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Trent Richardson's Take on His Performance So Far


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Balzer, normally I agree with you 100%, but honestly, what do you want the man to say? Is he supposed to say "yes I am horribly overrated and a mediocre RB?" I suppose he could have just given a very generic answer of "I need to get better." Would you have liked that better?


I don't think if he acknowledges to the media that he's playing poorly it's going to lessen the amount of pressure on him. I am sure he knows that if he doesn't improve, he isn't going to have a job when it is all said and done-- regardless of what he says to anyone.

He should acknowledge that as a professional he NEEDS to get better. Also to put the blame on his shoulders somewhat because that is what a good player and leader does. Not act like im doing everything fine, but for some reason I can't get yardage or whatnot.  

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Balzer, normally I agree with you 100%, but honestly, what do you want the man to say? Is he supposed to say "yes I am horribly overrated and a mediocre RB?" I suppose he could have just given a very generic answer of "I need to get better." Would you have liked that better?


I don't think if he acknowledges to the media that he's playing poorly it's going to lessen the amount of pressure on him. I am sure he knows that if he doesn't improve, he isn't going to have a job when it is all said and done-- regardless of what he says to anyone.




Yes, I would have been more satisfied if he admitted he wasn't playing well. That is a far more reasonable and sensible answer than "I think I've been playing good", when virtually everybody knows differently. The media is just making fun of him now for saying such nonsense. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging poor play when it's true.

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He should acknowledge that as a professional he NEEDS to get better. Also to put the blame on his shoulders somewhat because that is what a good player and leader does. Not act like im doing everything fine, but for some reason I can't get yardage or whatnot


I also think that a major reason he thinks the way he does is that Pagano has said as much himself. Whether you agree or disagree with Pagano's assessment is irrelevant-- the fact is the coach may be telling Richardson he is doing his job and he simply has been experiencing bad luck. As a player, you will tend to trust what your coach is telling you.


In the end it will make no difference. Either he gets better and earns a spot, or he doesn't and he is gone when his contract is up. Talk is cheap. Regardless of what he says, I can guarantee you that he knows he needs to get better. And part of what he said is actually true-- he has done a good job of blocking in the backfield for the most part.

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Yes, I would have been more satisfied if he admitted he wasn't playing well. That is a far more reasonable and sensible answer than "I think I've been playing good", when virtually everybody knows differently. The media is just making fun of him now for saying such nonsense. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging poor play when it's true.


He seems to just be repeating what Pagano has said in the past couple of weeks. If your head coach says you are doing your job, why would you think otherwise? He might really believe he is doing a good job. I agree with you-- he isn't. He looks like he is running in wet concrete. I just think people are overreacting to what he said in this article. If he doesn't perform, he will be gone when his contract is up.


I still have hope he turns it around. I am an optimist though so who knows.

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He seems to just be repeating what Pagano has said in the past couple of weeks. If your head coach says you are doing your job, why would you think otherwise? He might really believe he is doing a good job. I agree with you-- he isn't. He looks like he is running in wet concrete. I just think people are overreacting to what he said in this article. If he doesn't perform, he will be gone when his contract is up.


I still have hope he turns it around. I am an optimist though so who knows.




Believe me, I want him to prove me wrong every game. It would be dumb for any Colts fan to not want him to succeed since were stuck with him now. I just wish the trade was never made and I've said that from the beginning. If he honestly believe's he's playing well, then were in trouble with him. I'm honestly hoping that Pagano has pulled him aside and told him that he realizes it's not all his fault but he has to start performing a little better. I know Pagano said the right things to the media because he didn't want to publicly call Richardson out, but he knows deep down that he has sucked so far. Richardson, on the other hand, could have thrown himself under the bus and said he needs to play better. He would have gotten much more respect from most if he did.

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You cant say Trent has looked like Donald of the past 3 years. Though he struggled, Ive seen DB break of some 80 yard runs. DB never got the carries.

TRich is just a bust.

