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we are not a team of big name superstars and its hard to find a one man show on our team,just maybe 1 or 2. Could most of our starters start for the pats, skins, Denver, or the hawks? we have just a group of average players who our coaches have playing very well as a team. football is a team sport and we play very well as a team, when someone goes down another takes his spot on the team and fits right in place, the experts discount us because we are not loaded with superstars like their favorite teams I mentioned earlier the ones they show over and over on the nfl channel and espn. can we compete with the superstar loaded teams? I THINK WE CAN. THOUGHTS?

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Yes, I think we can. We hung in there against a Broncos team.

Hung in there?  We beat them up.  Only after our DBs got injured, did Denver even have a chance.

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we are not a team of big name superstars and its hard to find a one man show on our team,just maybe 1 or 2. Could most of our starters start for the pats, skins, Denver, or the hawks? we have just a group of average players who our coaches have playing very well as a team. football is a team sport and we play very well as a team, when someone goes down another takes his spot on the team and fits right in place, the experts discount us because we are not loaded with superstars like their favorite teams I mentioned earlier the ones they show over and over on the nfl channel and espn. can we compete with the superstar loaded teams? I THINK WE CAN. THOUGHTS?

WHOA!! DID U REALLY JUST SAY SKINS??. They don't even have a starting quarterback right now
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I hate the lines "our starters would be back ups on other teams" " our players are not NFL caliber " yet or cast offs go to other teams and start. It's like part of our fan base has kind of low team esteem.

read the post again. that was a question, not a statement, no one said that, imo we have good players,. just not loaded with big name superstars like some teams. I do not bash our players

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I hate the lines "our starters would be back ups on other teams" " our players are not NFL caliber " yet or cast offs go to other teams and start. It's like part of our fan base has kind of low team esteem.


Agreed. I would also like to point out that our guys are really young and who says that we don't have some superstars on this team right now? Some of the guys on this team could develop into superstars after a few years. Sometimes it just takes awhile.

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we are not a team of big name superstars and its hard to find a one man show on our team,just maybe 1 or 2. Could most of our starters start for the pats, skins, Denver, or the hawks? we have just a group of average players who our coaches have playing very well as a team. football is a team sport and we play very well as a team, when someone goes down another takes his spot on the team and fits right in place, the experts discount us because we are not loaded with superstars like their favorite teams I mentioned earlier the ones they show over and over on the nfl channel and espn. can we compete with the superstar loaded teams? I THINK WE CAN. THOUGHTS?


Homer, what a joke. Gee, We have been outscored, and have played very little Good football on either line.

Andrew has been inaccurate, with his decision making questioned. LB play has been attacked, running game attacked, Pass blocking has been POOR. Pass Rush Bad.  Poor timing with these Bad route runners a weekly Topic. Kick returner blasted.

 Be Thankful for playing  against all these backup QB`s and backup Tackles.

 You keep Dreaming on.

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Homer, what a joke. Gee, We have been outscored, and have played very little Good football on either line.

Andrew has been inaccurate, with his decision making questioned. LB play has been attacked, running game attacked, Pass blocking has been POOR. Pass Rush Bad.  Poor timing with these Bad route runners a weekly Topic. Kick returner blasted.

 Be Thankful for playing  against all these backup QB`s and backup Tackles.

 You keep Dreaming on.

Sorry, bud, but 9-5 is a reality.


Two back-to-back playoff appearances in Luck's first two years is a reality.

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Homer, what a joke. Gee, We have been outscored, and have played very little Good football on either line.

Andrew has been inaccurate, with his decision making questioned. LB play has been attacked, running game attacked, Pass blocking has been POOR. Pass Rush Bad.  Poor timing with these Bad route runners a weekly Topic. Kick returner blasted.

 Be Thankful for playing  against all these backup QB`s and backup Tackles.

 You keep Dreaming on.

congrats. your name calling just put you on my ignore list

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 Could most of our starters start for the pats, skins, Denver, or the hawks? can we compete with the superstar loaded teams?

you lost all credibility when you mentioned the skins as one of the superstar teams.  they have won like 3 games this year...

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read the post again. that was a question, not a statement, no one said that, imo we have good players,. just not loaded with big name superstars like some teams. I do not bash our players

I wasn't saying that was you. I'm talking in general terms.

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we are not a team of big name superstars and its hard to find a one man show on our team,just maybe 1 or 2. Could most of our starters start for the pats, skins, Denver, or the hawks? we have just a group of average players who our coaches have playing very well as a team. football is a team sport and we play very well as a team, when someone goes down another takes his spot on the team and fits right in place, the experts discount us because we are not loaded with superstars like their favorite teams I mentioned earlier the ones they show over and over on the nfl channel and espn. can we compete with the superstar loaded teams? I THINK WE CAN. THOUGHTS?


Luck would start for any team in the league except Denver, NE and maybe Green Bay and New Orleans.  Give him 1-3 years and he'd start for any team in the league.


TY would be getting serious time on any team in the league -- he would be the #1 slot WR on every team except maybe Denver.  Reggie (if healthy) would be the #1 WR on all but about 4-5 teams in the league and he would be the best #2 in the league if he was behind someone like Megatron.  I think Da'Rick Rogers will continue to show that he is a solid player and would be a 2 almost anywhere in the league (save maybe Denver at this point) -- I think with a few more weeks experience he would be fighting for a #1 spot on quite a few teams.


