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Poll: Are you angry with Jim Irsay for arguably marring Peyton's return?

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Are you angry with Jim Irsay?  

135 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you angry with Jim Irsay for arguably marring Peyton's return?

    • Yes - he knew what he was saying and intended to cause a media storm.
    • No - the media have taken his comments out of context and blown them out of proportion.
    • Yes and no - he didn't mean any harm but, ultimately, has compromised the integrity of the situation.

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Bill Polian got upset because Jim got too close to the truth.  If Polian had built a team that had a running game and a defense, as Manning now has in Denver, then the Colts would have won multiple Super Bowl rings.  It was Polian's team to build and he didn't build it properly.  He has admitted that he doesn't know how to draft O linemen and he proved it over the years.  He didn't know how to build a defense and the Colts record shows it. 


Get upset with Jim if you want to, but it is Polian that should get all the credit for not building a winning combination.   

Agreed!! Bill never did build a well rounded team and it always showed in the playoffs.

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IMO....the comments are an afterthought.


My main pain all along has been this game being elevated above ANY other game on the schedule for reasons of pomp and celebration. Peyton Manning wants to kick our "fill in the expletive"......and no matter the circumstances of his departure, he is the enemy team's QB.


Yes.....I enjoyed the Manning years along with the rest of us, and yes....I understand what he did for the city even though I don't live there.


Have a "Peyton Manning Tribute" after he retires and hype it to your heart's content Jimmy....but not now.


I would have preferred a tribute done similar to what we did for Marvin Harrison....i.e. AFTER retirement.

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Media really screwed Irsay here.


It's actually REALLY pathetic on the media and it's terrible "reporting".

I think we need to realize the Colts are being painted as the bad guys this week.  The media is on team Peyton.  I was listening to the radio this afternoon and the hosts were trying to spin up Reggie saying "it's just another game" as he was some how taking a shot at Peyton ignoring Manning said something very much like that the day before.  Honestly the best thing Colts fan can probably do is what I did after hearing Reggie thing, turn off the sports talk turn off ESPN and crank up Bob Lamey on Sunday and mute your TV and don't turn them back on till after the game is over. 

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Blame John Fox. Apparently his team needed a fire lit to show up for this game and he created one.

If anything, the shot was fired at Polian more than anything because he built the team that was heavily spent on the offense.

I agree completely with Irsay too in that the Steelers and Pats and Giants (don't think he mentioned them) were able to win multiple during this past era.

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My biggest concern with the whole thing is that I want Peyton back in Indy in the future in some capacity with the Colts.  If Irsay inadvertently compromises his relationship with Peyton, that will probably never happen.

My personal thought is that too much damage has been done for Peyton to want to return to Indy. :Cry: I certainly hope I am wrong. :)

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I really just hope Colts can compete well and keep the game competitive. If Peyton puts up 50 points on us and our offense can't hang, it'll just add more fuel to this ridiculous, blown out of proportion fire. I can see the Luck/Manning comparisons already. Win or lose, I am behind the Colts, even if the owner is a bit too outspoken.

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Yes and No. He created a media circuis with these comments and he had to know that the media would react the way they did. It has created an unnecessary distraction for our guys and our coaching staff.

The way I read the comments it came off as crapping on a decade of success that made his franchise relevant in the NFL but I do not know what was in Irsay's head at the time so who knows.

None of us really know what he really meant as we are not him. All we can do is speculate as we are doing now. Who knows maybe Irsay really did mean it the way the media has taken it.

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Yes and No. He created a media circuis with these comments and he had to know that the media would react the way they did. It has created an unnecessary distraction for our guys and our coaching staff.

The way I read the comments it came off as crapping on a decade of success that made his franchise relevant in the NFL but I do not know what was in Irsay's head at the time so who knows.

None of us really know what he really meant as we are not him. All we can do is speculate as we are doing now. Who knows maybe Irsay really did mean it the way the media has taken it.

Lol. Is that why he's tweeted nonstop since then trying to correct the media on what he actually meant?

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He is trying to stop the fire he created. He either is totally naicr or knew what he was doing when he said that stuff. How do you not have enough forsight to know the media will take this and run with it.

I am sure he meant nothing by his comments and now he is trying to correct everyone but if he just kept his mouth shut then he would not be tweeting all this stuff to clean up the mess he created.

It is just silly to create this kind of media circuis around the biggest game of the season unless that is what he wanted to do.

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IMO....the comments are an afterthought.


My main pain all along has been this game being elevated above ANY other game on the schedule for reasons of pomp and celebration. Peyton Manning wants to kick our "fill in the expletive"......and no matter the circumstances of his departure, he is the enemy team's QB.


Yes.....I enjoyed the Manning years along with the rest of us, and yes....I understand what he did for the city even though I don't live there.