Look Bobby Rainey has been with the one win Bucs just a few weeks. He still breaks off over a 100 & 3tds last week doesnt matter if it was against a bad D. Trent was the #3 pick, there is no excuse to cover his *.

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Trent is not Donald. He is getting the same treatment, the one thing i don't see with him is the ability to run past people. Trent just needs to keep his momentum going forward and stop the stutter step. That is the same thing Addai and Donald did up until thus year. The jump cut crap, it kills their momentum, and it works for some guys, but not all. Edge could do it and accelerate fast, where Trent can't. I would almost bet that is what he was taught in Cleveland and now he just has to relearn how to not do it. You can see Donald just running downhill now, and see how much better of a back that he is.

Give him time, i think he will show us all what he can do once he gets out of that habit.

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Finally, found someone else who thinks like me.


It's pretty common sense really, but unfortunately that's not always in abundance around here. People focus way too much on yards per carry and forget he's still trying to gel with the O-Line.

I like his outlook a lot better than that of most of our 'fans' whiny attitudes. 

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It's pretty common sense really, but unfortunately that's not always in abundance around here. People focus way too much on yards per carry and forget he's still trying to gel with the O-Line.

I like his outlook a lot better than that of most of our 'fans' whiny attitudes. 

People are going to say the opposite about Trent once next season starts.  He will turn things around, he has so much talent it is incredible.

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Let's just put it this way, what would you rather have.......WHO would you rather have.........


Brown 5.9 ypc

Ballard 4.8 ypc

Bradshaw 4.5 ypc

Richardson 2.8 ypc


E-Nuff said..........!


Not sure the last time you looked at our roster, but Ballard and Bradshaw are both out for the season. Bradshaw's career is likely over in fact, so based on that, I'd take Richardson & Brown.

Way to post nonsense stats that don't help your argument at all, I can't believe you got 2 likes for that.

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I'm having trouble excepting that explanation. Like I said in an earlier post, unless your blind or mentally slow, then nobody is buying that nonsense. If anything, he has done nothing but create more pressure on himself by not acknowledging he's stinking it up and there is no way it is just going to be dropped as long as he keeps sucking.


I hear you.....   but athletes,  especially great ones,  rarely anticipate sucking like this....


So, I suspect Trent thinks the next game is the game he breaks out...   the next carry is the one that gets things rolling...


I'm sure he knows that the issue will keep coming up the longer he doesn't produce....  I'm sure he knows that...   but i suspect he thinks that game is the next one...    so, he tries to downplay things so the team doesn't get distracted....


Maybe I'm just blowing smoke here...   but that's what my instincts tell me... 


Just my 2 cents.....    (and as we all know,  it may not even be worth that much...)

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I can't wait until he starts busting out and everyone who hates on him right now will look just as silly as they did when they blasted Donald Brown.




What exactly is going to make anybody look silly for stating the obvious on how poorly Richardson has played so far. I don't think there is anybody here that actually wants to see him keep failing, but saying that he's failing now is just the truth. What is making some look silly, are those that keep finding every excuse under the sun to explain why he has sucked so bad. The plain and simple indisputable truth, is that as of right now, Richardson has flat out sucked.

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What exactly is going to make anybody look silly for stating the obvious on how poorly Richardson has played so far. I don't think there is anybody here that actually wants to see him keep failing, but saying that he's failing now is just the truth. What is making some look silly, are those that keep finding every excuse under the sun to explain why he has sucked so bad. The plain and simple indisputable truth, is that as of right now, Richardson has flat out sucked.


Well.....    at the risk of looking silly, I'll repeat what I've been saying all along....


I don't think the Trent issues are all his fault.     I'm sorry, but I just don't see the holes that he's missing.


When Brown carries the ball he's not being touched until he's past the line of scrimmage.


But when Trent touches the ball,  he's often hit BEHIND the LOS and/or dodging tackles in the backfield.    It's hard to do anything when you don't have anywhere to run.


