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irsay tweets again.


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I'm sure Mayflower brings up happiness for Indy fans. For Baltimore fans, and I would dare say many NFL fans who know something about NFL history, it's a black mark on the league. I don't blame Indianapolis fans, because they like NFL football, and the Colts have been there thirty years. I've said previously , it's not a proud moment in NFL history with the Browns moving to Baltimore. The thing you don't see is Baltimore ownership rubbing it in to Cleveland fans. I'm rather shocked that he would find the move as one of the prouder moments in Colts history.

95% of the NFL cares nothing about the move or the Mayflower trucks. It's neat trivia at this point in the history of the Colts and the NFL.

No one cares about stealing the Browns either. Besides old bitter Browns fans.

If you take offense to the trucks it's because you haven't let go of the team moving, which is obvious anyways, but don't project your own feelings onto Jim and inanimate objects.

No reason Colts fans and Jim can't be nostalgically happy about the Mayflower trucks, and hide the move away like it never happened, because some Baltimore fans have trouble letting the past go.

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So why do you sit around all day trying to build a case against an Irsay? It's 'cause you're bitter.

I'm not building any case , just responding to posters that disagree with my points. My two main criticisms are the goofy tweets , and the premeditated jab at Baltimore with the Mayflower truck. If you liked it fine , I just didn't think it was that cool.

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The parallel is the obsession of showing he can do it without Polian and Manning. That is probably the reason for all the histrionics , tweeting, and locker room pep talks about the rings.



Don't get the "doing it without Manning " thing. How is taking Luck over Manning fit into what you are saying ?

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I'm not building any case , just responding to posters that disagree with my points. My two main criticisms are the goofy tweets , and the premeditated jab at Baltimore with the Mayflower truck. If you liked it fine , I just didn't think it was that cool.


Yet you're sitting around trying to define JIM Irsay's legacy to us.

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Not saying they aren't. Let me rephrase. The people of Indianapolis and fans of the Colts today really don't care what a bitter person from Baltimore thinks about Irsay's legacy.

That's fine, I'm sure most don't. Try reading some comments from fans around the country when the Irsay tweets come up. You'll see what others think about the Irsay legacy, and these aren't from Baltimore.

I like how you speak for the entire Indianapolis fan base, but that's alright.

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That's fine, I'm sure most don't. Try reading some comments from fans around the country when the Irsay tweets come up. You'll see what others think about the Irsay legacy, and these aren't from Baltimore.

I like how you speak for the entire Indianapolis fan base, but that's alright.

I like how you speak for entire fanbases who dislike Irsay, but that's alright.

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Don't get the "doing it without Manning " thing. How is taking Luck over Manning fit into what you are saying ?

My opinion is he believes Manning and Polian got too much credit for those winning years, and now he wants to put his own stamp on things. This explains all the pressure being put on the coaching staff, and complaints about how his spending cap money should yield results. I get the guy wants to win , but you have to stop badgering the coaches in season.

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That's fine, I'm sure most don't. Try reading some comments from fans around the country when the Irsay tweets come up. You'll see what others think about the Irsay legacy, and these aren't from Baltimore.

I like how you speak for the entire Indianapolis fan base, but that's alright.

For Gawd's sake, just go away back to your Ravens board...you are becoming a nuisance.

I also cheered for Johnny U and Ray Berry....and Bert Jones and Roger Carr....but I followed the 'horseshoe' and did not start cheering for the Baltimore Browns.

Just go back home and leave this board alone......SCRAM!


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That's fine, I'm sure most don't. Try reading some comments from fans around the country when the Irsay tweets come up. You'll see what others think about the Irsay legacy, and these aren't from Baltimore.

I like how you speak for the entire Indianapolis fan base, but that's alright.

You miss the larger point, I don't care what other teams fans think of our owner.  I am a big boy and am capable of forming my own opinion on him rather others agree with it or not. 

