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Is Satele safe


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It's really obvious. If the coaching staff is that stubborn about him, I'll be very disappointed.


Grigson has said, that he wants the best line in the league. That clearly demands a move at C and G depending on the developments of Thomas and Thornton.


We'll see.


That and Irsay has demanded more protection for Andrew Luck.  That starts at center.


I'm going to be severely disappointed if Satele is starting next year.  Also going to be disappointed if McGlynn is.  It's time to get rid of these guys and get a real offensive line.  


Our offense would be scary good if our O-line was just average.  

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Grigson should've bailed on Satele after one season?

No, He should have bailed on Satele for sucking after 6 seasons of bad play prior to last this past season.......Or recognized how bad he was to begin with (it was evident on film he lacked strength and technique)......With Satele a spade is a spade

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There is absolutely no way he is back next year. Satele is the worst starting center in the NFL!!! By definition, it would be insane to bring him back as insanity is repeating the same action over and over and expecting different results each time.


Grigson went after His guy and liked him at 3yrs $10.5M. He owes HIS MAN for his commitment these last 2 years.

 Grigson is a TOP GM!

 Yet Samson NEVER should have been hired and is NOT WORTH the Vet Min as a backup.

McGlynn is worth the Vet Min. as a backup CENTER barely, Should have been starting over (Thanks Coach). JMO

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If we bring Satele back...I may begin to call for Grigson's head. It's just so obvious to everybody in the NFL and in the fanbase that the guy cannot perform well at all. He's terrible. With a QB like Luck, we HAVE to address our O-line asap. He can't keep getting killed like he has been.


If we had a top-16 O-line, Andrew Luck would be even more deadly than he already is.


My biggest fear of all offseason transactions is that we will keep Satele, just because of stubbornness. I'm honestly thinking it's about 50/50 chance of us keeping him or cutting him and that's way too big of a percentage for a player as bad as Samson.

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Grigson went after His guy and liked him at 3yrs $10.5M. He owes HIS MAN for his commitment these last 2 years.

 Grigson is a TOP GM!

 Yet Samson NEVER should have been hired and is NOT WORTH the Vet Min as a backup.

McGlynn is worth the Vet Min. as a backup CENTER barely, Should have been starting over (Thanks Coach). JMO


I am not in the fire Grigson camp, or even saying he won't turn out to being worthy of being called a great GM at some point .... but I don't think he has proven he is a "TOP GM" yet.

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This is a big off-season for Grigson, and will go a long way towards determining whether or not he's serious about fielding a winning team and protecting the franchise. If they don't move on from Satele, this FO is a joke. I don't know what Satele is selling these guys to make them think he's the guy they think he is, but it's obvious they want to look smart and "be right" about him, to the point that they're stubbornly giving him a way longer leash than he should have even had to begin with

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I agree, i think Grigson and the coaching staff see Satele as a good player even though we know he's bad. Trading away Shipley was an indication that they thought Satele was a starter. 


cause satele beg and cry he get better . he new he sucked at center. be hard for him get a job in nfl .

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Grigson seems to specialize at skilled position players, WR's and TE's even going back to his Eagle days. He's hasn't been good at finding linemen on both sides of the ball, Danny Watkins was a bust for the Eagles and they never had any good interior defensive linemen. The entire Dream Team was a major failure as well. Hopefully he learned from his mistakes and cut Satele and don't resign Mcglynn.


cause satele beg and cry he get better . he new he sucked at center. be hard for him get a job in nfl .

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Well bad news for you, Satele probably will be, as much as I hate to say it. This FO is too forgiving. Not benching the worse players, and giving starting jobs back to players who should have never had them in the first place. Not too mention not cutting David Reed, benching Richardson, and benching DHB until it was too late. I want Satele to be gone from Indy, but I wouldn't be surprised if he stayed.


David Reed was cut.  DHB was benched.  Trent was benched.  Vaughn was benched.  And I firmly believe Satele was on his way to being benched towards the end of the season until McGlynn's injury.  If these moves didn't happen quickly enough for you then I don't know what to tell you.  However, in order to bench a player, you have to have someone you believe will do a better job.  If you don't have someone that's outperforming a current starter during practice then there's no reason to bench a player just to bench him.  


What would people say if Pagano benched Satele in favor of Holmes, and Holmes whiffs so badly on block that Luck gets hurt?  Do you really think people would say, "oh well at least he was trying to make the OL better."  Yeah, no.


Grigson seems to specialize at skilled position players, WR's and TE's even going back to his Eagle days. He's hasn't been good at finding linemen on both sides of the ball, Danny Watkins was a bust for the Eagles and they never had any good interior defensive linemen. The entire Dream Team was a major failure as well. Hopefully he learned from his mistakes and cut Satele and don't resign Mcglynn.


You do realize Grigson was not the GM at Philly right?  

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