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another argument added to the manning luck comparison today


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I wasn't making a year 2 to year 2 comparison. I was comparing where Luck has this team now in his second year compared to where Manning had the Colts in years 1999-2003. As I mentioned before, this roster is not more talented player to player than the Colts of the early 2000s.

For the better part of Peyton Manning's first 5 years, he had a better team around him (especially at the skill positions) than Luck has had this past year. (This includes a 1999 team that went 13-3 and was a #2 seed.) Yet Manning did not win a playoff game until year 6. (2003).

Luck only has two years, so how can you conpare that to 5 or 6 of Manning's years? That makes no sense. However, I'll use what you said, how can you say Peyton had the better team when it took him 6 years to win a playoff game? You're only proving what I have been saying.

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1999 Divisional Round.

2013 Divisional Round.

What is the difference? Because Manning didn't get to beat a poor wildcard team?

What is the point of comparing though. Or is it just because the OP is a known Manning hater. Sorry the guy only won you a Super Bowl.

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It really don't matter between Luck vs Manning.  This team has been bless to had Manning, widely considered one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time.  The man who made Indianapolis a football town...he but Indy on the map.  He made this organization relevant.   And now we got Luck on the verge of becoming another great quarterback with some much potential.  Let's just be grateful for both of them and continue to support and thank them for what they have done for us as fans. 

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1999 Divisional Round.

2013 Divisional Round.

What is the difference? Because Manning didn't get to beat a poor wildcard team?

What is the point of comparing though. Or is it just because the OP is a known Manning hater. Sorry the guy only won you a Super Bowl.

im glad you didn't bother reading the whole thread and if you really wanna use that then we'll use the dolphins in the wildcard. Feel better

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im glad you didn't bother reading the whole thread and if you really wanna use that then we'll use the dolphins in the wildcard. Feel better

What was there to read? You said it took Luck 2 while Manning took 6. You made no substantial statement. And based on your past posts the point is clear.

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Manning lost to super bowl bound titans his first playoff game. Luck lost to super bowl bound ravens his first playoff game. Manning had better reg season his second year going 13-3  but Luck has had better second season by actually winning playoff game. Peyton lost his second playoff game 23 to 17 in over time to dolphins. Luck erased a 28 point deficit to beat chiefs. Technically you you can't compare the two because Luck got to playoffs his first year and Peyton his second. One thing you can say is luck is better at protecting the ball and seems more clutch than manning was at this point in his career. Manning's second playoff game was his third year and he lost it in overtime. You could say luck is a year ahead of manning in getting to the playoffs, but the teams were built different. Luck's team is more balanced all around while manning had better receivers and a better running back. Luck also had to deal with injuries to key players in second year which helped lower his numbers yet he still found a way to win. So I'll say that Luck has the swagger that manning didn't get til his sixth year.

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Oh no this thread is misinterpreted. Im saying this is what the media will use for their comparison of the two


Yeah, I'm calling this for the deflection it is. You've played the devil's advocate card a hundred times on this issue. Just stand by your opinion already.

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not shifting anything. I thought it was relevant to mention in the debate between manning and luck


Just stick to your guns. Promote your pro-Luck, anti-Manning platform. It's allowed. Many posters do it already.


But I don't see why you keep trying to hide behind this mask of "it's not what I think, it's what other people say." Just let it out. 

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Just stick to your guns. Promote your pro-Luck, anti-Manning platform. It's allowed. Many posters do it already.


But I don't see why you keep trying to hide behind this mask of "it's not what I think, it's what other people say." Just let it out. 


i dont hate peyton. I just refuse to root for him because I am a colts fan not a broncos fan. I root for luck because he is a colt and hes a damn good football player

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As a colts fan, I feel there is no real argument. Why choose between QBs who are/were colts.

Manning a legend. Luck is still writing his story, but we see where its headed. In 15 years time, colts fans will be left with memories of two of the greatest qbs in history.