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My opinion is he believes Manning and Polian got too much credit for those winning years, and now he wants to put his own stamp on things. This explains all the pressure being put on the coaching staff, and complaints about how his spending cap money should yield results. I get the guy wants to win , but you have to stop badgering the coaches in season.



He believes Manning got too much credit ? You've got to be kidding, That's really a stupid statement.

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I like how you speak for entire fanbases who dislike Irsay, but that's alright.

My point is to just look at some other opinions outside the Indy Sphere of Influence.

I think until recently he had a very good image with fans around the league. I believe his tweeting and controversial comments have conjured up visions of the old man. I'm not saying it's a fair comparison , because Jim is a thousand times the owner his father was , but when many hear the name Irsay, unfortunately Bob does come to mind. I've said previously he should get a PR guy.

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For Gawd's sake, just go away back to your Ravens board...you are becoming a nuisance.

I also cheered for Johnny U and Ray Berry....and Bert Jones and Roger Carr....but I followed the 'horseshoe' and did not start cheering for the Baltimore Browns.

Just go back home and leave this board alone......SCRAM!

I guess you rooted for the Colts from Canada ? Most fans that followed the Colts to Indy, never lived in Baltimore.

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My point is to just look at some other opinions outside the Indy Sphere of Influence.

I think until recently he had a very good image with fans around the league. I believe his tweeting and controversial comments have conjured up visions of the old man. I'm not saying it's a fair comparison , because Jim is a thousand times the owner his father was , but when many hear the name Irsay, unfortunately Bob does come to mind. I've said previously he should get a PR guy.

So basically people who you are referencing are uninformed on what Jim actually does? And that he's not his father? Not a strong case for you lol.

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The move itself no longer matters, but the history of how it is portrayed does.

The only thing I would like to see Irsay do , which will never happen, is to vacate and retire all Baltimore Colt records pre-1984. The second would be to have a seperate area in the Hall of Fame for the old Baltimore Colts. The logos and uniforms are a bummer for us, but you guys have had them for many years, and I understand the love of the horseshoe. Most of the old records are broken, and none of those Hall of Famers played in Indy.

That being said, we'll never see it, and be told that we should just forget about our old heroes and Championships that happened in our city before the Irsay's ever owned the team. That is the hardest thing to swallow, and why Mayflower is a hated symbol, even as a toy.

You're right. He probably won't retire the Baltimore Colts history, because it's a big part of his own. Just like the move is part of it. It's not a decision he made, but it is a turning point in his life. You may be interpreting something that is just a symbol of change and assuming that it's an insult, that he's thumbing his nose at Baltimore. I don't think that's the case, but I get it. However, he's not going away. He's not an invisible owner.

If you insist on tilting at windmills, nobody can stop you. I would only suggest that you write the man himself about your grievances and ignore the threads with "Irsay" in the title.

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My point is to just look at some other opinions outside the Indy Sphere of Influence.

I think until recently he had a very good image with fans around the league. I believe his tweeting and controversial comments have conjured up visions of the old man. I'm not saying it's a fair comparison , because Jim is a thousand times the owner his father was , but when many hear the name Irsay, unfortunately Bob does come to mind. I've said previously he should get a PR guy.



What for? He comes out and says what every other fan is thinking. GOOD. Sounds like a good owner to me! The whole Peyton thing was twisted and used to build hype. They had clips of that at least a week before they decided to cut it up and air it for ratings. Peyton knows what Irsay thinks of him and that's all that matters. All we hear is RINGS RINGS RINGS in every argument opposing posters make, then to see those same people turn around and blast Irsay for saying all the regular season success and just making the playoffs wasn't enough - It shows you the mindset and hypocritical attitude of you trolls.

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So basically people who you are referencing are uninformed on what Jim actually does? And that he's not his father? Not a strong case for you lol.

My point is not what I may think about the Irsay family legacy, but perceptions of the Irsay legacy outside of either Indianapolis or Baltimore.

