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why Rogers was cut from bills.


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I said the same thing yesterday. I really liked the Pagano hire, but I am beginning to worry about some of the coaching decisions concerning personnel. I am beginning to think that Pagano does not want to ruffle feathers with some of the veterans and that is something that a head coach shouldn't worry about. 


I don't know if that's it or not. I haven't seen anything to indicate that's the case, but who knows?


I get not wanting to switch things around every week, but at this point, I think we know what the issues are. The run blocking isn't getting better. The receivers aren't getting better. It's not just change for the sake of change.

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I don't know if that's it or not. I haven't seen anything to indicate that's the case, but who knows?


I get not wanting to switch things around every week, but at this point, I think we know what the issues are. The run blocking isn't getting better. The receivers aren't getting better. It's not just change for the sake of change.

To be fair (maybe fair is not the right word) our receivers are pretty bad route runners(not named Wayne of course). No fakes, No change of speed....Its all pretty much run the route that the play calls for and hope that the defender slips or something of that nature or they don't get open, Some of it appears to be the route concepts to me as well but I bet if you put in better route runners in there running these same routes they get open at significantly higher rate
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To be fair (maybe fair is not the right word) our receivers are pretty bad route runners(not named Wayne of course). No fakes, No change of speed....Its all pretty much run the route that the play calls for and hope that the defender slips or something of that nature or they don't get open, Some of it appears to be the route concepts to me as well but I bet if you put in better route runners in there running these same routes they get open at significantly higher rate


So you're saying Lavon Brazill can't run a slant? Because he hardly ran any slants on Sunday, including on third down against the blitz. Fleener can't run a corner and use his big body to get the ball?


The passing concepts are predictable, and especially on third down, not good. On third down, it looks a lot like the Arians' concepts (so to answer the question from Sunday about whether I want Arians back, the answer is NO).


There are a lot of adjustments we could make right now, with scheme and personnel. I don't understand why we haven't.

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So you're saying Lavon Brazill can't run a slant? Because he hardly ran any slants on Sunday, including on third down against the blitz. Fleener can't run a corner and use his big body to get the ball?


The passing concepts are predictable, and especially on third down, not good. On third down, it looks a lot like the Arians' concepts (so to answer the question from Sunday about whether I want Arians back, the answer is NO).


There are a lot of adjustments we could make right now, with scheme and personnel. I don't understand why we haven't.

Of course he can run a slant but there is a difference in running a slant and showing something else and then running a slant(That's what separates receivers with great natural talent such as height, speed....They know how to use it....our receivers not named Wayne don't very well). As to Brazill specifically I would have to know exactly when that happened to look at it
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Rogers was cut because of the neck up. Taking off plays, not going 100%. He actually reminds me of a young pacman jones in the head department. Load of talent with a box if rocks upstairs. I think being cut from buffalo was a blow to his ego in turn hopefully turned the light on and knows it's now or never.

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To be fair (maybe fair is not the right word) our receivers are pretty bad route runners(not named Wayne of course). No fakes, No change of speed....Its all pretty much run the route that the play calls for and hope that the defender slips or something of that nature or they don't get open, Some of it appears to be the route concepts to me as well but I bet if you put in better route runners in there running these same routes they get open at significantly higher rate


Hilton & DHB should be able to drive their defenders and do sideline comebacks on a regular basis.

TY has run a few of these routes and shown good hands. I don`t think Andrew is trusted to get it there accurate & quick enough.


Sad Grigsons O-Line is so bad. Next year. lol

It is a passing league and we have a below average pass blocking RT playing LT. That is a bad way to start. Go Colts!

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Hilton & DHB should be able to drive their defenders and do sideline comebacks on a regular basis.

TY has run a few of these routes and shown good hands. I don`t think Andrew is trusted to get it there accurate & quick enough.


Sad Grigsons O-Line is so bad. Next year. lol

It is a passing league and we have a below average pass blocking RT playing LT. That is a bad way to start. Go Colts!



What do you see that constitutes that Castonzo is a below average blocking Tackle?  Castonzo has been playing at an exceptional level this year a huge jump from last.  He isn't getting interior help and that screws him over heavily because his island gets even bigger... 'm just attempting to understand that how anyone can complain about Castonzo when the REST OF THE OLINE couldn't field on a high school team...

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My experience as a teacher, player and a coach for many years is that while teaching has moved completely in the direction of positive reinforcement and farther and farther away from the use of negative reinforcement both in principle and practice, the same is not true with coaching. Coaching remain the last bastion of negative reinforcement. For every Tony Dungy (quiet, calm, non profane, teacher with positive reinforcement), there are literally thousands of Bill Cowers or Mike Ditkas. Heavy use of negative reinforcement can cause a coach to put a player in the dog house and keep him there and that's even more true with a very talented, under performing player, than a marginal less talented player. Does this situation apply to Rogers in Buffalo, I don't know but it edges into my mind as a possibility. mind you, I am not expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of negative reinforcement vs positive reinforcement, but rather that either method can completely fail with certain players.

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What do you see that constitutes that Castonzo is a below average blocking Tackle?  Castonzo has been playing at an exceptional level this year a huge jump from last.  He isn't getting interior help and that screws him over heavily because his island gets even bigger... 'm just attempting to understand that how anyone can complain about Castonzo when the REST OF THE OLINE couldn't field on a high school team...