When TV shows replays, I'm just not seeing the wholes that Trent is not hitting.   I see him getting swarmed over.


I think we're completely predictable with Trent,  and very un-predictable with Donald....


Just my view, and yes, I realize it's going to be unpopular....

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What exactly is going to make anybody look silly for stating the obvious on how poorly Richardson has played so far. I don't think there is anybody here that actually wants to see him keep failing, but saying that he's failing now is just the truth. What is making some look silly, are those that keep finding every excuse under the sun to explain why he has sucked so bad. The plain and simple indisputable truth, is that as of right now, Richardson has flat out sucked.

Excuse #126: women weaken the legs (according to Mick)

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Well.....    at the risk of looking silly, I'll repeat what I've been saying all along....


I don't think the Trent issues are all his fault.     I'm sorry, but I just don't see the holes that he's missing.


When Brown carries the ball he's not being touched until he's past the line of scrimmage.


But when Trent touches the ball,  he's often hit BEHIND the LOS and/or dodging tackles in the backfield.    It's hard to do anything when you don't have anywhere to run.


When TV shows replays, I'm just not seeing the wholes that Trent is not hitting.   I see him getting swarmed over.


I think we're completely predictable with Trent,  and very un-predictable with Donald....


Just my view, and yes, I realize it's going to be unpopular....

What I see is a patience runner. DB is small and fast and will hit any hole he sees, even if it's small. Trent Richardson is a patience runner. He waits for there to be a clear hole, or a bigger one, then attacks it. He's hesitant, which costs us. It may have worked in college, but not in the NFL. The holes close quickly in the NFL due to the players' speed.

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Well.....    at the risk of looking silly, I'll repeat what I've been saying all along....


I don't think the Trent issues are all his fault.     I'm sorry, but I just don't see the holes that he's missing.


When Brown carries the ball he's not being touched until he's past the line of scrimmage.


But when Trent touches the ball,  he's often hit BEHIND the LOS and/or dodging tackles in the backfield.    It's hard to do anything when you don't have anywhere to run.


When TV shows replays, I'm just not seeing the wholes that Trent is not hitting.   I see him getting swarmed over.


I think we're completely predictable with Trent,  and very un-predictable with Donald....


Just my view, and yes, I realize it's going to be unpopular....




I would have to disagree to some extent. I certainly don't put all the blame on Trent, there is no doubt that the line has not blocked well enough, but I have seen Richardson miss obvious running lanes. As I've said before, I find it hard to believe that running lanes are available only for Brown but not Richardson as if some mystical force is somehow shutting down holes only when Richardson lines up in the backfield. There have been running lanes(not a lot) and he has just missed them or ran the opposite way of the open holes. Also, if Richardson was this awesome "beast" that some have made him out to be, wouldn't you think that he might just be able to create something on his own? 

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idk in that article it kind of seems like he was throwing our line under the bus. He says he has done "everything right" If he ain't blaming himself, than he is blaming someone.



Honest to God ... don't you ever get tired of posting all these negative things about Trent Richardson? You have to be on every page of every T.R. thread pretty much saying the same things. 


To all of you that feel the need to tear this guy up at every opportunity. Yes , we know what he's averaging per carry and we know we gave up a first for him. Can't you all give it a rest ? 


Also .. did he really throw his line under the bus ? I thought he said something along the lines of the defense playing for the run when he was in the game. Maybe a tinge of the blame on Pep ?

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Honest to God ... don't you ever get tired of posting all these negative things about Trent Richardson? You have to be on every page of every T.R. thread pretty much saying the same things. 


To all of you that feel the need to tear this guy up at every opportunity. Yes , we know what he's averaging per carry and we know we gave up a first for him. Can't you all give it a rest ? 


Also .. did he really throw his line under the bus ? I thought he said something along the lines of the defense playing for the run when he was in the game. Maybe a tinge of the blame on Pep ?

Yes in a sly way, he did throw his line under the bus or the play calling I suppose.