Fleener would start on most teams -- and would get a lot of reps on any team that ran 2 TE sets.  I think, when healthy, Allen would start on just about every team as TE, too.


Richardson, I think, would start on a lot of teams and Donnie Brown would probably have a similar role on more than half the teams in the league as a change of pace back.


I think Cherilus and Costanzo could start on more than half the teams in the league (Costanzo might get moved to RT on quite a few teams, but both of them are solid T's). 


Our interior line, not so much.


On D:  Vontae Davis and Mathis would start on any team.  Landry on most teams.  Bethea on quite a few teams.  I think Chapman, the way he has been playing lately, would start or at least get significant reps on running downs on quite a few teams.  Redding would probably start on quite a few teams.  Freeman I think on more than half the teams.  I think Butler is as good of a slot CB in the league as we have seen this year -- I am not sold on him, Vaughn, or Toler as a #2 at this point, though.  


Walden, I think would play in certain situations on a lot of teams, though maybe not a starter.  Werner, if he keeps developing, is only a year or 2 away from being a starter for most teams.


McAffee and Vinatieri would start for just about any other team (if not every other team -- I think we could argue we have the best K/P combo in the league pretty reasonably).


Overall, I think we need some serious help on the interior OL -- I think Chapman and Hughes' continued development will sure up the interior DL for years to come, but we could use some help with another rusher on the line and our DL as a whole.  We could use an improvement at #2 DB (he can't stay healthy long enough for me to decide, but maybe Toler is our guy here -- I'd be more comfortable to see Toler and Butler as nickel/dime backs, though, to be honest).  I think Bethea could still start for many teams, but seems like he is winding down, so we could use another safety (Howell really impressed me when he played for Landry, so maybe that's another in house fix).  And, we will need to replace Mathis in the near future and could probably use another very good inside LB (I think we might be set for next year with Mathis, Freeman, McNary, and Werner but it couldn't hurt to look for improvements/future replacements -- Adongo??).      Then, we'll need to look for a replacement for Reggie soon, but next year Wayne, Rogers, Hilton, Brazzill looks like it could be one of the best WR groups in the league (especially with improved pass protection on Luck and a healthy Allen and Fleener taking some heat off at TE). 


So yea, overall -- I think our team is a very good team -- a few spots where we could improve, but every team has that.  All-in-all, I think the majority of our team is very well off.

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Top tier teams: Seattle,San Fran,Denver,KC,NE,Car,NO,Sd(cuz they whooped us),Philly(offense),Chi(offense),Clev(offense-Gordon n Cameron would have a field day),GB(with Rogers),Stl(they killed us at home),Mia(they beat us early).


I think some of these teams you think are top tier are a stretch. Also you do realize that we have beat the 1st three teams that you listed don't you?  So if we beat KC this week does that mean we are FINALLY considered a good team by you? If we can beat the Chiefs then that will be the 1st four teams that you listed. Also I am kinda confused if we are so terrible then why are some of these teams that we lost to considered top tier teams by you? I mean if we are so bad then wouldn't these teams beating us just be them beating up a lesser team? With the reasoning you have for the Dolphins, and Chargers being good teams that would mean that you consider them beating  the Colts an upset and an upset is when the underdog wins. So do you think the Colts are a crappy team or do you think they are a good team? If you do think they are a bad team then your list of top teams makes no sense. So please decide if you think the Colts suck or if you think that they are good.

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They really only have 6-8 guys that would make a roster in some capacity on the upper echelon teams. And as it stands present day we would get killed by all those top tier teams.

Top tier teams: Seattle,San Fran,Denver,KC,NE,Car,NO,Sd(cuz they whooped us),Philly(offense),Chi(offense),Clev(offense-Gordon n Cameron would have a field day),GB(with Rogers),Stl(they killed us at home),Mia(they beat us early).

Seriously, how are we 9-5 if we only have 6-8 players who could make the Browns' roster?

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I think some of these teams you think are top tier are a stretch. Also you do realize that we have beat the 1st three teams that you listed don't you? So if we beat KC this week does that mean we are FINALLY considered a good team by you? If we can beat the Chiefs then that will be the 1st four teams that you listed. Also I am kinda confused if we are so terrible then why are some of these teams that we lost to considered top tier teams by you? I mean if we are so bad then wouldn't these teams beating us just be them beating up a lesser team? With the reasoning you have for the Dolphins, and Chargers being good teams that would mean that you consider them beating the Colts an upset and an upset is when the underdog wins. So do you think the Colts are a crappy team or do you think they are a good team? If you do think they are a bad team then your list of top teams makes no sense. So please decide if you think the Colts suck or if you think that they are good.

I made ths statement at the present day,as it sits right now since we were 6-2 we look horrible and would not beat any of the teams we beat earlier like sf sea den. , it sounds like u think we are a good team,the way they been playing since denver-not sure how u can say that realistically and excuses dont count. If the season started after week eight,we would be lucky to have a record of 4-12
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