 Surge, please reread as i said pass blocking.

 I don`t need his PFF low rating for pass blocking to say this. I have seen it since he came into the league.

As for run blocking, we have been able to run his way and get yards his 1st 2 years when we could run nowhere else.

He isn`t providing THAT this season.


 Earlier in the season Andrew was doing Mostly 3 step drops or the shotgun and one step throws and AC`s man was still getting hurries and hits. He gets beat consistently on 5 or more step drops and has Andrew under heat and moving just as much as ever. I certainly wish it weren`t so. Enjoy your view of it, but it is what it is. AC lacks a little athleticism, quickness to ever be an above average pass blocker at LT. Maybe a quality RT.  

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 Surge, please reread as i said pass blocking.

 I don`t need his PFF low rating for pass blocking to say this. I have seen it since he came into the league.

As for run blocking, we have been able to run his way and get yards his 1st 2 years when we could run nowhere else.

He isn`t providing THAT this season.


 Earlier in the season Andrew was doing Mostly 3 step drops or the shotgun and one step throws and AC`s man was still getting hurries and hits. He gets beat consistently on 5 or more step drops and has Andrew under heat and moving just as much as ever. I certainly wish it weren`t so. Enjoy your view of it, but it is what it is. AC lacks a little athleticism, quickness to ever be an above average pass blocker at LT. Maybe a quality RT.  

I agree to some extent BBs, but I still think if we went to Reitz at the LG and Thornton to the RG with McGlynn at center our run blocking would improve first and foremost...then you have Reitz playing with someone he is familiar with.  AC HAS struggled since Thornton moved in on the left side.....change is GOOD!!

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I agree to some extent BBs, but I still think if we went to Reitz at the LG and Thornton to the RG with McGlynn at center our run blocking would improve first and foremost...then you have Reitz playing with someone he is familiar with.  AC HAS struggled since Thornton moved in on the left side.....change is GOOD!!

I believe that is the best Oline they could use right now.

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I agree to some extent BBs, but I still think if we went to Reitz at the LG and Thornton to the RG with McGlynn at center our run blocking would improve first and foremost...then you have Reitz playing with someone he is familiar with.  AC HAS struggled since Thornton moved in on the left side.....change is GOOD!!


 That is what i would do too. I wonder why they didn`t line up Cherilus beside AC last game. We did great stuff out of that last week.

 Justice was a zero with his blocking. Part of the Bad Start. Pep???

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I believe that is the best Oline they could use right now.

I simply cannot understand the philosophy at this point USAHoosier.  Thornton to his natural position....Reitz to his....and getting McGlynn involved.  He is without question more focused at center....I call him McGlynn when he plays center...I call him every thing else in the book when he pretends to play RG...:)

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 That is what i would do too. I wonder why they didn`t line up Cherilus beside AC last game. We did great stuff out of that last week.

 Justice was a zero with his blocking. Part of the Bad Start. Pep???

I think part of the slow start is also deferring every time we win a coin toss.  In a dome....no....How does this help when struggling mightily on defense....lets go down 7 on the road.  


Not going to just slam the OL...all 3 phases have to focus and play Colts football....

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I think part of the slow start is also deferring every time we win a coin toss.  In a dome....no....How does this help when struggling mightily on defense....lets go down 7 on the road.  


Not going to just slam the OL...all 3 phases have to focus and play Colts football....


 Our D has usually played better later in the games. So why rush the D on the field? Go Colts!

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Surge, please reread as i said pass blocking.

 I don`t need his PFF low rating for pass blocking to say this. I have seen it since he came into the league.

As for run blocking, we have been able to run his way and get yards his 1st 2 years when we could run nowhere else.

He isn`t providing THAT this season.


 Earlier in the season Andrew was doing Mostly 3 step drops or the shotgun and one step throws and AC`s man was still getting hurries and hits. He gets beat consistently on 5 or more step drops and has Andrew under heat and moving just as much as ever. I certainly wish it weren`t so. Enjoy your view of it, but it is what it is. AC lacks a little athleticism, quickness to ever be an above average pass blocker at LT. Maybe a quality RT.

He has actually been doing very well this year, If I remember right from watching the All 22 he has given up 3 sacks...That's excellent especially considering he gave up double digits last year and 3 in one game alone vs GB. He is actually providing very good run blocking when one of our running back run behind him....which is not that much. Most of our runs of 10+ yards have came on the left side with 12. We just don't run behind him enough
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 Surge, please reread as i said pass blocking.

 I don`t need his PFF low rating for pass blocking to say this. I have seen it since he came into the league.

As for run blocking, we have been able to run his way and get yards his 1st 2 years when we could run nowhere else.

He isn`t providing THAT this season.


 Earlier in the season Andrew was doing Mostly 3 step drops or the shotgun and one step throws and AC`s man was still getting hurries and hits. He gets beat consistently on 5 or more step drops and has Andrew under heat and moving just as much as ever. I certainly wish it weren`t so. Enjoy your view of it, but it is what it is. AC lacks a little athleticism, quickness to ever be an above average pass blocker at LT. Maybe a quality RT.  

ac is slow footed, speed rushers give him trouble, he needs work on his footwork moving sideways, he seems slow and easily pushed back. I don't see any superstars on the whole o-line. that is ok, pep wants us to be a power running team, right up the middle, behing our smashmouth, run blocking interior line.

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