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Trent Richardson Accepts Responsibility....


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Than you might be arguing incorrectly.

Although I do slam Richardson with regularity its usually in response to incessant posts making excuses for him. I would be perfectly happy to let him fade into complete obscurity if people would stop bringing him up. I don't believe I have started a single Richardson thread.

I don't recall slamming Pagano although I am sure I have questioned some of his choices, especially as it pertains to OL personnel.

I think I do more defending of Grigson than slamming him ... including in the most recent "grade grigsons performance thread" I believe I an one of the B grade votes who has defended him in multiple posts. Not saying I didn't criticize some choices, but by and large I have been a supporter.

Pep Hamilton ... I have been relatively neutral on, not voicing a particularly strong opinion one way or another ... although so far not a huge fan.

Manusky ... I can't remember the last time I posted a comment about him.

I defend far more colts players than I slam ... I believe I am on record defending Fleener, Jerry Hughes (before and after his departure), Castonzo, Walden, Werner (even though I was not in favor of the pick), even DHB (to a point), as well as many others.

Your incorrect assumptions are based on the fact that you notice my frequent posts against Richardson and not my many other posts because people keep making irritating threads about Richardson so those posts are always at the top. Tell people to stop all the "you can do it Trent", "He will break out this week", and the "Just wait til next year", etc ... threads, and I will "give it a rest".

I don't feel particularly emotional when I post; arguing/debating on a forum is enjoyable, but really does not affect my mood in real life one way or the other ... but if you would like to emotionally support me feel free ;)

The point was....look at the bright side.

Yes, the Forum provides for all sides of the TRich debate. But don't you think that the topic has been beaten like a Rodney King pinata by now?

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i think he will come good and for people sayin lynch wasnt this bad Colts front office seeking a silver lining can hope Richardson follows the career path of Marshawn Lynch, who topped 50 rushing yards just twice in his first nine games with the Seahawks after a similar early-season trade in 2010.

It wasn't until Lynch's 19th game in Seattle that he cleared the 100-yard mark. He went on to produce a dozen 100-yard performances in his next 19 games. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000293080/article/trent-richardson-its-only-fair-brown-is-colts-starter

i think needs a offseason so will and have to wait and see

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We aren't giving up on you Trent! 


All Richardson needs to do is watch tape on Joseph Addai. The happy feet as soon as he gets the ball will get you blasted everytime. The reason Brown is doing better is because he hits the gas as soon as the ball is in his hands. 


Richardson's 40 is actually a tad quicker than Brown, so the speed is there. Stop thinking so much and hit the gas. Become that bowling ball of butcher knives!! 

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As much as I dislike Mark Schlereth I do like how he stated that our OL wasn't good, which is pretty noticeable.  I still foresee Trent being good once the OL sures up and Trent gets his head out of his butt, works harder, and becomes better.  Hence, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt this year as I've been stating.  Good for him to come out and take responsibility. 


We see that this OL is just putrid, Luck has had his completion % drop drastically without Reggie so it's pretty safe to say with all the injuries and this absolutely horrible OL that not much is going to come from the offense unless they retool things, people step up and the OL miraculously starts playing mediocre which would take a blessing by the God King Unicorn of Mt Fairly Land. 

as much as some dont want to believe it, we are in rebuilding mode (2 more years)

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as much as some dont want to believe it, we are in rebuilding mode (2 more years)

They got a lot of work to do that's for sure but w all the injuries & OL also players that should step up and haven't been hopefully we can still look forward to the playoffs the second year in a row. That's a positive at least! :)

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"Mhhm I said he did not take accountability ever"

Unless "ever" got a lot shorter in the past few days.....



I certainly didn't add "ever" lmao.

Absolutes have a funny way of being always true, or always false. Guess you misjudged the lad.



That's okay you can find it if you're thinking I fabricated it. I copy and pasted from your quote. I know what it said, and the context is quite clear lol.

Based on one thing he said you deemed him not taking responsibility for anything he's done wrong. Ever. Despite knowing nothing of what goes on in the locker room, or the film room.

Glad to see the kid isn't who you thought he was :).


so if someone posts that a player has never ever taken responsibility for something, and then the player days or months later does take responsibility, the poster is wrong about the statement when it was made? if someone says a player has never ever had a 100 yard game (that is true at the time) and then the next week has a 100 yard game, your reasoning would be the person has to eat crow? if they say he will NEVER have a 100 yard game, that is entirely different. you are grasping at straws to try and make someone with a different view on tr look bad. it's having the opposite effect.

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so if someone posts that a player has never ever taken responsibility for something, and then the player days or months later does take responsibility, the poster is wrong about the statement when it was made? if someone says a player has never ever had a 100 yard game (that is true at the time) and then the next week has a 100 yard game, your reasoning would be the person has to eat crow? if they say he will NEVER have a 100 yard game, that is entirely different. you are grasping at straws to try and make someone with a different view on tr look bad. it's having the opposite effect.

