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Belichick calls out Welker for hit on Talib


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are you serious? . . . I think its the colts/broncos and manning that have patented that . . . but regardless my point still stands it was collision at full speed in which one player saw the contact coming, the other did not and former did nothing to avoid the collision . . . similarly my other point stands and that is "pick" plays do not occurred at full speed . . . after the play has started and players are ramped up to full speed no is expecting contact . . . you as a WR need to get out of the way and run to green grass . . .

So players should make sure the opponent is looking before throwing a block? If Talib didn'tsee it coming that's on him. They teach you to keep your head on a swivel in little league ball

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All in all this was an absolutely pathetic thing to say by BB. I guess he was so butthurt that the Broncos stomped them that he had to go out and insult one of the classier guys in the league in Wes Welker. I've lost a ton of respect (what little I've had) for him.


Oh well, I guess he has all off-season to dwell on it. Stay sour Bill

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All in all this was an absolutely pathetic thing to say by BB. I guess he was so butthurt that the Broncos stomped them that he had to go out and insult one of the classier guys in the league in Wes Welker. I've lost a ton of respect (what little I've had) for him.


Oh well, I guess he has all off-season to dwell on it. Stay sour Bill

He was asked about the play and responded after watching the tape.

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so you think Welker was intentionally trying to injure Talib?


surely it is tough to "prove" one is trying injure another as the default is players do not try to injure others as there is a code . . . but I will make two points . . . first Welker was on a team with Talib last year who, when injured, our defensive back field fell apart and Bolden went for 3 TDs if I recall . . . and Talib was injured this year and just getting back to being somewhat healthy . . .


and yes there is a code that one does not want to injury another, however encompassed is in this code is just that  . . . "do not do something that might cause injury to another" . . . and as we know injuries occurred a great deal when one is not able to brace for a hit and as such, when a player sees an potential unbraced hit coming, kind of like Welker see Talib for a full 7 steps and he see him not looking at him but following Thomas, one should take evasive action to avoid the unbraced contact . . .  


so no maybe not he was trying to injury him in a way " I am going to get him and take him out of the game at any costs" , but is actions were reckless in the fact that he had oceans of green grass to his right, but he took seven steps and ran into a player who did not see him coming . . . that at a minimum in my book is reckless . . . a WR default is to get open not to many contact with an unsuspecting DB, especially when you have plenty of time to avoid him and do ones default job . . .

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He was asked about the play and responded after watching the tape.


and he could have told the truth and said something like "it was an unfortunate play. stuff like that happens, ect.."


Instead he had to blatantly slander Wes Welker and try to ruin his reputation. 


Whatever tho, Welker got the last laugh. He's playing in the Super Bowl and Bill is at home being sour and trying to figure out how he can win a championship in the last two-years the Patriots window is left open.

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and he could have told the truth and said something like "it was an unfortunate play. stuff like that happens, ect.."


Instead he had to blatantly slander Wes Welker and try to ruin his reputation. 


Whatever tho, Welker got the last laugh. He's playing in the Super Bowl and Bill is at home being sour and trying to figure out how he can win a championship in the two-years the Patriots window is left open.

He didn't believe it was an unfortunate play though. And he has seen ton of picks on film over his career. He gave his opinion which is what he is supposed to do.

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surely it is tough to "prove" one is trying injure another as the default is players do not try to injure others as there is a code . . . but I will make two points . . . first Welker was on a team with Talib last year who, when injured, our defensive back field fell apart and Bolden went for 3 TDs if I recall . . . and Talib was injured this year and just getting back to being somewhat healthy . . .


and yes there is a code that one does not want to injury another, however encompassed is in this code is just that  . . . "do not do something that might cause injury to another" . . . and as we know injuries occurred a great deal when one is not able to brace for a hit and as such, when a player sees an potential unbraced hit coming, kind of like Welker see Talib for a full 7 steps and he see him not looking at him but following Thomas, one should take evasive action to avoid the unbraced contact . . .  


so no maybe not he was trying to injury him in a way " I am going to get him and take him out of the game at any costs" , but is actions were reckless in the fact that he had oceans of green grass to his right, but he took seven steps and ran into a player who did not see him coming . . . that at a minimum in my book is reckless . . . a WR default is to get open not to many contact with an unsuspecting DB, especially when you have plenty of time to avoid him and do ones default job . . .