If I live long enough...I'll have 3...Unitas/Manning/Luck.  :^)

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Twenty dollars the media makes no mention of this. The only time to bring it up is when it would be a relevant story, and that would be following the win. Guess what, they haven't.


if we play the broncos in two weeks, im sure it'll come up

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I love Andrew Luck.  I think he is going to be an incredible QB.  I think he will probably win more titles than Peyton Manning did.  But in the end, it doesn't matter.  Peyton Manning is the greatest QB to ever play the game.  Period. 


People love to criticize Peyton and throw the Super Bowl titles thing in his face.  And it is the most insanely ridiculous argument.  Why?  Think of it like this.  Tom Brady won 3 Super Bowls his first 5 or 6 years in the NFL.  Over the last 5 or 6 years, Tom Brady has won ZERO Super Bowls.  Is Tom Brady a better QB now or was he a better QB in his first 5 years?  Then answer is obvious!  Tom is a much better QB NOW than he was in those first few years.  Why can't Tom win a Super Bowl lately then?  Simple.  His teams were much better overall when he was a young player. 


I believe that Grigson will build much better overall teams for Andrew Luck to work with, thus he should win more. 


This is not to say that Polian did not try to do the same for Peyton, but when you have to spend that much money on offense, you simply cannot keep up the defensive side of the ball. 


To me, the greatest ever at something either does it better than anyone who has ever done it OR he is so damned good at it that he changes the way it is done.  Unitas propelled the QB position into the modern era with the way he played it.  Montana took it to another level with the way he dropped back and sliced defenses apart with precision.  Marino showed that a lightning quick release could beat a pass rush better than lightning fast legs.  Peyton combined all of that with the freedom to make adjustments to anything from the playbook at the offensive line.  It was absolutely a thing of beauty to watch for all those years.  I miss it.  I like watching Denver play now just because it shows you exactly how the QB position should be played.  Why handcuff the offense with a set playcall?  Let your QB go to the line and read the safeties.  Let the QB identify the Mike.  Let the QB see where the blitz is coming from.  Let the QB call the play.  Let him make some dummy calls and change the play based on how the defense reacts, then run the best play for the situation.  Freaking brilliant.  YET, before Peyton Manning, NO ONE ever did it like that before!


Now, watch some NFL football.  Watch Matt Ryan.  Watch Drew Brees.  Watch Aaron Rodgers.  Watch...*ahem* Tom Brady.  Watch how they gesture at the line.  Watch how they call out the assignments.  Watch how they identify the MIKE for the offensive line to work off of.  Watch how they read what the safeties are doing.  Where do you think they got that from?  I believe that in time, NFL history will realize and appreciate how important Peyton Manning has been to the game.

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It goes beyond the skill positions. Everyone seems to keep focusing on Peyton having Marvin, Edge, Reggie etc... I would take this defense ANY day over what Peyton had has first few years. They have bad streaks like any other team but early on in Peyton's career, those defenses were down right horrible.

As good as Marvin was he NEVER had a game like TY did in the playoffs. He was one of the greatest, and in no way am I putting TY above him, but Luck has some VERY good players around him offensively and, especially defensively, early on moreso than Peyton had.



So let me get this right. I say the Colt defense in 1999 was better than this defense . Plus the O line in 99 was very good and you had harrison , Marvin and Dilger. Hopefully you aren't trying to compare anything other than the 1998 and 1999 Colts to the 2013 and 2014 Colts as that would be silly. I think we both agree that Luck had played two years... pretty sure I didn't miss any. Let's not even bother with 98 as Peyton led a 3 win team and Luck QB'd what I'd call a really lousy roster to 11 wins. But we can compare their year two's. I say Manning had way better surrounding players and you say this defense is way better. Hopefully you wont argue the offense as that O line was heads and shoulders superior to this one. We had a very good running game with Edge , this one is pretty bad .