It takes 10 seconds to reply to something and it does not get tiring when you post the truth. Its not negative when I said "he takes none of the blame" that's the truth. Unless you have difficulty reading the article linked above than idk where you see him taking any of the deserved blame...

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Yes in a sly way, he did throw his line under the bus or the play calling I suppose.


It takes 10 seconds to reply to something and it does not get tiring when you post the truth. Its not negative when I said "he takes none of the blame" that's the truth. Unless you have difficulty reading the article linked above than idk where you see him taking any of the deserved blame...

Really?  Pagano reiterated almost exactly everything that TRich said.  Almost word for word.  So is Pagano throwing them under the bus?  

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Yes in a sly way, he did throw his line under the bus or the play calling I suppose.


It takes 10 seconds to reply to something and it does not get tiring when you post the truth. Its not negative when I said "he takes none of the blame" that's the truth. Unless you have difficulty reading the article linked above than idk where you see him taking any of the deserved blame...



What Pagano and Richardson are saying is the defense is selling out on the run when Richardson is in the game. I think this would pertain to certain formations vs down and distance. There are any ways for a defense to stop a run if they commit to doing that.... and it could be that the play get's stuffed without the RB or O Line at fault. 


That said , I'm not saying TR is playing great . I just dont believe it's all his fault and I feel posters are being a bit unfair judging his comments.

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Really?  Pagano reiterated almost exactly everything that TRich said.  Almost word for word.  So is Pagano throwing them under the bus?  

I don't see how it isn't. In fact yes he is blaming the o line pretty clearly here: "...suggesting there hasn’t often been room to run for Richardson."

“You look at Trent’s runs, for whatever reason, there’s penetration (by defenders),” Pagano said. “You feel bad. A guy gets the ball handed off to him and all of a sudden, there’s a guy sitting there for whatever reason." 

I wonder what he means by "for whatever reason", thats what i mean by slyly, obviously he didn't outright say it...

And than for Trent: “I’m not frustrated at all because I think I’ve been playing good,” Richardson said. “If you turn on the film, I don’t have any missed assignments. I haven’t had any missed reads. I’ve been playing good." 

Like I said, not taking any blame himself. Am I wrong? Nope. Also later in the article he says that if the defense is keying for the run, than he can't be accountable for his short yardage gain. Elite/good running backs find ways to run even when it is a defensive play geared to stop the run.


Honestly some of you people need to open your eyes, I'm done with this. I don't need to be attacked by those in denial. You can nonsense and tell me all these excuses, and that "Im a Trent Hater and only want him to fail". Nope I'm a colts fan, and would cry with joy if Trent took any step towards improvement during the rest of the season. Instead of getting stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, whilst Donal Brown outperforms him in the same plays and formations. 

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What Pagano and Richardson are saying is the defense is selling out on the run when Richardson is in the game. I think this would pertain to certain formations vs down and distance. There are any ways for a defense to stop a run if they commit to doing that.... and it could be that the play get's stuffed without the RB or O Line at fault. 


That said , I'm not saying TR is playing great . I just dont believe it's all his fault and I feel posters are being a bit unfair judging his comments.

I don't think it's all his fault at all, I only want him to be held accountable and to hold himself accountable for his portion of the  poor play. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I don't see how it isn't. In fact yes he is blaming the o line pretty clearly here: "...suggesting there hasn’t often been room to run for Richardson."

“You look at Trent’s runs, for whatever reason, there’s penetration (by defenders),” Pagano said. “You feel bad. A guy gets the ball handed off to him and all of a sudden, there’s a guy sitting there for whatever reason." 

I wonder what he means by "for whatever reason", thats what i mean by slyly, obviously he didn't outright say it...

And than for Trent: “I’m not frustrated at all because I think I’ve been playing good,” Richardson said. “If you turn on the film, I don’t have any missed assignments. I haven’t had any missed reads. I’ve been playing good." 