I think he has made great strides in changing the perception of his family's ownership. My main point is that these tweets damage his reputation, and there is really nothing to gain by them. When you start blasting the coaches, it brings up memories of the old man showing up in the locker room at old Memorial Stadium. If you don't believe me, read some of the comments after you read an article about the tweets. That is all I am saying.

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My point is not what I may think about the Irsay family legacy, but perceptions of the Irsay legacy outside of either Indianapolis or Baltimore.

I think he has made great strides in changing the perception of his family's ownership. My main point is that these tweets damage his reputation, and there is really nothing to gain by them. When you start blasting the coaches, it brings up memories of the old man showing up in the locker room at old Memorial Stadium. If you don't believe me, read some of the comments after you read an article about the tweets. That is all I am saying.

No one cares about owners, but die hard fans. I'm not worried about his public perception I'm not him lol.

He doesn't seen to care either so it's all good.

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You're right. He probably won't retire the Baltimore Colts history, because it's a big part of his own. Just like the move is part of it. It's not a decision he made, but it is a turning point in his life. You may be interpreting something that is just a symbol of change and assuming that it's an insult, that he's thumbing his nose at Baltimore. I don't think that's the case, but I get it. However, he's not going away. He's not an invisible owner.

If you insist on tilting at windmills, nobody can stop you. I would only suggest that you write the man himself about your grievances and ignore the threads with "Irsay" in the title.

I'm sure he would file any grievances in the green filing case, or trash can. I know he will do nothing about the Baltimore Colts history, but if he was a good guy, he'd consider doing it because most of that history occurred before 1972. My main point was I was disappointed he had that symbol as part of an NFL films presentation. I think I would have replaced the toy Mayflower truck , with a Gumby doll sitting on old Blue.

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No one cares about owners, but die hard fans. I'm not worried about his public perception I'm not him lol.

He doesn't seen to care either so it's all good.

Yeah , I know. It's just an interesting topic on the forum. I guess we'd all be happy with 1.86 billion , and tweeting like lunatics.

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Yeah , I know. It's just an interesting topic on the forum. I guess we'd all be happy with 1.86 billion , and tweeting like lunatics.

I would just make a website if I has a billion dollars but that's just me lol.


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Well, at least Big Jim gets his one home playoff game this year...it would take a monumental collapse to screw that up.

The Colts are division champs for sure. I may not like the toy Mayflower truck , but that is a nice accomplishment for Irsay. I would love to see the Ravens come to Indy, but there is much work to do on their side.

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Let's face it, grigson has made some great moves and also some not-so-great, but all in all, we are a mere shadow of our once proud selves, let's just buckle up and put the blinders on and forget about the past.  let's digest what irsay is saying because it is profoundly of the day in terms of germane to the discussions we are having about our regressive behavior.

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I was gone for almost 3 days and this thread is exactly where it was 3 days ago.....going nowhere....faster and faster...:)

Irsay tweeted....hey the Colts won and are 8-4!!! Tweet some more Jim!!!! We tend to win when you do!! :coltslogo::coltslogo::coltslogo: !!!!

That tweet is fine. It's the tweets when he's blasting coaches that is not great.

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Bottom line, it is the "Golden Rule"; he who hath the gold makes the rules.  This is his business and he owns the gold, so he can tweet or anything else he chooses.  We as Colts fans are spoiled..... there are 31 other teams, and fan bases that would love to have our team "Legacy" (Pats maybe... maybe not) our win record...... without 1984 and Mayflower we might have to be Browns fans.

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Bottom line, it is the "Golden Rule"; he who hath the gold makes the rules.  This is his business and he owns the gold, so he can tweet or anything else he chooses.  We as Colts fans are spoiled..... there are 31 other teams, and fan bases that would love to have our team "Legacy" (Pats maybe... maybe not) our win record...... without 1984 and Mayflower we might have to be Browns fans.

Bears, Browns, and Bengals.....


I remember back when that is all we got on regular TV....I actually liked the Bengals then in the AFC and the Bears in the NFC....BTW I really feel for those Brown fans....URRRGH!!

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