So I guess my question would be this defense just gave up 44 points and over 530 total yards and we still won. I was at that 1999 game and other than one long Eddie George run , that defense played pretty darn good. Score was something like 19-16 and if I remember manning didn't direct a single TD drive until the game was pretty much over. I was a huge Manning fan , but fact is we would have won that game if he made a few more plays. IMO , fact is Luck at the end of year two is a better QB than manning and saying he has better support is a tough sell when Luck just won a playoff game 45-44.. Will he have the career Manning has ? Probably not but I think he might be a little more clutch than Manning and do a bit better in the post season.

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I love Andrew Luck. I think he is going to be an incredible QB. I think he will probably win more titles than Peyton Manning did. But in the end, it doesn't matter. Peyton Manning is the greatest QB to ever play the game. Period.

People love to criticize Peyton and throw the Super Bowl titles thing in his face. And it is the most insanely ridiculous argument. Why? Think of it like this. Tom Brady won 3 Super Bowls his first 5 or 6 years in the NFL. Over the last 5 or 6 years, Tom Brady has won ZERO Super Bowls. Is Tom Brady a better QB now or was he a better QB in his first 5 years? Then answer is obvious! Tom is a much better QB NOW than he was in those first few years. Why can't Tom win a Super Bowl lately then? Simple. His teams were much better overall when he was a young player.

I believe that Grigson will build much better overall teams for Andrew Luck to work with, thus he should win more.

This is not to say that Polian did not try to do the same for Peyton, but when you have to spend that much money on offense, you simply cannot keep up the defensive side of the ball.

To me, the greatest ever at something either does it better than anyone who has ever done it OR he is so damned good at it that he changes the way it is done. Unitas propelled the QB position into the modern era with the way he played it. Montana took it to another level with the way he dropped back and sliced defenses apart with precision. Marino showed that a lightning quick release could beat a pass rush better than lightning fast legs. Peyton combined all of that with the freedom to make adjustments to anything from the playbook at the offensive line. It was absolutely a thing of beauty to watch for all those years. I miss it. I like watching Denver play now just because it shows you exactly how the QB position should be played. Why handcuff the offense with a set playcall? Let your QB go to the line and read the safeties. Let the QB identify the Mike. Let the QB see where the blitz is coming from. Let the QB call the play. Let him make some dummy calls and change the play based on how the defense reacts, then run the best play for the situation. Freaking brilliant. YET, before Peyton Manning, NO ONE ever did it like that before!

Now, watch some NFL football. Watch Matt Ryan. Watch Drew Brees. Watch Aaron Rodgers. Watch...*ahem* Tom Brady. Watch how they gesture at the line. Watch how they call out the assignments. Watch how they identify the MIKE for the offensive line to work off of. Watch how they read what the safeties are doing. Where do you think they got that from? I believe that in time, NFL history will realize and appreciate how important Peyton Manning has been to the game.

Best post of 2014.

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In some ways it was manning who has helped Luck to be better faster. His passing academy is helping tons of qbs develop the traits they need faster. Plus colleges have adopted offenses closer to the nfl to make the transition easier. Soon we may see a rookie qb come to the nfl and break all types of records including the passing td record.

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It because we are no longer playing that bend but don't break unless they are close to the endzone, Tampa 2 cover no one crap anymore

Indeed...that works against lesser qbs and offenses but when you play the elite...the score in the redzone....you got to take as many chances to stop them as possible...else if you give them a free trip to the redzone all day long you will end up losing the time of possession battle AND you will give great offenses an easy 7pts because they are going to execute in the red zone. The reason we came back was because even when we screwed up and the other team scored...they scored quickly...affording us more time and possessions to score back. Also a couple 3 and outs never hurt....not sure I ever saw one in the Peyton years.

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I was mostly joking



Why not  joke ?..the thread itself is a joke as it compares a 2nd year guy to a 14 year vet. What it really boils down to at this point in time , as stupid as all this is , does Manning's 9-11 playoff record have anything to do with him not being the most "clutch" guy in big game situations ? It appears that Luck is one of those guys like basketball's M Jordan , while the jury might be out on P.M.  My opinion is ...dunno.

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