Like I said, not taking any blame himself. Am I wrong? Nope. Also later in the article he says that if the defense is keying for the run, than he can't be accountable for his short yardage gain. Elite/good running backs find ways to run even when it is a defensive play geared to stop the run.


Honestly some of you people need to open your eyes, I'm done with this. I don't need to be attacked by those in denial. You can nonsense and tell me all these excuses, and that "Im a Trent Hater and only want him to fail". Nope I'm a colts fan, and would cry with joy if Trent took any step towards improvement during the rest of the season. Instead of getting stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, whilst Donal Brown outperforms him in the same plays and formations. 

I think the point dw49 was trying to get across is that you do this constantly...after a while it starts to sound like you have an agenda.  I don't think that's the case, but you can't really blame people for thinking that way.

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I think the point dw49 was trying to get across is that you do this constantly...after a while it starts to sound like you have an agenda.  I don't think that's the case, but you can't really blame people for thinking that way. 

If i'm quoted and am asked a question than I will respond. Its only polite. Same goes if my belief is directly challenged, I will defend that as well and try to use facts to back it up. 


Does everyone making excuses for trent also have an agenda? Because I know for a fact I'm not the only hombre in here commenting. 

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I don't see how it isn't. In fact yes he is blaming the o line pretty clearly here: "...suggesting there hasn’t often been room to run for Richardson."

“You look at Trent’s runs, for whatever reason, there’s penetration (by defenders),” Pagano said. “You feel bad. A guy gets the ball handed off to him and all of a sudden, there’s a guy sitting there for whatever reason." 

I wonder what he means by "for whatever reason", thats what i mean by slyly, obviously he didn't outright say it...

And than for Trent: “I’m not frustrated at all because I think I’ve been playing good,” Richardson said. “If you turn on the film, I don’t have any missed assignments. I haven’t had any missed reads. I’ve been playing good." 

Like I said, not taking any blame himself. Am I wrong? Nope. Also later in the article he says that if the defense is keying for the run, than he can't be accountable for his short yardage gain. Elite/good running backs find ways to run even when it is a defensive play geared to stop the run.


Honestly some of you people need to open your eyes, I'm done with this. I don't need to be attacked by those in denial. You can nonsense and tell me all these excuses, and that "Im a Trent Hater and only want him to fail". Nope I'm a colts fan, and would cry with joy if Trent took any step towards improvement during the rest of the season. Instead of getting stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, whilst Donal Brown outperforms him in the same plays and formations. 


1) You have no idea of the plays and formations both guys have run. If so , please post the proof to what you contend there. Furthermore , a team can just be guessing run more often when TR is in the game. 


2) What Pagano might mean is that there have been some missed blocking assignments and also there could be some run blitzes. Sometimes teams can bring more defenders vs the run than can be blocked. Teams might feel a little more comfortable doing this after RW injury. Hilton , DHB and Whalen are a pretty pedestrian group. 


3) Why does the guy have to say he's stinky if he really feels he's not ? Don't you think the coaching staff would be pointing out all the holes he's missed if that were the case ? Or are they stupid like those like me defending TR are ? If that were the case , would he then come out and say he didn't think he was missing holes ? 

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If i'm quoted and am asked a question than I will respond. Its only polite. Same goes if my belief is directly challenged, I will defend that as well and try to use facts to back it up. 


Does everyone making excuses for trent also have an agenda? Because I know for a fact I'm not the only hombre in here commenting. 


I'm not making excuses and  if it was possible I would "undue" the trade. I do think there is some truth to what Pep and Pagano have said . I also think TR deserves a little more time before he's labeled a bust. I also think that you others need to realize that it;s just not cool to post the same negative stuff about a Colt player and our GM over and over again. Maybe you and the others are right , but do you need to keep making new threads and you in particular have stated your opinion about 68 times. We get it that you think Richardson is terrible. Just suggesting that you give it a rest.

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I very much appreciate the solid posts from who you can tell are knowledgable football fans. Even if the majority was hopeful at the start, it's good to see people come around to reality. Hopefully he can turn i around next season for you guys, but he is not good right now.