Good post, but I disagree with the final paragraph.  In a pick play, the purpose of the receiver is actually to impede the defender.  It goes against fundamentals, but one receiver is sacrificed for the play.

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Welker inteded to injure a player?


seriously, the shorter WR? the one with a concussion history? seriously? why not either of the Thomas


I saw the play, it should have been ap enatly but Welker was looking at manning and maybe the point was making sure Talib didnt have a chance to catch the intended WR and bump but in no way i can say after watching the play the dude wanted to take him out of the game...or hurt his knee? he  hit him in the rib areA!!! the whole knee injury was an accident of the type of play, not a purpose.


now being accident doesn tmake it right. NFL needs to do something about it.



officials should have called it

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So players should make sure the opponent is looking before throwing a block? If Talib didn'tsee it coming that's on him. They teach you to keep your head on a swivel in little league ball


So a WR should look to see where the DB is coming from before he gets clocked?  so the NFL should abolish the rule?


So an engaged lineman is supposed to look down and shake off a choke block? so the NFL should abolish this rule?


So an DB should look for the blindside WR who clocks him as he is coming back to the LOS? so the NFL should abolish this rule?


so a ST player should look where he is going when he gets a chop back blocker by an opponent? so the NFL should abolish this rule?


So a QB is supposed to look down and hop over a diving player at his needs? and so on  . . .


the issue here is not whether or not its a rule or not rule but an understanding among free thinking fans that what Welker did was unnecessary . . . given the fact that ones job is to go out for a pass and the above rules an indication that the NFL, and hopefully free thinking intelligent people, realize is that some interactions between combatants come be dangerous to another, and that when one chooses to avoid his default job and enters into a contact that is dangerous, do complain if one takes offense to the actions . . .


bottom line you can spin it any way to you want, but Welker made a blindside contact at speed instead of taking a single step down field to open grass . . . period . . .


not everything that is dirty is illegal and not everything that is reckless is illegal, and it not ones job to look for someone who is not supported to be there . . . and in the end of the day Welker, who's job it is to avoid defenders and get separation, ending up making a blind side contact when the ball was in the air . . .

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So a WR should look to see where the DB is coming from before he gets clocked? so the NFL should abolish the rule?

So an engaged lineman is supposed to look down and shake off a choke block? so the NFL should abolish this rule?

So an DB should look for the blindside WR who clocks him as he is coming back to the LOS? so the NFL should abolish this rule?

so a ST player should look where he is going when he gets a chop back blocker by an opponent? so the NFL should abolish this rule?

So a QB is supposed to look down and hop over a diving player at his needs? and so on . . .

the issue here is not whether or not its a rule or not rule but an understanding among free thinking fans that what Welker did was unnecessary . . . given the fact that ones job is to go out for a pass and the above rules an indication that the NFL, and hopefully free thinking intelligent people, realize is that some interactions between combatants come be dangerous to another, and that when one chooses to avoid his default job and enters into a contact that is dangerous, do complain if one takes offense to the actions . . .

bottom line you can spin it any way to you want, but Welker made a blindside contact at speed instead of taking a single step down field to open grass . . . period . . .

not everything that is dirty is illegal and not everything that is reckless is illegal, and it not ones job to look for someone who is not supported to be there . . . and in the end of the day Welker, who's job it is to avoid defenders and get separation, ending up making a blind side contact when the ball was in the air . . .

why do you keep saying he should have went down field? It was a pick play. He wasn't going to be targeted. The ball was already outwhen he hit talib

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Good post, but I disagree with the final paragraph. In a pick play, the purpose of the receiver is actually to impede the defender. It goes against fundamentals, but one receiver is sacrificed for the play.

Exactly. In an offense notorious for demanding precision Welker isn't going to ad lib from his assigned pick. Green grass or not, Welkers qb is expecting him to sacrifice himself on the play, and that's what he did. To do otherwise would invite turnovers and is not a decision made by a veteran wr.