Have a "Peyton Manning Tribute" after he retires and hype it to your heart's content Jimmy....but not now.


I would have preferred a tribute done similar to what we did for Marvin Harrison....i.e. AFTER retirement.


No likes , but I agree, The tribute and the Comments should of been done at a later time, why provide 


anything before what should just be a great classiic Sunday night game to defer from that situation


This game by itself had enough story lines without any more help

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He is trying to stop the fire he created. He either is totally naicr or knew what he was doing when he said that stuff. How do you not have enough forsight to know the media will take this and run with it.

I am sure he meant nothing by his comments and now he is trying to correct everyone but if he just kept his mouth shut then he would not be tweeting all this stuff to clean up the mess he created.

It is just silly to create this kind of media circuis around the biggest game of the season unless that is what he wanted to do.

I like how people are getting mad at him for not "anticipating" the media. As opposed to getting mad at the media for irresponsible reporting, and doing whatever it takes to make an interesting story. Truth be damned.

His original comments didn't even need clarifying. He didn't say anything nobody was already thinking. Everyone knows the Peyton era model was flawed by now because we only managed one ring. And he, truthfully, said as much and everyone got mad.

He didn't create a circus. People who are willfully ignorant did.

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I like how people are getting mad at him for not "anticipating" the media. As opposed to getting mad at the media for irresponsible reporting, and doing whatever it takes to make an interesting story. Truth be darned.

His original comments didn't even need clarifying. He didn't say anything nobody was already thinking. Everyone knows the Peyton era model was flawed by now because we only managed one ring. And he, truthfully, said as much and everyone got mad.

He didn't create a circus. People who are willfully ignorant did.

Coe on, House. that's doesn't hold water.

The Peyton-model era was BUILT by Irsay's money...and he was fine with while Manning made his family lots of money...and made is ily franchise the NFL-model.

Irsay built the team he blamed Peyton's offensive numbers for losing playoff games.

That's the truth...

But the other truth is: Irsay meant no harm. he just rambles when you ask him a question...

I think he holds nothing against Peyton really..he just sounded like he did...

When you are a millionaire, you get away with that.

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Coe on, House. that's doesn't hold water.

The Peyton-model era was BUILT by Irsay's money...and he was fine with while Manning made his family lots of money...and made is ily franchise the NFL-model.

Irsay built the team he blamed Peyton's offensive numbers for losing playoff games.

That's the truth...

But the other truth is: Irsay meant no harm. he just rambles when you ask him a question...

I think he holds nothing against Peyton really..he just sounded like he did...

When you are a millionaire, you get away with that.

In what regard does that not hold water?

Quote where he said "Peyton's offensive numbers lost playoff games." Because last I checked he said Reggie and Marvin put up "Star Wars numbers" too. Yet no one is alluding to him pinning all the blame on them.

When did I say the Peyton era model wasn't built by Irsay? He built it. And he is acknowledging its failure. Not blaming Peyton for coming up short. Blaming himself, and likely Bill, for not putting together a complete team.

He also never said "It was all bad. Every moment of the Peyton era didn't live up to my expectations."

What it didn't live up to was winning multiple rings. In that regard it was a disappointment. Anyone who disagrees with that either doesn't understand the point. Or think Peyton's potential and greatness, equates to a single SB victory.

So acting like he is ungrateful for everything Peyton contributed to the franchise is a lie. And not based on any comments Jim has publicly made.

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I really find irony in this whole thing. Irsay should be thanking Polian and Manning for having all those great years. It was a great run, and you got to two Super Bowls, and got one ring. We've all debated Irsay's comments, and whether you agree with them or not, or question who he may or may not have been dissing, he's basically validated the argument many Patriot's fans have thrown at Indy fans for years. 


Since I've been on this forum, I've heard many Indy fans defend division titles, Peyton's MVP's, your regular season record, etc., from Patriot's fans that told you Brady was better, and that all that was counted was rings. Well, many of you guys that supported that position , have now flip-flopped because Irsay has now validated the Patriot's fans critique of the Colts. If a Patriot's fan had told you it was all about rings, look at my finger, or our pilosophy was flawed all those years, you guys would have bitten their heads off. Now, Irsay has said all the same things, and now it is Polian's or Manning's fault. Certainly, both should get some blame , but they should also get tremendous credit. Irsay should also be on both the receiving end of criticism, but also credit for getting Polian and Manning, and having that great run. My point is , you give the organization criticism or credit for everything that happens. The buck stops with Jim Irsay, so for you total Irsay apologists out there, it's just not Polian wearing the black hat. He did a good overall job for you guys compared to before he arrived.


I understand Irsay doing a careful examination of the overall philosophy and direction of an organization, and how he might improve it by looking at the past, but this was hardly the time to do it, with the glare of the national spotlight on this game.  

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