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Yes in a sly way, he did throw his line under the bus or the play calling I suppose.


It takes 10 seconds to reply to something and it does not get tiring when you post the truth. Its not negative when I said "he takes none of the blame" that's the truth. Unless you have difficulty reading the article linked above than idk where you see him taking any of the deserved blame...

You're reaching

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Derek Schultz @Schultz1260 3h

Luck on Richardson: "The flak he's been catching is unfair. Folks don't understand what he's doing protection-wise and in the backfield..."


Derek Schultz @Schultz1260 3h

More Luck on Richardson: "I think he's a great player. It'll be a matter of time before people get their heads around that."



I agree with Luck's assessment it's just a matter of time. You don't get picked 3rd overall for no reason especially as a RB. The Browns didn't reach he was considered a top 5 prospect by many GM's. The physical talent is there it's the mental aspect of the game that he needs to figure out and eventually he will.

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Derek Schultz @Schultz1260 3h

Luck on Richardson: "The flak he's been catching is unfair. Folks don't understand what he's doing protection-wise and in the backfield..."


Derek Schultz @Schultz1260 3h

More Luck on Richardson: "I think he's a great player. It'll be a matter of time before people get their heads around that."



I agree with Luck's assessment it's just a matter of time. You don't get picked 3rd overall for no reason especially as a RB. The Browns didn't reach he was considered a top 5 prospect by many GM's. The physical talent is there it's the mental aspect of the game that he needs to figure out and eventually he will.

It's irrelevant where he was picked. In 05 there were three running backs taken in the top 5.....none lived up to the billing.

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It's irrelevant where he was picked. In 05 there were three running backs taken in the top 5.....none lived up to the billing.

That entire top 10 was a bust but that's no the point i was trying to make. The talent is there with Richardson, i see it, Luck does, the coaches do. Once he get's over the mental part of it and gets that one big run to help his confidence, hes gonna prove a lot of his doubters wrong.

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I don't see how it isn't. In fact yes he is blaming the o line pretty clearly here: "...suggesting there hasn’t often been room to run for Richardson."

“You look at Trent’s runs, for whatever reason, there’s penetration (by defenders),” Pagano said. “You feel bad. A guy gets the ball handed off to him and all of a sudden, there’s a guy sitting there for whatever reason." 

I wonder what he means by "for whatever reason", thats what i mean by slyly, obviously he didn't outright say it...

And than for Trent: “I’m not frustrated at all because I think I’ve been playing good,” Richardson said. “If you turn on the film, I don’t have any missed assignments. I haven’t had any missed reads. I’ve been playing good." 

Like I said, not taking any blame himself. Am I wrong? Nope. Also later in the article he says that if the defense is keying for the run, than he can't be accountable for his short yardage gain. Elite/good running backs find ways to run even when it is a defensive play geared to stop the run.


Honestly some of you people need to open your eyes, I'm done with this. I don't need to be attacked by those in denial. You can nonsense and tell me all these excuses, and that "Im a Trent Hater and only want him to fail". Nope I'm a colts fan, and would cry with joy if Trent took any step towards improvement during the rest of the season. Instead of getting stuffed, stuffed, stuffed, whilst Donal Brown outperforms him in the same plays and formations. 


No one is attacking you. Some of us just don't share your opinion. Telling those of us who don't share your opinion that we "need to open our eyes" isn't exactly going to win you any favors either. Reasonable minds can differ.

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That entire top 10 was a bust but that's no the point i was trying to make. The talent is there with Richardson, i see it, Luck does, the coaches do. Once he get's over the mental part of it and gets that one big run to help his confidence, hes gonna prove a lot of his doubters wrong.


I agree, and I think he is getting closer. I really have liked how Pep has been augmenting his role in the passing game with screens the last couple of games. Trent has looked good in open space. I think that is where the Colts will continue to build his confidence back up.

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