Basing the idea of someone never taking responsibility off of one quote, is foolish in my opinion. Without knowing anything about what goes on behind the scenes, or what he says to teammates or coaches. All based on one time where he said he didn't miss an assignment. Feel free to disagree, but when someone paints the picture of never EVER taking responsibility, based on minuscule evidence I find it funny.

Especially when the guy takes responsibility for his poor play, less then a week later.

If it was said that he has never ever had a 200 yard rushing game as a Colt, that would be fact. It's knowable. There aren't secret gaming going on behind the scenes we aren't privy to.

When it's said he never takes responsibility, that's unknowable. We don't have access to the behind the scenes interactions.

Gav didn't say "It seems like he's starting to get the public perception of taking no accountability." He said he doesn't take responsibility ever. Snap judgments often have a funny way of being incorrect.

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Basing the idea of someone never taking responsibility off of one quote, is foolish in my opinion. Without knowing anything about what goes on behind the scenes, or what he says to teammates or coaches. All based on one time where he said he didn't miss an assignment. Feel free to disagree, but when someone paints the picture of never EVER taking responsibility, based on minuscule evidence I find it funny.

Especially when the guy takes responsibility for his poor play, less then a week later.

If it was said that he has never ever had a 200 yard rushing game as a Colt, that would be fact. It's knowable. There aren't secret gaming going on behind the scenes we aren't privy to.

When it's said he never takes responsibility, that's unknowable. We don't have access to the behind the scenes interactions.

Gav didn't say "It seems like he's starting to get the public perception of taking no accountability." He said he doesn't take responsibility ever. Snap judgments often have a funny way of being incorrect.


if you can't provide something that shows he has taken responsibility when the statement was made, that would be ok to call someone out. how can you call someone out on something that you can't prove? all people can base an opinion on are what is available to them.


your reasoning would be that nobody should make any statements because they "don't have access to the behind the scenes interactions".


gavens statement at the time he made it was correct, unless you can disprove it.

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if you can't provide something that shows he has taken responsibility when the statement was made, that would be ok to call someone out. how can you call someone out on something that you can't prove? all people can base an opinion on are what is available to them.

your reasoning would be that nobody should make any statements because they "don't have access to the behind the scenes interactions".

gavens statement at the time he made it was correct, unless you can disprove it.


It's the same discussion. I can't prove he took responsibility behind the scenes, and it also can't be proven he didn't.

I never once said no one can talk about things unknown ,but if you want to make a snap judgment without all the facts, that's what happens.

What we know now is that he has, at this point, taken accountability for his poor play, and the rhetoric that he's a diva player, seems to be incorrect.

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Apparently Reggie Wayne thinks a huge part of the problem was that he wasn't able to be in camp with them.




I don't think Trent is going to return dividends for us this year.  But I have some faith that he may next year.  

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as much as some dont want to believe it, we are in rebuilding mode (2 more years)


Bingo.  We have become spoiled and unrealistic.  We aren't going to get consistent solid performance that a true SB contender must show until next year or the year after.  We are what we are, but some fans think that last year and our "scrappy" performance this year means we should be playing like the 80s 49ers.

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I can't see why people are gushing over Richardson for what he said in this interview.


Nowhere does he actually come out and actually just say "I have been playing horrible football" .. the closest he actually comes is a weak "... I have to step up. I have to make sure I'm doing my job." followed by some excuses, and some typical sports media correct statements about Brown playing good football.


This is one of the weakest acceptances of responsibility I have ever seen.  Then they include a quote that just makes him sound more full of himself:


"I talked to my granddaddy and uncle, and they said, 'No matter what, you're still Trent Richardson. You're hard on yourself because you expect a lot out of yourself. That's how you've always been.'"


Come on I just puked a little in my mouth ... no wonder the guy is rumored to be a diva with everyone just feeding into his ego like that.


Richardson needs to just sit on the bench, keep his mouth shut, and watch the real players play, until he figures out how to produce on the field.



I don't understand the comment telling Trent to "keep his mouth shut". 


To my knowledge, Trent has said next to zero aside from when he's been interviewed, and it's never anything negative or self centered. He owned up to his own issues in the article and didn't complain a bit that he was benched. He also didn't say that he was better than Brown or that he 'deserved' it. He neither trumped himself up nor conceded defeat. What, exactly, does he need to 'shut his mouth' about? 


Do you want him to say he's horrible? What does that accomplish? Personally, I think it's great that he still believes he can play in this league while also owning up to his part of the his struggles. He blamed no one else. I'm not sure what you think is accomplished by a player calling themself 'horrible', but I can safely assume I disagree.

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