay realized this when hiring Grigson, the two of them knew it when they hired Pagano, the three of them knew it when they hired Pep and so on.  These guys were all brought together to grow together.  


Personally, I think Pagano is going to be around here for a long time.  I think it would take a winless season, or back to back 4 or less win seasons before they would even entertain the notion of firing him.

This staff is a 'teaching staff.'  All across the board they are known as great teachers.  Some will bad mouth Joe Gilbert, the line coach.  Why?  How do we go 11-5 with the mish mash/MASH unit of guys we had?  


Pags is a leader, and wants a family atmosphere from him to the janitor!  That is an awesome strategy IMO!!!


Nice post Jason_S!!!

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He sucks plain in simple...He is a figurehead coach who contributes not game planning or game managing....Yes the players like him and play hard for him I'll give him that..Heck I like the guy, I just wish he could actually be a difference maker which he is not....We have Andrew Luck so we will always he in the mix and a playoff team I just wish we'd make better decision's on coaches and stop wasting all- time great QBs....We did the same thing with Manning and we r repeating history


troll alert

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This staff is a 'teaching staff.'  All across the board they are known as great teachers.  Some will bad mouth Joe Gilbert, the line coach.  Why?  How do we go 11-5 with the mish mash/MASH unit of guys we had?  


Pags is a leader, and wants a family atmosphere from him to the janitor!  That is an awesome strategy IMO!!!


Nice post Jason_S!!!

By the time Pagano "teaches" anyone, Harbaugh will have the 49ers back in the Super Bowl and then he will move to Miami and do the same thing there. Harbaugh is a great coach. We aren't even sure if Pagano is a good coach. Some of us think he is the nicest, bravest man in the world but he is in way over his head trying to get the Colts to a Super Bowl.

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By the time Pagano "teaches" anyone, Harbaugh will have the 49ers back in the Super Bowl and then he will move to Miami and do the same thing there. Harbaugh is a great coach. We aren't even sure if Pagano is a good coach. Some of us think he is the nicest, bravest man in the world but he is in way over his head trying to get the Colts to a Super Bowl.


If we get even close to the talent on our roster that San Fran has on theirs then I have little doubt that Pagano could get us to the SB as well. 

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By the time Pagano "teaches" anyone, Harbaugh will have the 49ers back in the Super Bowl and then he will move to Miami and do the same thing there. Harbaugh is a great coach. We aren't even sure if Pagano is a good coach. Some of us think he is the nicest, bravest man in the world but he is in way over his head trying to get the Colts to a Super Bowl.

Look at the scrubbs we had last year.....still second tier this past year.....we brought in guys off of the street both years.


I mentioned these coaches are teachers.  I did not mention Pags....although he knows the secondary as well as anyone in the league....good with linebackers too.


I like our coach and our football team.  We are not getting Harbaugh so there is no argument.  I love him as a coach.  I think he is over-dramatic at times like a 'flopper' in basketball...but that is Jim's style and personality.   :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :colts:  :colts: !!!

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no he isn't. A magnificent coach doesn't have his team so unprepared week after week




JShipp was being sarcastic.    You missed it.  


JShipp HATES Pagano.    He'd fire him today without anyone to replace him if he could.


Enjoy the company!    The two of you are in the same boat!    :thmup:

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