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So players should make sure the opponent is looking before throwing a block? If Talib didn'tsee it coming that's on him. They teach you to keep your head on a swivel in little league ball


look, you head is not going to be on a swivel when you are following the WR and the ball has not been thrown, you job is to the follow the WR not to look around for pick plays, much less someone running at you at speed , , , and again this is different from a LOS scrimmage bunch play when you are in traffic of about 6 or 8 players and might want to look around to not get picked . . . but it was the open field and no one in sight but the man you are covering . . . the ball had not been thrown and you are watching he WR . . . it would be one thing, kind of like Edelman where the ball was caught and the WR has taken 7 steps, then all if fair game, expect for of coarse the hines ward chop back block, which is illegal no matter how long the WR has caught the ball . . .


it would of been one thing if Thomas caught the ball and ran two or three steps and welker hit him straight on, but that is not what happened, , , talib is not expecting to get hit at speed in that situation . . . and I would even argue as welker is going slightly back to the LOS at contact that it would fall under the hines ward hit that Thomas even caught it and ran 5 steps . . .


but regardless is has everything to do with what your opponent is expecting you to do . . . and the recklessness of making blindside contact to one who is not expecting the hit as the ball had not been caught . . . that is the point . . . the theory behind all of those penalties I mentioned prior has to do with hits that are unexpected and are deemed not correct . . . that is the point . 

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Not as salty as you guys were last week .... not by a mile.

Get real Colts are kids in their 2nd year Pats fans were salivating over a record 6th SB appearance and 4th ring for Brady.  We'll be back same time for the next 15 years you guys can watch on tv. : )

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why do you keep saying he should have went down field? It was a pick play. He wasn't going to be targeted. The ball was already outwhen he hit talib


yes but then it is PI . . . and what makes things worse was that he hit him at speed, unlike edelmen was standing still . . . this analysis would of been different had welker merely stopped allowed Thomas to go behind him and then merely block Talib as he arrived, no problem . . . but he did not and continue and made the contact at speed to a unsuspecting DB and again if the ball is caught and then the block is made, a block make back toward the LOS, which Welker did, albeit it slight, is a penalty . . .


many times we have seen, like Edelman, the player come back and stop and block the guy . . . which is okay as you only have one guys momentum and surely after the ball is caught one had time to look around and more importantly know that all opponents are now in block mode as opposed to run by to get open mode . . .


it all about expectation and if one is in a position to brace for the hit . . .that is the point . . not one of absolute rules or not . . .

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He bent down and hit Talib at just below the waist which injured his knee from being hit from the blind side.

Contact appeared to be in the arm and side of the chest.  It slid downward, but Welker did not target the hip, waist or knee.


Get real Colts are kids in their 2nd year Pats fans were salivating over a record 6th SB appearance and 4th ring for Brady.  We'll be back same time for the next 15 years you guys can watch on tv. : )


You do know the Patriots have a younger roster than we do, right?

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I really don't think either play was designed "to take" out anyone. Both were pick plays but Welker's was a worse hit and should have penalized for PI.





If it was just a pick play then Bill would have not said boo as the Pats run picks all the time as do most teams in the league. There was intent to injure. Big difference.



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yes but then it is PI . . . and what makes things worse was that he hit him at speed, unlike edelmen was standing still . . . this analysis would of been different had welker merely stopped allowed Thomas to go behind him and then merely block Talib as he arrived, no problem . . . but he did not and continue and made the contact at speed to a unsuspecting DB and again if the ball is caught and then the block is made, a block make back toward the LOS, which Welker did, albeit it slight, is a penalty . . .

many times we have seen, like Edelman, the player come back and stop and block the guy . . . which is okay as you only have one guys momentum and surely after the ball is caught one had time to look around and more importantly know that all opponents are now in block mode as opposed to run by to get open mode . . .

it all about expectation and if one is in a position to brace for the hit . . .that is the point . . not one of absolute rules or not . . .

It's Talib s own fault. As much tape as they watch, how he didn't expect a pick on that route from that formation is the most shocking thing about the play. He should have expected it.

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yes but then it is PI . . . and what makes things worse was that he hit him at speed, unlike edelmen was standing still . . . this analysis would of been different had welker merely stopped allowed Thomas to go behind him and then merely block Talib as he arrived, no problem . . . but he did not and continue and made the contact at speed to a unsuspecting DB and again if the ball is caught and then the block is made, a block make back toward the LOS, which Welker did, albeit it slight, is a penalty . . .

many times we have seen, like Edelman, the player come back and stop and block the guy . . . which is okay as you only have one guys momentum and surely after the ball is caught one had time to look around and more importantly know that all opponents are now in block mode as opposed to run by to get open mode . . .

it all about expectation and if one is in a position to brace for the hit . . .that is the point . . not one of absolute rules or not . . .

i don't disagree it should have been a PI

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